Tuesday, 18 February 2025

#5D Healing Distorted DM Beliefs Behaviours, Patterns - ADAMEVE Project -Healing Humanity - - Ascension IS

 5D Higher Order Entrainment

The Adam Eve Project Humanity Ascending Copyright ©️ Look at our ascension playlist ‘AdamEve project’ ~ global ascension themes 5D ushering into rings of evolution

If you go back onto my playlists - there are many channels, and videos on this profound global ascension THEME every human is working on and must be inclusive in all soul journeys of evolution - we cannot maintain separation - - evolution is unifying - - the soul - - the GOD returning to GOD 

I have many videos' on the ADAMEVE project - -this was downloaded by the Pleiadians many many years ago - about 6yrs ago - and will be an ever-present theme every human will return to as we re-write new earth star - - how the imbalances of DF / DM took effect and why 

The grander understanding of our life force - our sexual desires, healing of it, and honouring of all - -
The reflections of a new earth star AdamEve, and do we behave out of lust, or love, and what is this how can we evolve -- is the current presentation upon earth fair, balanced?

The word God gave to me last week about this phase of our ascension is 
~~~> the awakening to DIVINE EQUITY 

We have many videos of about a very important collective ascension evolution themes of our lessons and our transcendence of errors ~~~> This one is key and I will go into detail in a video ~> should be coming soon God has had me go silent in that regard due to the games and obsessed stalking - So here we go …. I offer this as a deep activation for your deepest souls 3A in reflection when you choose to do so in truth - get to the core of this statement and you will bring much up in healing because every human - every human and when I say this —> you will see how

those that played and pretended to be the most righteous are the most wounded so our entire collective needs deep healing in this and how wide it will take you ion your reflection work….

In doing my own path-work - and I have much to do - I cried within minutes, releasing residue and deep repressed sadness for the 'misguidance, and emulations' in my own history and timelines of what has been shown to me, taught, told, and how I really am starting off from scratch as to 'what is a true friend - best friend' 

everything I have experienced has been utter deep dysfunction, abuse, and blatant lies - -
It made no sense to the inner knowing, being a star seed, of who I am with Source, what I know to be on other realms and planets - unconditional love was never shown to me - -it was a make work project being here - I was a sponge and transmutation agent for creation and bait for the corrupt that SOURCE needed and had to pull up and show the rest of the collective - -why we are used and entrained, and prepared in the ways we are 

There is none that would have survived what I did
There would have been none that could have been used, and I offered to spirit, even some of the light worker community had shunned my work due to their levels of immaturity to all creation, and their own wounding to refuse to look at the blanket and obvious deeds and trafficking agendas - they did not know I took many hits for the collective - as Jesus did - so they collective would not have to go through what I did - none would have survived and not only did I survive 

~~ - in my surviving I have done so much for the multi-verse and there is excitement and healing temples and new growth divine plans with CREATION and new species, new evolution that SOURCE IS ALL OVER - - SOURCE IS ALL ABOUT NEW NEW NEW diversity and NEW that is CREATION - - 

Diversity - - I know my survival is serving on ways in ways that none in 3D will get and I am ok with that - -my only compass is GOD and why GOD has offered be a karma free plate and shifting me into new spiritual contracts I write with GOD 

~~~ no re - anything with any past karmic person -- I get to choose who I get to dance with now and no karmic will return to my place - the lessons were done I served my purpose and I survived - 

- I can teach eons of psyche wisdoms, healings, new levels of 5D psychology, medicine, and brain enhancing understandings that will never have never been tapped into simply because of the abuses, traumas and 
covert abrasions done in such agendas for control, domination, and the dangers of what disconnection from spirit and your own higher self does, is - 

Your soul aches to evolve 
Any programs, agenda, belief, behaviour, pattern that keeps you repressed, stagnant, or controlled, will be must be faced, and broken if you choose to evolve - you will not move into 5D with small church and state beliefs - your brain will be enhanced, your body, fields, and heart and all charkas and being-ness is adjusted and enhanced by light, of light, and must be - -you cannot hop from 3D physical matter being - into a 5D world, planet - why it has to be done incrementally - all is enhanced and I speak of such in all my videos - - -

yet my platform is still suppressed and blocked and shadow banned - -#youtubeCorruption

None can speak on, none can understand and nor can any 'get' what I am feel or go through in an hour let alone think they can carry my gifts, or soul destiny - it is mind boggling the misguidance, and misinformation at so many levels - -  

~~> what is a ‘best friend’ ~~> when you think about Adam Eve - what would their life - your life look like today if best friends could be the focus and what does this look like ~~> when there are challenges in life - even children at you get ages are connecting with - experimenting with their ‘life force’ why ~~> life force is our connection with Source as source - why it feels so good and we have not been taught in higher order ways manners that is not ‘dirty judged or just low vibrational ‘ and such misguidance leads to an entire collective repressed depressed and 0 clue about who they are ~~> can friends be lovers and where is the line crossed and is there higher better communication to yourself souls spirit to align higher 

Friends with benefit ?? Ok so do some path work on this and you will get to some common themes about your lust / or love factor Do you operate from lust ? Or love ? If you have come from and allowed dysfunction abuses negative becoming for most of your life - the ability to ‘player’ and be such is a diversion to heal and get to the core issues humanity must face before a new rung of growth into 5D 
~> why also the ‘underground’ has been what it has been - repressed unhealed DM -DF energies and the hidden cults sects of trans and gender explorations are so suppressed and idiot leaders that only want to direct suppression and laws against such evolutionary topics that must be addressed

These are very very very important path work questions before and within every week you evolve - there will be more peeling of the onion of eons of misinformation and suppressed wounds within your identity of being Godly and proper honouring of your life force Being ‘friends’ turns some off because the want the life force - they want gratification - and how can you grow evolve in healthy relationships in balance ?
It is and never was about cutting out divine love making - but how often was it love making? Why the ‘best friends’ needs to be implemented and make it a fun caring compassionate honouring of life force game in which you want to be reconnected for as many timelines as source can give you both as you 3E the themes issues energies what you become aware of in DM DF healing for their NEEDS- desires - wants Do your wants outweigh your needs? Are you balanced in knowing honouring your capacity of engagement of with your sacred life force ? I have never engaged in ‘friend - benefits’ as I am not a this - that wishy washy in between anything goes - just not never been - it is not a thing I would attract -

I know who I am Sense of self attracts sense of self Friends w/ benefits is designed for those that choose not to heal and discern who they are and allow sacred life force to be played with - There is nothing wrong with this feature of 3D living - when you get to the core reason why any have chosen such as long as you both are open responsible honest - while you ‘do the healing’ - friends with benefits is fine - let’s be honest - most are still juvenile They don’t want ‘commitment’ They want sex They don’t want responsibility

They want sex They don’t want to truly be there for another - They want sex There is inherent problems you call in when you choose ‘friends with benefits’ Purely aligned people will choose higher order that will challenge both to be best friends to yourself first To each other - how to truly ‘be there’ for another unconditionally and with committed devotion - that is what the universe is asking all reflect upon ~> why does commitment scare people ~> what does this say about you in your own long game ~> most of us have never even seen nor been in the environment of ‘best friends’ nor emulated or been the special benefits of being best friends - what does this mean ?? Truly - at a god level ? What is a best friend? Will they lie for you or straighten you to behave and love yourself higher so you never ever seek any to lie for you ? Remember what spirit said yesterday … Release all that would lie for you - they are not friends - they will be easily bought and sold - they have no higher order ethics or integrity and willing to sell themselves for another - these are not friends

True friends - those that are soulfully devoted will empower listen understand and encourage you to stand taller in who you are and be truth - those are the ones that build ‘long game’ and inspire you in your godliness There has been much corruption of the spirit and soul - so we have to re entrain higher order models of sense of self ~> what does ‘truly caring for being there unconditionally for another without compromise and loving commitment?’ ~> what does giving unconditionally to a special soul mean a detriment that few take the journey into sacred union of the divines choosing in you allowing higher order spiritual cycles - co creating - contracts ??? I will say something that will blow you away ~~>> you are in right now many contracts - many!!! Did you know - when you sleep - you are off in healing schools and healing temples and helping unconditionally those you think you cut off and moved on from - masters and beings of gods legions never stop the progression of learning 3E - astral ethers or physical The many mansions are 24/7 Infinite godliness We take on veils of old beliefs illusions and misguidances to break and transcend As spirit blew me away with this sacred truth ~~>
‘breaking bad habits are not a human thing - it’s a celestial thing’ 

What bad habits can you reflect upon that have been mirrored to you - projected to you - told sold even enforces and abused into you of the sacredness of your life force and how to share it with that 1 best friend This is very powerful When you actually do the inner work - commit to this above path work for 2weeks and then return to it monthly You will be brought to higher depths of soul and union within your own DF Dm energies The DF requires the Dm to lift and protect her - The DM requires the DF to nourish acknowledge and assist bringing back to life what eons has been entrained out of them - ‘intuitive creative genius’ We are truly passing a very important collective gate - Please share and like and please bless your soul by ‘doing the inner work’ and if we had been in light education and truth higher order in the 1950’s - we would have never manifested trafficking or the underground- There is no way around healing So be it Copyright ©️ Healing humanity Ascension sessions 

If this post brings tears and emotions - you are ready to do the work It’s vital and will be liberating That’s the Christ consciousness lighting your way - that’s why I love being a conduit - vibrational healer
✨✨✨✨✨✨ Ascension Sessions ~~> 90min @ $250 usd ~~> 4x45min @ $550usd PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Copyright ©️

WHAT is 'POWER' and 'Competition, Winning' and is this needed in 5D - - evolve

DM ~~~> WE ARE HEALING eons of DISTORTED DM beliefs and misguidance - - -
True ‘power’ is not in the ‘never falling’ that so many DM have been entrained into ‘winner complex’ and they miss the entire journey of deep souls mastery and evolution ~ release all ‘winning’ complex It will deny you of so many miracles in life True ‘power’ is in the sacred exploration expression experience is joyfully with abandon seeking all that source has to offer and allowing accepting acknowledging the ‘fall’ is where all strength - higher self knowing - deeper inner connection with self and creative genius - it is where you recombine the aspects that thought ‘winning’ was all there was - it is not What is winning? Does it make you better in being a soul ? What does the long game mean to you and how many times you fall is the king queen that leads nations to new higher becoming? Genuine authentic transparency - when you show creation that you will fall - and in this - god and your teams will bless you with infinite souls lessons that prepare you for grander becoming Replace winning with ‘becoming’ It’s far more attractive to become It’s eternal knowing you are never done and you are willing to be humbled and accept it with grace This is the path of Gods chosen ones into leadership You will have many challenges when the world is against you - you are breaking all notions ways rules of what has been utter suppression and some will simply not get your trajectory It’s not for them to get - it’s for you to become We will see many in the collective that almost have given power to money to credit to and claimed to be the knowers and righteous and leaders and will be proven to be the most corrupt and unsavoury beings This is a time of judgment and it will bring what needs to be to surface for you to integrate and become more Those that have taken the long road - alloWed losses tragedy challenge - remain devoted to inner - sense of self - path ways - these are the ones that will be called upon You chose to be authentic than follow You chose the long game You chose to expose rather than hide You chose churning falling letting go than hanging into ideals you must win to be acknowledged by the DF DM within inner child you are healing You do not have to do earn anything to be loved unconditionally by God You do not have to earn rewards to be accepted by God Winning is not perfectionism Vows of perfectionism Churches religions will be lining up at my door for such grander higher order teachings - for they see the torment de- evolution such limiting beliefs they were misguided in believing

The godly way is the becoming - keep returning within and follow your inner voice path knowing with authenticity and create with what you have - from where you are at - that’s Godly Mastery is not taught is schools Mastery is earned learned the way and only way your soul will guide - take you on detours - hold you back - even delay you - God knows what God is doing and you do not know the higher expansive plan that god has for you - This is the beauty of the dodecahedron in being Metatronic light Light expands all creation Winning is not a goal Becoming is! So be the beauty of becoming Grace and love Celeste PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Copyright ©️

All communication must go through JNelson@speclaw.ca All donations sessions ~> PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rs_c... So be it I am that I am Celeste PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Copyright ©️ None had an ounce of anything over my life - the abuses were uncountable the loss damages thefts destruction was cruel and unusual Go heal

I am Celeste The Galactic Princess PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Donations healing activations and vocational alignments ✨✨✨✨✨ *** 90 min sessions $250usd *** 4x45min sessions $550usd PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss

I WILL MEET WITH NONE I am on new timelines new world vibrations and my energy or time will not be wasted this is the law of higher order


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5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity


Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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