Friday, 27 December 2024

Ascension Truths * Paradox * The big funny joke of 'WHO YOU TRULY ARE' - - -


The power of Paradox Funny how in which your soul is all-ness - you come and know this and live this, speak this, beyond, before any is ready You live in a truth most are frightened of and cannot handle being in your presence they are more comfortable living in lies, speaking lies, and manipulating in lies from the top of the top - to the ones taking your money at the bank Paradox of power within You are born here to live and told to be truth by all those in uniform before you and they are the ones that do nothing in abuse, theft, fraud, and outside of the box proof in predictions

they only want you for what they can use the disconnection on this planet is shown in every minute - when all any care about is how to use, harvest, steal, gain clout and then there is action the elites wanting their misdeeds and credence to corrupt and trafficking of the innocent and light for their selfish vampiring gain You live amongst zombies and vampires, and even the governments lie in your birth details they make up, falsify, and send minions of sabotage - the witches warlocks and voodooists to follow and spy, stalk and copy, hack and stack the odds against you until you break - the sick games of the horrible souls that care nothing for the words they speak and oaths they take - the bars on their cloaks of importance and the offices they hold only mean they get to order hits on the truthful ones and healing ones calling them out 

Funny how they will project less than, hate, not anything, silence, you're not important, your word is not, you are not spirit and you are not connected to God, and there is no new ways to live and be Godly, and they will impale, hide, sneak, shade, and put the most horrible lies before you - and you make it out - -  they are baffled in your truth - they are filled in lies - 
I AM IMPORTANT - PERIOD  I SURVIVED YOUR HATE Funny how you are born in the middle of lies,  tormenting psychological games, ploys, plots to keep you in their game so they can keep testing, experimenting and taking raping, copying 

- - - harvesting games of succubus - they are masters at sucking the sacred dry until there is nothing left but a barren planet built off of money makes the world go 'round and #epstein agendas - - 

As if the intentions of raping, harvesting, stealing, lying, corrupting, sabotaging the most precious beings on the planet - - as if the outcome would be heaven? You must ask yourself - born in the soup of lies and corruption and succubus thieves that will do anything to not ever be seen, known for their deeds - they will throw away life and sacrifice children and sell them before they hit 4 The paradox - the world now relies on your truth and live by your word they do all they can to stop you from speaking and singing truth into a world showing you daily the darkness will end you and there is no other way out for such deeds - the universal laws will show you of your quantum intentions - and that how a light worker, a healer, a true prophet will not bow to silence for the devil - we will speak truth  The corruption and damages done were never necessary - but the greed, selfishness, false clout and false sense of self that you think money provides means nothing if you are soulless and living out eternity in the lower realms of darkness and sucking life out of anything with light - - that is your choice - you all chose lies, deceitful files, and corrupt falsifications, false documents for your money and your false sense of self

- and you all rely on the truth out of my mouth and not 1 person for 1 second has provided such to me - - - - -so funny 

It is a hilarious game Keeping the only one with such power of tongue and repress, voodoo, and rape her so much so you will never be seen for your darkness that you chose even in the billions of warnings spirit so gracefully offered and the chances to return what was never yours to withhold and keep 

There has not be 1 person in the 50+ years being here that did the right thing and brought truth - 

all lies - supporting the lies, supporting the corrupt secret groups, liars, witches, warlocks and warped masons of power over others and aching to 'handle' DF and her power and truth and healing ability 

- they all saw visions of having me on their sacrificing tables while they all stood in thier circle sucking my spirit, gifts, talents power from me - and again....the ignorance of disconnection

- they have no idea what they are doing, no understanding of the quantum soul laws of 'souls blueprint' and their darkness is all they see to get, take, rape, and see their victims move into thier spirit and soul to take harvest and have what they have not earned - they are not getting the math - - nothing will ever be gained by the taking of another - period - it is a quantum law - do your research and why all that practice such dark arts, and practices of taking pretending, manipulations, lies, and veiling, swapping harvesting will always always end up in loss, more darkness - you simply will never gain

and we say in all quantum
correctness - how could such vile, selfish aching to sit and thieve, take, rape, kill - ever hold the spiritual heavenly abundance - again - these dark souls are not getting the lesson

they all had their turn at seeing me die in their arms and sucking my life force and spirit from my body - they all saw visions of raping me, tormenting me as a slave and exploiting it on the black web - -and why there is so much hiding - what would the world think if even the hit ordered highest were in the basements of the circus of warped corrupt masons preying praying on the gifts they will never earn in taking of sacred life - -

- #eliteSoulHarvesting - there were acts so egregious even spirit had to veil me from seeing - there is only so much 1 DF sweet soul can take - and it has been in my honest and most humble opinion - - my 50_ yrs of being here - the most disappointing final and last 3D timeline, lifetime I will ever live and will never take a 3D body again for the horrible horrible deeds done and the raping of such a sweet soul that survived what was unsurvivable - for that I am sad 

The purity of my heart to only have wanted to do good and help, heal others - show the way - and for my last 3D timeline to be such a tragedy and wish I never return to such a dimension of selfishness and narcistic masochistic deeds - - - How funny this game is - - - -the one lifted in truth and speaking power of life over all creation - I belong to all realms and places and spaces and you have all withheld truth, love, kindness, care, good will and simple human rights, and with malice contempt and degradation to the most pure of any pure soul could have ever been placed before you all - - you still do you daily magic and lies and hiding the basic human rights I am owed

- satan calling you to keep your rituals when you know nothing about energy, dieties nor laws that keep your feet on the ground and who do you think gives life to satan ?? who do you truly think satan is and Lucifer ? ? 

this is where darkness cannot stretch to go - for darkness lives in separation - there is no wisdoms in separation

- I am showing you the way to higher truth and for that I am prosecuted to the highest degrees and followed, stalked, rights of privacy, financial freedom, success, health, expression of my souls experiences, all rights utterly taken from me 

-- - by elite and government to see what spy and peer into who, how, I am - - how could I still be living speaking of such 

Is that not proof enough of their deeds - - they refuse their truth and thus it will be shown - we are quantum now dear ones - meaning that every deed is connected - your intention, thoughts are all connected to the OMNI - who do you think all is ? 
- your false fake coven that gather to feel safe in numbers when all are lost and aching for self knowing and self importance 

- it is quite simple = = all know what they did chose and acted on - - all know

your soul will not be redeemed until you choose it --

- and I speak life into the lifeless - and you all had decades to make right and do right and even the ones in office and bars on your coats 

- you would rather sentence your lineage to hell than to be accountable of the torment and sacrificing and deeds you have sentenced on my soul and none have even spoken to my soul and heart that heals your children and their fate 

- - -that is how ignorant and egregious the dark is to basic 'common sense'  what a funny ride 
The only one in truth - and she is the one silenced daily and impaled with so many lies, deceit, manipulation, daily playing with her platforms and life, movement and monies that it is impossible for any to escape their own traps of ugliness of selfishness and greed, 

The ones you call leaders are not -  this is being sown and shown daily 
they watch, they spy, they follow, they hack, they track to get what you have without you knowing and they will suppress and break until they have what they have - they have no care of the planet nor the innocent they sell and trade

- - they will silence the truth and they will bring her to breaking 1000 times if they have to and they care not for the realms of darkness they choose - - in their self deceit and self denial

- - - all unnecessary and what have you done to this world ?? The questions of your fate and your soul will never leave you -  when you pass on and you move into a new realm - - - every human will face this equation of your quantum deeds beliefs intentions and how could ever harming another be a 'good' deed to lift you into any heaven is absurd  'what have you done with your life? what have you given in love and compassion, truth and good will' 
For how could any be given the power of liberation to be eternal in life and power to move anywhere when all you have done is suppress and bind and torment the light angelic and faery souls - -- - 

What a funny ride 
- - I was placed in the midst of vampires, evil witches, warlocks, and selfish greedy souls that will sell, sacrifice and bring harm to the babes of any new day - they lie and make speeches of how great they are and how honouring they are - and they will lie lie lie  and I was placed in the centre of it all with fake names, information and details and when you get up for the millionth fucking time to speak a truth you should not have survived to speak - the all asks of you; 'WHAT SAY YEE' - - - the universe, 

the multiverse is awaiting my speech of judgment and right action that is my ranking - and I speak truth
and for this I was raped, harvested, and left for dead and then even beyond the horrible crimes, they blamed me for their deeds in their psychopathic narcism never to be accountable and they claimed me insane of their tormenting enforcing technology and mind-scraping mess and voodoo - - - how could any have survived

You see this is where it serves in being intelligent - - 

Now this is quantum and this is truth - stretch your minds - I walk you there -........ I AM THE TRUTH in breath of the CREATOR - I AM TRUTH 
THE PARADOX to the damages done to this jewel of a planet, the children, and women - life has been raped in all ways it could and all any leader does is tout more war - more silencing, more suppression and more restriction The paradox - you will never release the paradox I am that which is Fooled all a DF - the right hand and ray of the divine masters 'I am the star of the star I am the God of the God, I am the stone of the stone I am a reflection of all the heavens in a single ray of light' I AM THAT I AM

Amongst thieves vampires, zombies, liars - I AM I need none to believe in me - that was proven by God I AM THAT I AM who are you? what do you exist within? What is within you? Same message - - - - 
I am not any persons lie - - 

THAT HAS BEEN PROVEN - - - corrupt cases, corrupt claims, corrupt statements and none not 1 have spoken to me and not 1 ounce of due diligence on any level 

- - but you all wait with baited breath on my word Funny how the heavens wrap important human lessons of awakening 
know thyself I am the RAY OF TRUTH amongst thieves and villains Like I would forget and not 'remember' who I am beyond the falseness, lies and schemes of plots of ignorance - 

I do not, never did need any 3D person, group, or government to tell me what they want to tell me to be exactly who I choose - that was proven 

- I healed, I carried the trauma, and I lifted the density for others to walk out of abuse and deceitful communities selling its life force 

- - and to this day, not 1 person cares for their souls outcome on any level, next lifetime, next body they think they will carry, or the outcome for their lineage and children - none care 

- - that is how disconnected, misguided, and hateful some will choose to sit in - than bring truth and do what is right - and thus then, all is chosen - - - all choose their own fate

I proved that I needed none - no resources, no lifting of me and none protecting me - the gangs and groups of 50+ attacking, sabotaging, and destroying every aspect of my life - it is seen and blatant - and I proved it all - - the lies lies lie continue and simply so the elite never have to account for their egregious testing, experimenting, and impaling hate for their selfish agendas - - -

AS I STATED - -hide all you want - your soul will reveal your truth 

QUANTUM TRUTH IS - - THAT IS THE PARADOX and none will escape this - the light in our OMNI present will do so and your darkness hiding and deeds will be seen

Surprise & God fooled you all - - - - - it was never truly really me - - - it was always you - - your soul wants redemption and to stop hiding - are you getting it - -- -I simply read, offered, and prayed for your redemption - and your soul showed it all - that is the love your soul has for you - and you still blame and hate, and impale me for calling out what you will refuse to accept in yourself - LOVE IS HERE - WItHIN
There is no quantum way around this - - - - LIGHT SHOWS IT ALL

- - that is wisdom
- I HAVE TO DO nothing 

- its ok for the elite, corrupt to target and take out innocent life that gets in their way of greed and power - - and yet when all I do is speak what quantum laws will show all 

- DARKNESS WILL NOT HOLD UP IN SUCH ASCENSION EVOLUTIONARY LIGHT that all channels are talking and been talking about for decades - and as I speak what is simply omni-God laws - they attack and press harder for me to not speak - -

If you are not aligned, why I teach daily ascension pathwork - if you are not aligned in the current omni bedding light quotient - you will be seen known for your deeds - your speech means nothing to the truth of your soul - and you are given every second to redeem your deeds of hate, discrimination, and separation - - or not - all choose their souls reality -

HOW IS THIS OK? and still being done today?
are my human and spiritual rights?

- it will all fall down under its own dark weight - that is simply quantum mechanics - - - the darkness does not 'get' that - they simply sit in lies and power over others - elitism will no longer work 
- that is a truth and I speak it - now you can all watch it --

all lies will be seen - the light alone will show it all
I speak the truth of Gods reality - and for that I am on watch lists and attacked daily and suppressed -- -

Watch my youtube channel - watch the playing with views on uploads and the subscribers playing with numbers every 2 days it goes up and then down - they want you to always know 'your numbers are reliant on what we say' and we will drive you crazy

- - matters not how hard you try and what special gifts you show and prove all - they are the move vile elite power hungry most evil beings -- to play with sacred truth as they do and thus will be the weight of their deeds and deceit - - deceit will never rise - - to is DARK DENSE self hate - and such it will fall - -
And these are the 'important' ones in our society that suppress, pay minions, play with to torment and ensure you know you are always being handled 

- - how integris is this - just takes but a simple federal investigation - - -- watch my channel, note the subs, note the views, and then seek a court order for a back end report and investigation on every entry, code, click on my platforms and why with only 2k subs, they spend so much time, moneys and effort in suppressing me - - -

that is a quantum truth #youtubeCorruption - - -and you claim to be a platform of freedom of expression and honouring human rights - $450B company suppressing 1 DF healer making less than poverty - you all are so very important - -- you must all feel so very powerful #corruptiononSocialPlatforms 

- - I show it daily - - look at my platforms and follow every dollar going to and from any and all touching my life - while they suppress me to homelessness and laugh, party and do satanic rituals over such suppressions - and this makes them important

Universal truths will show - it is not important - it is vile and evil and your deeds will be shown by you of you and for you 

truth - - - - -EQUATIONS of your soul is all-ness and it is showing you of your own path of 'pimple-popping' must come out - - - the darkness will not remain in omni-quantum love breathed daily by the divine

Consciousness is everything and it is light intelligence 
- this is all that matters - this is our birthright and evolution and because I speak on this, like every other Gaia channel author, or light worker, or healer, and yet never seen nor heard in and under the veils of corruption ===

the human testing never worked #projectStargate 

- I am the DNA of all that I AM and the voice of truth of the heavens; paradox of all the lies trying their best to veil suppress and keep truth from being known - -- it will simply all be known - truth is this way 

- like the pimple that wants to be popped - - it must

that is quantum law

Wisdoms will always outweigh quantumly every deed and lie - elitism is no longer the way - times up that is a truth so be it I AM Joanna All papers, documents, files, mail, monies - go to my lawyer - - I will not waste a second with any of past realms - - - EVER! 

truth is can you swallow that? copyright © ********** 90min $233USD ********** 4x45min $533USD ********** 40min $105USD Blessings and great light Joanna copyright copyright ©

THAT IS OUR HUMAN RIGHTS  #systematicabuse is Criminal abuse #secretSocietyAbuse is Criminal abuse  #sacrificing is Pre-meditated murder - how about we all heal and grow up - - - 

copyright  copyright ©-

all have a voice and story in the healing of humanity - sharing, expression IS OUR HEALING Celestial Oneness is our destiny  Can we grow up now? who are you  Blessings and light Joanna

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT, sharing, and honouring of our sacred work and human healing for our universal oneness

copyright -

Remember dear ones - not all psychics are christic and not all healers are vibrational - - - simply do your homework and ask - ask for who they align with and if they do not align with their higher self and the higher realms of light -- - then I would keep walking - - - -

****************************************** Sessions, links, and hashtags ***************************
Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -  ********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( prices good until January 1 ) ******* 90min $233USD  ******* 40min $105USD  ******* 4x45min $533USD  It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are ) 
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - - copyright copyright ©

ALL PAST COMMUNICATIONS for all damages done must go through my lawyer - I WILL MEET WITH NONE -
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is
Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings Joanna copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations Donations and ascension sessions - ****** 90min $233USD ******* 4x45min $533USD ******* 40min $105USD

#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames

* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines ******* 40min $105USD ******* 90min $233USD ******** 4x45min $533USD (until jan 1) And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness 

Blessings and light You are dearly loved Joanna copyright ©

Blessings and light

Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
Sessions *************** 90min $233USD

copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )

Divine COCREATORS are ordained by God
These beings are initiated by the life experiences and their devotion to keep creating in their alignment and religions dogmatic, social constructs of being the most highest challenge, challenging your being discarded and laughed at and ostracized - these are the devoted souls Source, OMNI GOD is lifting for new earth shifts - and make no mistake about it - keep going, get up - you are a shining star and you will shine as brightly as you fucking WISH!
Blessings and light Joanna

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 



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