Universal Channel Source truths Copyright ©️ ‘Divine rage is a real expression and only in the infinite attempts and showing the way has been arrogantly ignored and the relentless abuses to the most divine and sacred ~ God will lift you ( Celeste ) like no other has ever been lifted upon this planet ~ IT is equal to the love you have poured unto little things and care pouring into your devotion for a kind and peaceful world for the children
- you are a loyal servant and will be rewarded in kind as always the promise and your loving prayers in your sweet time is never unnoticed
- You are a treasured one to the Holy family and of all heavens the world will be reminded of true power and true abundance
- for you have worked tirelessly to remind all that comes before you and you have done well; we celebrate and honour your work even if none your planet do.
There will be a clearing out of the virus ones that speak lies and brutalize the sweet and truthful and they all know there time is up - they believe their deeds are not seen and known and like a breath I will change all faces places
- none will remember the virus but the healer of it
Show the way Keep going
Show the way Keep going
I will never compete for divine soul love
I will never fight for divine soul love
what is meant to be will be and the heaven way will be made
I will not play the game of fakery and gain
I will not play mind games and emotional turmoils
The divine has been very clear and all will be moved out of the way for that one that is meant to grow and expand within with me - play not my soul and you will equally play yours into turmoil - that is a code of honour and if you choose to break it - you deserve the lessons to sit in equally
I know who I am and I will not stand down to the messy and gamers
I will not be phased by fake and false and ego lifters
Means nothing to my soul
What matters is a truthful soul - come as you are - and be in your truth and I am
Speak in your truth - I am
What matters is that you stand and speak for what none will and stand taller because of your way being shown and you know of this deep within -
Speak in your heart and soul, I am
You are heavenly order of a new realm ‘ Source Creators of 13 th dimensional God Blessed be the holy great one I bow to you mother and father and all my ancestors lifting me In Your gifts and grace Amen π ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨π»♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️ I am Celeste I see what I see and I will speak it That’s my right I hear what I hear and I will speak it That’s my right I feel what I feel and I will speak it That’s my right There is such thing as divine rage and those taken by source will be the karma and return for peace of which none had a right to torment out of the sweet caring souls None will alter me or my path and if any so chooses to deny and refuse such heavenly messages of spiritual heeding - it is a choice of ignorance and all deserve where they sit Ignorance is not bliss It’s simply ignorance All will be very surprised at the ones names money involved in the decades of organized agendas to test experiment and directing hits on me to never be seen heard or live a normal life I sit homeless and the heavens will lift me For I am truth Higher truth and I have no Bible as Jesus did and walked I AM https://youtu.be/tgJNU5CYka4?si=52fJi... You cannot fake being aligned You cannot fake being in your own Godliness God is The omni is I will prove nothing You will prove it to yourself God will We are healing eons of misguidance and misogyny of power over others Time to wake up Healing is the only way ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨♾️π»π»π»π»π»π» Ascension Sessions, Ascension Alignments Healing, Creative and Inspirations Styling and Vocational Alignment Sessions ***** 90min $250USD PAYPAL.me/JoannaLRoss π»π»π»π»π»π»π» DONATIONS ~~~~> PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss ENERGY DOES NOT LIE -- Vibration is everything and practice will entrain a new version of you - - GOD IS the essence of all life and magic is the purity of such that is quantum GOD truths -- it ain't no religion © ************************************************************************************************************* UNDERSTAND Ascension, Understand Being MultiDimensional, Understand A Grander Version of YOU
~~~~ New Earth Star #5D
IF you wish you 'know the way' for your soul, spirit, body, health, family - align your business and begin anew -- under only the direction of Source and your highest self - -
SESSION details
~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer
~~~~~> PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss
blessings and light
and in simply being me triggers many to look at their bigotry and self wounding of separation.
That’s gods way - heal
There is only Unity
That is our destiny
So be it
I am Celeste
The galactic princess
Copyright ©️
Blessings and light
copyright ©
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