Friday, 21 February 2025

The Grace Offering -- Show the WAY -- #5

 SHOW THE WAY - -- - What How - - #5D Soul Progression, Soul Healing

Ascension Soul fragment healing As the shifts and falling of towers of 'misaligned beliefs, business, family, and cities due to corrupt actions, beliefs, secret this and secret that' Spirit has suggested I make this clear and as if it was not previous........ You will not ascend in dark occult work You will not ascend in secret this and that You will not ascend buying your way into anything nor cloaking your energy with the innocent and children Ascension is inner divine work PERIOD THOSE THAT wish to 'know the way' as stated before -- I will not show you my magic, and I will not be your ears, or eyes for gold and oil - - I am a guide and messenger, vibrational healer - - prophecy - - is my word with god and as I speak so too it is and I will not speak your life into change - that is your job -- the long game is and DIVINE SOURCE IS GOD IS I will not be used, sold, traded, touched or mentioned in the black web and if you have done so, taken my name into your spaces to make your manifestations more - - you will get karma - -that is not the way All that have done the most are sitting eye-ball deep in karma and #calgaryCult - the years of pre-meditated plots on my life, every person involved from top down, all need to confess and do thier 'redemption - truth' to the local authorities - -I am not your redeemer - - time was up 3yrs ago it is key you all sit in your karma and heed your souls lessons THE ONLY WAY THROUGH is TRUTH and making right - -- - GOD directs all how to make right and some will owe me monies wasted, taken, withheld, and utterly abusing me and will be on a deadline - - already passed, to return it all to me for the degradation and messing with what you had no legal, nor spiritual rights to - -

IF you wish you 'know the way' for your soul, spirit, body, health, family - align your business and begin anew -- under only the direction of Source and your highest self - - ~~~~> YOU MUST BOOK A SESSION SESSION details ~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer ✨✨✨✨✨✨
Ascension Sessions ~~> 90min @ $250 usd ~~> 4x45min @ $550usd Copyright ©️ I love being a conduit - vibrational healer teacher and only if you are guided and have chosen to actually do the inner work and put your ego and underground life aside -- - you can book a session -- if you are patterned to be a black web agent, and day trader -- I am not your person, never will be - - you must do the inner work and all past people of #calgaryCult  Daily black magic, sex magic, rico crime ring scheme, plots, plans, - -all knew exactly daily sabotaging and hate crimes they all chose -- and for any to say 'oops didn't mean it is a joke' ---  ~ over 15 federal crimes, falsifying everything that had my name on it and left me for dead is not an oopps all know what each chose, the 50+ and who had been directing hits over years and wasting my life as if it meant nothing - and all the damages done -- we will simply not ever be pals, friends, or tribe - you all will be and should be assessed and seek counselling, and how you life will look when the years of theft, fraud, crime and premeditated murder plots, slow daggar, come to surface and evidence mounts

- - all know what they stole, took, withheld, refused to bring truth and clarity, paperwork, mail, property and monies that all knew they were living criminal lives on what they had no right to touch, own, claim as theirs -- all know what they did, chose, and took part in --   SPIRITUAL CONTRACTS  ~~~ lets be very clear -- spiritual contracts are the most sacred your soul designs for your highest and best and for the very clearing of karma from past timelines and choices of less than, lack, dark occult, and so on in previous realms, dimensions, timelines of your bodies, forms, and tribes  -- these are VERY IMPORTANT CONTRACTS and not something you can sleep away with frivolous intent to think any divine being will wait for you, nor think you can treat as a back burner, option or possible fun time or trade for another that has bigger boobs or more money -- - if you choose to do so and be so detached and disconnected when you know that there is a soul spiritual contract - you will run the risk of never having that person angel, healer, and sacred contract ever again and you will sit in whatever hell you chose -- - You cannot sleep around in spiritual contracts, you cannot navigate and play underground God in sacred contracts, and you cannot think for a second that your money, false title, or position -- leader or politician will gain you a space next to any like me and it won't --  When you spit on the divine in such a crass manner - -you will not be gifted other opportunities to advance your soul, lineage or tribe - - you belong with the multitudes and your tribe in the ethers are counting on you all 'getting this' - -- the ancestors are tired of protecting misguided warlocks, masons, and corrupt ring leaders that think they are God and makers of our world - -there is a stripping and no protection now -- you will be on your own and every demon, conjuring you drum up is in your body, head, and home until you 'get' this  The ancestors and angels are tired of playing babysitter to the immature and arrogant -- leaders will be called out - -warfare on technology weather and otherwise will be called out -- see my channels - - Egregious acts against others because you want to play magician with 0 knowledge nor care of laws, higher order nor the sacred sent before you and I ask once again -- at what point will you wake up and care about your souls evolution -- -the divine unicorn healers will not be a your saving grace nor your back pocket you think you have infinite access to - you just don't and won't  YOUR SOULS EVOLUTION is a gift and there will be no further offerings ..... -- GODS GRACE is a blessing - - ✨✨✨✨✨✨ Ascension Sessions ~~> 90min @ $250 usd ~~> 4x45min @ $550usd Copyright ©️ There are none that are allowed to approach me - - ALL MUST be directed by GOD, your higher self, and all monies and property and what is owed to me - - from the past
#calgaryCult, Calgary police courts - have to go through my lawyer - - - IF YOU want to seek higher vibrational living you must choose it and be it - -entrain anew - there is no other way to ascend than doing the inner work ----- if you want to be shown the way -- BOOK A SESSION I AM NOT EVER going to be FREE EVER There are 700 videos on my shadow banned platform - -- there are wisdoms beyond your now knowing -- - do the inner work and set forth anew with Source, God - -- -healing, activations, and alignment vocational and business or creative consulting - - BOOK A SESSION ALL KNOW WHAT THEY OWE ME  ALL KNOW WHAT THEY STOLE RETURN it - - - -  And so be it I am Celeste copyright -

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