Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Dark Occult Swapping of Souls, Sacrificing, Destiny Re-Routing -- #5D Wisdoms

 The corrupt, secret societies have defamed, sabotaged, and project, deflect, and twist stories of who they are to those they want to take over -- it is a real thing and they are very good at fooling the untrained - claimed me crazy with 0 regard, 0 knowing, 0 due diligence, 0 medical permissions, 0 signatures, and 0 understanding of anything to do with higher order laws, universal laws, spiritual laws, and the divine - yet claim themselves as community knowers and protectors - and they are certainly not

The corrupt societies and directors of organized attacks, elite soul harvesters and corrupt masonic groups, misogynistic groups, and corrupt officials cannot stand before me and pretend of their ways of being all elite and powerful in thier badge and yet they are as corrupt as can be - they allow falsification and false claims, lies, defamation, blaspheme and the heavens are now aligning me with trillion-fold deep of protectors and guides and arch angels due to the global misdeeds, misguidance, misinformation of God, church, and state and the egregious beings that refuse to heal and refuse to do right by the people

They have all been shown, told of the importance of light workers, seers and knowers like me - entrained over eons, and ancient and futures, and celestial blood and holy blood - and all have been shown - -all know my influence and they are 'thre

atened' by my knowing, and my predictions, seeings, and knowings with Source, that is my interfacing and none will touch this as hard as they have tried


And all the decades of sabotage and attacking and if they cannot understand, or we survive what cannot be done, cannot be seen, and I hear the unbearable - as god allows I am - -and none think this is possible - and then claim to falsely accuse while they sit in the basement and underground doing voodoo to take me out, under, less than for them to control -- -
~ to be 'threatened' is to be in fear and unhealed space - -if you have nothing to hide and nothing to allow to change, and grow within than bring it - otherwise you are standing in fear and those that cannot grow and refuse to grow and those that want to take your relisilence and your power to not be swayed by the group think, Lower vibrational deeds and manipulations are nothing but Childs play of the wounded -

~ I have been speaking on 'elite soul harvesting' elite harvesting, and destiny swapping, the corrupt masonic deeds and warlocks and witches that do voodoo 24/7 to take, harvest and clinging to your energy and fields, and do chakra binding work - -yet my light education is silenced and not seen due to #corruptYoutube
~ those that are not healed and not in their own sense of self - will cling and want to be like those seen in the public eye - they are lost souls and need to be re-entrained to go within and seek healing, sense of self, and do the inner work, do the inner healing which is all that I teach over 17yrs -
~ there are those that live in spell work - jealousy, envy, greedy, selfish, destiny swappers, and those that play in the dark occult and voodoo and want a fast track and they have no clue of energy, how gifts, skills, talents, are offered to the souls that honour their own soul path - all past #calgaryCult #ERPerez corrupt cult power takers and warlock manipulators that fool, hide, and swap energy by doing the harvesting, siphoning #calgarypolice #corruptioninCalgary

I have been talking about elite soul harvesting and corrupt cults, masons, when what they do in the underground is shady, re-routing and bringing the false of the truth and swap it criminally - they have 0 boundaries on your space, energy spirit, and life - they begin a take over - spiritual soul take over -- they will wedge their way into your life in all any ways - and is a virus - bots with viruses that God has called it --

All such have been blocked and banished - All such sex cults - they are all entity attached, and are demonic in thier behaviour and tactics - they see the light and only way for them to feed is off of the purity and innocent when they have lived debaucherous ways and have sold their souls light, innocence and chosen not to heal - they want to swap and take - - they are not divine beings - they want your soul spirit and then sacrifice and bid on you in the underground - - RICO rings and dark occult crimes -

~ understand destiny swapping, elite soul harvesting and how those that are in entity attachment - sit in their dark underground harvesting rings - -

My content and work videos all have been pilfered and these people belong to organized #epstein cloning rings and trafficking rings
~ never allow those that have thrown you under the bus - - back into your life - sever ties, and sever cords daily and clean your chakras and fields - - -when one person talks spiritual and they are not spiritual - they are lost souls trying to pretend they are aligned and they are not - -

they fool a lot of people - they have no sense of self - -

~ leeches, latch on, and take your ideas, light, soul energy, and soul harvesting events by having others gang in with magic, and deeds, and actions that are mimicking - many are born and raised in catholic ways where they loose all sense of self - copy cats, dopplegangers - those that say positive things to your face and defame and blaspheme you behind your back - they re-route energy, clients, they hack the technology to get lists and then begin to 'wedge' their way into your private life and

My work is my work
My content is my content
None have earned my place, space, or energy

All past #calgaryCult #Erperez all will go to jail and be seen and known for thier horrible actions, and tactics, and do black magic to retain attachment and obsessively sociopathic - the Calgary police needs to be aware and do their job - -dark occult crime is criminal abuse - these groups have done 1000+ rituals on my life and work, they stalk and follow investigate IP addresses' and their finances - -they will all be charged - --
Criminal abuse, protection orders, all of the past will sit in the decades of abuse and lies, defamation, and horrible attacks by dark occult - -copy and doppleganger -- is stalking, spying, and abuse -

All get and know energy and how covert abusers abuse - - systematic abuse is a real thing and these people are as God says is viruses that refuse to do the work - they bind and lazy their way through life and try to take what they could never take nor hold - the vibrations are simply not equal - - -

Understand those that harvest and how they behave and understand light education
Such are not godly - - they are harvesters and usually will belong to RICO rings -

they need to feed their demon of jealousy and no sense of self - they will deny and refuse to be accountable - - sick ass people and need assessment

All communication must go through my lawyer -

I have been talking about elite soul harvesting for over 3 yrs - -and all such behaviours need psychological assessment and healing - - they can be overly obsessive and dangerous. - such will be and help make way for new laws - all of our collective must see such behaviours and seek authorities and how to keep speaking out and get aid, supports and protection - #calgarypolice #interpol #falseLeaders have made such groups, cults, covens, and they are paid to attack and grow in false dark false spiritualists - - -and yet my pages are blocked and shadow-banned

All must learn to protect your fields, life, home, and chakras - and advise the authorities
Dark occult and occult crimes, and covert abuses are very real and done by #secretSocietiesAbuses corrupt masons, corrupt warlocks and what being impaled by black magic, and voodoo - they spend every day in magic - -

Sense of self is vital - - why you do the daily practices and how others abuse and use
( again - why are my video links 3 times longer than any other youtube video I offer daily )

Mind scraping - - My channel from Source --
#youtubeCorruption - - I show every upload the pilfering and messing with my views - and yet where is my justice and human rights - - a $450B company suppressing and messing with a DF healer channel of 2k subscribers - at 0 growth over 8 yrs - -
how is this fair and just?

This video was 3 yrs ago when Source began downloaded the corrupt elite, and all that the elite have been doing and how the truth tellers, the true 5D leaders sit homeless while the corrupt swap places and take by group rituals and voodoo and how these corrupt seething demons work - - they play to push you into poverty, insanity, magic and hi-jack your life -- - -

HOW CAN WE awaken and have new laws -- - none need to spend all day long to cleanse and clear your energy 24/7 to be in peace - because of corrupt ass wounded people that refuse to heal --

Our medical fields need to awaken and get 5D and know more for these people and help them heal
Our policing fields needs to awaken and make new laws for the communities - - peoples lives are being sacrificed daily and these people rape the life of anything and all - -

GOD has said enough and none will touch my spirit soul and life -- -there is only 1 me and none would could even stand on stage and pretend to be a conduit - they simply cannot - - God would not download to such people and such would make a fool of themselves - they need assessment and have delusions of being someone they are not - - - while they deconstruct your life to take on thier karma and deeds 

- - not gonna happen #ERPerez - - you fool none and all you belong with is followed by all your darkness and deeds- please all go heal and leave me be - -- God has told and shown all - stay away and get healed - you will never be me and your deeds are known --

I am protected until the end of time
none will touch my spirit or soul or destiny - you have not earned to carry who and what I am
its vibration and it must be earned - damaging another soul, sacrificing and doing magic 24/7 to take on another energy is not being 'in alignment' - - -- its being fake - -

So be it
How may we awaken

None can do anything to claim your health, mind, body, spirit and not have an ounce of legal say, writing without provincial guidelines being met - - if you are in the US than this is also admissible by court of law that all POA and stating another is not capable in any way is done through unbiased actual doctors of credibility not the #Epstein underground or paid corrupt community affiliates and falsifying paperwork, documents, medical records - -if you investigate everything these people have touched

- I have signed nothing but divorce
- I have never given approval for any to do any level of assessment - I am a genius and will never approve - it is against my human rights and none had any right to
- there are biases, abuses, and bigotry simply because they want who I am and yet tell the courts to reroute what is mine to them because they do not beleive in the God I speak on when it is consciousness light wisdoms and every episode spoke on the GAIA channel --

My teachings are no different than Lee Carroll, Daniel Scranton, and other top channellers -

- you will find insurance, inheritances, laundering, money thefts, and falsifying anything and all they have taken over in soul energy - viruses - they seek to take over the cell, soul, that is their programming - bots -- and they are directed and trained - #mKUltra - #area51humanAgendas

DO YOUR INVESTIGATION and when does 1 DF healer get justice?
I get to be me
without having to get protection orders on all past people so called family that refuse to heal and do basic human rights laws - by leaving all alone - stay in your own lane and stop abusing dark occult practices -- the energy will return, and the dark living will sit exactly as it is - - return rebuke return rebuke


you will never be me - try healing and being you!!!!
Understand energy, understand light wisdoms, and all must truly speak out on such community and karmic family deeds to suppress, take, harvest, and traffic you --
Blessings and light
NEW LAWS #5D is the alignment for the higher order and universal laws

RIGHT USE OF FREE WILL and non-interference
Law of balance
So be it
this is my word

all of the past - 50+ involved will be charged and have been ordered to pay me be within a deadline and karma will unfold 10fold daily when if not done - - laws are laws and none will be missed

I AM Celeste


Copying someone is not being aligned nor being healed - its delusional - -
copyright ©,

************************************************************************************************************* UNDERSTAND Ascension, Understand Being MultiDimensional, Understand A Grander Version of YOU #5D #ascension #healinghumanity SESSIONS for healing, activating, and expanding ~~~~ New Earth Star #5D IF you wish you 'know the way' for your soul, spirit, body, health, family - align your business and begin anew -- under only the direction of Source and your highest self - - 
~~~~> YOU MUST BOOK A SESSION SESSION details ~~~~~> I love being a conduit - vibrational healer ~~~~~> ✨✨✨✨✨✨ Ascension Sessions

~~> 90min @ $250 usd ~~> 4x45min @ $550usd
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why all the global control bodies, corrupt evil agendas and minions - they think they are the writer and want to narrate what they cannot control - they will do all they can to have outcome go their way - when all they should be doing is healing - - - whatever they try will return and they will be in loss - - you cannot destroy another's life for your gain and think you will be gifted and blessed - it is obscene and those that do so daily - will be more and more in karma and lack, blocking, their own souls aching to be healed - - IT will be evident - those that have no idea who you are - and have been in gain from theft, fraud, and black magic, sex magic, doing decades of horrible acts - -and now that the ties are all severed and they are not able to take from me in energy - - they will sit in their dark mess -

YOU DO NOT GET TO ABUSE and destroy innocent life and that goes for the corrupt egregious leaders that 'affect weather, and impose and incite hate, destruction, and impale to take out the innocent - - all will be pressed on the ear by GOD and ain't none going anywhere until balance and all is brought into truth -- none miss this time of judgment - -- 

YOU WILL NEVER BE REWARDED by being abusive -- PERIOD - it is all returning - they call Gods chosen 'evil' and it is merely the projection of their own evil deeds and when the investigations are done - getting actua

l receipts, follow the money, follow every ounce of information - these church, false community people will be shown for the many they have taken out and the ruining of the innocent life they have done - they are having tantrums because they are not able to fool the public any longer

-- energy is energy and you will face your deeds 
#calgaryCult - all know what they have done on a daily basis to take me out and destroy my good receiving because they will not be a part of it - -they have raped, stolen, lied, defamed, and exploited for thier gain and when they are severed from my light - they have little boy girl tantrums and let them sit in it all 

None will block me nor sway - - GOD is on every one and all immediately returned - so be sure your deeds you set out in my name - -there are legions returning every ounce of intention - - GOD HAS HAD ENOUGH and it will be GRAVE - - so be sure you know what you are doing -

O YOUR INNER WORK - - live like a criminal and so too will your outcome and this is the last 3D timeline - - eternal life is not a given - --ALL YOU DO RETURNS TO YOU 

SO #calgaryCorruption, #calgaryPolice - -all know all dropped the ball, played along, and did to destroy and block, and steal, - - none will have an ounce - there are legions protecting me and my steps and all will be sat the fuck down until they all get it - -government or elite - GOD has eyes on all and you will NEVER GET A FREE PASS

- - - I HAVE MY UNIVERSAL RIGHTS and I will be exactly who I am - - #Erperez - you will sit down and you will sit in all your deeds - - you chose brutality, cruelty, idiocy - 1000's attempts and showed, told all the outcome and you

all attacked and stole anyhow - 0 ounce of doing right 0 truth - - so sit in your shit - - you deserve where you sit - - I was cruelly attacked daily and you will all sit in your deeds - -#systematicabuse #callingoutSecretSocietyAbuses

Christ consciousness is not a religion - - no master for the billionth time - no master would ever say 'build a religion around me and worship me' - they simply wouldn't

I will not stand down to ignorance and abuse for the wounded and bullies to get away with murder - - perhaps you stop being criminal and own your deeds of hate and systematic abuse - -the investigations will be shown and every deed of hate, and secret society abuses - and where will this bring you - - more karma and jail. - - no dark demon will bring you anything - but karma and jail - - so choose - - you get to choose - - I will not stand down and be ok with such horrible human treatment - you will be called out -

I deserve to receive 
I deserve to be loved 
I deserve to be successful - 
no ones hate and wounding is my issue - perhaps you all heal - same message as 8 yrs ago -- 
predictions 100% real --

You are not ranked by fooling lying to the innocent - - you are not ranked by attacking light workers and stalking, hacking, spying, and blocking the innocent - you will never be ranked - - you simply will not - -

sit in the karma until you do the inner work - - your beliefs and your practices and your choices are your KARMA and your deeds and your outcome -- so what is the answer -- you keep being criminals or you actually heal ALL PAST issues documents, files, and truths, confessions -- I will not allow any to stand before me - - 3yrs too late - I have my right to be exactly who I am and the ignorant will no longer waste my life, energy, money, time - - GOD HAS BLOCKED ALL from the past of all horrible abuses - GO through my lawyer We are divine We are sacred Align and begin again Blessings and light Celeste copyright ©

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 
God is 
