Wednesday, 26 February 2025

How Organized Crime Rings, Secret Societies Over-write your Life with False Fake #5D Healing

How Secret Societies and Corrupt Groups Systematically deconstruct your life - - 

 There are organized groups secret societies in every city and when you are sold Rico underground most don’t even know and your do deluded family friends make money off of selling you - selling your energy and group elites harvest the life out of you

~ pilfer re route your clients patrons business ~ bullying on live stream ~ messing with my numbers views shadow banning ~ your mental emotional spiritual life is attacked systematically ~ see the photos I post on my channel 
~ projections, mental mind control thought projections, spell casting, voodoo over your home, children, and work platforms and seen on livestream when they all sign on 16-20 at a time to throw hate and do spell work 
~ project and do spell work over your children to send them glamour spells of wrong and false narratives to incite hate and discrimination, against your own family and sense of self 
~ do spell work on your family for personal rights - - gender attraction, and birth defects, sexual promiscuity - they will do any spell to systematically attack spiritual mental, emotional, familial and basic human rights laws to be seen, and enacted in corruption - -
~ many officials in the community are false and acting, taking money and bribes as they are a part of the hidden sex cult societies and masonic polygamy games that are played on women and sold names, false marriages and harvesting of the children and women for manifesting and protection of the criminals and false white collar criminals in the systems of our cities and officiating ~ they steal and falsify your signature and documents use ID and destroy your life while they deny and deflect project you doing dark ass crimes against yourself - they will do anything for feeding of the entity attachment and demons they sell to 
~ they know I call 100% truth and they will continue daily to attack my platforms, silence my work, and reroute and hack any of my emails, phones, and life to stop, silence and not call out the very top dogs that GOD will see and charge all in physical court - because the spiritual court has already called it done 
~ the advanced ones - gods term - put in illegal human testing and directed to be sabotaged their entire life so we do not speak on healing humanity - bringing humanity into the light

~ project Stargate - these people are evil warlocks witches follow you to bind and torment yo seek into their underground harvesting rings ~ many of these people hide in trafficking pedophilia - ~
#calgarycult #calgarycorruption #calgaryofficials corrupt and 50+ involved to ensure you are not seen known heard and justice is never given

The first video of sources channel on 'mind-scraping' and the agendas of what was done to me without my knowledge, without my signatures, or approval on any legal and medical or human rights level - there is no spiritual laws, there are no universal laws - - no where in creation says it is ok to do what has been done to me and the authorities and so called leaders and officials have 0 regard for legal systems they can override, and sign off on whatever and however they wish - be it legal or not - there is 0 care and 0 regard for what is abhorrent and obscene to the divine grace, gifts, and souls life that is a gift and this will no longer be tolerated - - 

All will be pulled out and I was shown as a vision of Gods wrath to such that refuse to make right and do right and bring me what is basic common sense and human dignity - of held within every law of our worlds and higher realms - nothing is missed and every action, every word we are seen, known, judged for nay level of evolution anywhere in creation - - 

GODS vision 'there were a million specks of soul aspects in the spiral that I teach, and show in all my videos and in a breath of inhale, the divine father God breathed in the split of a second these souls that had abused me up to 50 were all breathed and disappeared into the all belly of Source, God, the omni' 

The father has called such false corrupt beings, wear a cloak, robe, or badge matters not - your egregious acts are deplorable to the oaths, and people you say you serve -- liars and thieves pedophiles and hipocrits 
you will be sat down within a breath of GOD that BREATHED all of you -- with 0 respect and regard - your small beliefs mean nothing and all will be shown - - GOD is the omni and all life - and how arrogant to think any on a 3D body mind, and darkness have an ounce to say who and what belongs while you touch on children and take out 1 DF healer - you all set homeless and lies so crass and so deep it will take years to sort out the corruption and false stories made - - 

Source Channel - Mindscraping #5D This has been years of attacking me black magic daily To ensure my rights are falsified and narratives swayed - these people gang lie deceive manipulate do magic over and everything to never be accountable These are organized groups paid by elites and governments and why god assures me to live ~ I have signed nothing but divorce ~ I have been given nothing by any that is legally mine ~ investigate the secret files - that none had an ounce to start - just because I call out egregious crimes - thefts misogynist abuses and utter human abuse crimes Human rights are a thing Universal rights trump all snd I am higher order Spiritual laws are a thing God said stop abusing me 3 yrs ago None get to write not handle nor direct nor watch list me I gave rights just like the criminals do and why are the criminals get to walk freely to take out and kill people Mind scraping Mental control programs Brain washing Elite soul harvesting Everyone will go down Everyone will be seen known I will charge all and God wants the false officials - see you all in court - all every leader corrupt military and disgusting inhumane government programs It’s all coming out Harvesting is a real thing and most have no clue #corruptGovernmentPrograms #corruptOfficials #blackweb God is #youtubeCorruption I have taken pics videos all is being shown where is my fucking justice ? You can not be initiated in anything you choose to banish - none have say over you in any way - black web exploitations I have received nothing from any Therefore - all will go down every one Government and all - any all that destroy incite war like inhumane deeds - God sees all and I will call it Put me on your sick lists when you are watching the wrong ones - destroy the innocent prayerful and while criminals kill the innocent - god will pluck every one 50+ involved - officials and so called badged and leaders - illegal inhumane programs and there’s a lot of them - they have no right #projectstargate #mkultra These people enforce insanity poverty defamation of anything they can lie and do magic on My compass is god and the heavens No 3D no one has done right - none No 3D man has been a true noble man protected - stood up and be truthful Everyone is and will speak for their soul How important is your souls evolution? You don’t get another life to work out basic human rights- karma is karma Illegal hacking spying technology warfare Not 1 person official ever verified confirmed nothing - my signature and deeds done - no consent in my life for anything - there are corrupt acts that cannot even be counted I will not silence Every official - don’t give a shit if your 3 D fake ranking - god will have your ass for the decades of destruction - suffering ptsd and loss damages and human rights violations

I have my rights to be me and express my story - god will lift me - all is seen known None have an ounce to control
#epstein idiocy for greed selfishness domination stupidity - it’s horrible All any had to do was fucking heal Heal and do right It’s not rocket science Horrible people doing horrible things and 0 rights Inciting catastrophe and war like behaviour - earth quakes and Chem trails I called it all God doesn’t lie It’s all going back - you were told to stop #area51 abuses I will keep calling our idiots in power - you don’t get to abuse dominate play hunger games / you don’t deserve your title or badge and I will call it Who do you think will win this game after 1590 rituals on my life - corrupt thieving ass liars - you will loose loose loose

Try God and see what returns
#gangstalking #illegalGovernmentprograms #ERPerez corrupt warlocks witches organized criminals and the truth tellers and seers get attacked Every hand and spell lifted to touch my soul, my light, my name, and my energy - will be sent directly equally -- NONE HAVE AN OUNCE on my soul and life - - EVER 
Are we not meant to stand up against crime???  
How is Justice ever given when everyone is fucking abusing every law and paid to take out any that call such horrible acts ~ god has had enough Like a breath ‘inhale’ and god will pluck every ‘virus’ that has done so much harm - those are spirits words - you think you play god - god is the life of your breath and just like that it’s done I am higher order I am Anubis light I am gods messenger messiah I will NOT stand down Make no mistake - that there is a global reason why I survived - - all will be shown, seen, for every deed they chose for decades - to commit crimes, swa

y justice, and keep criminals and abusers on the street for degrading agendas of the elite, and bigots of old world ways 

There is a light and there is a wave and it will alter all creation and every heart that only responds to light and love and truth -- and the leaders of today speak none of such otherwise they would be speaking of light wisdoms, and light education and loving healing of unity and peace - discernment dear ones - - the souls evolution is your responsibility Eternal life is not an automatic gift - you must earn it 

There is secret society abuses in every city and it is a global organized event and timing and targeting to the specific beings and even more horrible was the organized agendas of the governments that direct military like technology warfare, technology abuses, hacking, spying, sabotaging and stalking - - these are criminal human abuses and none have any legal right to do never had any right to do - they had no right to place human in 'test groups, and experiments' of inhumane ways with 0 discussions, and 0 respectful forthright open waivers and legal representative 

Government Enforced Abuse Agendas #projectStargate - these agendas were all 100% covert and many many involved and how any human that goes along with such #area51 and #mkUltra type of abuses and does nothing - -will be set equal karma - you know, you involved, and you choose to take money, take direction of such inhumane human testing, sabotaging, and inciting war like energy and catastrophe - - is insane to the divine and how could it have continued even after the divine messenger that survived such covert abuses - says, shows, and outlines the consequences - and dire last ditch efforts the divine will force for each to save their own soul - -
They illegally place innocent healers, and seers, and speakers of truth on watchlists - illegal spying, illegal tracking, illegal community stalking, and thieving, corrupting sabotaging any level of justice and the investigators chosen by the divine - the ancestors and the invisible will be the ones plucking and pulling any and all that have refused to do right bring truth, and bring me what is legally and financially and humanly rightfully mine - - the lies since my birth and the deceptive groups sent to destroy my life - and create more lies, false forms, false documents - all are now seeing and sitting in the middle of the towers each create - 

Why it took so long for me to ever get Justice and still don’t They all knew They met regularly to scheme plot plan I have sat homeless fighting for my rights monies life and 50 + or more abuse of power and falsifying every document in my Name My ex is a pathological liar Wounded warlock misogynist entire city corrupt #calgarycult #calgarypolice Sex cult and all doing bribes monies and sabotaging corruption on all levels And I should not have survived Their go to claim is ‘crazy’ while they bullied Ganged groups Organized global hate rings to systematically take out ~ directing hits o. Healer - Corrupt dark occultists Systematic abusers Dark occult warlocks Thefts Fraud #calgarycorruptBusinesses I have had 0 ounce of justice -1500 rituals on my life ~ 45+ sacrifices in my life ~ illusions chaos magic sex magic voodoo to take out the only healer to help the world nor fall victim To dark occult crimes $2m spent to take me out I was to receive legally mine years ago There were many messing sabotaging my life while I sat ruined by lies defamation #satanicRituals They all get in on the sex cult - then better all get tested They are all diseased Corrupt false thieves I have signed nothing but divorce #ERPerez corrupt warlocks thieves And all that helped and refuses human rights and justice God will have each of you ~ 209+ selling of my name All will be charged All will be sued All communication must go Corrupt officials and government #projectStargate 

Organized hate secret societies forcing narratives I speak Truth and daily get sabotaged because I call them out God said enough You don’t get to abuse I am Celeste I will not stand down to corrupt false thieves while I sat homeless and hungry People will do anything for false sense of self - people will loose it all Is that your compass ??

Or you could heal
Illegal human experiments All will see and know Light education is pivotal Understand energy How the disgusting evil abuse it

************************************************************************************************************* UNDERSTAND Ascension, Understand Being MultiDimensional, Understand A Grander Version of YOU #5D #ascension #healinghumanity SESSIONS for healing, activating, and expanding ~~~~ New Earth Star #5D IF you wish you 'know the way' for your soul, spirit, body, health, family - align your business and begin anew -- under only the direction of Source and your highest self - - 
~~~~> YOU MUST BOOK A SESSION SESSION details ~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer ~~~~~> ✨✨✨✨✨✨ Ascension Sessions

~~> 90min @ $250 usd ~~> 4x45min @ $550usd
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why all the global control bodies, corrupt evil agendas and minions - they think they are the writer and want to narrate what they cannot control - they will do all they can to have outcome go their way - when all they should be doing is healing - - - whatever they try will return and they will be in loss - - you cannot destroy another's life for your gain and think you will be gifted and blessed - it is obscene and those that do so daily - will be more and more in karma and lack, blocking, their own souls aching to be healed - - IT will be evident - those that have no idea who you are - and have been in gain from theft, fraud, and black magic, sex magic, doing decades of horrible acts - -and now that the ties are all severed and they are not able to take from me in energy - - they will sit in their dark mess -

YOU DO NOT GET TO ABUSE and destroy innocent life and that goes for the corrupt egregious leaders that 'affect weather, and impose and incite hate, destruction, and impale to take out the innocent - - all will be pressed on the ear by GOD and ain't none going anywhere until balance and all is brought into truth -- none miss this time of judgment - -- 

YOU WILL NEVER BE REWARDED by being abusive -- PERIOD - it is all returning - they call Gods chosen 'evil' and it is merely the projection of their own evil deeds and when the investigations are done - getting actua

l receipts, follow the money, follow every ounce of information - these church, false community people will be shown for the many they have taken out and the ruining of the innocent life they have done - they are having tantrums because they are not able to fool the public any longer

-- energy is energy and you will face your deeds 
#calgaryCult - all know what they have done on a daily basis to take me out and destroy my good receiving because they will not be a part of it - -they have raped, stolen, lied, defamed, and exploited for thier gain and when they are severed from my light - they have little boy girl tantrums and let them sit in it all 

None will block me nor sway - - GOD is on every one and all immediately returned - so be sure your deeds you set out in my name - -there are legions returning every ounce of intention - - GOD HAS HAD ENOUGH and it will be GRAVE - - so be sure you know what you are doing -

O YOUR INNER WORK - - live like a criminal and so too will your outcome and this is the last 3D timeline - - eternal life is not a given - --ALL YOU DO RETURNS TO YOU 

SO #calgaryCorruption, #calgaryPolice - -all know all dropped the ball, played along, and did to destroy and block, and steal, - - none will have an ounce - there are legions protecting me and my steps and all will be sat the fuck down until they all get it - -government or elite - GOD has eyes on all and you will NEVER GET A FREE PASS

- - - I HAVE MY UNIVERSAL RIGHTS and I will be exactly who I am - - #Erperez - you will sit down and you will sit in all your deeds - - you chose brutality, cruelty, idiocy - 1000's attempts and showed, told all the outcome and you

all attacked and stole anyhow - 0 ounce of doing right 0 truth - - so sit in your shit - - you deserve where you sit - - I was cruelly attacked daily and you will all sit in your deeds - -#systematicabuse #callingoutSecretSocietyAbuses

Christ consciousness is not a religion - - no master for the billionth time - no master would ever say 'build a religion around me and worship me' - they simply wouldn't

I will not stand down to ignorance and abuse for the wounded and bullies to get away with murder - - perhaps you stop being criminal and own your deeds of hate and systematic abuse - -the investigations will be shown and every deed of hate, and secret society abuses - and where will this bring you - - more karma and jail. - - no dark demon will bring you anything - but karma and jail - - so choose - - you get to choose - - I will not stand down and be ok with such horrible human treatment - you will be called out -

I deserve to receive 
I deserve to be loved 
I deserve to be successful - 
no ones hate and wounding is my issue - perhaps you all heal - same message as 8 yrs ago -- 
predictions 100% real --

You are not ranked by fooling lying to the innocent - - you are not ranked by attacking light workers and stalking, hacking, spying, and blocking the innocent - you will never be ranked - - you simply will not - -

sit in the karma until you do the inner work - - your beliefs and your practices and your choices are your KARMA and your deeds and your outcome -- so what is the answer -- you keep being criminals or you actually heal ALL PAST issues documents, files, and truths, confessions -- I will not allow any to stand before me - - 3yrs too late - I have my right to be exactly who I am and the ignorant will no longer waste my life, energy, money, time - - GOD HAS BLOCKED ALL from the past of all horrible abuses - GO through my lawyer We are divine We are sacred Align and begin again Blessings and light Celeste copyright ©

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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