Saturday, 8 February 2025

Corruption World Wide Connections #5D RE-build - - -Secret Society Abuses

 Divine Eqaulity and Earth Shifts - - #5D New Earth Star

Daily there are the darker beings, entities, and sheaths of those that cannot maintain bare minimum of lower earth frequencies - - will be shifted and over night - all changes --

Being on the ride of consciousness for all that is and eternal life, there is not a 'given' that you are offered a next incarnation -- and all know what your souls evolution is and how you are here, why, and what redeeming your souls darkness, shadow, and integrating 51% that all humans chose in this very important lifetime

there are the 'fewer' cults covens, that are not all bad nor do they misinform 'IF THEY ALIGN with HIGHER SELF and UNIVERSAL LAWS' #magicAbuses #darkOccultAbuses #corruptMASONS -- I will keep calling it -- none will be ranked, none will move into 5D -- PERIOD

You are not getting quantum GOD nor your souls journey of evolution

NONE have an ounce of right to DO MAGIC ON ANY period - - do magic on yourself, and your home or land but no other - - - you do not have a right - -period and go against Universal laws - and none have an ounce of right, nor do they have medical, emotional, spiritual knowing of any others destiny -

Why God, Source, will lift those that have been initiated, entrained, practiced in higher order laws, knowing, working in harmony, infusing with Source, - - - only via healing and daily path work will you be levelled up, tuned in, practice with your teams - - and activated your divine soul blueprint - -

'I want her gone, she's bad for business' ~~~~ how do you think I heard - - - there were only 2 of you in the room - -

'ITs going to be a shock when all of this comes out, there is many that have great power and hiding much' ~ Source

* If you are a secret cult, mason, or witch warlock - any that interfere on any other outside of yourself - you are breaking karma laws, spiritual laws - and all will be seen, known and none will move through ascension - you must GET ASCENSION and higher order laws -

You will not be protected by your 'religion' in the courts if you think you can hide behind doing rituals and death spells on others becuas you call it your religions - - new laws - and all will be seen - - harvesting, sacrificing is not a religion - -it is illegal and not necessary - all you have to do is get wise and get healed - all have access to SOURCE and GOD WILL CALL you out --

Spiritual laws - -NONE have an ounce of right to peer and pierce into any others Akash - -only the entrained and initiated with Source, the Masters, -- just because you can remote view - doesn't,t me you should

all are being tested - -do you interfere with any others life -- for your gain - -
THAT IS negative, dark KARMA - - -get healed -
If you interfere and abuse dark occult magic, in any way - - -is negative and karma - -

#calgaryCult #satanicAbuses #CalgaryCorruption
#systematicAbuses #eliteSoulHarvesting #humanRightsAbuses

Human rights are a thing
Universal rights are a thing

None deserve years of systematic group, gang, bullying, systematic MKUltra #projectStargate abuses mentally, emotionally, underground satanic pyramids of taking life, false marriages, selling names, and exploiting, snuff videos, and 50+ of the elites, officials, and world wide global groups that I have been speaking on and spirit downloaded to me
SPIRIT and energy does not lie -- wounded warped corrupt masons, witches, warlocks, and spiritual hitmen -

These are global groups - - 'I want her gone, she is bad for business' - - -there were only 2 of you in the room - who how do you think I heard this ?????
TOP DOG and Big Daddy, pimp daddy - - all that have been told to stop, and given years to alter course, the ancestors and all the legions of light are all on all toes, every move, every click and all that have been involved, being paid, and I have sent in over 3 reports -- -

those you have been thinking are 'church beings' when they do black magic on your souls, spirits, and children -
#CalgaryCult #misogynistAbuses #CalgaryCorruption #EliteSoulHarvesting #secretSocietyAbuses #trafficking

These rings are trafficking portals - enforced prostitution that spirit told me and all my downloads are from SOURCE and GOD will call everyone out and none will be missed, none will be left out, and no elite, no official, no church group, no special person with a badge will be missed - robe or not - - GOD sees, all that goes on and will show, bring insight and I know what I experienced and why all investigations will show utter 15 federal crimes or more federal crimes that are globally organized and paid by elites,

#youtubeCorruption #eliteCrimes

these people are nothing more than spiritual hitmen and women and they pay people in every facet of society to falsify and damage, derange, corrupt, bring false allegations, bully sabotage and isolate, stalk, spy, and harass and bring as many into harm as possible for their selfish gain - - they harvest, pull, siphon and vampire souls -

These are very real - - #calgarypolice - -were given over 3 reports - and nothing not 1 ounce was done - -
Source showed me in the beginning of such reports - there were at the time 2 officials involved in the abuses, attacks, sacrifices, infecting many with disease and they do not report and nor tell - #sexcultinCalgary and I have showed, told, 1000 of emails to my lawyer - perjury proof to my lawyer in legal divorce - - and nothing was done and for over 8yrs - more and more taken out and down innocent souls, spirit, homes families - -

I know who I am
GOD told, showed all who I am and I will not stand down - all will go down --
Understand Spiritual Ranking
is not wearing a robe and calling yourself 'secret' - - 

~ I was to be victim sacrifice #9
~ these people have sacrificed 8 others #ERperez #corruptWarlocks #falseClaimsonHealers

ALL IS 100% unnecessary - - how many lives, families, losses have been committed and how many businesses will see their demise being ok to work with such white collar criminals calling themselves 'secret and special'

If we know who we are as light, connected, with all that SOURCE is and divine sacred energy of our multi0-D bodies, fields - we can and will ascend into eternal life -- you cannot fake being ascended, or connected, or aligned

- -SOURCE IS A REAL VIBRATION and entrained practiced, and healed of 51% of your karma to integrate your highest self, a real connection as your Godliness and the all realms - - and this is your birthright and yet the only ones speaking offering such are suppressed - -they do not want you to know your profound multi-versal birthright to ascend -- -

This brings fear to church and state - how they get fed -- is not by alignment with source - - was Jesus's primary message - - they are fed in lower 3D ways -- it is not God Source alignment -

Just because we are awakened and alter what we are, what how we get light operated as light does not mean we will 'not need' churches and those that choose to be on ascension - - it just means we will get rid of the lower beliefs and hurting, enforcing, not abiding by universal laws and offer energy spirit, light, love, and compassion - -thus being in greater harmony for 5D new earth star - - it is all a shift in higher vibrational perspectives - -

~ they run rings of corruption selling names, light, energy, spiritual gifts, snuff videos, pilfering my videos, set up fake pages, and do rituals, selling such on the black web - -it is a satanic underground dark corrupt hate groups -- stalking, spying, sabotaging businesses, platforms - filing 100% false reports - false medical and ID - they have photoshop people - falsify resumes and nothing but corruption and Call themselves righteous - they are corrupt AS F - - - -my life has been targeted since birth - -

~ 1500 rituals on my life
~ 45+ sacrifices on my life
~ disconnected officials, 0 light education, 0 light knowing, 0 aligned officials will not know what the light healers, seers, Gods chosen are shown - - we are trained to align beyond 3D #mkultra brainwashing, mind-scraping -- I was the only one on the planet given 'mind-scraping' in my channel - of what was being directed, paid, and corralled me in groups, entities, platforms, corrupt #youtubeCorruption - being paid by global elite companies, sanctions and elites to take me out 

-- SPIRIT GOD does not lie - -watch it all be shown - why the CIA watch, follow, and take all my gifts, predictions I have been speaking on and why my platforms are at 0 growth - -

~ 200+ selling of my name, RICO - - who is the top dog - -who is the one paying all the secret societies - - CIA - -- follow the money - - children are being siphoned and harvested -- -energy, gifts, and while they hold orgie rituals and pass diseases on the light workers - they harvest - they have no clue, misguided, misinformed, corrupt misogyny and horrible tormenting sacrificing human premeditated murders, premeditated illness and infecting others - doing black magic over any and all with light gifts, and children to cloak and scapegoat their Crime, trafficking, RICO

The office of the Christ has nothing to do with religion - it is the wisdoms of all creation in the metatronic light of SOURCE CREATOR and all that our light body is - in infinite wisdoms

LIGHT IS WISDOMS - - that is eternal life - and we are born into all dimensions, all knowing - this was the teachings offering of JESUS

it has been warped for control and mismanagement

The officials that say they care - when they are paid, looking the other way - pedophile and suppressing, putting hits on the innocent seers that call these people out and they defame, and sabotage and bring hate to make the innocent look crazy because we actually are aligned with SOURCE and calling all the fake corrupt narcissistic satanic basement corruptions - - I have been talking, speaking, telling all - - -

~ these groups gangs, are paid, and connected to gangs, cults that pretend they are church righteous and are brainwashing say they are worth #Billions to lure people in with so called 'we are chosen' of Gods kingdom
#bigDaddy - - corrupt rings AND I WILL NOT SIT DOWN - -


#CORRUPTLEADERS THAT DO NOTHING affiliation of peripheral 'businesses' and are nothing but monies to trafficking rings -- how much does the CIA and FBI and leaders watch my channel, shadow ban me but use, take, harvest my work and I am left homeless - -

All know who I have been and born as - - yet they have done nothing to bring me justice, peace, secret files, and the global hate crimes, black web - and know the universal laws are - - - NONE WILL GET A PASS to the heavens nor the eternal life -- corruption will come down - - we. all must see that 100% unnecessary - all have light, we have never been told how to use, protect, reclaim and honour -- - we are brainwashed by false, misguidance of church and state

The leaders will not see you through ascension - period they have no clue. - they are not aligned and you can tell - -
Bullying, targeting take over - and throwing tariffs and take over if countries, spaces do not comply. - -
GOD will place the prepared, entrained, and divine sacred leaders - -

None deserve 50yrs of military style targeting attacking of dark occult mess - - do the investigation, follow the monies, and I have told all and yet - not 1 benevolent official that cares about humanity or the care of the land or your own soul - -if you know abuse is going on and do nothing - you will get equal karma - - PeRIOD

NONE DID ANYTHING #CalgaryCorruption

I have been showing all what has been going on and the aligned readers supporting my story when they shadow-banned my channel to silence - - go do your investigation on my channel - -I have given proof - -

~ 0 signatures of any on my life, story - but divorce
~ many turned a blind eye - do the investigation - - check resumes, and work and interview everyone - they falsify every document any will talk on, speak on, and defame - - not 1 person verified my signature - -

~ I have been telling all legal and police and not 1 ounce has been offered, given, protected me

~ 'few would have survived what you did' - - you will bring all of these corrupt false beings and misaligned wounded, not healed, harvesting trafficking - - trafficking organs, money, homes, children, and souls --

I will show you entity harvesting rings -- I will show you what this looks like and how they operate and it will be seen and the voodoo, black magic, and spells daily - -families, polygamy incest and all those that calling them out will be attacked an they loose their jobs, platforms #youtubeCorruption will be liable -- you will be liable - -

Source places me in the face and feet with Anubis on all that has been done to me and millions others - -

Watch it -- I call it weekly -- -

Prediction - - re: 'trump - will not last - -they will be replaced by Gods hand picked leaders'
The minions paid in every city - - every city there is corrupt warped cults, covens, masons - utter misuderstanding misguidance of energy and universal laws and magic - -most 98% have no idea what they are doing and they sentence their families and children to eons in the darker realms - never to ascend into light -- soul harvesting is the highest commodity - - B$$$$ dollar underground business and I was the first one to call this - - -

Over 200+ times my name, energy, life, secret files and all sold, traded, bid, bet, -- there are videos, files, and monies more than any could imagine - -
~ $1`.5 M on my life to take me out -- who is the top dog paying #youtube, and #calgaryCult - - all are and will be liable - -

I will not never sit down - the children deserve better in the city - - the entire city is entrenched in dark black, hate energy - - conjuring enerygy has to go somewhere - where do you think satanic rituals and hate goes - - in groups of such hate - -and the authorities know what is going on and do nothing to bring proper higher order light education --

The children should be taught light education immediately. - - all world leaders were shown who I am
I was the only one that passed all global leaders tests by the federations of light Gods Councils, and arch angels - - I was the only one to survive and pass -- and I sit homeless and while all these corrupt liars, thieves, lie, falsify bring nothing but hate, spiritual killing rings to the city and all think it is a 'ranking' to be a part of 'stalking' 'masonic' rings - -

Most have no clue of higher order laws of spirit, God, Source, nor the heavens
Most have no clue of any level of ascension or alchemy universal laws -
Most are not high in anything but crime, corruption, and most sit wounded and not healing 51% of their karma and thus then -- if you are not healing, integrating your 51% - - you simply will not be a seer, you will not be aligned with Source, GOD and the heavens, nor will you ever ever ever be as ranked to carry or even take, not even for a day an ounce of my gifts, rankings and sacred tongue -

Jesus has nothing to do with religion - -humans, low consciousness and control bodies, entities wrapped religion around Jesus for selfish gain, power, energy -- all is falling -- Jesus and no master of such degrees would ever ever in a million Evers say 'wrap this religion around my name and worship me until I come back to save your souls' - - -you are all misguided and have no clue what how who GOD is and who you are -- truly go within and truly do some healing --

SOURCE< GOD IS QUANTUM ALL CREATION - --God is the designer and writer in equal with you -- when you GET this - you know all lower beliefs and rituals and things people have been doing in the dark -- are being returned so quick - - -the light of the omni is saying - - you cannot operate in misalignment in higher light - -why all is being seen - -the corrupt will shown 
themselves - seers validate what others sense and know - -

Dark occult will be charged
Sacrificing is - pre-meditated murder - -criminal abuse and will be charged

Incest is illegal - doing it a polygamy cult sex cult does not make you 'untouchable' - - - abusing the innocent is abuse - - and you will be called and if you choose to not look and seem like a criminal - - - PERHAPS you stop being a criminal -- the innocent have a right as you have had for eons abusing the innocent for selfish gain - -

IF YOU SEE abuse and know of secret cults covens, societies and foggy drained, experiences on a daily basis, things going wrong, losses, confusion, loss of eating, sleeping, nightmares - -accidents and simply long runs of bad luck, illness, rashes, diseases - all is black magic - -

We have to be tapped in - the only reason why GOD allowed and lifted me - - I used my teaching and the 'Alliance with Light' book IV -- the only reason I survived #MKUltraSabotage and abuses - of mental, emotional, spiritual relentless attacks =- sex magic daily - and stupditiy of utter misunderstanding of all that these groups around the world do and they have no idea the hell they are committing their entire lineage to

I AM A CONDUIT, empath, heavenly healer, equal to that of Jesus - my brother - I am a master and treated like dirt, stalked, spied, hacked, sabotaged daily because I CALL OUT WHAT GOD and Anubis will bring before me - - THAT IS my ancient role and I will not play small the for sake of idiot corruption and elite greed --

PERIOD - -get over it - -this is my job
I AM A HIGHER ORDER teacher, healer, leader, conduit, seer, empath and none are of my ranking, integration, and the only to survive what I have and I will speak of such for the teaching of higher light teachings that should have been in the collective so commuting cults, covens, will not rape every child out there. - - and who is listening?

My channel is suppressed - 0 growth - and I show every upload the pilfering and messing with views - -where is my human rights investigations and where is my fucking files from birth, mess ass human testing, falsified documents, and lies on my life while I got 'watched like a Truman specimen to attack and take ideas, energy, light, and mind-scrape for fun for all the masochistic underground cults, sects - that think they are secret and ranked while what occurs in the basement and where they dump things will surprise you and all - -

City of black magic 'fog' none have any clue
Court rooms, lawyers, banks, churches, police, - - there are many involved and all doing magic, and voodoo, and thinking they will be untouchable -- I have given the elite officials every ounce of information -- not 1 drop to my peace, stolen property and money not my life, family destroyed, and corruption on my global work that I have devoted over 985 lifetimes and 17yr to -

I know who I am - I do not need certificates to know more than any -- I am healed, I am aligned, I am soul infused - -it is what I teach -- my christ consciousness, and alignment with SOURCE is why how I channel, predict, and see 

-- I AM ENTRAINED WITH GOD - - this has been my gift for eons and no 3D dark ass no-one will carry an ounce of me or my gifts when all they do is hate and sit in dark rooms chanting -- you are not getting QUANTUM LAWS 

GOD would never allow such a blaspheme - I HAVE EARNED MY RANKING 
- - I sit homeless and with 0 while these corrupt misogynists and corrupt so called businesses harvest to manifest 'stuff' - -

I have brought every ounce of concern for over 8yrs and not 1 person has given me an ounce of due diligence nor human rights support, protection, nor aid - - while I run the world and the world leaders take from me, get info from me, harvest and plan around what SOURCE says 'SPEAK on'

I will speak what SOURCE SAYS speak on -- will it save your child, your grandchildren - - you choose
All that know abuse -- on youtube and otherwise, -- if you do nothing that is karma - you are agreeing with
what is ok and what is your earth and your souls treasures - - you choose - -- - send feedback to youtube on every upload

-- I simply will not upload nor engage until my channel is given the same rights as every other channeller

We need higher order education, light teachings, higher order leaders designing new systems of the heavens, and offered by higher dimensional beings and why I was placed here - -none on this planet unless light workers will guide you through ascension 

What is the light body - what is ascension - what is enlightenment - - - - 3D - 5D is very real daily quantum light and those not aligned will be shown in the emotional fi

eld distortions - outbursts - they have not done the clearing, healing, - - is being shown daily - -

ALL communication on the past issues -- - decades of theft, abuse, copyright theft, fraud, falsifications, on every level - more than 15 federal crimes -- not 1 person heard, nor did a thing -- -
GO TO MY LAWYER - - ( how many more have to be infected, die or mysterious get ill, or drop off and calamities for the city on the back fire of decades of hate conjuring - - GOD called judgement - deadlines are up to return all stolen money and none have done an ounce to redeem their souls, and thus then, there will be no other considerations, or chances to move into light or otherwise- -- - I have received nothing - -) )

Donations for rebuilding my life - -

I am the Galactic Princess
Author of 3 ascension books
Have not taken Pharma in well over 9 years
Celibate for over 14yrs
Divorced and estranged over 8yrs as you can tell - no contact and yet all of the past have my name in their chanting mouth daily 

-- while I sit homeless they pretend to be righteous - - patholicial hitmen, witches, warlocks, and many many are involved -- - -

any officials that turn a blind eye - dark occult will be proven and prosecuted in court - - why I am here

NEW LAWS - - you cannot turn a blind eye - -follow the money, IP addresses, get the receipts, investigate resumes on all linked-in and do the interviews - -I give you step by step -- there is millions passing hands and people being harvested daily --

So be it
ALL IN SUCH CORRUPT ill intent - - will go down - - PERIOD

My name used without any level of knowing, permission or magic, abuses, will be returned 10 fold and the ancestors heavens, legions, angels are on the ass of all - - -you do not get to be entitled for abuse to the innocent when GOD said STOP it means stop

see my playlist on -- 'mind scraping' done 3 yrs ago - - title 'you are supported' --

I AM THAT I AM the galactic princess Celeste Go within and heal and you will begin to feel soul infused - and you would never want to be like any other - - 
standards are no longer --
I am higher order -- understand the intention of all before you and choose to go within - - what do you now choose with intention, direction, focus for your new souls blueprint is being offered - 5D or not And so be it divinely sacred I am the Galactic Princess Celeste World leaders are showing you daily - -the core vibration and is the importance that should be the upmost priority the healing of land and people - so be it 5D is all about healing, transmuting, and becoming integrated for unity consciousness there is nothing higher it will carry all wisdoms, gifts, talents, skills and all that is higher dimensional - - - the majesty of the heavens of what Jesus spoke of is this -- and so be it 

Ascension must be slow and progressive with divine teams working with you for your multi-dimensional enhancements and why if you arent aligned, or informed - you can go to the doctors and be misdiagnosed and take Pharma that will delay and hold you back on the majesty of your integration with and of your highest self - -

Your integration of your highest self is light - -it is a sheath offered in every new ascension cycle to help you live in the new outer bedding of heightened light and those that refuse to heal and acclimatize to the new daily offering of Source, ascension light for Gaia and all our collective, will be seen acting out, angry outbursts - and they are showing you there is no alignment -- 

* it is normal to have anger, but daily ascension path-work is providing the mastery to integrate what is being suppressed - and why outbursts occur - -there is suppression of energy, wounding not being integrated and faced - - why we have dark night of the soul - to face what you have consciously or unconsciously hidden - -and why we teach daily path work to be a part of your day so you can master the profound light shifts that will come daily and at greater acceleration 
* light will pull up all that is dense and not in ALIGNMENT

- - I teach, offer how to align and do so daily in the higher order ideals that is not church and state - for that will not teach you how to ascend and daily you will be shown so that you wake up and with divine consciousness choose a higher path -- none will force you to evolve and ascend 

God loves you so much - eternal life is a choice - it will affect all timelines you will ever have and all your children and thier children - it is a sacred choice and made only between you and your higher self, soul, and GOD - - do you care about your souls evolution? 

None will get any higher by refusing to heal, and face what needs to be on a daily basis and thus you will see, even be in yourself the outbursts of what is showing you - 'pay attention to me - I need to be faced and made whole' as God is giviing you an opportunity to be and do, - -GOD is calling you back to GOD for eternal life - -you can choose not to - -- and live in the denser darker realms - or ascend into 5D and beyond in light and have infinite experiences of being GODLY 

5D is not 3D 
There will be no corruption and no elites hiding behind money - - the wounds of such lower behaviour will be healed - -so be this sacred journey 

Thank you for sharing, and donating and booking your 5D alignment sessions copyright © None have ever had permissions nor approval to speak on my name, work, take, use, copy, nor call theirs - - and as I stated per the divine channel - any that refuse to heed such spiritual law order - like the 'arc of the covenant' will find demise in taking, raping, using, refusing to make right - -as we see this unfold --  

And why too we must revisit all human laws and align with universal laws - for the human rights laws, basic as it may be offered - are abused on an hourly basis by the wounded, corrupt, disconnected and selfish ones that have refused to heed the basic ascension process of 'unity consciousness and do unto others' 

There are human rights laws that have done nothing to protect the innocent and the higher vibrational - - there are groups and sects and corrupt beings warped in thier beliefs that enforce those in their environments, through magic, covert abuses, mental emotional and spiritual abuses, abuse of power and abuses of POA and such medical processes, due diligence and simply because a higher vibrational being, is not following confirmed church and state nor choose to believe in sacrificing or satanism or enforced, corrupt masonic patterns of power - - illusions and not healed - and because our genius is higher because we practice, entrain higher vibrational ways - and work with spirit - as I have taught and offered for over 17yrs -- all of which is showing all -- - there are community secret cults, covens, groups, warped wounded masons maffia that are paid, and make money on enforcing abuse, enforcing prostitution and they use abuse dark occult magic, voodoo, abuse power of those in the systems and pay any and all they can to have an innocent higher vibrational being - unique expressive and will refuse to be like any other - -and believe in lower vibrational beliefs - all of which is discrimation and human rights offences and offences of the Universal laws -- because I AM NOT LIKE YOU - - 50+ or more sought to destroy, harvest, thieves, copy my work -- they called me crazy but take my work and while I write books, will run circles in court around their idiocy and bigotry and wounding - - none not 1gave an ounce to my human rights, universal rights, and my care of my life -- not 1 ounce and I ask - these are the officials and the upholding of human rights and basic bare minimum human care -- - it was a tormenting creep show of disgusting abuses - tormenting, sabotaging every hour of my life for their gain and false claims that not 1 official verified my signature or my story 

- -that I had 1000 of emails to my lawyer on the purjory and lies of financial statements and covert abuses and 3 police reports of the same -- and not 1 ounce of care, aid, or protection and why all will sit in karma and the dense, dark realms and they will sentence their families and linages - no redemption on any level has been made or make right being done - 3yrs was the deadlines and I sat homeless hungry and destroyed 

- - these beings refuse to heal and they will show outbursts daily - they are living in the demonic entities they conjured for me over decades and my life light is my protection and I will live eternally in higher vibrations and dimension -- 

Because none in smaller, lower vibrations do not 'get' dimensions, - -does not mean other dimensions beyond 3D box beliefs does not exist -- there are infinite - THAT IS GOD 

WAKE UP Universal laws are, Karmic laws are, Human Rights laws are, GOD IS All past thefts, and losses, and birth falsifications - -go to my lawyer - -  

I am Celeste The Galactic Princess Donations healing activations and vocational alignments ✨✨✨✨✨ *** 90 min sessions $250usd *** 4x45min sessions $550usd

I WILL MEET WITH NONE I am on new timelines new world vibrations and my energy or time will not be wasted this is the law of higher order

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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