Ascension and Evolutionary Truths - - - DOING THE WORK
********************************Processing and Integrating This phase of ascension is and held within every cycle It is when we have taken in much information that needs to be sifted through and then ‘sat’ with as you allow the information to digest itself vibrationally with you as you are also vibrationally changing and altering in ‘intentional’ living Ie; every cycle of has within it - seeding-intention, birthing, nourishing, cultivating, in gathering, cognizant, letting go - excavating, death Within the phase of being a garden of source - multidimensional - you are now learning to bring such depths of self care self love self intention so that your crops are better every cycle None taught you how to be godly - so don’t judge on how you gardened of past but simply tend to you as godly now ~ you will get masterful at itAt every phase of self becoming - you can spend time daily in ‘soft reflection’ and allow the new godly multidimensional versions of you to come forth for examination and integrating You behaved from a space of not awake, knowing and aware - light alters all so how were you to know with 0 role models and years of incomplete nourishment or none at all - when you soften to you - and all you have been through — others soften to you Reclaiming your power to heal and be, speak, live, be new in an aligned state is simply not who you were in all past cycles and why intention, direction, focus of your energy, inner --> outer, above so below is so key to the re-culmination of you constantly becoming - - in all aspects of the unfolding of you - the lotus unfurling - you are able to take heed with spirit within guiding you delicately through all phases, growth cycles, and give yourself the care to celebrate the new as you recognize what is not servicing, not nourishing, not giving you in the ways you need and now are aware of - - pulling of the weeds, cultivating, excavating is constant because the love, light, care will ask you bring in higher nourishment for your growth -
Daily Ascension Pathwork requires that you sit daily - beginning and end of day to entrain higher states of 'INTENTION, DIRECTION, FOCUS' of your energy and beliefs for higher manifesting realities -
* reflection and review allows for a new higher feeling emotion, thought which is the fruits of your labour
* reflection and review allows to acknowledge accept allow growth and evolution of the self ~ choosing with intent to heal is a powerful self loving act that affects all - your children and all creation
- love for the self care you chose over addictive patterns, feeling compassion for any that hurt you and forgiving again, choosing kind acts when previously you chose separation or dissension etc
It is the soft, loving, unconditional guiding voice within that always seeks your highest and best and all connecting wiht all that is SOURCE, all realms, all aspects of you - called the HIGHER SELF and will become an every moment voice and friend with you as you get more soft, and committed to your daily patchwork - the voice is all you seek to hear and be ONE with and is what 'full harmonization' with when you transition into 5D - full harmonization with your higher self - higher sheaths of your soul and higher dimensional GOD aspects -
My next book will be a much more refined instruction of the daily path work and the infinite connections with all that is SPIRIT
Tip - your higher self always feeds you what you are to grow into more and more
The negative ego - is the one that berates you into perfectionism and non self acceptance - discern the difference and this is simply a natural mastery tip you will get the hang of
Entrain your brain to keep seeking cultivating the empowered higher conscious choices you made in your cycle before responding reacting
This is shifting the lower brain to higher brain - this is and takes time care self love - the more you love yourself and have compassion for all phases of your cycles and how profound it offers you growth wisdom and insight to deep psyche profundity - phases and being aware awake daily path work allows you the ‘confidence’ to reclaim, hold, walk in your ‘chosen sense of self’ and there is no other greater feeling that none can claim but you It is the mirrored knowing …’teach them to fish’ I offer how to be godly and entrain a consciously chosen that is divine and full radical acceptance to manifest divine sense of being and thus….’the majesties of the heavens unfold unto thee’ and this is and will include abundance but as a christed awake consciously navigating being, you get to claim ‘SOVEREIGNTY’ over all past and integrating its lessons of choice because Choice is reality and then become whole
Being whole is powerful - because......
This is shifting the lower brain to higher brain - this is and takes time care self love - the more you love yourself and have compassion for all phases of your cycles and how profound it offers you growth wisdom and insight to deep psyche profundity - phases and being aware awake daily path work allows you the ‘confidence’ to reclaim, hold, walk in your ‘chosen sense of self’ and there is no other greater feeling that none can claim but you It is the mirrored knowing …’teach them to fish’ I offer how to be godly and entrain a consciously chosen that is divine and full radical acceptance to manifest divine sense of being and thus….’the majesties of the heavens unfold unto thee’ and this is and will include abundance but as a christed awake consciously navigating being, you get to claim ‘SOVEREIGNTY’ over all past and integrating its lessons of choice because Choice is reality and then become whole
Being whole is powerful - because......
you have accepted, called in, worked with grace, compassion the all experiences that make you as a new version of GODLY - you were GODLY before - you were simply unknowing, turned off, you were not 'attuned' or 'aligned' and so how you define and let go of lower beliefs to think that when you did something 'bad' you were not GODLY - you are always GODLY - it is a matter of negative, neutral or positive
GROWTH, - unconditional loving - God will accept as all needed to learn, be, as needed - there are boundaries as all life must offer - 'forgiveness for horrible behaviour when all have known, given, told, shown infinite times' will not be tolerated - - GOD IS ABOVE ALL GRACIOUS - and there has been enormous abuse of such life, sacredness, and laws - and will stop in this shift - all must GET THESE BASIS EVOLUTIONARY LAWS
- - thus as we are seeing now, will be shifted - and that is for the divine to choose, who, what, how - when the demons, entities are taking over the vessel of the human that they behave in obsessive taking, raping, harming to get the feed of its source light -
The experience of all realms being in torodials of light, harmonics, energy - the lower sheaths being pulled out and then sent back to source for Source Alchemy and then offered back into the new and Source, every soul, every fragment Source is is then instantly reintegrated back into the whole
- ALL THAT IS, and soul aspects then go through a lengthy process of how, what, if any soul will be allowed to then incarnate and what realm, dimension they can or will move to -
INCARNATIONAL RULES, laws, Hierarchies
- will never be based on lower 3D beliefs - period -
- masonic, lower 3D religions will not override ever the multi-versal vibration, the core vibration you allowed for your consciousness to tap into and live purely in - are what determines if you move into any further bodies - or incarnations
EVOLUTION is always moving out, up - spiralling second for second - and you have to be able to know, capacity, aptitude to grow into higher realms of consciousness -
~~~~ consciousness is the 'connection with spirit, in all life and navigation of oneness in Source alignment' and such, if all you have done is abuse life - disconnect, disrespect, abuse, hate, impale, you simply have not grown nor transmuted the past 51% of karma and thus then have not earned any higher rank than lower realm consciousness disconnect
- - - ONLY SOURCE, GOD-Mother Father, KARMA BOARD, and soul family will meet and discern every new life to enter any dimension or future potential of a body
- - - ALL MUST SHOW 'intent to evolve' - - - THE compassion to learn, grow, and respect life or no other body life will be offered - abhorrence is no longer the ' re-incarnational standard - -
This is evolution - - when you are integrating the past - you can reflect with softening and confidence and know it is a process of 'becoming whole' accepting what
was as needed to bring you a higher acceptance and love of you - and thus affirmations, loving yourself, self care, compassionate action of yourself - releasing judgment and then acting to what you are guided by spirit, your highest self to 'make it right' where needed and how needed
~~~ Caveat -- - - depending on the depths, longevity of abuse, or situations - I recommend all to directly go to your higher self for this phase of alchemy - there are some situations in which you and your highest self, the others higher selves can do a forgiveness ceremony in spirit and thus 'in person' or other actions will not be needed - - - depending on situation of abuse, harm, and violence or loss experienced - ALL SITUATIONS ARE unique
~~~~~ Heed spirit - the 'making right' process is a part of letting go and enveloped in 'forgiveness' of yourself and others - and ask others that have hurt you what you need to feel healed - in what they have done - you are still responsible for the healing, and doing the work - but if they stole, if they ruined a home, or broke your car - etc., seek the advice of Spirit as spirit will know where they are at in their consciousness and awareness and what level of evolution
CAVEAT - for more advanced souls, star seeds - empaths and alchemists - there are some situations, family, or lover situations that are led to you because facing you in your truth will call out what they need to face - the 'last chance to ascend' transaction
Why many of us have had to face the biggest bigotry, discrimination, corruption, and demons that have been bringing cancer and satanic hate groups of harvesting, manipulating the divine source light, life force, and bring false beliefs and false notions of GOD, and evolution for more confusing and taking of energy through manipulation - - -
These are all a part of the dark archons fear, control, agendas - and they are very good at it and will use any and all in your so called family and friends to tempt, target, and impale you to sway off your course, path of self love and healing to higher realms - the dark knows there is less and less to feed from, and they become more and more egregious even with eons of warnings and years years of showing, telling, offering help and 'last chance' warnings -
And then again, GOD WILL PULL RANK when the abuse, and shifts of realms of darkness must be moved out and away from the collective that has done the work and the lower realms can fight with themselves for their energy harvesting and then move into entropy -
You are often led such beings to test your skills, standing in your power, light, becoming an expert with your gifts, talents, skills, and energy field - in 5D we will have to know how to use and optimize our energy and gifts - so we are not harming any and respecting all that is SOURCE godliness
- even if it is was an abusive situations; there are divine reasons for any standing before you and often it is to trigger them and ensure you are able to stand in a new version of you
- ie; the beings that abuse and get away with abuse all the time due to their expertise in manipulation and abuse of energy and dark occult - to those that can, are able to stand in their christed being-ness to 'trigger' the demons within them to be faced and then alchemized - which all have been shown
- but it is all free will whether each choose to 'face the shadow' and do right, alchemize, and begin the inner 're-union' with GOD
It says - ‘ I accept my shadow now integrate now and it will no longer cause me negative manifestations because I love myself at a soul level - I needed the people places things to grow and come to this rich place now'
Choosing to affirm anew; speak to your lower mind to become higher mind of Godliness, affirm to your cells a new connectivity of relationship to Light, love, unity, health, and higher being - - where I no longer beat myself up or strive for impossible measures not mine or hide my dark side and the abuses I chose in a powerful soul contract -
I accept the dark light
I accept the phase of growth I am in and I make peace with all past - I needed it to be as it was for the depths of acceptance I can now be in reclaiming it
I accept the state of being I was then
- I claim how awake aware I am not to give those aspects compassion and understanding
- I did the best I could with what I had
Every cycle will provide new challenges Death, taking risks to seed anew multidimensionally- physically mentally emotionally and spiritually sexually
I allow for letting go - vibrationally I hand what is residue unseen or unknown to Source to assist transmuting and keep all that is growth, depth and self loving fullness of my new me
In Processing Integrating ~ is when many light bulbs occur that you see, sense, feel experience and 3E yourself anew that I empower all to do the path work daily to grow even more in ‘self recognition and self compassion’ that few do but is where you truly ‘cognize’ cement new higher entrainments of your godliness
When you can look at the garden - you and your life ~ and in all pure heart good knowing - you had the path you had because it was needed to bring you to the powerful state of reclaiming it integrating it, cognizing it and making it whole = that is fucking powerful and then offering the new you for response or sharing
That is true soul growth
And as I remind - in 2 weeks from now - because you are becoming godly - dodecahedron- you can look back at the same garden and see an entirely whole set of new multidimensional growth and wisdoms ~~> bravo 🙌 ~~> now your getting it
- there is no end to you and your wisdoms because light, self love is alchemizing you into a more more more soul infused being and all will recognize that you move differently now and speak act choose differently thus allowing for greater impact and influence will all be attributes of a higher deeper soulful self knowing and this ‘doing the work’ is your empowerment and godly connection and now state of beingness which you never return to frivolity and fake-ness
None can take these profound soul growth moments from you
- that’s gods pride in you and you are met equally in kind by God
Every cycle will provide new challenges Death, taking risks to seed anew multidimensionally- physically mentally emotionally and spiritually sexually
Without judgment and in mature responsible higher knowing and living - harm to none
This is mastery!
You then see soften neutralize and respond to life in caring honouring powerfully leading ~ energy ways to the compassionate ride of soul growth we are on and simply never been taught the importance of spiritual harmonization in our evolving and becoming
Spirit is everything - it’s oneness
That’s the quantum entanglement
You affect the all - and the all responds in kind equally of your lessons, acceptance, shadow and respect of it, to integrate and be more and for doing your part to see oneness in it all - that’s courageous and brave ultimately will be the influence
Truth is liberating - period
#5D Reality and your souls ache for reunion with all other aspects of you - and what your past has allowed you to be greater in now - your now offering to the all is vast and different than you were years ago - when you behaved in lower and denser energy - so celebrate and seek the good in all cycles, or whatever phase of ascension you are at
~ When you are unconditional for you, and all others - the ALL WILL QUANTUMLY respond to you in kind - why? ITS ALL YOU
Rebuilding loving and caring foundations are your tools for higher realm play
Spiritual - human expression response is what ‘connects’ builds relationship - why truth is the only way and allowing non judgment in whatever phase you are at
We are dynamic souls - healing & ascension is not linear
Love God Source your higher self will bring all its glory to you in response to your patience self care honour & time you give yourself in such ways - mastery is the bowing to life as it bows to you
Bow to the dark responses of your past or actions or deeds ~ when you acknowledge it all you have the power to now alter to higher states of being
- you can fully integrate soften forgive and make new when you are soft ~ that is allowing and it is a portal for spirit to work in the alchemy process and leads you to accepting deeper lessons of growth, compassion
~ know you can set new higher standards for 3Es of a souls journey - you owe none any explanation nor story of your now being ness - you owe none comment nor statement ~ soul growth is sacred and always heed spirit when you are ready to be fully felt seen honoured as new ~ you choose the healing timing and never feel pressures or take on outer constructs of their timing - you choose your voice of spirit
~ know you can set new higher standards for 3Es of a souls journey - you owe none any explanation nor story of your now being ness - you owe none comment nor statement ~ soul growth is sacred and always heed spirit when you are ready to be fully felt seen honoured as new ~ you choose the healing timing and never feel pressures or take on outer constructs of their timing - you choose your voice of spirit
~ you can choose to honour the deep process of alchemy and allow time, self care, reflection, and your gratitude for what has been to bring you to new heights before you choose to rightly share and express what you feel is needed - and know you can also choose to not express what may be too sacred for you
~ you reclaiming your godliness is such empowerment - simply choose to not hide but respect the sacred process of alchemy & self love: healing allows for you to become new ~ from seed to bloom takes time
~ never mould to outer obligations wants needs of you to show or be of any ‘measure’ ~ you set the terms of your souls growth sharing and expression
~ never mould to outer obligations wants needs of you to show or be of any ‘measure’ ~ you set the terms of your souls growth sharing and expression
~ living sacredly is honouring the soul deeply and those that impacted your life and how it was all necessary and how you are able to integrate, process, reflect & recognize you in it all ~ it’s all you!
Then any response after such inner work becomes a new outer higher influence & responding is higher intelligence and deeper authenticity
- and just know …in a week from now it will change again - that is soul evolution
Remember dear lighted ones, all humans have a unique DNA, soul experience, temperament, pacing of who they are within the all and how they uniquely process their soul fragments - there will never be a 'sameness' of the ascension process of any one cycle - but you can freely, maturely speak, share, and seek for those that can support and uplift you, and be ok when you take a few days a month to 'hermit' and rebirth yourself anew -
I use to tell my children; 'mommy is going through a new healing energies and I am sorting through things, I need a few days to process what I am going through'
Authentic genuine truthful self honouring inner work is godly
Never shy from being such
You are growing and sometimes answers do not come when ego wants but when you are ready to accept it’s grandeur
In light and love
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Blessings and grace
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings Joanna copyright ©,
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And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
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