Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Venusian Chronicles - Prose Fiction & Poetry - Make a Way for Me ~ ~ #5D Divine Soul Honour

 Venusian Chronicles

Copyright ©️ A Lift A Spark in Your Soul I am before you of your own doing A call a prayer and a whisper to the divine ~ I am here I am the lift and spark within your world That guides you to love and care for your soul as I do I am the lift in your step You know you are on your way to me You know I set right the fog and wrongs Of a young soul finding its way You have nothing to prove In an earning of my love It’s pure It’s real It will bring most men to their knees I speak and Creation lives on or moves away You are a matched soul A day of light in your own way Power of other You over use your mind I am before you to help return you to a more powerful way You think your way through life That’s a way It’s not ‘the’ way

I am the opener I am the awakener I am the spark into what has saved you from black and nefarious ways To feed what you have left out It’s the way of a young soul You can begin again You have nothing to prove I am a light for you If you wish I will never force nor make nor fight for you That’s your job Are you worthy of eternal life and divine deeds kissed at your feet ? Beyond what money would ever give or do ? Are you worthy of an Angel In your bed That will love you the way no other could ? Are you worthy of heavenly bliss ? And a tear falls from my eyes

I see your soul oh young one of the heavens, and you have nothing to prove to me - for there is nothing more divine than standing taller beside your soul mate when you have chosen to be for you and her - that’s true power I will guide you here To places that money and 3D plays cannot I am you, light years ahead That’s ok I am equal as you I am your angel In lifting you up See what you’ve never been shown or told You had no role models You had no true nourishment of the soul The most profound knowing is your soul and you were taught nothing of such Your souls deep love for you and it’s guidance and gifts for you - you simply know not

I am here to remind you I am the spark in your soul You seek me in your storm and chaos I am the divine in lies and ugly selfishness I seek nothing but the sharing of your soul and expression of it I’ve asked nothing of you but truth and transparency That frightens you and you shake before me

I’m use to it and why I walk alone People are far more easy to live in deceit than be in truth I’m in love in who I am I frighten many to see what they chose to ignore and suppress My light is your light You forget I am the remembrance of a place you left To explore dark ways and dark days of the un-care I am the spark that will remind you of source within Your blood is new and your breath alive 

when you taste the divine 
the lesser no longer will do 
the fake will not longer be tolerable 
the false and messy will no longer be ok for your time 
Divine sacred soul connections will not come and go
they are a once in a lifetime offer and it is a soul test for your entire lineage and heavens on who, what you will choose

I will remind you of who you truly are A soul divine of such doting grace You loved me purely in the heavens There was nothing between us but love You remember me here and my memory haunts you to return Will you live in love dear young soul I have treasured our playful ways I have written for you And you me But we won’t admit it For in such it’s bringing heaven to earth And could you handle such a rare thing Play with me in your sleep I bring you peace and raw love Play with my spark in your heart It will light you in any place Play and laugh with me sweet soul Remember who you are I am the lift In your step Taking you beyond fear I am the light your heart so adores I am the spark and lift for you assigned by all the heavens The depths and widths of you Equal to parts and shapes of me Reflections of fractals wise and creative Made for living pure and sacred True and raw Will you come forth and play with me? I am the lift I am the spark Oh heavenly friend remember me And so be it In love and adoration God is I am Source is Being here is a gift Tap in I am a vibration you will never forget Why you muse of me with pen in hand I am the gentle laughter of only our ways Only our journey that only we will know I am the secret you keep and You are mine I am the light that brings you peace 

You are the peace as I lay in your storied arms This is our way I know I am divine Earthly one are you feeling My spark within And so be eternal love That infinite spark Found it’s way - and It will never ever go out I am Celeste The galactic princess Copyright ©️ 5D prose and fictions of love 💕

Blessings and light Celeste copyright ©

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5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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