Thoth, who has asked me to call him 'Ha Ra' and I wanted to also offer to the collective As the channelling and spiritual masters level up in humanity and many channel such masters, councils, and federations, and many of higher realms beings - ~ there is a reason why there are a few channels that channel many masters, and beings and such are given unique names, that we agree to arrange in our work together - this is very purposeful - ~ firstly - the dimensions I tapped into are not the dimensions of other channels, nor are other channels 'conduits' there is a unique interfacing that all channels, psychics, mediums have and why masters, and beings, even groups such as the Galactic Federation, Councils of Light - who ask me to call them, 'Systems of Light' for I encompass the species of all realms, universes that other channels do not have the attunement to tap into
- this is all perfect for every channel and psychic to work with their level of expertise - It is a perfect way in which we all work out a vibrational name you work with them on
Every new guide, or energy - I ASK 'who is this new energy and what shall I call you' - there is then an explanation - of your work together and getting 'comfortable' with the emergence of energies and interpretations of flow of insight, downloads, and activations
- it is unlike any other channel and all beings that I call in for messages - they are connected, sewn, threaded in such a way - that there is beings, entities, consciousness that will stretch and nourish my link with them and only be given through me -
~ Secondly - there are the trust, faith, and validation of messages you get and receive - the Systems of Light provide me, as I am a channel for the Mother Father Messages, and other hybrid level ups, Gaia, and species, that no other channel will get - and it is all vibrational and due to the souls blueprint
Every channel, conduit, psychics are working at their own level of density, and light, and if they are stretching up to play, seek, expand within capacity and aptitude, and at every new cycle - you will get new guides that will stretch you for the Fathers plan and other life also requiring your energy, sewing, and inter-facing Why it is very 'ok' and necessary - for all channels, to channel their specific vibration of the groups - for when you tune in to channel - they offer what you are meant to know, see, interpret - and some have a wider scope of energy reading than others - some channels only channel one being - some are cosmic, and universal channels, and some are 'conduits' and there is a very VAST DIFFERENCE - - - it is all relating to the souls destiny, souls blueprint and the entrainment that every person chooses to 'do the work' and master God knows your heart and all realms you have worked within and apparently I have had about 1000 lifetimes with Ha Ra - - he is a pleasant man, grand in his energy, and I had held off for many years - held myself in 'insecurity and less than' in channeling him - - he is one of our planets and the cosmos quantum math, scientific specialists of CREATION quantum-ness of the divine Father, Source, and how we are growing into our expanded knowing of being quantum
I am releasing many insecurities in working with him and he is being very patient and gentle with me - I have purposefully pushed his energy offer for many years - I never felt 'ready' for his energy and wisdoms - but the Father and my guides say it is time - PLEASE BARE WITH ME while I navigate this new paradigm of energy and wisdom - I am not a scientific person at all - failed most of my science classes with the exception of Biology - but I am sure if I were to go back now I would do much better - - Source provides us a way to learn what is unattainable in our 3D less than minds, we were told we were not smart, failed a few classes, even grades, even taking summer school, and the measures, and superficial false standards of systems that are not matching the genius of those of us that simply learn in varied ways that are not the 'traditional' manner We take them on and think we are not smart, or not intelligent and I am here to tell you - your intelligence has 100% nothing to do with any 3D level of measure - most systems are not star seed aligned in any way - many star seeds, and many high functioning found much trouble in school and took on beliefs that are simply not who we are -
Creative intelligence is a thing Emotional intelligence is a thing and I will be offering classes in the new year of such for the expansion of such and as you expand in one element of your multi-dimensionality - owning all of you - you allow for your true gifts and skills to birth anew - You do not need certificates and diplomas in 3D old structures - to be valid in your wisdoms - would you have asked Jesus for a diploma of what He taught? he did not ever go to school but to immerse himself in Egyptian temples and live as a conduit - learning and living the essence of his fullness Anyhow - there is much 'letting go' of our own judgments and what new have pigeoned holed us into less than, and know you are not less than ever - you were simply in the wrong systems with none that could serve the nourishment and expansion you needed to be fully you
Every channel, conduit, psychics are working at their own level of density, and light, and if they are stretching up to play, seek, expand within capacity and aptitude, and at every new cycle - you will get new guides that will stretch you for the Fathers plan and other life also requiring your energy, sewing, and inter-facing Why it is very 'ok' and necessary - for all channels, to channel their specific vibration of the groups - for when you tune in to channel - they offer what you are meant to know, see, interpret - and some have a wider scope of energy reading than others - some channels only channel one being - some are cosmic, and universal channels, and some are 'conduits' and there is a very VAST DIFFERENCE - - - it is all relating to the souls destiny, souls blueprint and the entrainment that every person chooses to 'do the work' and master God knows your heart and all realms you have worked within and apparently I have had about 1000 lifetimes with Ha Ra - - he is a pleasant man, grand in his energy, and I had held off for many years - held myself in 'insecurity and less than' in channeling him - - he is one of our planets and the cosmos quantum math, scientific specialists of CREATION quantum-ness of the divine Father, Source, and how we are growing into our expanded knowing of being quantum
I am releasing many insecurities in working with him and he is being very patient and gentle with me - I have purposefully pushed his energy offer for many years - I never felt 'ready' for his energy and wisdoms - but the Father and my guides say it is time - PLEASE BARE WITH ME while I navigate this new paradigm of energy and wisdom - I am not a scientific person at all - failed most of my science classes with the exception of Biology - but I am sure if I were to go back now I would do much better - - Source provides us a way to learn what is unattainable in our 3D less than minds, we were told we were not smart, failed a few classes, even grades, even taking summer school, and the measures, and superficial false standards of systems that are not matching the genius of those of us that simply learn in varied ways that are not the 'traditional' manner We take them on and think we are not smart, or not intelligent and I am here to tell you - your intelligence has 100% nothing to do with any 3D level of measure - most systems are not star seed aligned in any way - many star seeds, and many high functioning found much trouble in school and took on beliefs that are simply not who we are -
Creative intelligence is a thing Emotional intelligence is a thing and I will be offering classes in the new year of such for the expansion of such and as you expand in one element of your multi-dimensionality - owning all of you - you allow for your true gifts and skills to birth anew - You do not need certificates and diplomas in 3D old structures - to be valid in your wisdoms - would you have asked Jesus for a diploma of what He taught? he did not ever go to school but to immerse himself in Egyptian temples and live as a conduit - learning and living the essence of his fullness Anyhow - there is much 'letting go' of our own judgments and what new have pigeoned holed us into less than, and know you are not less than ever - you were simply in the wrong systems with none that could serve the nourishment and expansion you needed to be fully you
I am sure what grace that Ha Ra offers me will be paramount for our new earth star templates and quantum essence of our becoming - the heavens know I muse in, study the brain, and channel what I can on the human experience expanding with light and our ability to heal in such - and how I soften into this new cycle
- - please know - old 3D systems IS NEVER A MEASURE OF WHO YOU ARE and what you are capable of - PERIOD
test, open up, and be the master of what, whom, and how the divine energies imprint new growth for our releasing smallness and inferiority of old ways, and projections that were never ours to carry -- - -
REMEMBER - never gauge yourself to any other - WE ARE ONE - some have fewer lifetimes as a soul, and some have many - God, Source, your guides will place you and inspire, ignite all in divine timing - and every master is ONE WITH YOU - feel into that
Blessings be oh creative GENIUSES - I LOVE YOU and all the states that you are -
Let go
You are a genius
Soften, Seek, Admire, Bow to all life before you - - -
(until January )
I will assume my new name for new earth star - Celeste
copyright ©,
Joanna (until the new year and all legal is complete )
Divine Ascension and New earth Star Leader healer, teacher
~ Celeste
All monies documents, papers, legal go to
ALL DONATIONS and ascension sessions activations, headings
My word is
copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations Donations and ascension sessions - ****** 90min $233USD ******* 4x45min $533USD ******* 40min $105USD
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $105USD
******* 90min $233USD
******** 4x45min $533USD (until jan 1)
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
Sessions *************** 90min $233USD
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