Saturday, 22 February 2025

Understanding Consciousness & Great Leaps Forward for ALL Humanity in Healing #5D

 After the dust settles -- #5D Healing Potentials Will be Through the Roof

We will be seeing and setting out on new pathways of healing in all areas of our social collective and daily we are seeing a need for higher light wisdoms, education, and those that are aligned, entrained and been practiced in what 3D can no longer guide

~ every level of our social makeup is shifting and it is 100% due to light consciousness -
Light cannot be proven, or seen, or tangible, unless ou are studying quantum outcome and controlled experiments and even then - can only do so much if a spirit of divine intent and the proper healer can bring what none can quantify - - this is the christ consciousness -- - the light, intention, and divine allowance for 'divine relationship' which has never been taught, shown, nor understood - and we are just at the brink of becoming new in it all

~ psychology will break into entirely new arena and it will be profound -- consciousness is everything and affects the psyche - - psyche affects consciousness
~ consciousness affects how one learns and how one can transcend any and all beyond any and all 3D books, structures or ideas - - why? 

SPIRIT is the alignment - the higher self and it touches, taps into any higher realm up to the multi-verse

~ there is a divine higher manner, order and in all laws of the universe there are higher order laws - - one can affect quantum laws and such affect matter - - altering health, and even paralyzation - - we are able wiht the Source, light, spirit, essence of the consciousness - that was all that Jesus spoke of - beyond church and state - - Jesus was all about beyond church and state - - it was the many mansions - -the consciousness of all that is GOD - Source, it is a field of omni-present and loving state of all life --

There are alchemic laws, there are spiritual laws, there are universal laws, all are entwined
There are divine order of the heavens that assure all planets within the multiverse are within balance - balance is profound for it uplifts and assures all life has its allowance to be as it will be and expand, be in its divine love and joy to be all - as it needs to be - -this is Source -- why we all have an innate sense of homeostasis

WE as we are shifting and changing into higher light consciousness - - the omni-bedding of our planet is changing and will ignite and inspire cleanse, what has been dark and dense or operating in lower ways - -it is more and more evident that without even seeking into 'consciousness, or awakening, enlightenment' that you can see in your reality what is no longer a vibration, what is seemingly shady or not right, and what is in dire need of change 

This is the impact of light and one morning you can wake up and be an entirely different person than you were the day before -- when you shift your perspective, and a belief is cleared and you are more compassionate and caring and giving or want to understand someone you had a rift with, or even yourself - - this is the impact of light and it will continue until the entire planet is ready - at a collective heart level for our 3days, 3 nights of 'darkness' which is a loving harmonization of unified heart to oneness into 5D -- - 

That is only done at a collective heart level and done with Source, Creator and the multi-verse will be helping, assisting and watching, -- it is a feat of all love for all life - - and all spirits, souls, consciously choosing to be a part of eternal life and 5D new earth star of what that will be unified multi=verse potentials - - 

We will be taking on higher wisdoms of the universe by from beings that are all aspects of our

higher selves, temple beings that show us ways to unify our most complex issues and problems of separation, and wounding of disease and pain, suffering of which all is potential for all life - -

Our psychology and counselling will be re-written - -when all modalities will be looked at and refined to such proportions all will have a place to offer their unique gifts of honouring higher dimension - - higher vibrational being and becoming - -- 

Psychology will be the study and expansion honouring of consciousness and the psyche - it cannot be seen any other way -- the psyche is how, why we experience what we do and in what way - - 

~ consciousness is limited to capacity and aptitude of how much you are able to understand and take on multidimensionally - and what is traditional in 'psychology or psychiatry' is not what higher vibrational healing will be - - you can be the best in your field of either and have 0 connection with spirit, your higher self and thus then be very limited in what the psyche and multi-dimensional knowing healing is 

OMNI - - - GOD, Source, the Higher self, and metatronic light, the omni present, all things in our reality is MULTIDIMENSIONAL and all life, all reality is essentially 'consciousness' yet there is a low understanding of what all any is - - 

~ we have to begin and why ascension has been incremental -- medicine will be affected by 'consciousness' and the proper loving, caring, wise, unfolding - - not the Pharma repressions, church and state repressions that have been 

~ why we have not been diving into light education for eons is a challenge to understand when it is everything 
Why we have not been diving into consciousness for eons is a challenge to understand when it is everything 

Our understanding of consciousness and what this truly is - and how it affects what you know, your health, your connection to all life, your love for all life, and your unified state of being, knowing, becoming, and renewing life in all ways - - this is our biggest leap forth and there is no limit, no ceiling on any of it -- it will affect our knowing of miracle herbs and healing, and new innovative manners of living on a planet and not degrading her - 

Once you are harmonized with your higher self - all is possible - - it is a daily practice and

entrainment and this will bring such care, compassion, loving new ways for us to see beyond political separations, and oligarchic manners

As those awaken to their gifts, skills, talents that are multi-dimensional -- we will take further great leaps in all arenas of healing - - and finally get off the synthetic traps that have been big Pharma -- monies will be shifted back into more holistic and honouring manners of being and moving about our planet - - - there is an herb for every illness ailment, and disease - -we do not need synthetic bases that affect our crystalline threading of who we are and are not very honouring to the crystalline status

WE will become more aligned and atuned with harmonization of our natural state to the planet --
GAIA has a resonance -- she affects us and we affect her - - plants are our natural state and source of all we need and can be our future of higher knowing - -

Gaia is a consciousness -= - she is divine, sacred, wise, and communicates with us in all moments
Gaia as any other planet has all capacity and aptitude to support all life -- the life upon her however is very elastic and not very

aware - the consciousness levels are varied to mass degrees and that is fine - - but we can begin to play a higher order part in bringing harmony, peace, higher wisdoms, shamanic practices back that are in balance, and alignment of higher order spiritual laws and not interfere with the divine plan and what is intuitive to any person seeking their own version of care - -

Simply because a large group may have low consciousness and not 'get' spiritual guidance, or healing practices, or soul fragment healing, or that they have a higher self, or God, does not make it not true or not there -- -

~ TRUTHS -- -
~ every human has a higher self -- if they did not - they would not exist
~ every human has access to Source, God, Omni, in all moments - it is about beliefs, perspectives, entrainment - - spirit and matter make up a human - - -spirit depending on its entrainment is called --> consciousness - - is the spirit aware of itself as spirit and how much, aptitude and capacity - the more aware and practiced, the more 'advanced ones' and why some of us have been isolated, suppressed and silenced, studied and so on --

~ why our 3D models of church and state will shift and change -- what we thought we needed to be governed and led, ruled, or healed by is not outer, never was never will be -- - perhaps to help in financial assistance or working to keep our planet clean and even create more inventiveness for such - - but once humanity awakens -- with your guides you are able to expand your consciousness for any and all that you choose to learn, be, heal, and create -

~ the leaders that be know this and why they speak nothing of light education, nor consciousness and even are a part of organized hate groups that suppress depress, attack, and break down any that speak on such - -and which why all such groups and covens, cults, will be a part of if they refuse to alter course and heal - -will simply be shifted out every new spiral of ascension - they simply cannot maintain the bare min., vibration of the planet moving into higher consciousness 

- - also called ~~~> natural attrition -- natural vibrational selection - -

The universe operates in a spiral toroidal and the bare base min., is up to each to maintain to go along on the ride and what is needed -- is that healing and alchemy be a part of your daily life - - all is choice --

~ consciousness is not a linear or 3D concept easy to 'get' as it takes you outside of constructs that are linear and proven and solid --

~ Consciousness is affected by your environment, your own choices, your own beliefs, and how you treat your body, mind, spirit, soul, and live -- there have been many outer, organized, such groups that choose with intention to affect your life, beliefs, and energy - and of such I have been teaching, bringing awareness to and will be brought to the fore by Source, the legions, and all the beings that are also working on liberating humanity that are the few that truly stand for proper justice and bringing the weed of organized hate, satanic and cult, coven warped masonic government attacking agendas for the continuance of control and fear based programs --

~ there will always be - - - those that choose to fight awakening and remain in the dark and refuse to alter their beliefs of unity, and healing thier own souls fragments - - there will always be the natural attrition to such lowest of the energies removed from the planet - -the divine plan for GAIA and all humanity is to ascend and every soul has its soul blueprint with Source -- SOURCE knows your divine plan and what your heart is aching for you in the long game

~ it is your job daily to keep up with the light and clearing, healing, bringing peace, and honour to your past and choosing anew now -- all affects your consciousness and the light will activate such DNA, healing, clearing, and unity to those you needed to create peace with for a new collaboration or for them to move out of your space, place, heart and for new to be made --


~ there are many great videos of enlightenment and there are many varied ideas and concepts of 'consciousness explained in various ways' I would suggest going to the global known and honoured channels for the higher information and wisdoms of such - ( Daniel scranton, Lee Carroll, Darryl Anka ) -- google and Brittanica are not the answers and why all medicine and counselling and the study of psyche soul work, and spirit of consciousness absolutely must be infused -- it is all one and we cannot heal any level of our being ness without it becoming ONE

And so - -may this offer enlightenment and awakening for those that so desire --
Daily take time to be new with you and self loving, self forgiving, create in divine passion, forgive all of the past and allow all to have their unique path with Source -- all divine souls have a plan and none will play god over any, none will force, or enforce bad, hate, or twist stories of fate and energy, swap destinies so that the good take on the bad and so on that has been done 

-- all will be core vibrationally what they have created, what they believe, and what they have acted on -

A divine healer and peace keeper and one that has done nothing but love and heal and be light for all and passionate about healing, and the planet - -cannot at a core vibration hold the darkness of those attacking her - - it is alchemized before it hits her -- hate is of the core vibration in which it was sent - and it will show disease, imbalance and many psychological woundings - - the separation of the self of self

Consciousness is your entrainment with SPIRIT and your INTENTION -- - consciousness is activated by light, and intention - - - why the dark occultists voodooists and the agendas programs of MKUltra had much success in their past - -they used dark negative hate to destroy many lives and have minions through misguidance, misinformation and their agendas of breaking the spirit, soul, and utter wrong information to destroy and make very poor horrible dangerous plots of bringing harm to humanity

-- they will be. - by GODS hand - will be pulled by the ears all involved will be made examples of 'inciting hate, inciting warfares in whatever ways they had and illegal testing'

ENERGY IS - - - it is all about how you use it and consciousness is the outcome -- low consciousness or high
LOVE IS always the answer
Unity is our destiny

Seek higher understanding
It only values your soul and spirit

Blessings and grace
copyright ©
None have permissions to use, take, copy, pretend on my energy, wisdoms, content, videos

All communication must go through All donations sessions ~> So be it I am that I am Celeste Copyright ©️ None had an ounce of anything over my life - the abuses were uncountable the loss damages thefts destruction was cruel and unusual Go heal

I am Celeste The Galactic Princess Donations healing activations and vocational alignments ✨✨✨✨✨ *** 90 min sessions $250usd *** 4x45min sessions $550usd

I WILL MEET WITH NONE I am on new timelines new world vibrations and my energy or time will not be wasted this is the law of higher order

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5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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