#ascension Truths, #5D Predictions on Integrity
We are shifting dear ones
as many are awakening all over our globe. - all are being shown quit blatantly the core intentions of those that you have paid, given power to and lifted to be of such elite and how what their driving force is
Truths, #5D Predictions on Integrity
We are shifting dear ones
as many are awakening all over our globe. - all are being shown quit blatantly the core intentions of those that you have paid, given power to and lifted to be of such elite and how what their driving force is
This is a celebration for you and who, how much, designing a new version of you, the reality and planet you want to live and create within and what truly is the 'behind the scenes' motives of all and what where you choose to place your energy is and will be key - -
Remember - Reality Creational Equation is ~~~>> Intention, Direction, Focus of your energy, multi=dimensional actions and healing, integrating all soul fragments you think are not you and any discrimination, judgments, and less than to be brought back into the fold for you to be a holographic version of Source, God and all that is reflecting to you how you are doing in your journey of all-ness and infinite life - eternal life
There has been a very sacred occurrence that has happened in the past 48hrs and it will propel any and all that choose at a heart level to be play, be and create within unity consciousness and higher socio-altruism, unity for and of all that is within your souls growth and evolution into bigger realms and playgrounds -- - There is a catalyst occurring -- it is foundational and at its core is steeped in the God-seed spark of 'remembering you are divine and thus then, how are we treating ourselves, one another, and the sacred lands' We have long but lost our tribal ways of sacred communion with our lands and water and air We have long but lost the elder gatherings with our families to pass down what my Granny had done before she passed and when the DF elder of the family passed - the group dinners every Sunday of 20 or more ceased -- and thus the mentality and suppressions, subjugations, and systematic abuses of DF for 5000 yrs and are seeing the degradation of a planet in need of her wisdoms, earthly knowing, and DF ways to bring together what was battered and torn into anew - - the DF is the garden - -Gaia is a garden offered by the divine and there has been much raping All things before you has a vibrational story - to its core intention - we are seeing it all play out and what how, who you can choose to be anew - - with greater insight, greater belonging, and greater alchemy efficiency will be your tools that from here on out - will allow you to be the universal light warrior, healer, master to traverse any and all realms - -that is what ascension is
Ascension prepares to be 'eternal in life' How are you able to travel in your merkabah and shift timelines, realms and this is all done within the light body and what I offer teach -- in 'alliance with Light' © ( book IV ) and all is possible - however one in low 3D broken systems and broken ethics, integrity - 0 healing, 0 unity consciousness within you simply will traverse any dimension or planet you simply will not -- CONSCIOUSNESS OF GOD and CREATION is vibrational EVERY DIMENSION has its rules and constructs IF YOU are not healing, integrating 3D and its infinite measures of lessons of separations, illusions, greed, selfishness, ego psyche wounds - you simply cannot and will not move into any thing higher - - it is a quantum impossible and thus be held in 'no space' in psychosis lost in space - - - you have not earned the age old term that every master taught 'know thyself' and why masters, leaders, healers, and teachers that will be levelled up and tested and initiated to grow and be more spiritually 'higher order' -
ALL DIMENSION = vibration + Information - - thus you have to master and alchemize know, be, aligned in every thread and why ascension is a long game - - you have to navigate all density and demons and psyche fragments before you to earn the light, increased quotient before and in you - your cells will increase and why 'ascension symptoms are' and thus showing you
- - - - YOU ARE BECOMING MORE GODLY and more eternally connected with
ALL THAT IS - -- ETERNAL life cannot be 'destiny swapped' or spell casted, or any other ridiculous #Epstein way of scraping and sucking or harvesting -- -
Christ Consciousness is CONSCIOUSNESS and must be earned in the and FROM THE threading of where you are at and 3A and 3E - -- -there is no other way beyond 3D and you will not be given a free pass - you will simply not know how to operate in higher light - -why so many are triggered before me - - I am not your vibration - - I am not in your dimensional reality -
You can have a group of 5 people together and all are held within thier own reality of perspectives, consciousness and what they are able to see, know, create, manifest -- - aligned or not aligned --
You cannot copy, take, mimick, steal, or harvest GODLINESS - - you cannot fake being aligned or awake or held within the essence of 'eternal life' it is multidimensional, it will show you greater youthfulness and health, because you are carrying and daily alchemizing in and of SOURCE, GOD and thus then, you live longer, less disease and why those that have been attacking me and doing disease voodoo
#mkultra #projectStargate Corrupt elites Corrupt Church and state - - they cannot understand why I am not dead or filled with disease - - they are intending death and disease for decades - what lovely people and thank you for allowing me to be a higher vibrational being of higher knowing of thyself -- to teach those that are pure of heart to heal and transcend 3D horrors of trafficking and elite soul harvesting
These are powerful times of discernment and choosing with intention what does your souls evolution have to do with what you see, manifest, and how you are able to heal and become more light - - you simply WILL NOT travel the universe without the full integration of your highest self, and light body of all 3D 4D
- PERIOD and there is only the path of ascension that will show, teach, offer you such - -it is a sacred journey to ETERNAL LIFE and you have to practice being higher vibrational and multi-dimensional which is why my channel and my teaching, and all that I am as a returning master has been silenced in 'not being'
However God always has a higher plan,
You cannot fake being aligned or being harmonized in within a higher version of you - -
You cannot fake, copy, mimicking - you have to do the work - -essence is real essence of the christ is real very real
why those get triggered of my being ness and not conforming to lower 'standards and industry expectations'
I am here to break and make new - - new trends are authentic and genuine and healing
FULLY Soul infused cannot be faked
Ascension daily path work - will bring your genuine authentic version - - go within and do the inner work
Know all you have been through is your greatest painting
it is a sentencing to be like any other - -I survived what I did because I refused to conform to MKUltra cloning and taking of my unique Christ-hood - -I will never conform to lesser and lower - I will never bow to the devil - none have any clue who I am and I like it that way
I will not walk, talk, look, nor speak like any other - get over it -
I will not believe what you believe - I AM SOUL INFUSED and I will break all that was 'enforcement of slavery, conformed abuses and suppression of 97% of the population'
there is blatant and obvious abuses and trauma of church and state forcing you to be like every one else and if you choose to step beyond you put on a watch list and targeted - - that is illegal and human rights offences and universal rights and I will see every one in court -- I will sue, I will win and all will see there is a new earth star and I AM IT DO THE DAILY WORK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rs_c... Being a soul infused being CANNOT BE FAKED or copied -- I AM A Divine master; teacher, healer, vibrational empath, conduit of Source, all multi-versal vibrational stories and I offer higher wisdoms, truths, higher order, I walk with Anubis and have just been opened to another realm of sacred work I am tapping into that has never had a name or knowing before - - as ancients are being churned into anew and why I offered 'there has been a very sacred activation the past 48hrs' and will affect all creation and I am happy to say I was a part of that activation - due to DOING THE INNER WORK There is much of being-ness that I am - -I am a soul - - I BEHAVE IN A SOUL - - I have written 3 books and working on 3 more and more work of my work - NONE has ever asked, nor written or given me a penny for the use or inspiration of my work -- NONE None have been given permissions - - none have given an ounce of credit, nor offering, nor donation, simply nothing but raping, harvesting, siphoning and stealing - - and all will be held in equal karma - - - karma karma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw7KJ... I get to be exactly who I am I will not stop I will always be me and all that want to harvest take, and sacrifice and do their minion mess -- secret societies and cults - think ing you take any others life, skills, gifts, you cannot - - CONSCIousness is earned - - only earned by doing the inner work and healing -- secret society abuses, tormenting, suppression, magic, and sabotaging, #calgarycult #erPerez None will have an ounce of me and all were told - - protection orders will be placed and all will be assessed mentally - - all need to heal - you cannot TAKE ANOTHERS LIFE - -this is my destiny and no others - Elite soul harvesters - all are being called to alter course - you will not harvest any further - - - you must EARN your souls gifts - - Steal, taking, sacrificing, harvesting swapping, voodoo - is nothing more than demonic theft and will be return karma Criminal abuse #CorruptGovernment - - all will go down -- and meet equal demise - When you behave in hate and jealousy - you will only get equal back - you will not get a 5D soul infused leadership role and GOD WILL KEEP SHOWING ALL BLOCKing, sitting down, and derailing all as they have derailed me GOD will not allow any further false leaders, and false prophets - - I AM the arc - -and all will be touched by any intention act that is not of integrity for humanity and greater good NONE HAD an ounce of permission to use, touch, my name, energy or work cannot fake 1000 yrs of source lifetimes and multi-dimensional work in the higher realms None have been given any permissions on my work I know who I am I survived what none would I am the only one that has done, offered, lifted, and pierced the corruption, and density and lowest realm work that I have lifted and cleansed and pierced broken - none have done offered what I have as an energetic conduit healer, and vibrational teacher of Christ Consciousness - - all that have stolen, doppelgänger my life - pilfer my platforms - you will be met equally in your own intention - - that is universal laws - When I speak - I change creation - I know how I am who I am and what GOD integrates every new cycle It is what I TEACH and yet suppressed, suffocated, harvested and raped for nothing - I need nothing from any but basic common basic human rights - -how hard is basic common sense - I will not sit down - GOD HAS A DIVINE BLUEPRINT EQUALLY BEAUTIFUL for every human - - GOD WITHIN go within WHO ARE YOU What do you exist within What exists within you DIVINE GODLINESS IS WITHIN QUANTUM GOD I AM THAT I AM and I will be the sun as GOD intended I AM RA I AM Celeste I walk with Anubis I have more roles and move into all realms - I will speak and be as I am and any that choose to force enforce into my lane take rape illegally - all will be met with gods wrath - -all have been told and shown I AM THAT I AM the galactic princess Celeste Go within and heal and you will begin to feel soul infused - and you would never want to be like any other - -
there is blatant and obvious abuses and trauma of church and state forcing you to be like every one else and if you choose to step beyond you put on a watch list and targeted - - that is illegal and human rights offences and universal rights and I will see every one in court -- I will sue, I will win and all will see there is a new earth star and I AM IT DO THE DAILY WORK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rs_c... Being a soul infused being CANNOT BE FAKED or copied -- I AM A Divine master; teacher, healer, vibrational empath, conduit of Source, all multi-versal vibrational stories and I offer higher wisdoms, truths, higher order, I walk with Anubis and have just been opened to another realm of sacred work I am tapping into that has never had a name or knowing before - - as ancients are being churned into anew and why I offered 'there has been a very sacred activation the past 48hrs' and will affect all creation and I am happy to say I was a part of that activation - due to DOING THE INNER WORK There is much of being-ness that I am - -I am a soul - - I BEHAVE IN A SOUL - - I have written 3 books and working on 3 more and more work of my work - NONE has ever asked, nor written or given me a penny for the use or inspiration of my work -- NONE None have been given permissions - - none have given an ounce of credit, nor offering, nor donation, simply nothing but raping, harvesting, siphoning and stealing - - and all will be held in equal karma - - - karma karma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw7KJ... I get to be exactly who I am I will not stop I will always be me and all that want to harvest take, and sacrifice and do their minion mess -- secret societies and cults - think ing you take any others life, skills, gifts, you cannot - - CONSCIousness is earned - - only earned by doing the inner work and healing -- secret society abuses, tormenting, suppression, magic, and sabotaging, #calgarycult #erPerez None will have an ounce of me and all were told - - protection orders will be placed and all will be assessed mentally - - all need to heal - you cannot TAKE ANOTHERS LIFE - -this is my destiny and no others - Elite soul harvesters - all are being called to alter course - you will not harvest any further - - - you must EARN your souls gifts - - Steal, taking, sacrificing, harvesting swapping, voodoo - is nothing more than demonic theft and will be return karma Criminal abuse #CorruptGovernment - - all will go down -- and meet equal demise - When you behave in hate and jealousy - you will only get equal back - you will not get a 5D soul infused leadership role and GOD WILL KEEP SHOWING ALL BLOCKing, sitting down, and derailing all as they have derailed me GOD will not allow any further false leaders, and false prophets - - I AM the arc - -and all will be touched by any intention act that is not of integrity for humanity and greater good NONE HAD an ounce of permission to use, touch, my name, energy or work cannot fake 1000 yrs of source lifetimes and multi-dimensional work in the higher realms None have been given any permissions on my work I know who I am I survived what none would I am the only one that has done, offered, lifted, and pierced the corruption, and density and lowest realm work that I have lifted and cleansed and pierced broken - none have done offered what I have as an energetic conduit healer, and vibrational teacher of Christ Consciousness - - all that have stolen, doppelgänger my life - pilfer my platforms - you will be met equally in your own intention - - that is universal laws - When I speak - I change creation - I know how I am who I am and what GOD integrates every new cycle It is what I TEACH and yet suppressed, suffocated, harvested and raped for nothing - I need nothing from any but basic common basic human rights - -how hard is basic common sense - I will not sit down - GOD HAS A DIVINE BLUEPRINT EQUALLY BEAUTIFUL for every human - - GOD WITHIN go within WHO ARE YOU What do you exist within What exists within you DIVINE GODLINESS IS WITHIN QUANTUM GOD I AM THAT I AM and I will be the sun as GOD intended I AM RA I AM Celeste I walk with Anubis I have more roles and move into all realms - I will speak and be as I am and any that choose to force enforce into my lane take rape illegally - all will be met with gods wrath - -all have been told and shown I AM THAT I AM the galactic princess Celeste Go within and heal and you will begin to feel soul infused - and you would never want to be like any other - -
standards are no longer --
I am higher order -- understand the intention of all before you and choose to go within - - what do you now choose with intention, direction, focus for your new souls blueprint is being offered - 5D or not
And so be it
divinely sacred
I am the Galactic Princess
World leaders are showing you daily - -the core vibration and is the importance that should be the upmost priority the healing of land and people - so be it
5D is all about healing, transmuting, and becoming integrated for unity consciousness
there is nothing higher
it will carry all wisdoms, gifts, talents, skills and all that is higher dimensional - - - the majesty of the heavens of what Jesus spoke of is this -- and so be it
Ascension must be slow and progressive with divine teams working with you for your multi-dimensional enhancements and why if you arent aligned, or informed - you can go to the doctors and be misdiagnosed and take Pharma that will delay and hold you back on the majesty of your integration with and of your highest self - -
Your integration of your highest self is light - -it is a sheath offered in every new ascension cycle to help you live in the new outer bedding of heightened light and those that refuse to heal and acclimatize to the new daily offering of Source, ascension light for Gaia and all our collective, will be seen acting out, angry outbursts - and they are showing you there is no alignment --
* it is normal to have anger, but daily ascension path-work is providing the mastery to integrate what is being suppressed - and why outbursts occur - -there is suppression of energy, wounding not being integrated and faced - - why we have dark night of the soul - to face what you have consciously or unconsciously hidden - -and why we teach daily path work to be a part of your day so you can master the profound light shifts that will come daily and at greater acceleration
* light will pull up all that is dense and not in ALIGNMENT
- - I teach, offer how to align and do so daily in the higher order ideals that is not church and state - for that will not teach you how to ascend and daily you will be shown so that you wake up and with divine consciousness choose a higher path -- none will force you to evolve and ascend
God loves you so much - eternal life is a choice - it will affect all timelines you will ever have and all your children and thier children - it is a sacred choice and made only between you and your higher self, soul, and GOD - - do you care about your souls evolution?
None will get any higher by refusing to heal, and face what needs to be on a daily basis and thus you will see, even be in yourself the outbursts of what is showing you - 'pay attention to me - I need to be faced and made whole' as God is giviing you an opportunity to be and do, - -GOD is calling you back to GOD for eternal life - -you can choose not to - -- and live in the denser darker realms - or ascend into 5D and beyond in light and have infinite experiences of being GODLY
5D is not 3D
There will be no corruption and no elites hiding behind money - - the wounds of such lower behaviour will be healed - -so be this sacred journey
Thank you for sharing, and donating and booking your 5D alignment sessions Paypal.me/JoannaLross copyright © None have ever had permissions nor approval to speak on my name, work, take, use, copy, nor call theirs - - and as I stated per the divine channel - any that refuse to heed such spiritual law order - like the 'arc of the covenant' will find demise in taking, raping, using, refusing to make right - -as we see this unfold --
And why too we must revisit all human laws and align with universal laws - for the human rights laws, basic as it may be offered - are abused on an hourly basis by the wounded, corrupt, disconnected and selfish ones that have refused to heed the basic ascension process of 'unity consciousness and do unto others'
There are human rights laws that have done nothing to protect the innocent and the higher vibrational - - there are groups and sects and corrupt beings warped in thier beliefs that enforce those in their environments, through magic, covert abuses, mental emotional and spiritual abuses, abuse of power and abuses of POA and such medical processes, due diligence and simply because a higher vibrational being, is not following confirmed church and state nor choose to believe in sacrificing or satanism or enforced, corrupt masonic patterns of power - - illusions and not healed - and because our genius is higher because we practice, entrain higher vibrational ways - and work with spirit - as I have taught and offered for over 17yrs -- all of which is showing all -- - there are community secret cults, covens, groups, warped wounded masons maffia that are paid, and make money on enforcing abuse, enforcing prostitution and they use abuse dark occult magic, voodoo, abuse power of those in the systems and pay any and all they can to have an innocent higher vibrational being - unique expressive and will refuse to be like any other - -and believe in lower vibrational beliefs - all of which is discrimation and human rights offences and offences of the Universal laws -- because I AM NOT LIKE YOU - - 50+ or more sought to destroy, harvest, thieves, copy my work -- they called me crazy but take my work and while I write books, will run circles in court around their idiocy and bigotry and wounding - - none not 1gave an ounce to my human rights, universal rights, and my care of my life -- not 1 ounce and I ask - these are the officials and the upholding of human rights and basic bare minimum human care -- - it was a tormenting creep show of disgusting abuses - tormenting, sabotaging every hour of my life for their gain and false claims that not 1 official verified my signature or my story
- -that I had 1000 of emails to my lawyer on the purjory and lies of financial statements and covert abuses and 3 police reports of the same -- and not 1 ounce of care, aid, or protection and why all will sit in karma and the dense, dark realms and they will sentence their families and linages - no redemption on any level has been made or make right being done - 3yrs was the deadlines and I sat homeless hungry and destroyed
- - these beings refuse to heal and they will show outbursts daily - they are living in the demonic entities they conjured for me over decades and my life light is my protection and I will live eternally in higher vibrations and dimension --
Because none in smaller, lower vibrations do not 'get' dimensions, - -does not mean other dimensions beyond 3D box beliefs does not exist -- there are infinite - THAT IS GOD
Universal laws are,
Karmic laws are,
Human Rights laws are,
All past thefts, and losses, and birth falsifications - -go to my lawyer - - JNelson@speclaw.ca
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