All will sit in all equal deeds - -- none and nothing is missed
All criminal deeds are criminal consequences - all these people say and deflect, blame, flip project narratives, enforced, criminal abuse, block my life on all levels for their sick tricks - while I sat homeless and poverty and not eating over weeks - -and they seek to see me in cruel and unusual treatment - - over years years
White collar crime
Corrupt officials
See all my Source channels and God knew what all were doing behind the scenes, corrupt #masons, #corruptCalgaryCult, Daily sex magic, voodoo, black magic, and theft, fraud, false claims and defamation on my life - -while they did all they could to steal, take, swap destinies - - they all knew exactly their intentions, they all knew the monies, taken, bribed, the secret meetings to plot, plan, on my being taken out, sabotaged, and brought down - went on for years - misogynistic abuses and covert technology abuse, abuse of power, over 15 federal offences -
~ #calgaryPolice knew and dropped the ball - how many have to hurt and harmed due to over powering imbalanced misogynistic cult false community people -
~ do the investigations, IP addresses, bank account histories, financials on divorce documents - purjeory and the years, and 50+ involved to take me out on 1500 + rituals and mind scraping, domination to break me, the countless other crimes that were done and people hurt to do all they can to silence me
As my channel from Source last night stated - - those holding so called community roles and official roles that incite such abuses will be set as examples on what abuse of power looks like and the consequences will be grave, and none Will escape their deeds and karma -
None deserved the abuses that I experienced and not 1 city official cared, nor supported, nor helped, nor did anything when reports were made over 3 yrs ago -
When I actually spoke to a female police officer, she chuckled and stated 'we cannot follow any off of a 'hunch' when I told her what I experienced as covert abuse, stalking, and what I showed in my visions and God offered to bring forth as 'strange' behaviours to be taken into consideration of full investigations - -
Dark occult abuses - are very real and will be charged as criminal abuse
Policing and higher authority city officials will all be trained and levelled up - the response - 0 due diligence and 0 justice safety for me - none have fully done the investigation that should have been done over 3 yrs ago
~ global policing should be higher trained and understanding what is global targeting and dehumanizing programs of the governments and paid elites business and groups, church and state for power and domination
~ we need to understand - - which I have detailed on 700+ videos that my platform is still shadow banned and blocked - -#youtubeCorruption - - at what core level of such wounding does occur, the global secret satanic and corrupt groups that operate in such, why and how to heal, and transcend - -
THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE and necessary need for higher vibrational and higher dimensional understanding that transcend bigotry and laughing at what are - as these police look back on my reports - and calls - -they will see as 100% true to the reason of how 'strange' and needed more deeper investigations to the RICO and crime rings they operate and the 8 people before me these people are responsible for taking out before me - and is probably only a drop in the bucket - - -
DARK OCCULT - corrupt MASONIC crimes cults, covens will be charged in their practices - - -if they choose to interfere and play God over any others life
~ systematic abuse is criminal abuse
~ to break someone mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, is absurd, and at the time all of this broke out years, years years ago - there had been history and spirit confirmed - that 2 so called officers were involved in secret societies pay offs - - I did notice that many hiring of the police in Calgary were done over time and perhaps all is shifting -- - Calgary in its history over the past 10 yrs has several cases of systematic abuses, corrupt business and so called officials being involved with corruption - -
~ false businesses
~ fraud on whatever they can veil as legitimate and while behind the scenes they simply are spiritual killers and hitmen, warlocks, witches that care nothing for the innocent life they laugh and play hunger games with
I AM A TRUTH TELLER - - there is utter ignorance and 0 higher knowing, wisdoms on our planet wiht energy, spirit, and how spirit communicates, how GOD communicates, and the discrimination that was the reason for the crucifixion of Jesus still exists and why God places who, whom, and how God needs to for the collective awakening - the abuses, the corruption, the false leaders, those being paid on all levels of busienss will be seen and verified
- this case will be the biggest human rights abuses and abuse of power - systematic abuse, of cruel and unusual levels and GOD WILL PROVE IT ALL - - GOD has all exactly where GOD wants ALL
Why all were given 3yrs to do right and come forth with truth --
GOD GAVE ALL so much grace and every one did nothing - but deflect, blame, further victimize me, further pull in more mess, lies, gangs, to pay to do spell work, and there were 50+ that all knew, took part in underground meetings, kitchen meetings to plant the next hit, blood magic, graveyard dance, sacrifice and sick ass attempt to take me out. - and ruin my human right to simply be who I am and speak as I am showed, told, offered by Source --
GOD is not religion - religion is a human thing
GOD IS ALL LIFE and I get to speak on what how I wish and all have free will to visit my page or not to -
yet there are proven events on all my live streams on the IP addresses of groups and signing on gangs of 16-30 at one time to bully, throw hate and do magic on my live videos - and I show YouTube and no growth over 8 yrs and none give a crap
-- THEREFORE -- GOD WILL ASSURE of where all sit -- -
~ 1500+ rituals on my life
~ 45+ sacrifices on my life
~ 200+ selling of my name, energy, spiritual gifts, ( as if any have a right, or even knowing ) 0 clue - - in RICO satanic underground groups black web, snuff life exploiting of my suffering
~ $2m spent to take me out -
~ 50 + involved and I have given for the past 4yrs - - - in my videos examples of what I deal with, homelessness, stalking, spying, hacking on my systems, #youtubeCorruption, pilfering and I show it - - the chat room on all my live are showing blatant bullying, and groups signing on and why GOD had me play bait for all the organized hate groups to have enough evidence of such elite paid abusers and how, who, orders
'I want her gone, she's bad for business' -- - there were 2 men on this conversation - I am clairaudient and simply because I do not have a 'physical recording and proof' GOD will assure these top dogs that order the lower community secret cults, covens, societies - all will come out and GOD HAS BE SAY EXACTLY WHAT I SAY _
I AM THE ENTRUSTED ONE - - #calgaryCult Corrupt as any could ever be and they fooled, and ruined a lot of lives as they passed diseases around with sex cult rituals to officials in the city in thier very important jobs
banking, legal, insurance, medical, judicial, policing - - all knew what they chose, all knew the part they played and GOD SAID YOU WILL FACE your deeds --
ALL WILL BE KNOWN -- the minions gonna spill all the beans and every so called important person will be known of the organized hunger game take out if any speaks their own divine higher truth -- control domination, bullying, and intimidation is the way of earth now - - GOD SAYS all will be known and all will be moved - - you do not get to abuse and torment an innocent healer for decades and think you are holding any name of spirit in you -- -
I know who I am
Dark occult, corrupt masonic abuses because they think there is no 'tangible' proof - we will write new laws and no other crass no being proven wrong police officer will ever laugh at a victim that was put through so much - -shame on you #calgaryPolice - perhaps you do your investigations fully and thoroughly no matter what -- how many RICO do you have to have before you do something - NEW HUMAN RIGHTS LAWS WILL BE made - -PERIOD
All communication must go through my lawyer - - DO YOUR JOBS - stop wasting my time asking the same questions you can seek the answers to in 500 videos - look at the divorce financials - its all a lie and the legal and my questions of such were not heeded
~ investigate IP histories on all group, gang, chat groups and kitchen meet ups, plotting planning, and passing money for spiritual hitmen and warlocks
~ how much kitchen witch items do they buy, graveyards, and dead animals accidents occur around these cults, and missing people, insurance anomalies while others that escaped live homeless - it is idiotic to think this day and age - - the innocent and psychic and healers are treated so horrible while the criminals using just as 'occult' skills - -get away with murder -- -
THERE IS LIGHT to use your gifts, talents, skills and then you can USE THEM IN DARKNESS as cult, covens, warlocks, masons have been doing to literally get away with ruining peoples lives that have no right to -- not all that use magic use it malevolent ways -- I am speaking of those that have 0 knowledge nor regard for universal laws -
WE ARE AN ascending planet -- ALL ON OUR PLANET must be very aware - - regardless of your beliefs - GET UNIVERSAL LAWS _ - - your practices will get you into dark karma or light karma - -
IF you are not with a person - its for a reason - doing sex magic, black magic, love magic is ridiculous - GET HEALED - -
WE have to understand and bring higher knowing on the occult, align with human rights, universal laws - -spiritual laws and what GOD truly is, and how we are ascending into higher consciousness, and must expand who we are, what we exist within and what is within us each -- WHY GOD used me as this template for all to grow up, get healed, and move into grander knowing of our unity, wholeness and place within a cosmos in which........ if you were evolved such a statement would not trigger you -- so do your healing - - will you ever evolve beyond separation and seeing god in a box or book - - GOD IS ALL LIFE - - thus then, how can any 1 way of loving God be right or wrong and can we simply all be perfect in our expression, exploration, experience of being GOD
GOD IS ALL ABOUT CREATION - -THE CREATOR - all life - - 13Dimensions in this one universe with infinite life -- how can GOD not want seek new ways of exploring and expressing GOD ??? it is non-sensical for such radical satanic #epstein hate groups to have such resources, elite connections, church and state financing and organized officials that support and incite such hunger game mentality into a planet they are meant to serve, protect, and lift to higher consciousness - - WHY GOD IS CALLING all out -- you do not get to enforce abuse, enforce slavery - - PERIOD
- - - there is no religion - there is simply love, acceptance, and oneness and if you do anything to another
- -GET THE LAWS - its returning and if you have been warned and basic common sense is not kicking in because you are too wounded and refuse to heal and you simple dont care -- your own ancestors will remove you -- all have been told
#universalLaws #systematicAbuse #globalCorruption #corruptMasons #darkOccultAbuses
I have received nothing from any
I have signed nothing but divorce
That’s the Christ consciousness lighting your way - that’s why I love being a conduit - vibrational healer
Ascension Sessions
~~> 90min @ $250 usd
~~> 4x45min @ $550usd
Copyright ©️
WHAT is 'POWER' and 'Competition, Winning' and is this needed in 5D - - evolve
DM ~~~> WE ARE HEALING eons of DISTORTED DM beliefs and misguidance - - -
True ‘power’ is not in the ‘never falling’ that so many DM have been entrained into ‘winner complex’ and they miss the entire journey of deep souls mastery and evolution ~ release all ‘winning’ complex
It will deny you of so many miracles in life
True ‘power’ is in the sacred exploration expression experience is joyfully with abandon seeking all that source has to offer and allowing accepting acknowledging the ‘fall’ is where all strength - higher self knowing - deeper inner connection with self and creative genius - it is where you recombine the aspects that thought ‘winning’ was all there was - it is not
What is winning?
Does it make you better in being a soul ?
What does the long game mean to you and how many times you fall is the king queen that leads nations to new higher becoming?
Genuine authentic transparency - when you show creation that you will fall - and in this - god and your teams will bless you with infinite souls lessons that prepare you for grander becoming
Replace winning with ‘becoming’
It’s far more attractive to become
It’s eternal knowing you are never done and you are willing to be humbled and accept it with grace
This is the path of Gods chosen ones into leadership
You will have many challenges when the world is against you - you are breaking all notions ways rules of what has been utter suppression and some will simply not get your trajectory
It’s not for them to get - it’s for you to become
We will see many in the collective that almost have given power to money to credit to and claimed to be the knowers and righteous and leaders and will be proven to be the most corrupt and unsavoury beings
This is a time of judgment and it will bring what needs to be to surface for you to integrate and become more
Those that have taken the long road - alloWed losses tragedy challenge - remain devoted to inner - sense of self - path ways - these are the ones that will be called upon
You chose to be authentic than follow
You chose the long game
You chose to expose rather than hide
You chose churning falling letting go than hanging into ideals you must win to be acknowledged by the DF DM within inner child you are healing
You do not have to do earn anything to be loved unconditionally by God
You do not have to earn rewards to be accepted by God
Winning is not perfectionism
Vows of perfectionism
Churches religions will be lining up at my door for such grander higher order teachings - for they see the torment de- evolution such limiting beliefs they were misguided in believing
The godly way is the becoming - keep returning within and follow your inner voice path knowing with authenticity and create with what you have - from where you are at - that’s Godly Mastery is not taught is schools Mastery is earned learned the way and only way your soul will guide - take you on detours - hold you back - even delay you - God knows what God is doing and you do not know the higher expansive plan that god has for you - This is the beauty of the dodecahedron in being Metatronic light Light expands all creation Winning is not a goal Becoming is! So be the beauty of becoming Grace and love Celeste Copyright ©️
The godly way is the becoming - keep returning within and follow your inner voice path knowing with authenticity and create with what you have - from where you are at - that’s Godly Mastery is not taught is schools Mastery is earned learned the way and only way your soul will guide - take you on detours - hold you back - even delay you - God knows what God is doing and you do not know the higher expansive plan that god has for you - This is the beauty of the dodecahedron in being Metatronic light Light expands all creation Winning is not a goal Becoming is! So be the beauty of becoming Grace and love Celeste Copyright ©️
All communication must go through
All donations sessions ~>
So be it
I am that I am
Copyright ©️
None had an ounce of anything over my life - the abuses were uncountable the loss damages thefts destruction was cruel and unusual
Go heal
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