Spirited Unveils and truths
#YoutubeCorruption #systematicAbuse #demonicRituals #suppressingWomen #suppressionofDivineWisdoms Spirit has confirmed, there are elites that are paying Youtube to suppress, manage and silence veil, shadow, channels for the control of what information, who is seen, what is seen, and how it is seen; THE EGREGIOUS CORRUPTION of what hate does and unhealed souls do to the innocent on an hourly basis ~~ Spirit revealed - these are some of the most elite, wealthy and powerful people in the world - multimillion, billionaires - and they pay secret societies and platforms for their direction of sway of information, who, what, how information is presented and who is allowed to be seen by the public ~ blatant and illegal on all levels~ these people target the ones already struggling to make it financially, here by design by God for humanity and to help uplift all levels of humanity with our healing and wisdoms and Source evolution
~ Millionaries, Even Billionaires; these vile evil people suppress those that make less than $25k a year and homeless and in poverty and estranged and isolated from their families due to the stalking, abuse, and horrible daily attacks - on all levels
VILE EGREGIOUS and we will NOT SETTLE OUT OF COURT - THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST HUMAN RIGHTS, CRIMINAL ABUSE - PREMEDITATED and enforcing of insanity, poverty, suppression, and criminal attacks on the most sweetest, wisest, most pure beings on the planet sent here by the divine THE INVESTIGATIONS will show - links to trafficking, black web, exploitation of the innocent and children
* daily sitting in below poverty, homelessness - the millions never make it out of their abuses - I was the only survivor of my ranking, of my DNA activations, and the vile experimenting, impalng, and losses incurred as if they own who is seen and heard and leaving us for dead
* these vile beings are linked to #organHarvestingRings #traffickingRings and #energyHarvesting Rings and why the black web is used as a harvesting of the human souls and using, abusing energy - it is of the most demonic and vile and in a red flag zone right now if we do not wake up -
* vile egregious technology abuse to DF and other light workers and children -
* suppression of information, rights, freedom of spiritual expression, hate crimes, and illegal abuse of technology and systems, abuse of power, abuse of privacy laws, illegal hacking, illegal spying, and suppression of monies for basic human life
I give blatant truth, proof, and screen shots, all any have to do is watch my livestream - investigate all IP addresses of their abuses - cut down from a few 100 to a few now - because they know they are being investigated for hate crime and stalking, bullying and abuse of technology - * my systems have been hacked, emails, and suppression of all my channels * my youtube #youtubeCorruption is shown every upload of what views I have when I click off livestream and the playlist is reduced by over 100 or more views - so where do the views go - * Pilfering, copying content, doppelgänger, and how much of my content is streamed to the black web and then used for exploitation, and selling, bidding, and all making money on my life, light, energy and while I have been homeless and these corrupt elite make money and take innocent out, take the monies, the only monies a divine being has and systematic abuse
* where are any DF voices, lives, and leadership in our collective that serve as a successful role model and voice of movement in all systems upon our earth - ???? name 5-10?
MISOGYNY at its worst - there is a horrible degree of abuse by wounded systems, corrupt broken systems and broken people that refuse to heal and are turning humanity into #epstein earth by taking money for selling and trading, bidding anything and elites become more unstoppable and vile - and until they sold and suppressed ME _
I AM RANKED - they are not!
* spirit showed me - these elites are multi-millionaires, and billionaires that pay secret societies, pay youtube for the suppression, hiding, and veiling the innocent beings life and for many reason - greed, misogyny, hate and inner wounding and they feel they are untouchable - due to their money and status #youtube -does youtube honour and value the integrity and morals they have said over and over 'nothings wrong' while I show them proof that there is 'handling, managing' of my account and sitting at 0 growth for 8 yrs and how is this ok on any level #humanrightsAbuse #SECRETSOCIETYABUSES that they obsess about stalking, spying, taking, stealing before I receive anything, they block and stop all avenues of my life and what is meant for me, and legally meant for me - they create false claims and demonic and horrible horrible human treatment to keep 1 innocent divine feminine light worker at nothing and poverty and never to be given to and loved - they gang, they gather - they refuse to stop and even though their world is coming down - and god is showing all - they continue to abuse, project, and impale, block, and suppress, and keep bullying, sabotaging my life for timelines and lifetimes and what point does any think their decades abuse is not going to back fire -
* Gross negligence of Suppression, enslavement, harvesting, exploiting - DO THE FUCKING INVESTIGATIONS on the most elite - and who, how YOUTUBE is able to code and block and play GOD over any -
ILLEGAL ABUSES of human rights, spiritual higher order and laws - natural order is affected and our planet looks like a trafficking ring - and those in leadership and power are the ones making trading, bidding life - as if they are GODs and they are not - the abuses have been for over 50yrs - of horrible horrible demonic suppression and enslavement -
IT WILL BE SEEN PROVEN, and all names will be known - all court cases will go to the end
* the LEGIONS OF ALL HEAVENS AND ALL REALMS ARE BRINGING EVERY EGREGIOUS LEADER and trafficker of life suppressor of life - and all their organized little rings of maffia horrible abuses and selling drugs and guns to children - none will be missed -
* you have now to alter course and bring your truth to the
deeds, decades of vile voodoo, and black magic, and daily blocking - suppression of what GOD wants the collective to hear, heal, and what I have earned - who the hell is any to say, determine I am not meant to be seen, heard - and these are leaders in very important positions -
This one particular person - that will be charged - is a hater of women, and has infiltrated all that I have done to ensure I am never seen, known, and paid secret groups and devil minions like my ex and their sex Coven to destory my life with stalking, sabotage, abuse, covert dark occult magic on anything coming to me and forcing the outcome fo stories, forcing free will and debasing the spiritual laws, natural human law, natural order and simply playing bullying, demonic handler - - I will bring names to the forefront - #PoliceInvestigationOfHumanRightsAbuses #policeRicoCrimes #freedomofExpression Decades of vile human rights abuses - investigate my channel Investigate every livestream and follow the IP addresses - there is a link and they are being paid to hate investigate every dollar in and out of my exes accounts - revenuecanada documents, financials of the divorce decree - all false, false false - where and who is the money coming from investigate the codes and employee codes, and who is taking numbers, views, on my channel, accounts, and videos every upload - watch the video for the 48 after I upload and there is views going down as time goes on - how is this possible - there is FUCKING with my life and all energy of suppression, victimization, abuse of human rights, suppression, enslavement, bigotry, misogynistic masochistic dark occult crimes, exploitation -
* Every time you see such going on in your channel - DF light workers - you must report and take screen shots of your work - and send it in - * GOD is stating there will be the largest human rights criminal discrimination law suits and we will NOT SETTLE out of court - we will take it to trial and to the end - all companies and all elite fucking ass names that think they can destroy and kill those through horrible psychological abuse, MKultra, mind-scraping, and brainwashing, and other systematic abuse methods for enforcement of suicide, giving up, and destroying the human spirit and our connection with Source, GOD and our spirit knowing CRIMINAL ABUSE LAWS SUITS to all elites that abuse and systematically take out the innocent GOD did show me how many did not make it
- GOD IS PULLING rank and these elites will go DOWN
there is enough evidence,
there is enough historical logging of employee numbers, and coding, the histories on livestreams, and the reports of feedback sent in, blatant screenshots, proof of the channels, videos of 0 growth and numbers by the millions being messed with for the suppression and who gets what information - control, domination, vile #epsteinEarth false corrupt crime ring, trafficking, and links to the black web- - #corruptElites #eliteSoulHarvesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jNg8... HOW IS IT 1 DF gets bullied by groups, up tp 50+ from all corners of society to ensure she is not seen, heard, or given to - left for dead and dark occult abused daily - - #calgaryPolice #calgaryRICO #CorruptElites #SocialPlatformAbuse #CorruptYoutube
UNIVERSAL LAWS ARE AND TRUMP ALL IDIOT ASSES ON THIS PLANET THAT THINK THEY PLAY BANK AND GOD OVER ANY - you will not sell life and you will not traffic the innocent - I WILL SEE TO IT ALL GET multiple life sentences for the horrible abuses they did not stop, they refused to stop abusing selling, trading, and suppressing while they live in multimillion mansions and the innocent are homeless - WATCH IT
MERRY CHRISTMAS - humanity returns to sovereignty
liberations for all
Gods is pulling rank Watch it SO BE IT this is MY WORD JUDGMENT I AM THAT I AM Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss I have never given my signatures to any for any
Gods is pulling rank Watch it SO BE IT this is MY WORD JUDGMENT I AM THAT I AM Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss I have never given my signatures to any for any
I have never met nor spoken with any legal, justice, authorities to verify my signature on the millions spent that my ex, and his coven, corrupt church - when they are not a church, they abuse energy, dark occult practices, to take and steal, suppress, and harvest from the innocent and have been for years and I have reported such to the police -
* Investigate all monies going in and out and the 50+ that were paid for over 8yrs to keep me silent, sick, mentally stuck, financial in poverty, fighting for my voice on the countless abuses of stalking, spying, bullying, targeting, secret society corrupt warped masons, witches, warlocks and the close to 1000 rituals done on my life for their gain, their suppression of the truth and the divine leaders and truth tellers -
* 700 + rituals done on my life - black magic, voodoo, horrible vile attacks daily, since my birth to destroy, sabotage, block, and keep me suppressed in 'forgetful' spells, so none would be called out for their egregious crimes and this is done daily to the underground trafficking victims - poisons are used, mental mindscraping, mental manipulation of gross degrees -
* my ex was a master manipulator and fooled the entire city -
* 8 yrs on youtube with 0 growth - see, investigate the views pilfering, shadow banning, and feedback in which YouTube says 'nothing is wrong' and I prove with screen shots of such abuse
* I have received nothing from any - not 1 penny in my entire life and I am the heir to fortunes and I have been hidden, #corruptGovernment Programs and #projectStargate #MKULTRA
Abuses - lies, deception, and withholding monies from me because they know who I AM and what I am here to create for all humanity and they would loose their power and control
* they use mental mindscraping, military like tactics of coercing using, abusing, harvesting choice, energy and mental power - these people abuse energy and occult practices - there have been many taken out and none had the voice of what I went through - they did not survive
* all beings, all species deserve fair, just, honouring and we have been annihilated by the grossly wounded souls of selfishness and greed - refusing to connect to their own life and life force - they abuse, traffick, and sell the innocent -= names will be known businesses will be known - the world will know these abusers
IT IS WRITTEN IN THE HEAVENS this is NEW EARTH STAR and these beings will be shown their way out -
* 40+ sacrifices
* $1.5M spent to take me out - investigate all monies and who, how, what employee IDs were used in coding all platforms to stalk, spy, block, veil, and suppress 1 DF healer and Christic leader - - -living in under poverty - these millonaires - even billionaires that think act, behave abuse and take out due to their hate, and wounds, and misogyny - - all will be called out - there is enough evidence
* Isolation from my children due to stalking and dangerous fuckery on my life
I WILL NOT MEET WITH ANY - you RUINED and destroyed my life - wasting decades of my life when I should have already been out healing our collective and living in my wealth which is my birthright - but I was horribly abused, and falsely claimed of such horrible lies with 0 due diligence, 0 due process -
BEING HAPPY IS MY BIRTHRIGHT - who says otherwise
BEING LOVED in my birthright - WHO SAYS otherwise
BEING HEALTHY and SAFE IS my HUMAN RIGHT - who says otherwise
- I WORKED For the biggest banks, and largest corporations, and OMBUDSMANS OFFICE of the PUBLIC TRUSTEE - and there are processes, reports, and filings for what was done to me and none not 1 ounce of due diligence on any level - - banks will be sued, insurance companies, Youtube, and every of the 50+ that touched my life making it hell on earth - you all know what HATE and destroying you took a part of
I have never received a penny from any in the 17yrs of my devoted work for Source and humanity
The largest companies, organized crimes - know of such abuses and do nothing - whistleblowers will come out - the minions will talk - evidence is mounting and we will not settle
not 1 fucking penny - besides my handful of loyal clients
I HAVE MY RIGHT TO EXPRESS MY LIFES EXPERIENCE and the enormous egregious abuses, what I see, know, sense, all is SOURCE and all life breathed through SOURCE, GOD - and what right is any to say I AM NOT WORTHY of receiving nor worthy of my story of such abuses to basic human rights - -
THERE ARE SPIRITUAL LAWS ordained by the heavens and all are watched - the abuses have been horrendous and GOD HAS HAD ENOUGH
- there is RANK being pulled on those of the most horrible corrupt evil, greedy, gluttonous, harvesting arrogance
- spiritual rights abuses, heavenly abuses and human laws on all levels for the hidden #epstein trafficking rings, corruption of the already disgusting elites that harvest organs, life, energy and suppress the ones calling them out -
THEY WILL ALL BE KNOWN by their dark souls and deeds to those already struggling to survive in already suppression - but they pay groups to further abuse them and attack through technology and secret occult practices and false illegal claims and sabotaging crimes -
IT WAS VILE on the DARKEST LEVELS and these are the most wealthiest on the planet - and playing YOUTUBE the most wealthy platform on the planet - how is this within laws?
Happy homecoming - I LOVE YOU
Copyright ©,
And so be it
New Earth Star LEADER
Blessings and healing to all
Allow yourself to be loved - - - Source, OMNI - GOD loves you dearly
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
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******* 90min $233USD
******** 4x45min $533USD (until jan 1)
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
Sessions *************** 90min $233USD
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