Monday, 16 December 2024

THE Connection Inventiveness, Healing, Manifesting NEW Health, Youth, With Christ Consciousness #5D

 Ascension Truths #5D Wisdoms

Christ Consciousness is the life essence threading - quantum metatronic link between, in all life Source's gift to all - - for eternal life, wisdoms, creative genius and in all life The Christ Consciousness is how readers read, empaths feel, and sense, the life of all life and the story held within all matter form -  The Christ Consciousness is how immediate healing occurs - it is the essence that shifts the state of all cells, molecules, and links with higher Source essence - re-orientation to a higher code, 

The Christ Consciousness is like an eternal 'phone line' to any aspect of life light - - it is how we feel, follow energetic stories, themes, intentions, and then have the potential to re-set - Christ consciousness healers are VIBRATIONAL - not all healers are tapped in, healed, nor aligned, nor trained - nor activated in their DNA The
DNA activation is equal to the ability to integrate light, wisdoms, knowing, gifts, skills, talents, of the ALL that you have cleared, honoured, 3A's and 3E's - - - your DNA activations are equal to the VIBRATION you are ABLE TO CARRY and thus emit, clear, re-orientate for any standing before you - including all matter; trees, oceans, and such The Christ Consciousness is the unity, oneness, the window of BEING-NESS, ESSENCE, is palpable, is able to be felt, sensed, seen, heard, however GOD activates you within your souls blueprint and how you are able to be unified with your Source gifts skills, talent - some will be audible Christ Consciousness - bringing healing sounds, inventiveness - and so on - some will be seers, prophets and touch healers - 

Some of us are lucky enough - to have many, much included to combine many gifts and all is based your souls blueprints, how you will help offer, be of joy in your collective, Gaia, Heavens, and contracts, for the advancement of light wisdoms - - 

My gifts and talents are multi-dimensional - based on what is needed at the time, or being in front of me -
* Audible, seer, knower, or sensing the emotional
fields for re-orientation, healing, and story-reading of what is needed to be brought forth and healed - faced, and then neutralized - 

VIBRATIONAL healers readers - - not all psychics are the same, not all healers are vibrational and not all teachers are vibrational - 

IT IS ALWAYS of your blueprint, your equal excitement and 'doing of the work' and what you have taken on to be of sharing for all- - 

BASED on experience and lifetimes you have been offered and chosen to take on roles many simply would not nor could not - for the greater the gifts, the more challenging the life you must transcend - you must be able to use, honour, respect all laws in spiritual work, human, matter, and your guidance of the HEAVENS for the divine plan -  Why doing your ascension path work, so that you are not living from the negative side of the infinity and living in ego - of being, thinking you are powerful and thus remote viewing when you have no permission nor right -  Just because you can remote view - doesn't mean you should - - your teams will test you to see how much, what, how you are using your level up and is it done responsibly and within all laws  * Christ Consciousness is the fabric of our connection in all life and all realms - and why those that are VIBRATIONAL healers are the most important beings on the planet right now - they will assist in reading, peering, knowing, seeing, offering only what is necessary at the core of all life - systems - why we come forth with many many many infinite potentials and it is up to all to take it on and do the inner work 

The Christ Consciousness is = = = = Simplicity, truth, honour, connection, and respect to all life  - and why that which is not in their truth, or living or even speaking in integrity - is felt, and known, and called out - that is why God will place us before those that need to be called out - they have gotten away with a lot of pain, fooling, trickery, mess, and harm to many that get away with their covert and manipulative abuse - Christ Consciousness is eternal life - -

- - until there is one that will not let them out of the corner they chose to hide in When you have any life matter - - plants, water, fish tank, animals, children, living in toxic unclean negative, deceitful harmful environments - their body chemistry and brain, cells, take on the energy of the environment

- why it will be seen - children of cults, covens, and voodoo, sex covens, the ones that lie about all they are and their deeds behind closed doors and the basement rituals they think they hide from all - and why these children will be shown to have growth stunting, and blockages in their multi-dimensional potentials - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & sexual

THE MATTER IS AFFECTED PURELY BY ENERGY And again - how may you set new energy and new light, new intentions for your body, mind, cells, molecules, brain, and home - your bedroom - the room you spend the most time in should be the one you spend the most time in presence in clearing, making pretty, or soft, or bright and soothing - and clearing the space regularly - and set loving intentions every night before you sleep 

- - for the optimal healing and re-organization ~~~> loving commandmentship of your vessel of light, love, matter, and you are entirely fully 100% responsible and possible for any and all shifts My teams are working diligently with me on my 'body-sculpting' from the old 3D world of beliefs we all hold as a collective, and every one can begin to change such imprints to 'aging' and how our bodies, skin, and muscle react in time, and especially if you are in stressful, abusive, and toxic environments - the stress, damage, and strain on your matter will be more and thus more diligent work of self love, self care, and working with your ~~~~> begin daily with affirmations of becoming perfect health, age, youthfulness, and magnificence - ( We will talk more about this in our next video - bodily systems & your Christ Consciousness ) PURITY of intention, direction, focus of your CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS to your matter - muscles, skin, bones, and organs or cells, --  

WE can begin to reverse aging and not need any operative on our body for any sculpting changes, or lifts, we may want - CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS manifests a lightship - you are able to heal and uplift your body - Why the entire 'plastic surgery' "INDUSTRY" will shift - - - our consciousness is far more loving, engaging, masterful, and your teams are learning as we are learning - my teams have said ...... 
' Joanna, work with us, we are far more precise, gentle, enduring ' and in my own bio-physical-consciousness beauty work - will be offering me the inventiveness for future medical advances and healing techniques for my clients So it is a natural progression for me to now step up into new 5D sculpting, manifesting, and it will take more 'time' if you will, but it will refine your skills, gifts, attunement to your vessel, cells, and muscles, brain to systems of your body - and some in our 'get it now' culture - will simply rather go to a surgeon and get cut up with months of healing - in consciousness beauty work - there is no healing time - and no scar tissues and you are able to attune your brain, higher mind, to matter mastery - - - CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is the Metatronic link for all GODS offering for you - equal measure - therefore - the more loving and intent - the GOD ESSENCE MEETS YOU - -- - -

Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -  ********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( prices good until January 1 ) ******* 90min $233USD  ******* 40min $105USD  ******* 4x45min $533USD  It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are ) 
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - - Blessings and grace, Joanna copyright copyright ©

ALL PAST COMMUNICATIONS for all damages done must go through my lawyer - I WILL MEET WITH NONE -
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is
Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings Joanna copyright ©,


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations Donations and ascension sessions - ****** 90min $233USD ******* 4x45min $533USD ******* 40min $105USD

#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames

* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines ******* 40min $105USD ******* 90min $233USD ******** 4x45min $533USD (until jan 1) And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness 

Blessings and light You are dearly loved Joanna copyright ©

Blessings and light

Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
Sessions *************** 90min $233USD

copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )

Divine COCREATORS are ordained by God
These beings are initiated by the life experiences and their devotion to keep creating in their alignment and religions dogmatic, social constructs of being the most highest challenge, challenging your being discarded and laughed at and ostracized - these are the devoted souls Source, OMNI GOD is lifting for new earth shifts - and make no mistake about it - keep going, get up - you are a shining star and you will shine as brightly as you fucking WISH!
Blessings and light Joanna

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 



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