Monday, 24 February 2025

The Divine CODE -- Essence & Alchemy #5D Union with as Spirit

 The divine code

There is a divine code It is within the essence you hold, choose to hold, and entrain, practice, and uplift, enhance, There is a sacred union within you, and CREATION if you desire, or choose -- it is all alchemic and choice Yes, there is bloodlines, but we have seen know, that even those that carry such do not honour the heavenly way, and it has nothing to do with religion - - it never will I never had anything to prove Never -- I simply will be and I care nothing for the arrogant broken ways that misguide and misinform the masses with 0 fairness, equality and what is meant to be of divine birthright and to know, seek, be more than what we are fed by problematic, abusive, church and state that has done nothing to make right on the abuses done, agendas created, and losses, damages and they know who they are and where they sit - - - I will be lifted by God and god only -- no other on this planet, realm has a say on me, my life, my DNa or any other factor - my teams, my healing groups are working double time to repair what has been done - but I will still stand, I will still get up, and I will call what GOD says CALL it out - -- #projectStarGate #bots #cloning #humantesting 

I survived for a reason and God will assure every corrupt deed will be seen by the entire collective -- none can say GOD did not give all 3yrs to make right and daily - - - daily - not 1 person of all the deeds, withholding, lies, sabotage, and directing hits on my life - not 1 had the courage, balls to do right - thus then, 'how important is your souls evolution?' 

Do you care about your next life, and next body, mind, - - - what do you think your next body, mind will be when you have done nothing to be in grace and honour of this life and others -???? 

If you choose to not believe in universal laws, souls process through all time, and GOD - - so be it - the laws and higher order is higher order and your small wounding practices, beliefs and horrible human treatment is not higher order - you will face every deed and you will never be blessed another body and mind of God when you are simply hateful and ignorant -- 

We either chose to wake up and reclaim our power to be a part of eternal life and the divine code, or you can continue living in lower vibrational mess - - your money is not who you are - - your soul is who you are and will you stand tall in being who you truly are? Never shrink to measure to outer - - outer is not your compass - - the compass is the divine code and there is nothing higher, that is your ranking - should you choose - - no lower deity will ever give you power - it is a misguidance 

- - and most on the planet do not 'get' what they have been misguided in and the practices that will bring nothing but hell and disease - - and whatever deeds any does - will be dumped on your children and lineage - the energy and deeds have to go somewhere 

- - you are 100% responsible and the only way through every spiral of ascension in this universe - - you are a universal being, you are on a planet, and the planet is ascending into galactic unity and higher union - of the soul to soul self - Godliness returning to Godliness - that is a truth regardless of your 'religious' beliefs - - GOD IS NOT RELIGION

~~ every human has 100% birthright to be eternal life -- and none none none regardless of their mentality and religious beliefs - none will affect nor force, enforce any other to be in thier sick story or trafficking ring or be ok and put up with abuse -- it is mentally insane - -how these cults, groups thin

- - they believe you are meant to be ok being harvested and abused and they will never take accountability on their horrible deeds they do in the basement - and closet -- 

So do the investigation - - do the investigation - get receipts. -investigate every dollar - and every deed, and every basement ritual and graveyard mess they think they will impale and take a spirit and soul out of the innocent for them to feed off of - -its simply sick -- #epstein cloning and as Source said calling these beings demonic entity attachments due to their lifestyle and choices, and rituals of darkness -- is 'bots' 

the spiritual essence, misalignment of source and soul - -these cults, covens, and masonic mess groups have 0 care for who and what they will do - -take you out for thier feeding - - it is gross 

None on this planet - none - in this multi-verse - none will touch my spirit, soul - -none -- GOD is placing legions deep around my soul, Akash, and anything in my essence, name, and watch the towers fall and every human every group - -watch it -- -the wrath of God is very real and your hate and wounding is not any others responsibility to be your punching bag of abuse and theft - -

LIGHT EDUCATION is key - there is great misguidance and it will merely cause towers - -those that behave in bullying -- will be your own tower --

The policing must get educated - we all must get educated as to the organized mess that elite, and false leaders have created and how much DM needs to heal -- 
there is grave imbalance and why secret groups, covens, the refusal to heal and integrate the wounding that is has been all my work -- and if you are triggered by this -- perhaps that is where you begin MULTIVERSAL quantum laws simply are -- matters not your small beliefs of 'religion' GOD is not religion Our higher codes is not religion - -5D there is no religion - -there is only unity - - so where can you begin today in a new code of you -- TRUTHS of who you are and begin here daily hourly - - ~ breath is the elixir of all spirit ~ spirit is the only quickener ~ you are both carbon and crystalline ~ Christ Consciousness is our highest potential ~ We are of metatronic sacred geometry and we are infinite in this as we heal soul fragments of what has been ~ Soul fragment healing is key to integrating all skills, talents, gifts, and your Christic over-soul - light body embodiment ~ Light is our highest potential and our multi-dimensional all-ness that is our higher knowing, alignment, and Godliness ~ God is all-ness - - not religion - be a belief or religion - GOD IS and no matter what your 'religion' may tell you or want of you -- GODLINESS IS BEYOND IT -- we have to mature, and expand beyond our 5000 yr old texts - - it is not all we are, and it is not all GOD is and we have to move beyond - - -

Every breath is a new reality Creational reality is your vibration The core vibration of who you are - will determine your reality -- now entrain it - - entrain yourself in a divine code GOD IS the essence of all life and magic is the purity of such that is quantum GOD truths -- it ain't no religion
************************************************************************************************************* UNDERSTAND Ascension, Understand Being MultiDimensional, Understand A Grander Version of YOU #5D #ascension #healinghumanity SESSIONS for healing, activating, and expanding ~~~~ New Earth Star #5D IF you wish you 'know the way' for your soul, spirit, body, health, family - align your business and begin anew -- under only the direction of Source and your highest self - - 
~~~~> YOU MUST BOOK A SESSION SESSION details ~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer ~~~~~> ✨✨✨✨✨✨ Ascension Sessions

~~> 90min @ $250 usd ~~> 4x45min @ $550usd
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why all the global control bodies, corrupt evil agendas and minions - they think they are the writer and want to narrate what they cannot control - they will do all they can to have outcome go their way - when all they should be doing is healing - - - whatever they try will return and they will be in loss - - you cannot destroy another's life for your gain and think you will be gifted and blessed - it is obscene and those that do so daily - will be more and more in karma and lack, blocking, their own souls aching to be healed - - IT will be evident - those that have no idea who you are - and have been in gain from theft, fraud, and black magic, sex magic, doing decades of horrible acts - -and now that the ties are all severed and they are not able to take from me in energy - - they will sit in their dark mess -

YOU DO NOT GET TO ABUSE and destroy innocent life and that goes for the corrupt egregious leaders that 'affect weather, and impose and incite hate, destruction, and impale to take out the innocent - - all will be pressed on the ear by GOD and ain't none going anywhere until balance and all is brought into truth -- none miss this time of judgment - -- 

YOU WILL NEVER BE REWARDED by being abusive -- PERIOD - it is all returning - they call Gods chosen 'evil' and it is merely the projection of their own evil deeds and when the investigations are done - getting actua

l receipts, follow the money, follow every ounce of information - these church, false community people will be shown for the many they have taken out and the ruining of the innocent life they have done - they are having tantrums because they are not able to fool the public any longer

-- energy is energy and you will face your deeds 
#calgaryCult - all know what they have done on a daily basis to take me out and destroy my good receiving because they will not be a part of it - -they have raped, stolen, lied, defamed, and exploited for thier gain and when they are severed from my light - they have little boy girl tantrums and let them sit in it all 

None will block me nor sway - - GOD is on every one and all immediately returned - so be sure your deeds you set out in my name - -there are legions returning every ounce of intention - - GOD HAS HAD ENOUGH and it will be GRAVE - - so be sure you know what you are doing -

O YOUR INNER WORK - - live like a criminal and so too will your outcome and this is the last 3D timeline - - eternal life is not a given - --ALL YOU DO RETURNS TO YOU 

SO #calgaryCorruption, #calgaryPolice - -all know all dropped the ball, played along, and did to destroy and block, and steal, - - none will have an ounce - there are legions protecting me and my steps and all will be sat the fuck down until they all get it - -government or elite - GOD has eyes on all and you will NEVER GET A FREE PASS

- - - I HAVE MY UNIVERSAL RIGHTS and I will be exactly who I am - - #Erperez - you will sit down and you will sit in all your deeds - - you chose brutality, cruelty, idiocy - 1000's attempts and showed, told all the outcome and you

all attacked and stole anyhow - 0 ounce of doing right 0 truth - - so sit in your shit - - you deserve where you sit - - I was cruelly attacked daily and you will all sit in your deeds - -#systematicabuse #callingoutSecretSocietyAbuses

Christ consciousness is not a religion - - no master for the billionth time - no master would ever say 'build a religion around me and worship me' - they simply wouldn't

I will not stand down to ignorance and abuse for the wounded and bullies to get away with murder - - perhaps you stop being criminal and own your deeds of hate and systematic abuse - -the investigations will be shown and every deed of hate, and secret society abuses - and where will this bring you - - more karma and jail. - - no dark demon will bring you anything - but karma and jail - - so choose - - you get to choose - - I will not stand down and be ok with such horrible human treatment - you will be called out -

I deserve to receive 
I deserve to be loved 
I deserve to be successful - 
no ones hate and wounding is my issue - perhaps you all heal - same message as 8 yrs ago -- 
predictions 100% real --

You are not ranked by fooling lying to the innocent - - you are not ranked by attacking light workers and stalking, hacking, spying, and blocking the innocent - you will never be ranked - - you simply will not - -

sit in the karma until you do the inner work - - your beliefs and your practices and your choices are your KARMA and your deeds and your outcome -- so what is the answer -- you keep being criminals or you actually heal ALL PAST issues documents, files, and truths, confessions -- I will not allow any to stand before me - - 3yrs too late - I have my right to be exactly who I am and the ignorant will no longer waste my life, energy, money, time - - GOD HAS BLOCKED ALL from the past of all horrible abuses - GO through my lawyer We are divine We are sacred Align and begin again Blessings and light Celeste copyright ©

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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