Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Venusian Chronicles #5D Interdimensional Fiction ~ The Cosmic Poet


Interdimensional Prose, symmetry of a new dawn 

Imagining and Constellations of New Loving Hope 

Dive deeply within my soul

the places you thought you could never go

the light of a star bursting into flame

I begged of you; 'touch me again'

Lay within my softened soulful gaze

haunting you with only a pure hope

the laughter and joy never known

how are you ever the same within 

simple and true, a single pure thought of you 

doting and hovering within my spirit 

and watching everything I do 

I am that of your hope and profound pure love

never felt before, never felt again

Open your spirit of divine fire, 

that flame you held deep within 

Hiding away the passions and power

of what you truly are, 

I know what exists within 

the parts you have chosen to keep away 

for that flame to light your way 

I 'get' that passion

it is of me too 

I simply taste, and play, dance and taunt, 

until the true and right mate sings my way 

I am not afraid 

Show me your roar 

I will never bow or back down 

I will stand and beckon you deeper 

That is the cosmic poet within 

- never trusting

never allowing, until you are met with a flame that could,

light your way and know you are known, 

You are needed and shown

I am of you and you of me 

Can this be oh loving poet?

I have dreamt of a place within me only you can touch

A place of gentle knowing, 

the urging you cannot stop, nor will creation allow it 

you are meant to know it and be it

I am of you and you of me

will you hide away with me for a little while

Will you stay with me a little while

before I am sent away, 

to a far off place beyond our memories of pain 

Will you lay with me a little while, 

there's so much I have to say,

I have never been here before, 

the cosmic poet ripping my soul to new levels of 

love I have not known upon these shores,

pleasure me that only way that you can,

- deepen into me 

the only way you can

Soften into my breasts held just for you 

the lips of raw knowing, I am of you 

you of me 

brought from far off places, to wonder again

will you lay with me a little while

the love story about to begin.

Brave with me before I go

I invite you into my soul

I will never forget your toiling over me

 and your patience of wounding 

only you have known;

will you pray with me a little while, 

& beg me not to go,

I pray unto you as I fly away 

until I soften next to you 

before I am washed away like lifetimes before

Its up to you, 

the portals are closing

will you seek my heart into yours,

before I have to go and and slip away?

Will you lay with me a little while 

oh cosmic poet catch my tears

dripping down my tanned soft skin, 

empty in my belly as I pull you near 

lay with me,

 will you lay with me a little while.....

And so be it 

The cosmic lovers dancing through all times, realms, ways, 

love will always find a way

I am Celeste 

The galactic princess 

copyright ©

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