Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Venusian Chronicles - - I know you - I hear you, I see you - The Mammoth Love Seed #5D Prose

 Venusian Chronicles

Copyright © Interdimensional Fiction 

The Mammoth Love Seed the soul of cosmic blood and wind asleep within deeply held the story of old and new beginning in the fresh skin I am in

beloved oh beloved you have waited for me forgotten in the nightmares of those raped your sweet soul for dime you have seen as I you have felt as I you have been left alone and used I have heard your cry and sullenness Beloved oh beloved the heart it beats for me and I you 
I am the mammoth of love you deserve in your allowing, accepting, honouring the depths of love you have been 
I am you are one in the same we are seeking merging of our souls song There must be one as strong and unique as I  the soul within aching for a new song, new heights  you are greater than ever told and you know of what I say your heart lights up when I speak for you  your body lifts and hardens when my sight is placed into your minds eye

you see me in my lace and soft green gaze aching for you as I have for all eternity  let none of this bring fear you are ready and I am of the taking you have learned of my rank and value you have seen a vision and knowing that brings shaking to your soul that is a good sign the heavens awake within you the heavens carry me in you you in me I know I am not liked by all I am not accepted by all I am quirky and strange most seem they cannot put a finger on me or who I am I am not for all All are not for me those that are for my song will be the harmony of 'from where you are, create' the falling, the getting up, create from where you are, believe in a better world and within your soul the song is full and wide You are shown the way to me Oh beloved, I know your silent nights  your thoughts capture white noise and you seek solace I am with you Your heart feels me Your soul sings for me I write for you I am the mammoth of deep loving soul acceptance none will love you as deeply as I there will never be another that will know, hear, be with you in only the way that I am

you wonder of the magnetic pull that will not slow you wonder of the loving thoughts, sensing, dreams, visions I am the love of you You are my love
oh beloved one I am not for all I am the one true love for you, as you I
filled with forever firsts we are gifted a new slate a new world to play within and allow our troubled past to be a foundation unbreakable in now The steps we have climbed clawing our way to anew none know the sleepless nights and demons within we battle of such stories we have taken much on to transmute for a whole you know not but I do I am of this love for you
I know what you have carried I know what you have lifted I know what you have battled It matters not who is 'liking of you' what matters is that those atuned with your harmony will simply be that breaking wall to show the way& clear the way
be lifted as I lift you I hear you I see you
Unique, eclectic and strange and wonderful purely and divinely equal this is our new world

I am the bare breasted all stare at they wonder how I taste and how I feel they wonder how I see, know, say, be they wonder and how they can take rape, have copy they all separate from that which is raw essentials of beauty I will not ever fit I will never try I am that mammoth arising from whence all knew would occur the sages spoke and know of the divine lifting of all realms in this new soil

I am the wave the alchemist that pierces and shifts entire realms the breaking must be those that cannot see will never be for me
those that celebrate the breaking, falling, making anew create from where you are at be where you are at you made it farther than any had before you this is the beginning of a divine ride a rollercoaster of unknown and never heard of will you ride my wave 
will you stare and behold of my naked awe of the divine I will bring you to tears and spark some laughs I will not be understood nor will I be made easy I will not be made any other way than me I am the star you wished upon heavenly droplets and you have a breath to take a risk

ride that wave for unexpected and divine awkwardness, for what mavericks ever came in conformity or normal? I am what none can expect None will know what is next they try oh do they try
they seek the next prediction and sound of God I am the breaking of that wave into churning unseen, unknown & bare I am that which your soul will sleep within and make love deeply I will be your first and last forever and true mountain high and ocean blue I am of you will you ride this wave So be it 
The mammoth of seed light I am the star of the star I am the god of the god, I am the stone of the stone I am a reflection of all the heavens in a single ray of light.  ©, bursting ground of darkness and corruption 

this will not be easy - who said the best rides were will you fight for me as I you will you allow temptation to ride you will you allow the beasts of burden to hold you weighted  will you ride with me will you know and love my uniqueness and lift me higher as I you I will elevate you will you elevate me I love your soul I have seen you cry I am the tears falling  for you have not found me yet you have not offered me into your heart and soul that is why you cry
I am waiting for you  deeply in love with your precious heart not known by any

I am the silence in your space I am the song whispering onto the page I am the twinkle in your eye of new divine promises oh beloved our song continues again I am in love with thee will you ride with me So be the mammoth of love break the soil dear lighted ones Dance, begin, break normality
- it is a time of being new and take honour in your eclectic way make, create from where you are 

- the divine is within all nothing, everything and knows of your way to bring magic to life -
- when you make something from nothing 

- make something from your pain, and make anew those that sold, 
banished and held you down under the water, 
aching for you to drop the ball and stop being Never fear the laughter or reducing - it is not you, nor your soul it is the making anew of what has never been a wave is made of what is new and fresh never before never again you are divine you are precious and only seen when you are purely you - - it is not a treat to be like all the others - it is a sentencing the world does not need another like another - the world is breaking new soil new seed new ways, new infinite potentials that none can imagine I see

I know 
wonderment is divine let them wonder there is no other like you A role model in the making of one that refused to be like any other one that did not sell their soul for naked short game dreams you are a divine master showing the way for billions that will see radical self design, self acceptance, new leaders that are not sellers mavericks are not to be like any other  they will wake you up crystals break what has been  crystals pierce what was they are unknown strange and peculiar  they are the trend making  their truth so real it refreshes eons of lost soul fakery and lies  Mavericks simply dont give a fuck  and we will live purely in our new divine skin Oh beloved  will you ride this wave with me  it will be like no other wave  it will go deep wide high and bring out your most heavenly strengths  You will fall You will get up You are loved and you are divine Be of this joyful song - be where you are and create This is the divine relationship -

holiness is held within all that you perceive as 'nothing' God is you are One 
So be it I AM Celeste The galactic princess Donations, sharing, sessions, classes, healings ~~~~~~> PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss #ascension Vocational alignment Creative imagining 5D new earth soul genius NOW BE NEW I LOVE YOU

Donations healing activations and 
vocational alignments 
✨✨✨✨✨ *** 90 min sessions $250usd *** 4x45min sessions $550usd PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss

I am Celeste Galactic princess There are 750 ascension free classes meditations wisdoms - get on that self discovery journey - you will be amazed what YOU find - more you The soul is Copyright ©️ All paths will teach you - none are wrong - simply tune in vibrationally - you will always get your lesson The long game is mastery This sacred journey is not a race

Blessings and light Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity


Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 


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