SOURCE - GOD - - the Systems of LIGHT are showing me much GREAT NEWS and updates -- -
So much excitement for the collecitve and our avancments to learn, growth and expansion - - we are at a very exciting pivot point - - - the human hearts aching for more insight, more wisdoms that connect with who you are at a soul level and new sciences sprouting up of the activations of light being done daily on our bodies, minds, remembrances - - - daily the light is being bathed - Light begets light
Love and joy, and expansion, excitement to learn and be more - - begets more expansion
That is the quantum momentum of the 'spinner' field - the field is all that that is our pulsations of our collective hearts - what conduits, and psychics of the collective can read - - collective stories for the healing, and bringing forth in new healing tips and techniques - - a collective healing field is our intention to be more and higher knowing beings - - -
VERY EXCITING There will be new platforms of creative expression sprouting up in our 2025 There will be new ways of trade and exchange to not buy into old corrupt systems and ways - We are able to create, manifest all that our collective needs and when you are connected, have a loving relationship with your highest self, God, you will get and receive the downloads and inspiritions just for you and your soul to be all that you are meant to be and why you chose at the highest level soul blueprint of your creative genius and offering EVERY HUMAN has extensive soul experiences and gifts that you are encoded, born with - It is your light that will help, offer, give, ignite in your daily communion with Source as Source - - This is Godly - - -
Be ok in the healing, facing of your triggers - - you can integrate and thus becoming greater light and wholeness - The shadow is your greatest path of light and know there is nothing you are not able to heal and transcend NEW EARTH STAR #5D Human-Spirit - - - Galactic, Universal Unification - The unity of our diversity - understanding who we are as divine Christic being of quantum light The unity and blessing of being diverse and being expressive, honouring, experiencing of ourselves as a soul There is nothing you are not connected to and of - it is only the beliefs and perspectives you hold that will divide or build a bridge to higher realms - why HEALING is so key and without healing and integrating of your 51% of karma
VERY EXCITING There will be new platforms of creative expression sprouting up in our 2025 There will be new ways of trade and exchange to not buy into old corrupt systems and ways - We are able to create, manifest all that our collective needs and when you are connected, have a loving relationship with your highest self, God, you will get and receive the downloads and inspiritions just for you and your soul to be all that you are meant to be and why you chose at the highest level soul blueprint of your creative genius and offering EVERY HUMAN has extensive soul experiences and gifts that you are encoded, born with - It is your light that will help, offer, give, ignite in your daily communion with Source as Source - - This is Godly - - -
Be ok in the healing, facing of your triggers - - you can integrate and thus becoming greater light and wholeness - The shadow is your greatest path of light and know there is nothing you are not able to heal and transcend NEW EARTH STAR #5D Human-Spirit - - - Galactic, Universal Unification - The unity of our diversity - understanding who we are as divine Christic being of quantum light The unity and blessing of being diverse and being expressive, honouring, experiencing of ourselves as a soul There is nothing you are not connected to and of - it is only the beliefs and perspectives you hold that will divide or build a bridge to higher realms - why HEALING is so key and without healing and integrating of your 51% of karma
- - there will simply not be the fusion of into 5D or higher realms - connection & relationship is everything in quantum co-creating - - healing or manifesting - why your christed toolkit is made especially for you - and how you are inspired to create - God knows all about you - in all timelines and what you are ready to now use, practice, play -- ie; 3rd eye imagining - -
3D is the density of our reality moving into awakening
4D is the emotional realm - healing of all 3D psyche experiences that are sitting in your souls spiral and will be brought up in both the DF / DM energies and understanding for you to integrate and heal into oneness
5D is the levelling up in the fusion of all your 51% shadow aspects, and incremental light activations of your being-ness as metaronic quantum and multi-dimensionality of who you have always been and why 'ascension' takes time, for your brain, mind, body, cells, to be infused and adjusted as you intend, direct, focus on healing, self acceptance and clearing - - -
HEALING Is EQUAL MEASURE TO YOUR LIGHT entanglement, wisdoms, intelligence, spiritual ranking dependent upon how you are using your gifts, skills, talents, and being heeding of the spirit, higher self in when you are faced in public and what to give, how to give, and honouring the laws, honouring the souls growth to each being
For example; ~~~~ there are countless situations that I have been told to 'not offer, nor give' but to merely observe, reflect in many situations - - - * the most important movement of any person, being, species, to all creation is ITS OWN unique 'click' of when, how, they choose with pure intent to move beyond where they were - sometimes healers can do too much and inhibit the persons ability to transcend deep trauma, or wounding if we are being a crutch to any - - - * all good healers and leaders - teach, show, how to fish - - and to only rely on you and your highest self - be very hearty of your discernment any person, teacher, or healer - wanting you to rely on them for anything - - -a good teacher will show, offer, and empower you to step into your fullness and commandmentship of your true Christic power and authority * there has been many situations in which those before me are not ready for what I know, say, or can offer and thus spirit will say - 'allow them to get there on their own' for that is their claiming of themselves being 'self made' and there is nothing greater a feeling - when you are knocked down so many times and you get up with Source, and none were with you but your knowing, practice to heal and be interactive with spirit for a higher spiral and cycle
* why the federations will not simply land here and save us or take over - - we must get there - back to ONE on our own - it is the highest LAW OF ORDER - - PURITY of intent is how you alchemize and call GOD into, OF YOU and if you are not of such for yourself - then self love, and self care is not being worked on and thus - must be entrained from scratch - and again - no being will ever want to take such a profound souls lessons from any and your teams will say when you ask and seek 'what is my part in this transaction?' Your teams will show you what part you play -
For example; ~~~~ there are countless situations that I have been told to 'not offer, nor give' but to merely observe, reflect in many situations - - - * the most important movement of any person, being, species, to all creation is ITS OWN unique 'click' of when, how, they choose with pure intent to move beyond where they were - sometimes healers can do too much and inhibit the persons ability to transcend deep trauma, or wounding if we are being a crutch to any - - - * all good healers and leaders - teach, show, how to fish - - and to only rely on you and your highest self - be very hearty of your discernment any person, teacher, or healer - wanting you to rely on them for anything - - -a good teacher will show, offer, and empower you to step into your fullness and commandmentship of your true Christic power and authority * there has been many situations in which those before me are not ready for what I know, say, or can offer and thus spirit will say - 'allow them to get there on their own' for that is their claiming of themselves being 'self made' and there is nothing greater a feeling - when you are knocked down so many times and you get up with Source, and none were with you but your knowing, practice to heal and be interactive with spirit for a higher spiral and cycle
* why the federations will not simply land here and save us or take over - - we must get there - back to ONE on our own - it is the highest LAW OF ORDER - - PURITY of intent is how you alchemize and call GOD into, OF YOU and if you are not of such for yourself - then self love, and self care is not being worked on and thus - must be entrained from scratch - and again - no being will ever want to take such a profound souls lessons from any and your teams will say when you ask and seek 'what is my part in this transaction?' Your teams will show you what part you play -
Some are not ready - some do not care, some are simply not connected nor will be and although your light will affect them, but it is not your role to be the 'taker to the water' for all - - -oftentimes you will be led and initiated to 'heed spirit above all' because there are soul KARMIC lessons that MUST BE LEARNED by every soul - and we are not ever to the do the work for any
Spirit, your guides, know see all that are before you and where they are at - they are there to assist you in navigating all situations - - your highest and best for all - - your guides know all before you and help guide you - they will help you give, not give, pull back, be silent, heal, or act - - they know where you are at on your cycle of growth and practicing self love, self honour, and self confidence in being Godly - -
We are entraining ourselves into 5D reality - it is an entirely different ball game - we must learn the basic universal laws - understand you affect all and you are the quantum threading of all and every healer must heed the above for what is needed before you - - -
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE between vibrational healers and those that are not - -
**** As above, so below, as within, so without - and why it is key that you ask, seek vibrational healers and what, how, who stye are trained and initiated by - - vibrational healers are FELT and you will have experiences that are not explainable after being with them, or healed by them - you will get a multi-dimensional experience - emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, etc.,
** those that are connected, aligned, hermit and live in connection constantly with spirit - you will feel the vibrations of these beings before you - they are prepared by Source, the galactic councils and their teams and guides, angelicas -
DNA activations can be felt - - - I am inspiring all to get back in touch and in tune with your multidimensionality - and why doing the daily path work is key - it entrains you to 'tune in' to what is going on energetically - this is how you will be prepared for 5D reality -
All is energy - -- - who are you?
Any why, the higher wisdoms and intelligence we all begin with - there will be lesser out-bursts, violence will be reduced, and greater health, peace on our planet - - unity, oneness, is an entrainment from the sedation, separation, and disconnect we had lived in taught, shown in 3D - - - #ascension is a profound path - -
I inspire you to be your highest and best version of you - -
In light and love
SO MUCH EXCITEMENT for higher intelligence - and unity in our diversity -
THANK YOU for choosing self love, self care, and self alignment - - -
DESIGN your best life
Begin with light
End with light and be ok in the moments you are not light and healing what has been - - -
heal thyself - so your wounds do not become another's - - -all is healable
Blessings and light
copyright copyright ©,
For Healing, ascension classes, activations, readings, channellings, styling, creative consulting, soul blueprint sessions of remembrance ***********
~~~~~~~~~ 90min $233USD
~~~~~~~~~ 40min $105USD
~~~~~~~~~4x45min $533USD
There are many times I am given spiritual messages - as hopes that the people in the collective would reach out for a sessions - as I have stated previously in my videos
- so there are a few messages from your guides that are awaiting those that feel inspired - your belly will feel butterflies and anxious and excited to reach out
Sensing and tuning into spirit, your higher self -- -- - that is a good feeling - there is always a small touch of fear - because you are ready to accept yourself as energetic and spiritual and thus a layer of old will be released - - - ask your teams, spirit, guides, and then wait for a response - happy, joy, excited, and interested intrigued -
Sensing and tuning into spirit, your higher self -- -- - that is a good feeling - there is always a small touch of fear - because you are ready to accept yourself as energetic and spiritual and thus a layer of old will be released - - - ask your teams, spirit, guides, and then wait for a response - happy, joy, excited, and interested intrigued -
None have any universal right to state who gets to be heard seen, or share the 3Es of their unique life experience - - my reality is my trained reality to higher vibrational knowing, practicing and being - why is my reality attacked while the corrupt get to run the world - - how is the truth something we refuse to see until all that was solid comes down?
All were given so many years to do the basic human rights, and do right - basic human rights - why is my voice not needed and who says I am not meant to be here - - - who has that right?
I hope this clarifies -
Feel free to review any and all of my 760 + videos of ascension wisdoms -
I am available for any questions and inquiries -
Blessings and light
Happy holidays - -
For Healing, ascension classes, activations, readings, channellings, styling, creative consulting, soul blueprint sessions of remembrance ***********
~~~~~~~~~ 90min $233USD
~~~~~~~~~ 40min $105USD
~~~~~~~~~4x45min $533USD
There are many times I am given spiritual messages - as hopes that the people in the collective would reach out for a sessions - as I have stated previously in my videos - so there are a few messages from your guides that are awaiting those that feel inspired - your belly will feel butterflies and anxious and excited to reach out
Sensing and tuning into spirit, your higher self -- -- - that is a good feeling
- there is always a small touch of fear - because you are ready to accept yourself as energetic and spiritual and thus a layer of old will be released
- - - ask your teams, spirit, guides, and then wait for a response - happy, joy, excited, and interested intrigued -
I hope this clarifies -
Feel free to review any and all of my 760 + videos of ascension wisdoms -
I am available for any questions and inquiries -
I DO LOOK forward to our connection in the highest and greater good --
I am of service for the greater good
I am a creative consultant only - and will collaborate with those God, Source, inspires, empowers to approach me - you know who you are - - - - -
Blessings and good will for all
I love you
You are divine and sacred
copyright -
Remember dear ones - not all psychics are christic and not all healers are vibrational - - - simply do your homework and ask - ask for who they align with and if they do not align with their higher self and the higher realms of light -- - then I would keep walking - - - -
****************************************** Sessions, links, and hashtags ***************************
Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -
********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( prices good until January 1 )
******* 90min $233USD
******* 40min $105USD
******* 4x45min $533USD
It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred
Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are )
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - -
copyright copyright ©
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings Joanna copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations
Donations and ascension sessions -
****** 90min $233USD
******* 4x45min $533USD
******* 40min $105USD
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $105USD
******* 90min $233USD
******** 4x45min $533USD (until jan 1)
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
Sessions *************** 90min $233USD
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