Saturday, 28 December 2024

Venusian Chronicles - - Inter-dimensional Fictions Copyright


Go forth and create  
Venusian chronicles 
Inter-dimensional fiction 
Activations of codes of All-ness
 ©,copyright ~ Joanna L Ross  ( Celeste ) 

  I am the fit of me Thank God for that I treasure you I honour me From new earth star Shine forth go forth and create The most glorious and creative diverse planet in our galaxy I birth such I have always known who I am I care not for the bullies that ache for me to prove, nor tests and taunt the divine for validation then how pure is your heart? miracles are not born in the 'testing' of life it is in the letting go why and how miracles and planets are breathed 
and only by the great one within a breath - Jupiter is born this is presence weight your life upon none your weight is in your measure of you only in this there is the sacred, the true live in your most rare and beautiful sinking to the losses, the suffering and pain it is all in the game of going there again and again and in such you discover, it has always been you; This is the stretching of man to God This is the stretching of woman to Goddess You need none to bring to you, lift you or make you it is all you they are merely the place that reflects the death, the rebirth, the hope, the play, the intimacy, the knowing you had forgotten to release and allow Facets of creation we are all shining back to one another depths and shallows you choose - there is no wrong only experience and all such allows you perfection in the imperfections be solid in your footing you know who you are I am the way shown I am the light drawn bare witness to me you have been brought to me recognize such a wish you manifested such a gift and so too will you be lifted in your own doing are you seeing the magic now all facets of pulsations the push and pull of 'times to be and love to be made' it is all now in a new place from where you are and so be the eternal story of your depth Creation story So be it copyright ©, I AM THAT I AM

Venusian Chronicles Inter-dimensional Fiction Copyright  ©, ©, No other is me I am like no other try and so you miss your ride I am not you you are a facet of all I will not be you I am me I do not fit in you I am the fit of me

Copyright ©, ©,
' From where you are. ' From where you are the spiral of all your demons and angelicas the less than, and the yet to be The perfection of imperfection I will spin & turn from where you are; the galaxies bow at my grace in the pure and simple loving of all I love the smallest of the small and I love the grandeur shining back at me I travel into depths of where few will go I shine and in truest form I am the glow of a new place I am the hope of a new space glistening of my own promise

I need no promise of another - I have learned my lessons I have no expectation of any other I have learned my lessons softening and bellowing of me into the centre of only presence that is all there is Now From where you are, there is only presence make no promises to another there is only now Allow all to be their own promise allow all to be their highest love and best friend allow all to be their safe keeping and hero need never to be saved  but from the ones that call you 'not enough' walk on and keep spiralling  within a new oath for you and from where you are, the truest of the true;

be vulnerable upon my bossom and I will comfort you I will not judge, the expressions  & falls you call failure; It was all necessary to be exactly where you are From where you are, love it all Expect nothing from any - - - be the deepest and purest  and from you, a choice is made...... release all of their promise to you liberate your own soul  and belong to none I will be a facet never seen and known before I am that presence of me and self I am the fooled and the treasured I am the flesh of a God not known And from where you are a new perspective is born,

And in the churning of all you have ever been - and to simply know you will get up again So be it,  a new promise for me, I am that I am, on my own I never needed any to be the gift of me; from where I am The futures looking divine for the sacred in breath I am the new flesh So be it my word of this day
copyright ©,


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