Source Channel - -- - - 'we are keeping all abusers away from you, the light legions are top in priority to keep you safe and out of reach of any that are not heeding spirit higher truth' ~ Source
'PROTECTION of your life is out upmost importance right now' ~ The Mother
Taking people out ?
** #MINDSCRAPING - the first download from GOD of the damages done to me years years ago - -
( why #youtubeCorruption - are all my video links 3 times longer than any other video ) -- -( aligned reader not my video -) links are 3 times shorter and these are accounts that get paid -
** ALL MUST GO THROUGH my lawyer - I will not 'engage nor pick up any calls, nor emails, of any of the past - PERIOD all were told to LEAVE ME THE EFFFF ALONE -- my human, spiritual , and universal rights -- --
ALL DARK OCCULTISTS - - better know your universal laws - better know your spiritual laws that are not made in 3D - better align with your higher self - better align with GOD and higher order - none will be missed - - all know what they chose, did, poisons, plots on car accident and try to make it look accidental - that is the blatant masonic 'not my fault' - - corrupt masons and the hits done, taken - none will be missed -
NEW LAWS -- - DARK OCCULT ABUSE and Dark occult plots, plans, schemes, minions in the cities cults coven, and secret societies - - all will be wearing in your soul - - the equal deeds of all intentions, and all actions - none will be missed
~ systematic abuse is criminal abuse
~ dark occult abuse - is criminal abuse
~ intentional sabotage is criminal abuse
~ isolation and cruel and unusual abuse is criminal abuse
~ withholding finances and blocking, destroying personal and work life - is criminal abuse
~~ healers spend their day in service to the divine and healing, creating - we do not need nor would ever do magic - you are not getting it - -GOD would not lift - -
~~ it is ridiculous for such that are not seers, are not connected wiht GOD not aligned - they say lies about the truth tellers, seers, and plots to sabotage the true chosen ones = and such employ cities to call in their lies - support thier lies -
while none is verified none are confirming - -
HEALING IS VITAL FOR ALL HUMANITY - - - what are we not seeing
LIGHT EDUCATION is vital for all humanity - - -what are we not seeing
~~~ Universal quantum law - infused soul vs - low vibe witch warlock, mason that are dark unaligned - NONE WILL EVER HAVE be gifted, swap spirit, souls, with any that think you can have a divine beings soul, that has been earned over 980 lifetimes - will never hold a light beings spirit - -
MY SAFETY IS PRIORITY RIGHT NOW - - the damages done to my soul, fields, bodies, in decades of abuse is irreversible - - GOD will not allow any but the 1 approved - - and he is not the father of my children -- none of the past will re-enter or re-engage or re- anything
gross negligence
TRUTHS that none confirmed to my face -
* I am celibate for over 14yrs
* I have no STDs nor take aspirin
* DO NOT TAKE big pharmacy for over 8yrs
* do not do drugs on any level
* I live a hermit life
* I left 5yrs ago - -due to stalking and poverty abuse
* NONE NOT 1 verified any level of signature from me - -GO TO MY LAWYER
- - DONE IS EFFIN DONE - - damage done
~~~> ANY DM that attacks their children mothers - in any way - - is not divine
ANY DM that takes part in malicious attacks and has no clue about souls lineage karma and what damages done with dark occult, black magic, voodoo - all will be sent equal debt -- karma is karma
Another aligned reader - supporting my global systematic abuse story - and her links 3times shorter - - why????
Any that thinks they can destroy an innocent healers life, that 0 have approached via lawyer, did their own investigations, reviewed the financials in divorce, phone history, IP history, moneys in and out - -and the falsification of documents - false claims #corruptCults and all they do - for their narratives and then do magic over all court and legal process to give any level of justice to the innocent - and know this - -any person of the 50+ involved
- - all community business and elites, involved, corrupt elites, corrupt white collar criminals involved doing all they can when they are getting paid
( Why is it YOUTUBE shadow banning. - - why do every one of my videos have 3 times the length in links than any other video - -)
I show the pilfering when I upload and all my links are 3times linger than any other - I have nver been paid an ounce
I have never been paid on any level in any way - by any
There are many benefiting off my channel life, light wisdoms - and I am left homeless
and youtube has done nothing - still 8 yrs of no growth --
~~ 3yrs later and the higher order video about those that live and breathe secret this that and pretend to be special and ranked by taking people out --
DO YOUR INVESTIGATION -- - oh so called officials - do your homework - do your investigations - - IP histories and phone records, bank histories - see where how all the moneys going in an out - - $5k here $10K there - where - how and where are the receipts - -????
Then they think just because now all the magic wore off they are all innocent -- - there were many victims that did not make it - -I was the only one that did survive - -they aint walking away -
~~ God confirmed and I will never be tested -- It is against my human rights I will prove nothing - I am a genius - and if any could test in low 3D ways - 185-189 would be my score - I am multidimensional and that means nothing to 3D and why low vibe 3D people that live in bigotry and selfishness - - they will simply attack and abuse to isolate and bully and begin taking their life - -they are called demonic poachers, and vampires - -
~ not 1 verification of my signature or in-person story, health, or order of approval in any form in any way by law that is required provincially - legally - none had an ounce - -all documents besides divorce is falsified -
~ not 1 level of verifying my life and my monies, histories, and signatures - the entire city, global groups accepted pathological warlocks, witches word for their attacks and life hits on my work, family and life
I AM A SEER, I HEAR< -- I SAW the rituals I SAW the meet ups and group meetings, in the kitchens, and basements on how to plan me to take me out - voodoo dolls and mirror magic, jar magic, blood magic - and any that thinks they are now waking up and pulling thier energy and choosing not to 'be cult' anymore - - think you will walk away and all thins great now --
< GOD WILL NEVER LIFT if you do as the corrupt DO
- - dugjhhh why the corrupt deflect blame and bring even more torment to their victims - -they will blame and falsely accuse - they are narcs and will not get universal laws
I am the only one that passed - in a group with world leaders - I WAS THE ONLY ONE TO PASS and being unblemished - - meaning that in my power of all that is
-- I CHOOSE PEACE AND HIGHER ORDER and let GOD deal with karma to those that have done nothing but try to kill me and sabotage my life
I do not need magic - been the same message - while the 'behind the door' they throw voodoo, spells, blood magic, and pull everyone in to manipulate and ruin lives sacrifices any that call these corrupt warped, mentally imbalanced due to the black mess they chose - -- crimes are crimes and none will 'walk away and think' you all innocent
~ 50+ involved
~ 2000+ rituals on my life
~ 45+ sacrificing
~ 200+ selling of my name, light, energy, spiritual ranking
~ $2M spent to take me out - -
YEARS YEARS of plotting planning, falsifying, wasting of the city money, time, and all know what they did and agreed to and how many have been infected by these sex cult covens and what damage and dangerous acts these asses do for money and greed and false underground clout - and that is your ranking -
All speaking on my name,
All false documents, government or otherwise - - will be sent karma hourly x 100
All speaking voodoo, black magic and doing thier most on my life - when you simply choose attacking what you do not understand nor can comprehend because you choose to live in darkness and envy, jealousy - and all my videos for 17yrs are all about -- HEALING
So you can earn the consciousness to be aligned and harmonized with GOD and not be taken advantage of by corrupt cults, corrupt people warped mentally and spiritually because there is no connection - -only words of bible and church and state that are not vibrational nor healing -
- I had worked for the top 4 biggest banks, government and the Office of the Ombudsmans and actually looking after financing for the infirmed - - there are several very thorough processes and due diligence legally, medically, and through various assessments on many many levels
~~ God confirmed and I will never be tested -- It is against my human rights I will prove nothing - I am a genius - and if any could test in low 3D ways - 185-189 would be my score - I am multidimensional and that means nothing to 3D and why low vibe 3D people that live in bigotry and selfishness - - they will simply attack and abuse to isolate and bully and begin taking their life - -they are called demonic poachers, and vampires - -
SEE your own provinces legal requirements on such inheritances, insurance, legal matters on all estates - there are those in your family that have 0 care about you and simply want your light, energy, and money and they will destroy, poison, defame, group, gang any to take you down - - -
~~~ PROVINCIAL legally requirements - due process - provinces are slightly different - but not 1 person, not 1 accreted doctor - no underground mad scientist #epstein style - but a true doctor that has followed all provincial laws and processes and verified the files, secret this and secret that - evidence all but messed so bad - who knows what truth is truth and only GOD will reveal - they are all scurrying like rats and scapegoating - -
I HAVE WORKED and know the process of such ridiculous claims that any corrupt secret society will pull in their assigned 'slow daggar' life take over- - false POA's and false medical history - meanwhile not 1 official ever came to speak to you or verify anything - I would run circles around all - -
Why do you think I knew 'I want her gone, she's bad for business' -- - there were only 2 of you in the office - -I HEARD IT ALL
Why do you think I know 'the kitchen meetings, the next plot to get me, and pull me back into sick ass sex cult harvesting off of my energy' that GOD cut all offf and why all is tumbling
All degrade and rape harvest off of DF as if she is nothing - but take her light away - and the city will fall - - cities do not grow and imbue balance in distorted DM and misogyny - -
- GOD had enough and hath spoken - -''any that choose to abuse, try to, will be blocked and not touch you' immediate karma
All that have touched my life, and all that have lied, denied, and tormented my life in lies and tormenting schemes, for self gain - black web mess - lies and corrupt government human testing - all past #calgaryCULT CALGARY CRIMES #CalgaryPOLICE
ALL MUST go through
NONE that attack their children's mother - for years years - is not divine and they are not a pal = they will go to jail -
ALL WERE GIVEN YEARS and 100's of emails in calling judgment -- NONE have done a thing and 3yrs TOO LATE - - you choose to fuck around - you will sit in your karma - #warlocks are guilty - -aint no divine masculine when you attack the mother of your children - PERIOD
GO THROUGH my lawyer - I will speak to none
- I will NOT ENGAGE with any of the past - -same message -
I was left for dead withheld, lied, stolen property mail, money and attacked daily
- all will be getting charged --
#ERPEREZ none will return - there were 100's of emails and all know the monies they took, see going in and out of their bank accounts - get receipts - while I sat homeless - $20k going in and out and playing god over the entire city for their cults covens, narratives - my life, my justice was utterly wasted and my family were destroyed - all will get EQUAL KARMA -
you wil not be redeemed by me - you are guilty - - none will come back, none will return none will re anything
All were living large on my life and energy and money - see all the lies perjury on the divorce docs
Do your investigations police --- - you all still know what monies you took, agreed to and took without 1 conversation nor verification of signature of me, nor talking to me nor even seeing how I live - homeless and left for dead - - corrupt secret society - you will not return
- -we are not pals
KARMA to kill someone - - you all plotted and all will be charged - -premeditated murder -- 50+ human testing - corruption and low vibrational targeting - stalking, spying, hacking, sabotage, copyright infringement, harassment, exploiting
KARMA to kill someone - - you all plotted and all will be charged - -premeditated murder -- 50+ human testing - corruption and low vibrational targeting - stalking, spying, hacking, sabotage, copyright infringement, harassment, exploiting
GO LOOK at my videos, dates, and messages - GOD downloaded words, wisdoms, calling out only to me and no other - for a reason - there will be global law suits on the abuses, and organized systematic abuses -
do your homework - -
- - -many many many know the damages on my life they all took part in --
ATTACKING someone because they are different and higher than you -- you do not get to come back
DECADES OF RUINING my life for money - -premeditated murder -- - they will all go down - -
GO TO my lawyer - AINT Talking to none -
GOD GAVE ALL 3YRS TO MAKE RIGHT ON MY LOSSES and damage and not 1 'official' did anything - - but destroy evidence, papers, their tracks - - -
My god - -all will sit in their deeds - - nothing has been alchemized nor made right - and your 3yr late half assed confessions means nothing - I already carried the lies, defamation, transmuted what no other would could - and survived the group gang BS -- - damage done - time wasted- life wasted - its not an 'ooopss'
NONE will come toward me - - I will not speak, engage to any from 3rd party ass cult coven dumb ass BS --
BANISHED< BLOCKED rebuked - - -all know what they did.
- I will call the police any think they can walk to me - - I HAVE MY RIGHTS FOR SAFETY and none will come toward me - - PERIOD - I have my rights - -
NONE will touch me none will stand before me
THERE is only 1 allowed to come forth - they know who they are -- and I will not 're-anything' all must be authorities and investigators of higher authorities and not any low vibe DM - that thinks they are divine as they attack for years years while I sat for dead - you not innocent - you will be charged - -you will not stand before me - -
YOUR KARMA OF YOUR SOUL begins on every intent - years and years of intent - with 0 due diligence or kindness or unity, or care, or basic human laws, human rights, universal laws - there were countless crimes and offences - you cannot even count - - countless -
INTENTION is all that MAGIC is about - -it is a scapegoating mess - when all the warlocks and witches, and masons say 'I did not know my circle and sacrificing pyramid, bidding ring, and blood rituals were a bad thing'
is an utter joke in the face of all justice systems - now their backs against the walls and tails between their legs when all they wanted to do was spit on Gods name and take me out - being a DF and all - how dare a DF know who she is have money - we will break her and leave her for dead and never give her food and or otherwise - -theri intentions were masochistic and beyond cruel and unusual and all will know - - the top dog to the bottom minions in every city - -
tormenting psychological trauma - return monies - return paperwork to my lawyer - NO RETURN TO ME - - -
I AM DIVINE SACRED and GOD HATH SPOKEN - none will stand before me of the past - -PERIOD
TIMELINES SEVERED - - - none deserve another ounce of my time, energy or space - -over means over move on
GO THROUGH MY LAWYER -- -if you want to return something GO THROUGH MY LAWYER - -
* I will not speak to radio or news - -
* do your own investigations do your due diligence -
~~ I have received not 1 penny from any for the entirety of my life -- not 1 penny
~~ the government and paid minions - including the jack off 'blue Tesla' stalkers know what they got paid for, did on an obsessed daily basis and did to my platforms, life, work, hacking and to my client lists, and all that was done to never have me ever been seen known, but in death - - and underground sick ass black web bidding pyramids
GOD SHOWS me exactly what goes on - - just because your own black magic is wearing off - doesn't mean you are innocent - - you chose to take money pay, give, play a part in the years years years of plotting destroying my life -- and gang attack 1 innocent master from the heavens -
I SAT HOMELESS for 5yrs -- how many daily intentions, daily schemes, daily kitchen group meetings of who to send to me next, how to break me, how to sabotage every ounce of my life
You will all sit in your equal deeds - to my soul while my life was derailed, delayed,
~ PTSD, isolation from my children, over 6yrs from my kids I will never get back -
~ 8yrs of blocked 0 platform growth - shadow banning - -0 growth - -#youtubeCorruption
~ homelessness, stress of poverty and not eating for weeks at a time - while fighting for my voice and the daily relentless obstacle to delay justice and bring 0 justice but to even blame me for being insane and crazy and at fault of crimes against myself - -
This is the basic constructs of masonic abuse - -
I AM A UNICORN spirit - rare and none other like me on the planet and never will be - - there will never be another ME _ my coding my integration and what I have cleared and integrated - - none none none
#slowDaggar is as it sounds - -that is the intent - intent to kill is criminal abuse
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