Ascension Truths
#5D Healing, * the more sensitive you are - be it high functioning, empathic, any range of autism, crystal or indigo, the movement through ascension is a more complex journey for your offering of what, when, how you move through and transmute your unique story of 'psyche experiences' through all time* there is no really higher intelligence of sensitives and how we operate in our reality beyond what brick and mortar wish us to 'fit in' and how we have to seclude, hide, or not speak of the reality we actually experience as opposed to those that are 'turned off' to energy * the 'turned off' is 'disconnection' and no relationship with spirit, the higher self, nature, compassion, and allot of trauma of the heart chakra and long term abuses - all will play a part in how we offer higher vibrational and higher dimensional knowing, understanding and it begins with every human 'sharing' the highest value of your souls experience here is SHARE - your reality expression for our collective healing 3E's of all humanity is to bring higher awareness, awakening of the issues, challenges, problems, hurdles that higher vibrational beings have to 'not fit in' and simply be who we are - and allow for our vibration to set the pace - and not ever succumb to lower dimensional states of behaving, being, to 'fit in' - -- - we want to empower all to NOT FIT IN
Being turned off is not a good thing - it is damaging to all that you are as a soul, spirit, and your health, and as ascension continues - even the 'turned off' ones will be turned on - the light will do this and it will be to each human
- ALL HUMANITY will be bathed in light and what will this do to those that sit in so much darkness, density and how they react, flight, fight, or can we offer higher vibrational manners of being, behaving - as the light workers, healers, and teachers, authors throughout our time here have offered in the process of 'enlightenment' and what how is this for you and ensuring you can remain grounded, centered, blessed in being you - no matter how misdiagnosed it has been and you have been and how you have been discriminated to not be you, and not have the voice you have for seeing, feeling, being, becoming all you are meant to for generations after you - -
Every generation we are becoming more and more crystal - Christic - - - more and more metatronic - more and more quantum - the light will touch all and especially those that are have been sensitive - - - what voices, what support, what truths, and what alternative pathways, healing, support, protection have we had - - - - ZERO
Let alone be a DF, in the 5000 yrs of already suppressions, no voice, no support nor role models in our collective with exception to be seen, known, looked to as options, side pieces, hoe, whores, and poly mess harvesting agents for those that refuse to look at who they are and do the inner work - What and where are the voices of the ones that HAVE BEEN THE ALCHEMISTS for all the DARKNESS and vile behaviours on this planet? where have our rights and our stories been? I am a divine feminine and healer - a seer, empathic healer, I am a vibrational healer - author, mother, and teacher, and there has been a lifetime of abuse - for the reasons of my part in making, rebuilding, and lifting the ones here to alter all creation in their sensitivities - church and state has brought upon itself such discrimination - for that was the intent in all of its building - the seeing, knowing that our DISCONNECTION from spirit, all life, light intelligence, will never build, make better governments, or leaders or ways for live - - - THE DISCONNECTION is why all ills, disease, disempowerment, misogyny and broken systems of the broken leaders that have brought 0 to the table of healing and higher intelligence but to silence and stalk, attack, and ensure that our light will not re-write the ills, = - - - so I ask again - continue on the path of such and what will this earth look like if we do not RECONNECT and REBUILD with higher ethics, morals, ideals of who we truly are and what we truly exist within - - - #epstein earth - and thus it will be extinction - for there will be no life in the imbalance and corruption that has been - -period We will write new laws We will offer new higher understanding of who we are as beings of light, high knowing, high interpretations, and becoming and tuning into the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS - for IT CREATES ALL MATTER and that is spirit, essence, our light - - how have we missed this? IT IS ALL LIFE LIGHT IS ALL LIFE Any and all ills, violence, broken ways, and density, is of the disconnect - - - how will we reconnect
Let alone be a DF, in the 5000 yrs of already suppressions, no voice, no support nor role models in our collective with exception to be seen, known, looked to as options, side pieces, hoe, whores, and poly mess harvesting agents for those that refuse to look at who they are and do the inner work - What and where are the voices of the ones that HAVE BEEN THE ALCHEMISTS for all the DARKNESS and vile behaviours on this planet? where have our rights and our stories been? I am a divine feminine and healer - a seer, empathic healer, I am a vibrational healer - author, mother, and teacher, and there has been a lifetime of abuse - for the reasons of my part in making, rebuilding, and lifting the ones here to alter all creation in their sensitivities - church and state has brought upon itself such discrimination - for that was the intent in all of its building - the seeing, knowing that our DISCONNECTION from spirit, all life, light intelligence, will never build, make better governments, or leaders or ways for live - - - THE DISCONNECTION is why all ills, disease, disempowerment, misogyny and broken systems of the broken leaders that have brought 0 to the table of healing and higher intelligence but to silence and stalk, attack, and ensure that our light will not re-write the ills, = - - - so I ask again - continue on the path of such and what will this earth look like if we do not RECONNECT and REBUILD with higher ethics, morals, ideals of who we truly are and what we truly exist within - - - #epstein earth - and thus it will be extinction - for there will be no life in the imbalance and corruption that has been - -period We will write new laws We will offer new higher understanding of who we are as beings of light, high knowing, high interpretations, and becoming and tuning into the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS - for IT CREATES ALL MATTER and that is spirit, essence, our light - - how have we missed this? IT IS ALL LIFE LIGHT IS ALL LIFE Any and all ills, violence, broken ways, and density, is of the disconnect - - - how will we reconnect
IF THERE IS NO LIGHT entering into your body, nor mind, nor heart and no understanding of your quantumness - there will be entropy -- - - it is basic science - and we have thought somehow that God is not science - how can this be true if GOD is in the smallest, grandest, and all movement of all life - it is ridiculous and we are ready to move beyond the old church and state that has been the agitator of misguidance, arrogance, incorrect biases that do nothing but separate
Ascension is unity of thyself with all your soul fragments - positive, or the shadow - all humanity will be asked that choose to move forth in ascension - - 51% of your own karma and your shadow fragments - -
51% of your karma includes DF / DM wounding throughout your time in all our multi-verse for your highest lessons now to be all that you can be now - for this earths transition into all space of 5D to all - - meaning that you will be manifesting from thought and able to in your balanced merkabah - go anywhere - - - -if you are wounded how would your reality look from thought - - why ascension must be incremental - you have to entrained higher vibrational ways of becoming and thus altering all that you are as human
- - - - and you will learn how to see all as ONE, and give all proper voice, importance - for you cannot have one without the other and yet sensitives, seers, light workers, DF, children - are given nothing in our collective
We have been seen as extra - outside and not as One The systematic abuses are everywhere - and when you seek the justice - there is still so much arrogance and misguidance - it is like going uphill carrying a train on your back - - and thus - your voice of your life and souls expression is everything - we cannot determine as a collective what is needed if none are speaking of their life experiences - what is missed, what can be added, what can be created - how can we understand your unique life perspective and how you were misdiagnosed due to limitation and 'medical check boxes' that know nothing about light, how we sense and see, and create reality - how did we miss the very basics of our quantum - ness? how can spirit be left out of anything? IT IS ALL THERE IS WE ARE in need of the higher vibrational and higher dimensional intelligence - - - It will be the bridge builder of all church and state and how much they got wrong - and what damages have been done to our collective in receiving and becoming our higher and best - - - - And so be it SHARE - 3E';s are all your soul truly cares about - and any suppression of any of this is and will create, and be imbalance -- -- - How important is your souls EVOLUTION ?????
- systems within, cells, molecules, brain functioning it all is adjusted
- - - - and you will learn how to see all as ONE, and give all proper voice, importance - for you cannot have one without the other and yet sensitives, seers, light workers, DF, children - are given nothing in our collective
We have been seen as extra - outside and not as One The systematic abuses are everywhere - and when you seek the justice - there is still so much arrogance and misguidance - it is like going uphill carrying a train on your back - - and thus - your voice of your life and souls expression is everything - we cannot determine as a collective what is needed if none are speaking of their life experiences - what is missed, what can be added, what can be created - how can we understand your unique life perspective and how you were misdiagnosed due to limitation and 'medical check boxes' that know nothing about light, how we sense and see, and create reality - how did we miss the very basics of our quantum - ness? how can spirit be left out of anything? IT IS ALL THERE IS WE ARE in need of the higher vibrational and higher dimensional intelligence - - - It will be the bridge builder of all church and state and how much they got wrong - and what damages have been done to our collective in receiving and becoming our higher and best - - - - And so be it SHARE - 3E';s are all your soul truly cares about - and any suppression of any of this is and will create, and be imbalance -- -- - How important is your souls EVOLUTION ?????
Do you care if you will ever incarnate again?
Do you care about the light you offer your children and their future incarnation?
Do you care about eternal life? At all?
HEALING 3D - -- - HOW TO ALIGN - -- - Connection, Relationship ALL IS SPIRIT
* Sacred Trinity is our new alignment
* Alignment is spirit above, the higher self - always guided in your highest and best activating all new life in light, love, and self care as spirit creating matter
* there will always be - no matter what dimension we traverse - there will always be higher order and cosmic laws -
* understanding the quantum nature of GOD, Source, CREATOR-hood and all life - how could we have ever missed this out - - - - GOD is all - not a religion - but all that is - -- -
how may we evolve
Have your churches and places, spaces to gather and pray - practice what you want - but know - evolution is and GOD SOURCE is beyond all dimensions and life - how may we evolve into a bigger knowing of what how who we truly are and measure up to the intelligence of what we have always been - - divine, sacred, eternal life beings of the image of Divine Mother, Divine Father - - - - And so be it Joanna There is and will be no getting around the quantum all-ness of GOD, Source - and who we are - reality will show you daily how connected, co-related your are to all life - One is all - ALL is ONE No church and no state is above any ONENESS IS #5D copyright copyright ©,
And how and why has it been ok for our systems, white collar criminals, secret societies and leadership corruption been 'ok' to abuse, silence, target, and pull out any that s[peaks of God beyond the church and state - and yet the church and state are the very reasons, core energy of discrimination and abuses in our reality - and the intentions to 'have it all, power, money, disconnect' of what truly makes our world go around - is not money or false clout, or power - it is the people and there is 0 concern about what has been done to those sent specifically up level humanity for its shifts in higher light intelligent realms - how will any of you operate ???
Anyone speaking of the divine plan, the mother and father - beyond what has been - we get attacked, and suppressed, systematically abused into poverty and enforced insanity - there is no way I should have survived the systematic human testing, impaling on my sensitive systems and my hyper sensitivities - I should not have survived - and not 1 person gave a crap- - until all the systems fail and the so called leadership is wondering why, what, how they move next in their disconnection and 0 intelligence of the universe - - how can we be a planet operating in a galaxy and creation without understanding the truth of GOD, source, and who we are?
Biases and bigotry, arrogance, wounding that is not being looked at, lower vibrational separations of our bodies, minds, brains, Godliness - it makes no sense -
There are profound challenges on our planet - it has been the core reasons of SEPARATION and how we have not seen, known, who we truly are -- for correction and healing - we must begin again and in unity it must be - -
How can a world in the galaxy operate with 0 representation of women anywhere -
Ask any child - how many DF they know, have as role models and why? what has been the primary offering, teaching, value?
Why do you think - in the Divine fathers plan, the mother birthing of IT - - why do you think - me being a ancient royal lineage, and histories uncountable on this planet alone - and ranking of the heavens and spiritual realms - why was it I was born as I was, voice as I did, have as I have, and why was it that I survived when many before me did not ??????
If there were many before me that were sacrificed - taken out with death rituals and daily voodoo - systematic withholding, and suppressing of my movement and growth and success - for DF Never to ever receive and have anything for her own - and her voice for all other women - what type of a planet would you have oh sick leaders and elites that think a DF will be there for you when you call when all that has been done is abuse, theft, fraud, and disenfranchisement -
Why do you think - the Divine father has offered Mother the voice NOW and what has my sharing, my path, of all things we have been missing - offering light, honour, space, and true pure healing - nothing but truth - I have made nothing over 17rys of my work - nothing -
The pure and true will be lifted
as we have not behaved as the ones impaling us do - we offer unconditionally and receive nothing while they lie, steal, fraud, and defame and block - - - so how will this behaviour of discrimination save your planet, your soul, or your life - - - -
#epstein earth is a real thing - it is extinction if humanity does not awaken to the blatant observations of imbalance and systems built on false notions, incorrect teachings, and utterly disconnect of spirit and our quantum-ness - and this is ALL WE ARE - - how did we miss this?
Why did I choose the sensitive DF - light worker, healer, seer, humanitarian path - I could have stayed and remained in government or banking? I could have had a retirement and lived quite simply and spoke of none of the blatant discriminations that face every human every day - for if there is no voice of the DF - children - the planet will be imbalanced and see what we see, the violence and sickness and diseases we do and it is all 100% unnecessary - - - it is all unnecessary - - all is healable -
Ask the leaders of today - where are the voices of all peoples - children and their experience of reality - the children are not being heard - they are sensitive and hybrid beings - higher DNA than their parents and they are learning from books I learned from - it is insane and archaic
Have your churches and places, spaces to gather and pray - practice what you want - but know - evolution is and GOD SOURCE is beyond all dimensions and life - how may we evolve into a bigger knowing of what how who we truly are and measure up to the intelligence of what we have always been - - divine, sacred, eternal life beings of the image of Divine Mother, Divine Father - - - - And so be it Joanna There is and will be no getting around the quantum all-ness of GOD, Source - and who we are - reality will show you daily how connected, co-related your are to all life - One is all - ALL is ONE No church and no state is above any ONENESS IS #5D copyright copyright ©,
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Happy holidays - -
For Healing, ascension classes, activations, readings, channellings, styling, creative consulting, soul blueprint sessions of remembrance ***********
~~~~~~~~~ 90min $233USD
~~~~~~~~~ 40min $105USD
~~~~~~~~~4x45min $533USD
There are many times I am given spiritual messages - as hopes that the people in the collective would reach out for a sessions - as I have stated previously in my videos - so there are a few messages from your guides that are awaiting those that feel inspired - your belly will feel butterflies and anxious and excited to reach out
Sensing and tuning into spirit, your higher self -- -- - that is a good feeling
- there is always a small touch of fear - because you are ready to accept yourself as energetic and spiritual and thus a layer of old will be released
- - - ask your teams, spirit, guides, and then wait for a response - happy, joy, excited, and interested intrigued -
I hope this clarifies -
Feel free to review any and all of my 760 + videos of ascension wisdoms -
I am available for any questions and inquiries -
I DO LOOK forward to our connection in the highest and greater good --
I am of service for the greater good
I am a creative consultant only - and will collaborate with those God, Source, inspires, empowers to approach me - you know who you are - - - - -
Blessings and good will for all
I love you
You are divine and sacred
copyright -
Remember dear ones - not all psychics are christic and not all healers are vibrational - - - simply do your homework and ask - ask for who they align with and if they do not align with their higher self and the higher realms of light -- - then I would keep walking - - - -
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Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -
********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( prices good until January 1 )
******* 90min $233USD
******* 40min $105USD
******* 4x45min $533USD
It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred
Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are )
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - -
copyright copyright ©
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings Joanna copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations
Donations and ascension sessions -
****** 90min $233USD
******* 4x45min $533USD
******* 40min $105USD
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $105USD
******* 90min $233USD
******** 4x45min $533USD (until jan 1)
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
Sessions *************** 90min $233USD
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