Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Venusian Prose - #5D Honour of Knowing Thyself & True Soul Mates

 I know who I am

I know who my family is I know who loves me That’s all I need

Copyright ©️ I am Celeste The Galactic Princess Justice is only in union with source None stood beside me None gifted a hand None believed in me I have been told
‘I can only enter a home if I didn’t speak ‘spiritual stuff’ And I ask ‘why can you be you and speak your job stuff but I cannot speak who I am - higher truth of my excitement’ My light My truth challenges all aching to remain in the dark in ugly discrimination and self deception - that’s ok I know my role as the divine messenger I am a light 
I will not sway from the divine within me I will not allow you to abuse nor sell And there is a newly written code on this planet across all galaxies - I am the arc of the covenant and whoever so intends harm raping taking will be shown immediate equal cursing’ Try god and see the outcome The deeds have been horrible And it’s my time to breathe beyond others hate bigotry and self shame None gave

I will lift the 3 that gave They are my disciples They are treasures to this world and you know them not None knew me but the loyal 3 That’s all I needed Shadow-banned illegally suppressed and attacked - not 1 human did the right thing and watch divine rage move all to the equal of their deeds and such is the same that sits on each soul until each choose to alchemically make right - that is the way of the soul that I have taught for 17yrs - and none knew me 
I was silenced, stalked, sabotaged, and raped from the whole time and I fed cities off of my light while they ravaged my soul in the underground - -these are truly horrible human abuses - and the elites and corrupt leaders know of their belonging to it -- all will be seen - Decades of illegal doing Lies so thick it will take years to sort out the lifetime of schemes plots wrong narratives of my life - any that thinks their 3D title and false badge outweigh God and the divine the unseen and the power of a soul like me is living in their delusions and ignorance and such will be their equal demise - for it is judgement

time and there is divine higher order and I am it 

None cared but for their taking harvesting having becoming what none could nor god would allow You will never carry me Not 1 ounce and all that chanted and sacrificed are being shown hourly Perhaps you heal and carry you That’s always been the message and yet daily
#youtubeCorruption blocks my speech and videos get pilfered to the false prophets - I show it and no justice is served

- I sit homeless while #epstein virus clones run the cities into hell and if you truly cared you would have given and done what it takes - -and what all souls are being restled and tested - - the divine will not wait for you and nor will the angel you seek - - 

You cannot back-burner a divine angelic divine soul - - you will be left alone and you will be sitting down in your egoic games - -- 

The DM awakening - how you treat a divine angel is how you treat yourself in heavenly form -
Will you wake up and heal ???

The sharing of your soul is all I care for and if it is fake then it is a game 
I am tired of games and I am tired of the defame to all divine feminine 
Either you will bow in respect and sit for a souls honour

- - or you will continue your sluggish ways of those you care nothing for but sleep with them anyway 
- - how is that working for the honour of your soul and why you will not play in my bed

The top investigation units on the planet watch me - they know of my realness and they cannot explain 5D ways of alignment- I teach this - come forth But all simply stand and stare - illegally watch and they find nothing but the lies made of me and narratives for thieves to live off my inheritance they have not earned - my ancestors will always have something to say about such decade long theft and God has given permission to every soul in equal deeds it be returned and viruses be removed You have all played your games with my life When will I get to breathe without my name being passed on paper and pyramid bidding games on the black web - you All must be so proud You tormented and angel - this is your legacy? Integrity morals ethics higher order is being challenged to all I have been exploited and used sold harvested my whole life and all know what they did and they chose and stole hid and withheld defamed lied to the heavens gift for all - 

All good masters know and practice boundaries 
Loving boundaries - you teach people how to treat you and seek deeper connection with you
Emotional and spiritual boundaries and you teach and offer and never allow any to drop you for another or back burner your divinity for lesser - - walk, just keep walking 

A true divine soul mate that will stand beside you will never live in a '3 strikes rule' 
they will offer you to stand in your light, and truth 
they will offer you a place to be safe and kindness 
they will offer you to be truthful and honest, baring your soul in tears and authenticity 
they will offer you a deep place of peace and serenity 

Know this dear ones and there is a higher order and ethics that the heavens are watching all - your soul is watching you - waiting for you to tune in ,.....

~~~ if you know of abuse and do nothing - you are equally sharing in the karma you say this is ok for my earth and home
~~~ if you know of secret societies that abuse, lie, defame, degrade life and touch on the innocent and do nothing - you are equally in the karma return for you are saying, this is ok to treat my family and lover this way
~~~ if you are in position of power, authority and take money, bribes, hate moves, discrimination, sabotage, and criminal offences to the innocent with 0 due process, due diligence and 0rights to the human - you will have equal karma on all levels - you do not deserve to be a servant and you will be moved
~~~ if you are guided to not help the abused, and not give, nor get involved - when you know your soul is staying 'help thy neighbour' then you are misguided and will reap equal karma - for what higher guidance is it when you allow abuse in any form - -

All are learning new lessons and this must be - for 5D is not 3D corruption and it has been this way for eons - DM have made many horrible errs and they are refusing to sit down and heal what needs to be healed -

DF allowing such and it is equal - DF that chase the man with money and not knowing of your own soul is equal karma --

Are you ready to awaken - you are a soul and it requires more of you in this new spiral of new dimensional light - -it will challenge your beliefs and ways - conformity will be broken and your soul will be set free

These are true souls - 
Are you in such honour and placement of the heavens - -
You will know - you will step upon a stage with God and god only 
Connection is everything and how deeply and honouring do you connect with yourself 
true souls that care about your souls destination - - 

there is nothing more powerful than souls divine bedding 
a garden 
a place of serenity and divine being-ness 

A place where you can only go and be 
and all that is greatness of GOD is spirit and soul and drop into your heart and speak truthfully 
make the effort for divine bedding - it will grow and be blessed season after season 
and it will be known by all creation 

All know their deeds and none will miss judgment ~~ God is You cannot fake being aligned None were ever given permission to use copy sign nor speak on my life energy or work - it’s vibrationally coded for me and me only 

I am a divine conduit I am entrained over eons Mind games and spiritual warping swapping - mental mind scraping horrible intentions - all knew what they did - none will be missed
All communication must go through Donations and sessions Corrupt officials ~~> you will go down God gave all 3yrs to do right and bring truth and return what none had an ounce of legal right to touch my life and keep it in deceit #governmentCorruption God knows every deed and I called it Watch me on your illegal tracking - guess who’s watching you ? IF you need to be told 'no' it will be 'no' 
and if you need to be loved purely - it will simply be and every moment means divine grace 
Do you know love?
Do you know soulful peace?
Do you know Source, God, within ?
DO you know your truth?

I am Trillion-fold You have no idea who I am Heal or be moved It’s really that simply I am sad for that I have never been loved on this planet I am sad for that The purity of gods grace sits before you and you do nothing but ignore rape sell and degrade Truth is It will always be Heal thyself Prove God to yourself Watch it unfold ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨♾️💋💋✨✨ Ascension Sessions, Ascension Alignments Healing, Creative and Inspirations Styling and Vocational Alignment Sessions ***** 90min $250USD DONATIONS ~~~~> ENERGY DOES NOT LIE -- Vibration is everything and practice will entrain a new version of you - - GOD IS the essence of all life and magic is the purity of such that is quantum GOD truths -- it ain't no religion © *************************************************************************************************************
UNDERSTAND Ascension, Understand Being MultiDimensional, Understand A Grander Version of YOU #5D 
#ascension #healinghumanity SESSIONS for healing, activating, and expanding ~~~~ New Earth Star #5D IF you wish you 'know the way' for your soul, spirit, body, health, family - align your business and begin anew -- under only the direction of Source and your highest self - - ~~~~> YOU MUST BOOK A SESSION SESSION details
~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer ~~~~~> copyright © blessings and light Celeste

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