Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Understand & Honouring the Union with GOD - IT OVERRIDES any 3D Corrupt Agenda #ascension

 New Laws Supporting - Protecting the Innocent Empaths light workers victims of dark occult abuses - secret society abuses - corrupt government abuses elite abuses - Systematic Abuses

Begins when you ‘get’ the multidimensional damages done ….
TRUTH BEHIND the SCENES - there is a wealth transfer that the elites, officials, leaders KNOW HAS BEEN ORDERED by the divine -- they are refusing to hand over certain aspects of power -- - so thus then, allow the fall to fall - - 

none play GOD 
THERE IS A DIVINE PLAN for humanity and the corrupt thieves are not it!

In surviving insurmountable odds of years years of deplorable inhumane treatment losses abuses that are simply incomprehensible to most …. You see these corrupt cults, covens, groups, masonic, satanic underground, elite, false government they believe in their schemes of brainwashing, breaking you until are dominated, break you until you go insane or break until there is nothing left of you - and in this mentality they will never attain Godliness -  ~ these corrupt sick degrading beings that play in such secret societies abusing the innocent and projecting brain washing, mind-scraping, to the point where they ache to psychologically destroy you - they play and voodoo magic, sex magic, and they think they can write your life - who you are attracted to, and who you will allow back into your life, and what who you will write contracts with 

~~~ how is any creating, signing POA - false claims of not stable mentally when you are enforced abused, sabotaged, and not even included in any of the conversations, nor proper medical examination, or any judicial
process nor any due diligence or process ever being done - these corrupt societies have people that do create false medical documents and assessments - they have not even allowed you to be a part of your own life process

~~ because you have higher gifts, talents - they feel so easy to claim your insane - - when they call you evil for being energetic and seeing spirit, talking spirit, and being connected with GOD on a level that is not church and state corruption and why GOD will place me before the most corrupt cult, witches, warlocks of manipulation and masonic corrupt ass programs - - - alignment with GOD, Source, is readable and bring out what ever is not TRUTH

~~~ these secret societies and corrupt elites - are very good at fooling and have a person for any and all they want and have to ensure they are never held accountable and while they destroy the innocent that are pure truth --

This is is a time of a new knowing of what GOD IS
QUANTUM God and nothing to do with any religion - and how much the corruption, mind games, inhumane programs, and suppressions of the most profound crystals, indigoes, empaths, healers, light beings brought here because the planet NEEDS OUR LIGHT and hybrid ways -

I HAVE MY RIGHT TO BE EXACTLY who I want to be - any idiot thinking they will handle me and suppress stop me and silence me will be FACED WITH GODS WRATHS - the times are changing - and I will have all unveil as I predict and am SHOWN by GOD - SOURCE - -

Why do the light workers, and empaths, mediums, psychics that don't work for corrupt government programs have 0 rights unless we can be handled and dominated - - yet the corrupt and secret societies will pay up to 50 to ensure this 1 light healer - prophet - - gets suppressed into death, suicide, and domination - - poverty - I go weeks without eating 

- - their intentions of me was utter destruction - -so they would not have to be accountable for their deeds and they would take over the wealth transfer of my lineage - -that none deserve to stand before me ever again nor touch my spirit -- I KNOW WHO I AM and I will Never prove anything - go see my predictions - -

Source Channel ~~ 'God, will you reveal who I am to the collective, or shall I' -- 'Daughter, I will reveal, there is much the collective must face first -- my timing daughter' 
God will veil, block, scramble, and think they have one over God and want to enforce any agendas
- from here on out - -its coming down --  

GO BACK to my videos and do your investigations - -- -

- - I will read through it all -- while they do magic, voodoo, blood work, black magic to force narratives, and forced, selfish projects to swap life with you - while do this behind the scenes, and they call the talented aligned, light beings that speak higher truth - higher truth that MAKES SENSE and divine order - while I sit in gleaming light life of prayer hourly even as I am homeless - - these people throw rocks and hide hands -- and I am the crazy one

~~ God said I would be ranked beyond what any test would be on earth - as if low vibe 3D old constructs and going no where teachings is the be all and end all - higher consciousness - being soul infused out ranks' and will transcend any 3D book, teaching, way, or construct and means nothing

WISDOMS are WISDOMS and earned in your unity wiht GOD and your own higher self --
ALL WERE Told and shown to stop attacking me and sabotaging me - -I GET my rights as the corrupt have had their rights to ruin entire so called 'justice systems'
- these are the most horrible - they are warped false empaths and they abuse all spiritual laws, all have been stripped of their magic, so called gifts, and false talents because they have done nothing but abuse justice, laws, balance of our entire universe, and abuse children so they are enforced into trafficking or to abuse mentally so they alter who they are at their inner core, enforce prostitution and these witches, warlocks, masons think they can make you addicted to any low vibrational mentally sick ass person they send their victims to be infected by, warped by, bound by, it is a sick satanic ring of diseased, demonic people that play, harvest, infect, bring utter multi-dimensional destruction and it is a vile organized global hate program 

~ they focus on the light workers, they peer into your Akash and those that have not been stripped get paid well to destruct, attack, voodoo, magic the ones they are paid to target and sabotage on an daily basis  ~ the elites think they are feeding on such 0 and what they do not know - they will all begin to be diseased from the inside out - -their demons will eat them inside out - and bring karma hourly -  ~ all human testing, human experimenting programs
#projectstargate #MKUltra #mindscraping  ~ I was the only one on this planet that was given in channelling 'mind-scraping' and 'elite soul harvesting' for a reason - GOD WILL LIFT that which is pure and true of the global organized utter inhumane hater destruction agendas and the governments, leaders - know who they are and what they have directed, allowed, and the immense damage will only be shown when each 50+ in my particular case - will go through the equal torment done to me - -  I survived for a reason - this is a global shadow - and all is 100% healable as all leaders have been told and none did a thing to make right do right --  ~ to this day - NOT 1 person, group or government has made right on what WILL BE THE WORLDS MOST PROFOUND EGREGIOUS HUMAN ABUSE covert mess that goes from the top down and will be faced  #youtubeCorruption  The masons over time -- due to the DM distorted unhealed beliefs over time have become so very horrible harmful, dangerous to our entire collective - -- -their DF wounding, DM must power over all and they refuse to heal their issues - gender, sexual preference, explorations in a mature ways, they live in the only way for them to justify their manliness is domination and power - they abuse the bible, they abuse the word of God and they abuse laws, they abuse any and all things to feed the demon of no sense of self, and distorted beliefs of eons of misguidance of true power - -  These idiots - actually think - they control your life how you walk, live, believe and who you will be attracted to and addicted to - they believe they can send in minions and dark ass people to throw you off and the same dark ass cycle as the same 5000 yrs before of 'sabotage - the light' dugghhh - do you think we have 0 access to GOD and what who and how we operate -- - - these people are pure ignorance and I will show I will run circles around all in court - the highest Courts on this planet will hear every word of my story and every deed done in the dark and the players involved DM on our planet need to go within daily and heal such issues of power, winning, and heal - why would any think they have an ounce to ‘re- anything’ ??? And shows entirely how much such need assessment and seek the core of their delusions ~ mental emotional spiritual psychological trauma intentionally impaled over years decades lies defamation - crimes uncountable - is utter delusion -

There is no healed ~ DF that would engage nor allow such - You don’t get to rape multidimensionally and think you get to ‘re-anything’ You don’t get to exploit destroy withhold torment beyond understanding for sick misogyny domination to break a soul and think you are offered a door invite What is any
#calgaryCult #calgarypolice #corruptwarlocks #corruptMasons Insane on all levels - none are invited - none will ever be invited - stay the hell out of my energy - we will never ‘re-anything’ - ever - not in a billion timelines God has shown me —- the damages losses breaking of laws universally spiritually on all levels by all of the past - corrupt elite - corrupt officials - Epstein agendas - past people - cults covens witches masons false badges and leaders - the damages have been so immense to me and my multidimensional timelines bodies - none will none - NONE will stand before me ever in any ‘re’ It’s in my spiritual contracts - an oath from God 
#calgaryPolice do your investigations - - -do the investigations on every signature of every one of these people and the forms, documents, every person they have touched, in court, medical, financial, and business - check the signatures, and forms, photoshopped experts and falsifying eveything they touch and officials being paid off 

- - DO YOUR INVESTIGATIONS and stop wasting the time of the innocent that have given you spoon fed details and guilty verdicts of all involved - -do your job!!!!! 

Global laws need and will be re-written 
City awareness and new support, aid, protection for any and all victims of cult, coven, harvesting rings - trafficking rings -and insurance scheme, inheritance scheme rings that are done on a top down level - -the elites, leaders - do not want the TRANSFER of WEALTH to occur and why they have been so eager to have BIT money and how easy it will be to corrupt and control other forms when wealth transfer is done

~~~~ AGENDAS to control information, data, technology, money - is the 0 care for the divine plan and control is control, domination is domination - -

The light workers have been under organized abuse, organized attacks for decades and more importantly the last 10 yrs in our raising of our consciousness --
They know once you reunify with Source, they will not have access to your choices, energy, and voice - - money or family lineage

I have been systematic abused, my life written in lies, false stories, documentation, 0 substantiation of which I was actually there 

- - -I was never involved in any discussions, 0 present in any experimenting of my voice, signature, knowing, and willing giving of such - all the abuses are covert - they know who you are, they own your files, they own the back ground of your wealth and they assign community secret societies and promise them your inheritance cut for them to abuse you daily - keep you in daily confusion, and loss, and sabotage 

--- I have not been given a dime, not been shown any of my true birth documents, files, of the agendas tormenting, sabotaging my life daily since birth - -mind scraping ass mess, blocking and horrifying my life - through all they place before you - to ensure you Never make it out of their matrix of abuse and enslavement - -GOD allowed me to survive and share all the dirty secrets and the deeds that are done and none are the wiser - -

#systematicAbuses for control of the planets wealth - why would they want a DF powerful ancient and celestial being to have thier money - because they would bring healing and wisdoms never seen before and the 'control parties' could not control what she is how she does, says, and moves -- spirit is spirit and none will touch me - all have been shown -

TRUTH AND MAKING RIGHT is the only way through this gate of your souls evolution

you have had your play and demonic ways and enough is enough -- your enforcement entrapment, abhorrence to block, and deconstruct a divine sacred heavenly being has been tormenting and horrible and all will face equal debts - -that is the spiritual laws -

-- while the corrupt criminals white collar crime, trafficking agents - get your money, life, ideas, and falsify Internet business pretending to be you and make more money - -

IT IS A GLOBAL swapping of pure light with false satanic corrupt #EPSTEIN cloning type of sick ass elite handlers - - and it is deplorable who, how, so much money, organization, the affiliation businesses and the ones from the top down -

and if they cannot handle you - you are then slow daggared to be taken out -- Area #51, #MKUltra, #projectStargate, human testing, human experimenting, the governments have taken it upon themselves to be very elusive and egregious -- it will be proven, seen, evidence they cannot destroy or walk away from - their minions will whistleblow and the innocent will speak up- there will be accountability - -none will pass any realms until this judgement is within and GOD -- - LOWER REALMS --> you remain in lower realms - - darkness - hell
- MIDDLE REALMS ~~> you do the work and begin healing and potentiate a healed 3d, 4d, 5 D potential
is the middle realms - -
- 5D above ~~> HIGHER REALMS is infinite life, eternal life that GOD is offering all children on this planet - regardless of lower misguided, religious beliefs that must be transcended - these are keeping you small stuck and in subjugation to guilt, shame, and separation with GOD

GOD is not discriminatory and why in 5D and above - there is no religion - religion separates, how and why do we need so many religions on our planet - - GOD IS GOD - -in 5D there is no religion -- -you are simply one, all and GODLY - PERIOD - -

GOD does not say nor deem, nor force any of such - -explore beliefs - but never belong to a belief = that is dangerous - -giving power to your beliefs is dangerous - most beliefs are low vibrational and giving your power away -

~ 0 signatures
~ 0 approvals of any thing that was done, intended, schemed plotted, falsified on my life, birth records, and hiding of my monies, wealth, and my ancestors - as if I would not know my ancestors - and why they - these groups do so much mental mind scraping - -they want you to forget, not know, not remember who you are - -easier for them to pretend they are you - they have so much corrupt demonic wounding - they think they can step into divine role - but what has never happened before on this planet -- the world will awaken 

VIBRATION IS EVERYTHING & for the first time ever -- - humanity is SEEING FEELING - - you cannot FAKE being aligned with the divine fathers plan --

Personal selfish agendas are not GOD aligned - -there is a divine plan for all humanity - you either get it or you do not - - you either do the healing and align or you will not evolve

This is our final 3D experience - there will be no further incarnation into a 3D experience - you will not get to learn your karma lessons over - -this is it --

51% of your 3D - 5D karmic DF / DM energy must be healed - -
Less than
No Sense of Self
domination and power over others control over others - is never GODLY - -

what do you exist within
what is within you

DO THE INNER WORK - - you cannot fake being 'consciously aligned'

TRANSMUTING your own density to LIGHT is a vibrational shift and feeling - it can be felt, seen, known, and understood - it is real tangible and the collective is seeing it - - -

ENERGY IS REAL - - GOD IS REAL and tangible - - -

-- WORDS MEANS NOTHING and the corrupt have been getting away with murder - -because they abused their power, systems, and paid all off to be corrupt and lie, cover up for their horrible deeds -- they would speech speech and manipulate energy and the way -

BUT WHAT IS CHANGING. - YOU CANNOT FAKE< speech, VIBRATION - why would 10,000's of stand before the White House and stand in prayer -- regardless of their denomination or what they claim to belong to - - the purity of their heart was 'we intend higher aligned leaders'

YOU CANNOT FAKE BEING GOD ALIGNED and has 0 to do with religion 
I speak nothing of the bible - no passages on any level -- - Jesus is my brother - I channel GOD and I know who I am and I will not hide behind anything nor prove anything - I KNOW WHO I AM as GODLY 

NONE will none can say they are aligned and be of good will while their affiliate businesses are for the taking raping, trafficking of humanity - -it is being seen daily - 

I WAS SYSTEMATICALLY abused since the day I was born - these people knew who I was, and every detail about my life was an illusion - so they would swap, steal, cover up, and maintain thier power - -once a DIVINE BEING AWAKENS - there is never going to be 'control' again and for the reptilian abusers. harvesters that have taken out distorted and tried to eliminate bloodlines -- of holy and royalty -- they only care for dominance and power - -no power is power if this how you behave and there is multi-versal divine order and I AM IT - - 

SPIRITUAL LAWS and SPIRITUAL process of every soul is - - none will escape what must be faced, looked at, experienced, as your own impaling to another is yourself -- there is only oneness, there is only unity consciousness and none will get around facing the lower vibrational church and state that have been keeping humanity sick, disillusioned and impaled in much injustice and all get paid but the 85% that are not elite 

THIS IS truth and a hard pill to swallow - my person story and case - global organized crime, elite and leadership inhumane 'take out' agendas - -related to much that Epstein was a mirror to will have to faced how low we allowed ourselves to go and how egregious certain beings have been to every law, every ounce of sacredness GOD has ever gifted -- all will have to do the inner daily ascension path work - you will not get through evolution of your soul, you will not move into 5D without facing daily DF / DM energy imbalances and healings - - -

- - they will do anything for control - - US and governments and those that are so eager for information, data, and no money money -- it is easier for them to control corrupt, take, and manifest into their agendas - and control the minds, souls, spirit, voices, of humanity - they are low vibrational mentally warped and disconnected beings - they are not wise, not connected, not aligned with the heavens - and I will challenge any in court and I will challenge any false ass billion $$$ #youtubeCorruption and I will win - - - God has promised me - none such vile malicious intentional tormenters rapers of my soul for personal gain - will not ever re - No reincarnation- no retry, no pals no nothing - there simply was a times up - no redemption to these stalkers spies hackers harvesters liars - abusers killers of light life - there was abhorrence to gross degrees Not 1 person group business has made peace for me Not 1 has returned monies stolen property energy time wasted life or work platform corrections - none has done 1ounce of making right and all still sit in gross darkness of non accountability and not healing 15 federal crimes are criminal abuse None none of the 50+ will be allowed - destroying the most innocent healer teacher in the planet for disgusting underground satanic rituals and ownership is not a ‘key’ deed to earn you any ‘re’ Sacred life Sacred engagement Sacred devotion Sacred evolution You have to earn your place in this eternal journey - caring about life and not destroying it is kinda a thing

I owe none My karma is clear - my contracts are all closed My new timeline is now None have been invited None have a say take touch on my spirit soul - all are released and forgiven and sent away You will never get a billionth chance with me I am sacred Abuse is not a 5D way - grow up and get assessed and get healed There is 1 person that is given permission to approach and provide reparations of damages done if they take account and the window is not left open forever - My life will not be put on hold for any I deserve what I have earned I deserve all my work videos devotions have invested in - none not 1 invested nor gave nor believed nor did anything but try to take me out abuse harvest steal defame exploit - we ain’t friends You don’t will never take money to sacrifice bring me down in any way and do so for years at a time - destroy my family work soul health and think we pals - it’s disgusting and all need assessment 

I have a contract, union, enmeshment with God that none know, none will peer into, none will get between, none will change, none will take from me, none will make less than, none will distort, none will make me nor GOD any different and these sick satanic, misgoynistic masochistic domination control freaks ache to get between you and what is earned -- -soul union, soul healing is untouchable -- PERIOD -- 

No brain washing scheme, plot, technique with MKUtlra horrible tactics -- cannot believe the horrible horrible attempts these vile dark people - - where there is $$$$ millions infused into - - to ensure they can 'handle and control' you and is will be unveiled in my world wide, global unveiling and GOD has prepared me and the collective to see, what I have taken the hit for and taken many sacrifices for the collective to truly SEE and face the shadow of how corrupt, how vile, how selfish such programs have been of church and state
-- and NONE NONE NONE will escape - - - 

You will never evolve, you will never pass into Heaven - until you FACE Your deeds, choices, beliefs -- PERIOD -- there is a process for your souls transitions -- you will not miss what is divine process and none have say over this - no pope nor church nor small 3 D beliefs - these beliefs are nothing to what is TRUTH of all creational SOUL PROCESS of SOURCE with SOURCE 


Forgiven - -- -
I AM KARMA FREE - -why would any that has done the work allow karmic unhealed, pathological liars, warped abusers back into their life -- - NO THANK YOU - - UNIVERSAL RIGHTS ARE and you do not get to eternally abuse 

LAWS ARE LAWS and higher order is higher order -- get right! 
God will simply not allow any of the past to step near me - the soul damage was immense - I deserved not 1 ounce of it All communication must go through JNelson@speclaw.ca All donations sessions ~> PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rs_c... So be it I am that I am Celeste PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Copyright ©️ None had an ounce of anything over my life - the abuses were uncountable the loss damages thefts destruction was cruel and unusual Go heal

I am Celeste The Galactic Princess PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Donations healing activations and vocational alignments ✨✨✨✨✨ *** 90 min sessions $250usd *** 4x45min sessions $550usd PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss

I WILL MEET WITH NONE I am on new timelines new world vibrations and my energy or time will not be wasted this is the law of higher order


#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity


Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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