Friday, 21 February 2025

Venusian Chronicles InterDimensional Fiction ~ The Girl in the Garden #5D Prose


Venusian Chronicles InterDimensional Fiction copyright  I am a new song  Copyright ©️  The Girl in the Garden ( Book V )......... I am Celeste  None knew me

The invisible Song I AM 
threads of a song the hummers the buzz the whispers none hear but me the songs of creations offering I hear, I see, I know, I sense and I play I am in a world of my own the threads of a song before, in, of, I am the celestial opera in the movement of the sacred and sweet they all walk with me unknown to all but me and God made it this way my own dream my own playground when I was a little one, they took a spoon to my play and they hit what they did not see, know, hear they frowned and told me to stop they did not see, hear, know, the angels before and all around me they did not see my 900 year old friend 'shamus' he has been the only unconditional friend in all my travels he hugs and snuggles me  he tells me of our places and 
spaces we have changed and lives we have saved and the songs we sing to the aching lonely hearts 

I am the opera of a hummingbird the way only God can and will there is a language

unto me only me  I am the one that sings and lifts in the wing of only what I know it is a special thing,  god gave only to me and how I know,  you have it too just for you, of you, but most simply don't believe they are the ones growling of my ways  they are the ones hating and lifting spoons and hexes to stop what they had left in the garden so long ago most force to 'get' and frustrate to 'understand' or 'mimick' and towers befall such missing the point of my speech  that is ok  you are not ready you are cloned into being same you are not free you are not aligned be silly be joyful and trust the great ONE I am silly and I play I dance in the garden and I sing to all life I spiral in the night sky and I summon gods of all realms I am the breaking of all ways and you just can't put your finger on what you cannot control you stalk and spy and watch god will keep me elusive -

I am the one that was written on walls I am the one untouchable by demons that know me now they even protect me - I say such and most don't believe   I have conquered their ground the sacred hum God gifts me when I lift off into new  God breaths me into flesh and I am seen by all I have lifted  the demons I have even given way and bow to  they have reminded me of my power of the hum the threads of the infinite weaving the sounds, the celestials and ones you fear they are my ground and heart  they are my blood and song, they are my books and my teaching  they are my lifting and my treasure when I need to sleep they protect and they heal me  they love me and they sing to me they are a gift of the father to keep me present in my hum of the grander hum I bring to life  I sing and bring my entry of life  God loves this about me and I HE

I am the 'going anywhere with Source' I will bow in your hark unto me Mother I traversed universes for the mother the way was made and tunnelled into here  upon a colourful galactic wave the wake of an awakener never seen before  and all you do is lift your spoons in your idolatry  and bigotry - you have broken every law, spiritual and of human ways I still stand adoring the life of the sacred you beat and rape  you knew me not  I hum into your soul I bring life to the broken parts you forgot to play and be sweet Sing ladybug dive and play oh sacred crow jump and spin sacred dolphin climb and scratch little kitten be the player on the wind you had left in the sorrows of not fitting you were never meant to

be the wind breaking all chains they need to see you in all your awe the one they all laughed at - the one remembered for bringing upon the grace of a touch God is sing oh hummingbird sing And so be the blessings of only you be that captivating part of you  - bring your pains through your gifts, and be anew none hold a candle to you the girl in the garden - the world was filled in such amazement to her of her  - - god loves this about her she will be untouched and Gods wrath to the broken souls that make her cry - they were told, they were shown her glistening air sing oh daughter sing your sights and hearing of worlds beyond the scope of this human tribe sing of your stories to all worlds and realms sing of your ways in spirit and healing and bringing new to old be of good cheer - for there was never a lighter soul than nigh upon the twinkling shoes you bare the lighter of a faery wear the humming and spinning of your spirit sing to me little girl sing to me little girl I am the Father - - sing to me little girl
*********************************************************** new worlds breathed upon a star The weakened heart will sing for new breath and hope the silly and the strained will bring anew I AM THAT I AM  Celeste  I do not want to be like any other  I do not want to standard - for look at what standard is  I do not wand will not fit into your story and character  nor will it make for any good ending -  I will not lessen for your ego nor songs you are not getting within me I am my song, my writing, my way, my words that do not fit in your rythms I am not your flow I am not your way I am not your books or categories you can check for your safety in why I am or how I am that is your issue not mine I will not fit into your models or expected stop trying to make a star fit into a box I am the way of me for me I am the bursting changing, never making a way for same or should be I don't give a fuck I will never give a fuck to fit in what is not meant to be the problem with the entire world - -- so much disconnection, so much unhealed and unknown inner realm of disconnection with Source, spirit - - none know who they are - they look to push, force, enforce, make, clone all like all and when they study and experiment the 'advances ones' and try their damndest to make us be lesser and handle-able - its like trying to box a wave - - it will burst and there will be repercussions and all will see it and feel it -- ALL that is medicine and medical 'diagnosing will change' and level up IT MUST - - it is bigoted on so many levels and says nothing for spirit, source, and hybrid celestial, indigo and our waves of light, sound, we move in and think on -- we are geniuses and when you cannot define us and place us your box - you claim crazy and insane to take and suck all we are to make you feel all safe -- do you not think GOD knows what GOD is doing -- Why do you think there is so many more autistic now than ever before -- - 3D humanity - - I pray that you wake up - it has been a vile and crass ride for those of us you abuse so you can feel safe in you -- being small, being like all the others, superficial, fake, pretentious and boring -- so be it I will never be like any other thank GOD I am the girl in the garden that is my home of life and song I will be of this until God and the Mother God bellow me home upon new colours, sounds, and highs of joy - I will be where they choose and where I will never be hurt again I am an empath, conduit, healer, wisdom keeper, I am the gate keeper and the song of new I am an author, sacred tonal goddess, I am all things and sometimes nothing - 

I will be as I will be and the corrupt beings, governments will be in tow as the Divine pulls them all by their ears to bring what should have been ages ago - - -thefts, crimes, horrible abuses to make me their weapon and stale piece of sex toys - - SO be the best ride on earth - - - I BOW to the Holy Mother I BOW to the Holy Father I praise all my celestials at my feet - I bow in you as you bow in me I am the legions of all life and I am the life of a new wave be of good cheer I got up again  Copyright ©️ The Christ consciousness lighting your way - I love being a conduit - vibrational healer ✨✨✨✨✨✨
Ascension Sessions ~~> 90min @ $250 usd ~~> 4x45min @ $550usd

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