Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Weekly Systems of Light Collective Ascension Updates, Important Celebratory Anchoring #5D

 New Earth Star đŸ’Ģ

Hooray hooray hooray Galactic Updates Copyright ©️ The last weeks worth of posts have been monumental ~ the ethereal realms been preparing All for what is unfolding ~ if you are tuned in to Source ~ you can feel it The official changing of the guard has been taking place ethereally and spiritual courts verdicts and sentences being delivered as we speak of such liberation for all the galaxy Gaia is instrumental The collective hearts have spoken - the decree is liberation light and higher evolution and all systems and ways will shift thusly Ethically and spiritually aligned entrained masters conduits seers telepaths of the heavens and systems of light warriors and legions of arch Angel Michael will be slowly but surely showing the way for higher ‘service and protection’ rather than ‘policing and enforcement ‘ I will be of service as ‘head creative consultant’ for such transitioning into higher education ~ higher care compassionate healing templates and unification in the earthly facets that fight against rather than working with Go back to such posts for your own downloads - as I am a conduit - christed orator - there are codes for those that choose to tap in Liturgies of light Education of metatronic light body harmonization - shifting importance to unity and health healing than church and state Churches will be required and are meant as community spaces for union healing gathering in open loving supportive forums - not doctrine of only 1 way to be and much research will be done in the outset of the cases reaching verdicts of the damages done from such harsh domination beliefs practices patterns and what that then does to the body There will be co- relation as we offered in our videos last year of ‘sociopathic narcissists and the indoctrinated ‘ taking of the sense of self away and how devastating it is to maintaining alignment with Source Why creative diversity and acceptance - practices I have offered will be highly substantiated and again - I can be offered as lead creative consultant on such studies - intention - how to set up and how to discern from a multi dimensional perspective - as if none of our research is multidimensional/ there is no healing that can be offered multidimensional ~ Big pharma will not be our 5D answer Light is our answer ~ Source unification ‘The fathers plan is moving forth with great excitement and celebration across the cosmos for those that have endured on behalf of collective healing stories and the showing of: how inter-related beliefs are equal to the manifestation of peace or separation and how church and state have been catalysts to entraining humanity into lower vibrations and illness ~ ~ your crystalline templates are all being upgraded - as Celeste has offered in her videos- there will be psychological symptomologies of such ~ you will be urged more daily with cocreating with your higher self for higher perspectives and new movements ~ there will be the geophysical shifts that must be a part of these density - light shifts ~ ‘friction’ and letting go of energies the collective has deemed necessary for forward movement into light ~ earth quakes and ocean movements are a part of this - Celeste will announce and know your daily practice in alignment will reduce structural damage of course ~ as light quickens the intention upon earth 🌍 - it will quicken your core state - thus then as Celeste has offered in turn will bring forth energies beliefs patterns that your daily path work can choose its validity in your life and then choose a new heart space choice and such is the constant ‘churning’ you will be become more efficient in your alchemy process Remind the children to ground and continue expression to keep a flowing state of energy as these powerful new earth star đŸ’Ģ shifts occur We are happy to be with you all in this profound coming of age into the unity of all light programs of eternal life’ ~ Commander Ashtar ~ federations of light So very exiting dear collective of shining ones Much will be showing the way Always tune in for your own inner joy For this ride has never ever been giving your power to any - but reclaiming what has always been you Source Godliness is within The temples of light all over creation hold your song of becoming - tune in and express So be this divine and sacred ride of equity balance peace love and unity I am Celeste The Galactic Princess Ascension sessions ~ classes styling vocational alignment - healing light education and 5D leadership ✨✨✨✨90 min $250usd ✨✨✨✨4x45min $550usd ✨✨✨✨✨🙌🙌🙌🙌 There are global benevolence opportunities 5D Systems and New Earth Star healing rebuilding - - - Ascension and making alchemy of old, broken, towers - - towers are the necessary of what is not aligned - therefore- heal, realign and then make anew in new higher order beliefs and ways of living sacredly There is no other like my work, none will ever be downloaded what I have been, conduit, and empathic, spiritual vibrational healer, author, creative consultant, stylist, collective seer and collective reader, healing methods of the 5D and higher realms - alignment of the heavens and what is potential within the new earth star for all higher order None have ascended, and integrated the shadow, light, and what has been global, ancient, and futures stories and higher dimensional beings, celestials, alien, cosmic, galactic, and multi-versal light system divine plans to the what I have offered, and created - -and the heavens know of this - there is no other like me and being DF - - no other walks in what I have survived and then not only survived but apply to the collective healing I am a galactic princess - - a seer, prophet and messiah that is earned, and developed and I do not call myself this - -the Father has willed this and I have allowed, worked, devoted - - only the Father will initiate and bless this  I am an ambassador of evolution for many systems and unique in bringing futuristic offerings teachings, of DNA allocation, healings, world expansions of who we are, what we exist within, what is within us each -- understanding and making anew within a higher quantum becoming - - this is higher light intelligence - and what the planet needs most right now more than anything - billions of people need access to what our true potential truly is and beyond what has been church and state suppressions * there are simply events, suppressions, the undeniable sabotages I should not have survived and only in the divine plan for why, how, I did is what I bring forth every day of the importance of reclaiming your light, energy, and discovering universal laws and what all you do vibrate, and offer is returning - it can be no other way in a holographic experience ~~ ascension is a sacred process and requires time, entrainment, practices, evolution of your beliefs, patterns, and make up - who are you and what you choose, chose, and what you manifest to make anew and redeem make right and level up - to new levels of becoming unified within all creation - Unity consciousness is our birthright and our destiny as a collective yet no world leader discusses nor offers any access but suppresses and pays for the silencing of such liberation to humanity - - none have traversed what I have and none have the 'extensive knowledge, understanding, and capacity of discerning energy, timelines, and spirit directed downloads for the greater good and then applies it' ~ Source - for my review and successes All is a sacred journey - -I am so grateful I survived I am so grateful my loyal clients are and have been the true disciples and heeded their journeys for a sacred movement into the 5D and your work, efforts and claiming light daily is your divine right to be enmeshed - - and you deserve all that is good and pure and sacred -- - THANK YOU THANK YOU to my 2 clients that have donated over the years - you truly have offered me food when I needed it and safety when I needed it - - - THANK YOU for all the sharing, liking, and sending 'feedback' to #youtubeCorruption every upload and the messing with views, and subs, shadow-banning on what has been 8 yrs of 0 growth and human rights offences  Ready for the new and ready for the shifts  Align at your heart and make anew  Blessings and light, grace and know whatever you are going through  -- SOURCE, GOD will see you through, and the only protection and care, healing, expansion you will ever need is within, and your divine sacred 'alliance with light' © book IV Thank you for all that speak up on secret society abuses Thank you for all that take positive and divine honourable action on abuses of dark occult Thank you for knowing all you need is 'doing right' and the heavens will protect your steps -- Your souls evolution is all you ever need to gain in wisdom, intelligence, honour, ranking, and gifts, skills, GOD knows what GOD is doing and your souls blueprint is constantly enhanced, upgraded, and moving as you choose such divine sacred inner healing, letting go, and aligning to higher order - - -smaller cult, coven, group beliefs must be altered - there is always higher order and spiritual laws are always in effect  -- I should not have survived - - dark occult crimes, corrupt secret societies are rampant on our world - -for power, and the disconnection is showing all that the only important focus should be healing and light intelligence -- corruption will only be healed in such realignment and healing and reunify with spirit - - - And so be it this is my word I AM CELESTE The Galactic Princess copyright © Copyright ©️

Go within and heal and you will begin to feel soul infused - and you would never want to be like any other - - 
standards are no longer --
I am higher order -- understand the intention of all before you and choose to go within - - what do you now choose with intention, direction, focus for your new souls blueprint is being offered - 5D or not And so be it divinely sacred I am the Galactic Princess Celeste World leaders are showing you daily - -the core vibration and is the importance that should be the upmost priority the healing of land and people - so be it 5D is all about healing, transmuting, and becoming integrated for unity consciousness there is nothing higher it will carry all wisdoms, gifts, talents, skills and all that is higher dimensional - - - the majesty of the heavens of what Jesus spoke of is this -- and so be it 

Ascension must be slow and progressive with divine teams working with you for your multi-dimensional enhancements and why if you arent aligned, or informed - you can go to the doctors and be misdiagnosed and take Pharma that will delay and hold you back on the majesty of your integration with and of your highest self - -

Your integration of your highest self is light - -it is a sheath offered in every new ascension cycle to help you live in the new outer bedding of heightened light and those that refuse to heal and acclimatize to the new daily offering of Source, ascension light for Gaia and all our collective, will be seen acting out, angry outbursts - and they are showing you there is no alignment -- 

* it is normal to have anger, but daily ascension path-work is providing the mastery to integrate what is being suppressed - and why outbursts occur - -there is suppression of energy, wounding not being integrated and faced - - why we have dark night of the soul - to face what you have consciously or unconsciously hidden - -and why we teach daily path work to be a part of your day so you can master the profound light shifts that will come daily and at greater acceleration 
* light will pull up all that is dense and not in ALIGNMENT

- - I teach, offer how to align and do so daily in the higher order ideals that is not church and state - for that will not teach you how to ascend and daily you will be shown so that you wake up and with divine consciousness choose a higher path -- none will force you to evolve and ascend 

God loves you so much - eternal life is a choice - it will affect all timelines you will ever have and all your children and thier children - it is a sacred choice and made only between you and your higher self, soul, and GOD - - do you care about your souls evolution? 

None will get any higher by refusing to heal, and face what needs to be on a daily basis and thus you will see, even be in yourself the outbursts of what is showing you - 'pay attention to me - I need to be faced and made whole' as God is giviing you an opportunity to be and do, - -GOD is calling you back to GOD for eternal life - -you can choose not to - -- and live in the denser darker realms - or ascend into 5D and beyond in light and have infinite experiences of being GODLY 

5D is not 3D 
There will be no corruption and no elites hiding behind money - - the wounds of such lower behaviour will be healed - -so be this sacred journey 

Thank you for sharing, and donating and booking your 5D alignment sessions copyright © None have ever had permissions nor approval to speak on my name, work, take, use, copy, nor call theirs - - and as I stated per the divine channel - any that refuse to heed such spiritual law order - like the 'arc of the covenant' will find demise in taking, raping, using, refusing to make right - -as we see this unfold --  

And why too we must revisit all human laws and align with universal laws - for the human rights laws, basic as it may be offered - are abused on an hourly basis by the wounded, corrupt, disconnected and selfish ones that have refused to heed the basic ascension process of 'unity consciousness and do unto others' 

There are human rights laws that have done nothing to protect the innocent and the higher vibrational - - there are groups and sects and corrupt beings warped in thier beliefs that enforce those in their environments, through magic, covert abuses, mental emotional and spiritual abuses, abuse of power and abuses of POA and such medical processes, due diligence and simply because a higher vibrational being, is not following confirmed church and state nor choose to believe in sacrificing or satanism or enforced, corrupt masonic patterns of power - - illusions and not healed - and because our genius is higher because we practice, entrain higher vibrational ways - and work with spirit - as I have taught and offered for over 17yrs -- all of which is showing all -- - there are community secret cults, covens, groups, warped wounded masons maffia that are paid, and make money on enforcing abuse, enforcing prostitution and they use abuse dark occult magic, voodoo, abuse power of those in the systems and pay any and all they can to have an innocent higher vibrational being - unique expressive and will refuse to be like any other - -and believe in lower vibrational beliefs - all of which is discrimation and human rights offences and offences of the Universal laws -- because I AM NOT LIKE YOU - - 50+ or more sought to destroy, harvest, thieves, copy my work -- they called me crazy but take my work and while I write books, will run circles in court around their idiocy and bigotry and wounding - - none not 1gave an ounce to my human rights, universal rights, and my care of my life -- not 1 ounce and I ask - these are the officials and the upholding of human rights and basic bare minimum human care -- - it was a tormenting creep show of disgusting abuses - tormenting, sabotaging every hour of my life for their gain and false claims that not 1 official verified my signature or my story 

- -that I had 1000 of emails to my lawyer on the purjory and lies of financial statements and covert abuses and 3 police reports of the same -- and not 1 ounce of care, aid, or protection and why all will sit in karma and the dense, dark realms and they will sentence their families and linages - no redemption on any level has been made or make right being done - 3yrs was the deadlines and I sat homeless hungry and destroyed 

- - these beings refuse to heal and they will show outbursts daily - they are living in the demonic entities they conjured for me over decades and my life light is my protection and I will live eternally in higher vibrations and dimension -- 

Because none in smaller, lower vibrations do not 'get' dimensions, - -does not mean other dimensions beyond 3D box beliefs does not exist -- there are infinite - THAT IS GOD 

WAKE UP Universal laws are, Karmic laws are, Human Rights laws are, GOD IS All past thefts, and losses, and birth falsifications - -go to my lawyer - -  

I am Celeste The Galactic Princess Donations healing activations and vocational alignments ✨✨✨✨✨ *** 90 min sessions $250usd *** 4x45min sessions $550usd

I WILL MEET WITH NONE I am on new timelines new world vibrations and my energy or time will not be wasted this is the law of higher order

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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