The Truth About WHY Higher Order is -= - Our Foundational Beginning to Unity Consciousness
There is always higher order dimensional ethics, spiritual laws that reach to all that is - - all that SOURCE is for all unity, all life, all aspects of who we are and have always been -- time to grow, evolve, and expand into higher order potentials, that will allow for us to align in spiritual healing, teaching, guiding, and systems for all humanity - -
Light Education is essential and many of us have been brought, chose to come here in the most difficult contracts, karmic lessons, and groups to assist in transcending what has been = - -
there will be a whole new area of study, study and healing for such disconnected, demonically abusive beings - dark occult and underground such tactics will be seen - live in dark magic - what do you think your outcome will be and return will be - healers do not do magic - we are evolved and heal such victims from the abuses of wounded souls -
The horrible thing is - there are cults covens, masonic groups maffia groups in all cities and they all use, abuse, energy dark occult, satnaic methods to control, dominate, interfer and ruin peoples lives for money and inheritance, property, business, and false levels of ranking - how can any be ranked and why would you ache for such ranking - destroying people ??
Understanding slow daggar, systematic abuse, is a very damaging, mentally, emotionaly, spiritually, physically damaging - - on any all levels and most do not survive - the intention is to enforce insanity and disease, and corruption, false stories, false narratives, lies, deceit, they will falsify documents, medical records, and even use 'doppelgänger' look alike and do snuff and sex videos and sell on the black web and exploit and the lengths such will go to RICO - - poison, falsify, sabotage your work like, hack your computer and emails - - all will do whatever they will to take you out and bring you to poverty, insanity, and cruel and unusual abuses that will again - few will get up from - -
Alliance with Light is the only way to survive and keep speaking out of the such communities cults, gangs, witches, warlocks, and covens, masonic grouping, and government entities and what is done in the dark - they all scheme, plot, plan, they all knew what they took money more - sacrificing and voodoo and spell work - - simply left me for dead - paying the community to destroy my life - the life of their children's mother - - because I chose to heal and divorce the deceit and pathological lies, defamation, and discrimination while I sat homeless and with nothing -
The #calgaryPolice did nothing - several police reports and targeting mess - who is the top dog paying the cities and cults - who is paying - - -they were all told and all know who is doing what - dark occult crime #systematicAbuse is Criminal abuse #misogyny #satanicAbuses
#RICOCrimeRings #CalgaryCrimeRings Dark occult warlocks, and spirittual hitmen witches, warlocks - all 50+ will be charged and all any has to do is investigate the money, IP, history search on the bullies that gang on my live stream - sign on 15+ at a time and then when I say the IP names addresses are being investigated they leave - #youtubeCorruption #organizedCrime in every city - and there is 0 education, 0 support and helping the innocent - o0 laws - and officials are getting paid and organizing the hits against innocent healer, light workers and psychics - higher vibrational teachers - -why do the low vibrational wounded corrupt traffickers and criminals of dark occult crime - get to take people out and sacrifice daily - and why do they have more rights, leeway and walking free while their victims get abused, targetted, sabotaged, - slow daggared and rarely make it out - intimidation - maffia level abuses =
I will never stand down - and send me any magic maffia you want - -GOD will pluck each and every one and GOD SAYS - I wish they would - - if you have a problem with my light and helping those heal and calling out abuse - systematic horrible horrible inhumane abuse - take it up with GOD - GOD wishes you would - but you do not - these cult people warlocks corrupt elites - hide behind false churches, and false dark places and throw rocks and stay hidden while they blame and falsify on their victims as if surviving was not enough - these groups are in every city - and global authorities are all in on various aspects of such abuses and the innocent are rarely brought justice ------ UNTIL NOW - you all tried the wrong light worker -- - I wish a witch would - - try me - - corrupt mason, try me corrupt maffia dude and corrupt leader - TRY ME - - see what and how your karma unfolds -- you do not get entitlement to abuse and you will go down - cowards
ALL WILL be sued and all will get 15-25life in prison if they make it out of the heavenly plucking - - and the karma and lower realms all will sit for eternity - simply due to wounds they all could have healed - selfish jealousy hate and discrimination - lower beliefs and wounding the leaders of every country refuse to bring education, wisdoms, and healing to the people about GOD and higher order of who we are and what ascension is all about - NONE WILL BE MISSED
Humanity must face how much is occurring in every city and the calling, conjuring - you are calling in demons and no one is talking how to understand and heal and protect your life force, and fields, and chakras and how to discern those that live in dark demonic work - -
There are many infinite hybrid beings - - Crystal children, indigo, star-seeds of many realms and DNA allocation, high functioning rainbow of autisms and higher dimensional capacity - which is what autism truly is - - they / we operate at a higher capacity for harmony, codes, information, dimensional bandwidth and we simply are not meant to 'fit in' into a lower nomenclature - - we will step into higher vibrational being-ness as we heal, daily path work, daily self love and self design and releasing all that has been church and state conformity
~~~ even in our earlier childhood- there has been many early imprints of osctrascization bullying, and projections of the harsh, dense, and oftentimes very abusive families we were dropped into and chose - -- we take on very challenging contracts - we do so because we can, are, and will be able to place forth for our collective and thus - in such, we have been even so into our adulthood
My lifetime contracts were the most expansive that any DF had ever taken on and master at my level and for very specific evolutionary reasons for the children's collective and how what, why children can heal from even the most abusive environments and systematic enforced lower vibrational constructs and inhumane acts of wounding - - and I will be creating much in research and development of such consciousness, multi-D bodies, fields, chakra repair, sensory system repair, trauma reliefs of 'survival mode' that empaths, higher sensitives live with and the collective being so 'turned off and disconnected' have no clue the damage they do the very beings here to help heal and lift the entire collective up
~~ there is no cult, coven, mason, witch, warlock that has an ounce of clue of what 1 divine sensitive child or DF that they impale is to fully encompass in their life, nor what any one person is moving through in their ascension journey of releasing trauma, or memories of deep abuse and separation and then to be impaled on a daily basis by horror, torment, MKUltra type of attacks is beyond uncontienable in its worst degree -- there are few, - as Source told me this morning - I was the only survivor of the era of testings, experimenting, and attacks from community cults, that go on in every city - its like a sick game of abuse and domination and the policing, authorities

- DO NOTHING because they are all getting paid, and organized within maonsic, cult, mess and I will tell all NOW _ _ you will never be ranked, you will never come out of what lower realms --- ever - you will be moved - -you will not earned 5D nor healing, nor support, nor protection on the demonic energies you call to another, nor you project, nor you stalk and hack or spy forth into any others life - there is divine order now and all will be shifted, moved, dealt karma daily until you all get it - -you are not entitled to abuse - you are behaving as wounded bullies and will be pulled out for your moving into the lower realms and feed off of other hateful beings - you will not remain in our collective - - there is no ranking in tormenting the innocent --
- -if we make it out of the tremendous social programming, expectations, enforcements, and such agendas of suppression, systematic abuse and the human testing that has gone on, still going on by such leaders that have had -0 alignment and 0 knowledge, 0 care for the damages they have done to the entire collective and thus their soul, lineage and what they will most likely never ever return to a body - - - understanding consciousness and how you evolve is crucial at this time -
CONSCIOUSNESS is earned and you will not come into a form - this being our last 3D timeline and if you are not evolving in every cycle offered, grace, and those guides before you, teachers before you, healers before you - and such basic human laws, common sense, would dictate - 'do unto others' may not be understandable to the deeply wounded, disconnected, and demonic entity attachment from the decades of abuses of dark occult, voodoo, black magic, and other such occult 'enforcements' of intention, direction, focus which is the reality creation equation
~~ gifted beings that are meant to bring our collective into higher consciousness are human honouring beings and any thinking they have a right to harvest, traffic, use, and destroy or handle to be a trafficked controlled minion - -#projectStargate
NONE have a right to enforce human abuse for simply we are higher vibrational and higher intelligence - -its criminal abuse - - #calgaryCult #calgarypolice #CorruptGovernment
False files, lies, ID, birth documents - all know what they have done, chose to keep doing, daily hits on my life, suppression and youtube taking money to suppress and keep me unseen to the world -- there is ample evidence and none will be missed and I will not settle - - every city, every business, every bank,
~ 0 validation of signatures,
~ 0 due diligence on any privacy, medical, financial and technology laws -- the torment an dPTSD, daily abuse, suppression, emotional mental, enforced, black magic, selfish life plots and plans on a group, gang, scale, with experts in every facet of our society - to ensure the criminals and pedophiles walk free to do more mysterious deaths, sacrifices, and poisoning - diseases, and basic destruction - where do you think the black magic will go when all you do is conjure hate and death for money - - all lies, all false - -I will run circles around all in court - -GOD has all where GOD wants ALL - - walked all yourselves into the corner --
ALL WILL BE SUED, CHARGED and none will be left out -- 50+ involved -
See all in criminal court - -its going all the way - -discrimination, cruel and unusual inhumane abuses - sabotaging, tormenting my life daily to never receive and never be seen - as if any lower vibrational idiocy has an ounce on my potential - -
I survived decades of abuse, wrote 3 books, systematically called out all of your abuses and healed, and transcended daily hate and attacks of death and I am the crazy one??? And you all keep trying to attack and spell cast and you keep doing what is not working and is that not insane? when you do the same thing expecting a different response -/???
~ 1000+ rituals on my life
~ 45+ sacrifices on my life
~ 200+ selling of my name, energy, life, gifts, spiritual ranking in the underground pyramid snuff mess satanic and masonic corrupt hitmen, 33rd degree eastern hitmen and spiritual killers - you will never be ranked - ever
~ 50+ involved and paid, took money, knew all the moves, years of abuse, taking money to look the other way on misogynist hitmen, pedoohiles and corrupt sex covens passing diseases while defaming and blaming their victims -
~ 0 victims rights of abuses on every level of human rights, abuse of power, abuse of privacy laws, abuse of medical information and birth records - there is not 1 ounce of my life these groups did not peer into and falsify and go into and then rip apart and falsify and do spell work on the world and my platforms to rip up, destroy who I am and will always be -
I should not have gotten up - -
'there was immense damage done to your sensory systems and we are involving many higher groups, beings, to help rebuild you and you have offered much to our multi-versal healing systems for children coming out of the planetary abuse systems and the higher vibrational children offered for your evolutions'
~ Systems of Light, Ashtar - - on my life contract to assist the many life programs for our healing, rebuilding in tremendous dark occult covert abuse -
Every deed done will be pulled, plucked, and the only way through this phase is TRUTH and making right - - your deeds, lies, deceptions, and games of voodoo - all will be known --
systematic abuse is rampant in every city and the officials are doing nothing - and court, justice, the innocent are being corrupted on all levels
- - and all such cults, covens, secret societies that are paid, or simply choose to dominate, control, and systematically abuse for their gain, and manipulation - - discourse of basic human rights, laws, and destiny of what a soul, spirit is meant to traverse without any interference is a challenge enough in such suppressive systems of fear-based intentions and broken leaders, and such as systems they create and intend for the collective - - lower vibrational 3D fear-based, control intentions - and what will you get ???
~~ SELF DESIGN The Akash and any telling you ‘your role’ to establish power of the divine plan - they are not and will not be a 5D healer or leader - Intuitives trained empower offer insight empowerment encouragement to the inner work and inner excavation you have to do - It is of the highest order ~ never take away the journey of exploring source and reunifying with all the magical moments of alchemy that is Source returning to your every ounce of life Why there will have to be a levelling up to our entire spiritual community to new ‘higher order’ alignment of vocational offering - every new phase must be practice entrain higher order morals ethics guidance to the seeking We are not to play ‘director’ ever Be weary of any telling dictating manipulation of such - skilled dark empathy and warlocks witches infuse chaos magic and intentional messages or deflection - they will wrap you in before you get out - Simply be aware of the vibration. Dark warlocks witches feel dark chaotic imbalanced and off - Higher Order of our most sacred records are protected by the heavens and highly evolved 13th D beings I had a person - a minion of a sect group that was trying to recruit me for their ‘billion dollar’ organization and rungs of power of world domination- Within the first paragraph I could read the intention and energy of the group The emails were ‘brain washing cult’ misinformed big daddy power by abusing the structures of church - religious text and thinking they will tell you who you will be to join them and work with them It was truly creepy and these people have organized groups sects and are behaving like minions for their ‘self delusions’ like they know ascension - gods plan but 0 alignment - just manipulation and projecting - mental enforcing of ideas and 0 respect for universal laws or the higher self - why? They are not aligned The higher self would never say what was in the emails I received It was cult brain washing for feeding using manipulation and make fake ‘prophet pages’ and fool many These people are not powerful None that use money and position as lures and telling you who you are and will be with their aid - close and walk the other way - God is pure Light Truth Never filled with ego tripping Outdated discrimination and power tripping wounded disconnected souls It will all come out The global organized criminal abuse sects groups that are simply doors to trafficking Harvesting is the biggest abuse in our planet - broken leaders broken systems Harvesting is the 100% misguidance 0 alignment -0 connection with spirit - 0 alignment or enmeshment within of the higher self No healing No soul fragment healing You cannot fake being aligned and soul infused - you simply cannot fake being God infused - they connect with warped wounds so called leaders and systems ~ it’s being shown everywhere ~ do the daily self loving path work ~ a divine aligned healer teacher initiated will always empower ‘sovereignty’ never ever give your power away to any knowing designing you than you and your inner compass with God God is within Period Harvesting is when you take and use manifest underground harvesting trafficking rings using light beings to do rituals and siphon from others that are aligned of light higher order and wisdoms while you claim their life energy content and abuse dark occult with groups to ritualize what’s not yours ~ we are seeing energy and those aligned are hot commodity
~ elites have been using hiding what how they do what they do while 95% of the population sits in poverty ~ harvesting is the taking through dark occult intentional rituals covert abusive ways oftentimes without you knowing ~ underground cults selling your name to false marriages you gave 0 permissions nor awareness of ~ none have an ounce to sell life - period or abuse light workers for testing trading destiny swapping agendas by false corrupt lazy wounded beings that would rather put you in an #epstein lab and extract your essence with 30 satanic cult chanters calling your soul to them They have no clue This is being done weekly Innocent are being drained used and their chakras and energy is forever altered

It’s criminal abuse Mind numbing voodoo Memory washing Brain washing Mind scraping All is dark occult abuse for the disconnected false leaders prophets due to their - wounding and refuse to get their own energy All have energy Your vessel - beliefs knowing is dark or healed and light Energy Consciousness of light is EARNED You cannot fake swap - at some point all the deeds spells will be recalled for your souls lessons You must heed higher universal laws None will be missed All must understand ….. do you think your souls blueprint that your soul spirit wrote with god before incarnating and what would be included if you choose self love and getting up to heal your karma
~~> do you not think that god knows what god is doing and would give covens cults groups gangs the ‘same’ destiny gifts skills energy that only 1 can be do fulfill and can you ‘get’ that you are not meant to be like any other No other is meant for your divine alignment - it’s impossible A souls journey is unique through all time space and unique lessons You are meant to be you Your blueprint is filled with gifts just for you Wounding is ‘no sense of self - no belonging ‘ and they seek such but they join hate groups to attack those that do refuse hate and discrimination and disconnect from source Choose self love
Choose the long game Choose alignment with your teams and higher self God has a plan just for you - none on earth know of such - be weary of those that claim To see know unless they are prepared initiated through the masters God light systems and the Akash - most are not Most are self aggrandizing and harvesting to self gain - dark occult abuses have no right - none have a right to touch nor read nor peer into any others AKASH- be very discerning any group cult sect disgusting any persons records - these will lead you to hell and a ton of karma and again is that your compass??
There will not be an infinite amount of 3D timelines - this is it - -the last offering for getting and transcending 3D soul evolution into 5D - - - for eternal life - the eternal life offer requires a multi-dimensional higher order divine approach and that church and state simply do not have and done everything to suppress our human collective - -
We are multi-dimensional beings -- and there is no light intelligence, education, higher order being offered but the ones that are being systematically abused, targeted and placed on watch lists - -this is egregious and human rights offences while impaling us daily is criminal abuse and all will be offered hourly karma in whatever way GOD, Source, and your own soul says 'this is the deeds and level of beliefs, this is the equal response for all to get universal laws, and our unity to all and each other - - '
None play God over any - and #youtubeCorruption will be liable for every day my life, suppression, and silencing with 0 cause and 0 rights - and all is evidential - - there is historical clicking of every key that is on every IP computer and channel and no billion $$ company is left untouched - -
None have a spec of right to touch and interfere with any others life - in any way
In my channeling with Source The Mother Father last night with the councils of light …. ‘The Father is not happy on the disregard and follow through of karmic contracts repayment for the closing out and evolving into new spirals of becoming’ There are ‘making right and truth’ required so that you ‘get’ how unity consciousness is what returns is all you and the damages you do affect the all ~ especially to a DF ancient prophet and healer meant to lead the collective - the karma is worse and depths of weights each will carry when all deadlines are missed and not 1 ounce returned and not 1 ounce of the ‘bare minimum’ requirements for my peace and what god graced all with - That is the ignorance of demonic entities and ego - you would rather take any to not be accountable than ‘do right’ to decades of horrible cruel inhumane abuse and theft ~~~ Secret society abuses - speak out The banishment to never touch light of such groups is very real - that is the lower realms - They behave and act like vampires obsessed and require sometimes protection orders ~ also why the degrading or careless sexual abuses - underground trafficking those that ‘do business’ and top dog handlers - none will be missed and your karma will be 20 fold when all know, have been told and on my channel- been shown all for years and how many act offer give human justice - help - honour ??? All are being judged by the heavens None get a free pass The lower disconnection ~ all healable The corrupt church and state behaving like barbaric bullies and 0 education on divine evolution of our souls and planet consciousness ~ ‘the Father is very disappointed and the hand of God will bring you daughter all you have earned’
Because none that were guided to ‘do right’ and make right ~~ refused They cared not for the damages to humanity by ceiling shadow banning - silencing birth false information- ~ they cared not for the depths of soul damage and innocent ~ decades of black dark occult ~ lies deceits manipulations that affected over 50 people and their family’s decades of organized systematic abuses - all involved knew were shown and given millions of opportunities to do right - not 1 ~ 50 involved - #calgarycult #projectStargate #corruptGovernment ~ the suffering I voiced for years showed #youtubeCorruption ~ validations in giving policing and investigative teams even CIA that watch me - leadership offices that watch and benefit from my higher order All take use and get 190% accuracy while I sat homeless and impaled sabotaged poverty and make no mistake ….. doing nothing is your karma All benefit while I sat exhausted and broke and stalked blocked systematically enforced into nothing for the selfishness of very toxic toxic wounded people ~ not only did I survive and get out that they still refuse to stop trying to harvest and bully to enforce me back into their dying cults covens cities of corruption ~ but they still try to pay whoever they can to take me out #secretSocietyAbuses #corruptMasons This is what happens when you choose darkness - sexual debauchery with 0 intelligence of what how you are calling demons to your body mind ~ and these practices are your compass? ~ dark occult abuses and how you call demons to your mind brain bodies and all choices ~~> affect the all
You will not walk away nor will you be free of every deed of torment abuse theft every dollar wasted spent - you will face it God was so very graceful #calgarycult Common sense and laws mean nothing There will not be a light incarnation nor healthy body mind brain ~~ why all are being eaten by demons from the inside out ~ ‘God is manifesting demise for each and they will all wish they had not tried you’ ‘You will be honoured for your achievements in human evolution regardless of any earth counter - Gods will is’ None write ✍️ It’s so sad and I cry often ~ as unconditional as I have given freely healings and wisdoms and light all benefit from - the only ounce of receiving and ‘making right’ was Gods hand enforcing it ~~ none had the courage nor balls nor nobility or conscience to do right ~~~ thus then - demise is the souls choice None escape laws What gave any 1 ounce to scheme plot a master teacher healer seer of the divine and think you will walk with their gifts and inheritance ???? Do these dark occult ways twisted sick Harvesting practices seem like your lineage is being lifted ???
You will bring karma to all your next lifetimes if you are given another chance to have a body - and the children you say you care for You have no clue Church and state - disconnection from Source - misguidance misinformation on higher order laws ~> God and our quantum affect on all life and the devastation to the seeding and healing I offer all planets 🪐 is simply so very disappointing and disturbing God literally had to step In - that’s the rude awakening all world leaders will face
Our Lightship Ascension Video - inspire our connections of unity ( and why #youtubeCorruption are all my videos coded 3x's longer than any other channels links? - why are the pilfering on my uploads of livestream ?
I show the views, and streams - - yet Youtube continues to be paid to silence me - and these are the elites of the world ??? and thus - this is all the last 3D timeline and all will remain in the dark realms until the consciousness and lessons are earned of unity consciousness and return to self love, source, compassion, and oneness --
God is not religion
Our multiverse is quantum
Source - God ~ Mother Father are within each and when you destroy 1 it is God and you ~ it’s all one
In higher dimensions there is no judgment discrimination or such wounding - we heal it and live as one
Return to source
Fractals of the dodecahedron
It’s all I teach
Copyright ©️
None ever had permission to use my work ideas or name content in any ‘manifesting’
~ there is only 1 person ~ king that is allowed to be in my energy and practice with each other of such - there is initiating and healing and setting boundaries respectfully to know how to work with such sacred gifted divine energy
~ only 1 has been given divine permission by me - he knows who he is and has done so responsibly as he is learning such telepathy and sacred play 💕
For decades - there has been abuse theft fraud harvesting testing experimenting and 0 regard for life or the sacredness of IT all being GOD
Quantum love To all life - so much misguidance The leaders and sect cults covens mafias corrupt ass leaders officials - all will face every deed you scapegoat take money falsify and rape the innocent Karma will not stop until balance is restored. Thank you God Thank you to my ancestors for stepping in to bring down the egregious thieves Thank you to Gaia for protecting and cloaking me and the innocent for these shifts You think you all are so ‘secret’ Secret groups secret files secret meetings …. how do you think I heard ‘I want her gone - she’s bad for business’
There were only 2 of you in the room and I heard it - you think you are so secret All are being watched. The watchers are watching all And the mother and father will have say on who passes through any gate All past will be blocked - I will not give an ounce -- - All documents mail stolen or property monies inheritance COMMUNICATIONS - all must go through There were nothing but criminal abuse criminal acts - stepping before me is not an option God has advised I complete protection orders restraining orders as now all are known by investigators and ample evidence to prosecute
These are connected to other affiliate sects groups and crime rings globally and need to get to the core sociological issues of the discrimination abuses against basic human rights Dogmatic misguidance Suppressions and religious traumas of not belonging and simply wrong outdated church and state leaving the soul wounded and 0 light intelligence I am preparing a ‘sociological outline’ for research and development to create new laws systems and healing collectively What are the leaders doing ? Putting me in watch lists staking me and copying taking my work while I sit in poverty - 0 intelligence 0 due diligence - 0 making right #projectStargate This is the shift The first will be last
The lady will be first and God will bring the unexpected - matters not small beliefs and misogyny dictatorship Gods will is God gave all 3 yrs - nothing but more schemes plots plans to escape criminal prosecution Thank you to my handful of loyal donators - clients - you truly saved me You will be lifted in grace and rainbow light 💫💋💫💋💫💋 I love you dearly My disciples And we will have an incredible abundant year in seeding new earth star 💫 I am Celeste The galactic Princess None can move into higher resonance or new cycles if you are not doing the daily path work and ‘getting the souls’ lessons to show you have earned a new life cycle God is God will assign protection and scrambled messages to those that think they play God - Any and all is Source Some are in a lot of wounding and refusing to heal - discern Church and state will simply not assist empower you to align and evolve to 5D - all were given years to take opportunities to include and level up their ways - they still stalk spy use and pretend they gave answers while the platforms are closed 0 growth - veiled suppressed So be it Awareness Wisdom is alignment is everything Ascension is all inward journey God is I am Celeste Galactic princess There are 750 ascension free classes meditations wisdoms - get on that self discovery journey - you will be amazed what YOU find - more you The soul is Copyright ©️ All paths will teach you - none are wrong - simply tune in vibrationally - you will always get your lesson The long game is mastery This sacred journey is not a race
#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
#heavenly #healingrelationships

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