Venusian Chronicles
Inter-dimensional fiction copyright ©, God the Ultimate Creative Genius The harmonic of light, all life bellows across all realms of the darkest, into the light All notes of creation of the spec to the delight of many Jupiters The song of the Mothers joy for new life The song of a happy child and fed tummies The song of wildlife in one with all planet and humans - all life is a gift of the songs of the Creators Make yourself known dear lighted ones Stand and be counted Who are you do you wish to stand still in time or move in the loving song of eternal life? what is the dance and song of your soul?what is your thoughts moving like the oceans waves within your silent time at night, upon your first awakening - will you take a chance on love and a new song will you turn the music up and dance today will you make right a wrong will you forgive yourself and all others will you stand and speak what needs to be spoken will you stand for the correct-ness of your souls song - however ridiculous to others it may be when you face what could not have been imagined - the names, the money, the status, the stuff means nothing unless you are fully infused as being authentic and genuinely YOU as a soul - - it is all meaningless The love you think you have will not be real the stuff you hide within is not real the names and status, stuff is not comforting - you seek, you seek, you seek -
The harmony of you is within your soul who are you you are a warrior of light in all realms - seeking it, knowing it, being IT you seek the dance you seek the beat when it drops - you seek the one you can sing, dance, and be with on all movement of all harmonies that one that will know and love your all-ness and lift you when none know, see, they will and you will be in soulful harmony of what none could see, know The Soul song of God, the Mother, Father breathing new life into you for new stories, new songs, new journeys new ways for you to know how profound you are what you are birthing now for all in you of you I love you journey-people of all realms and planets and nations - New earth star - we are the peoples of all nations We are hybrid and divinely creative the highest creative beings in this galaxy -
I am the steward of our gates - - arise and dance today - promise you will dance today - promise you will sing Paint, draw, write, chant, move in the light of a new earth star Blessings be I am that I am creative genius I am the dance So be it Joanna copyright copyright © FUN FACT ~~~~~> Did you know - - - one of my most favourite artists - Rassouli that did the art for my book 3 - 'Dance with Creation' is also the 3rd image of what I captured below - Such a dear, he gave me permissions to use his work after my gushing how much his work inspired me to get lost in his passionate perspectives - - he is a celestial Goddess painter - amazing artist and will leave you breath-taken for more -- his art has been captured in my 'oracle decks' and I will point out a Rassouli anywhere - Genius creative - have a look at his work -- -
copyright ©,
Happy holidays - -
For Healing, ascension classes, activations, readings, channellings, styling, creative consulting, soul blueprint sessions of remembrance ***********
~~~~~~~~~ 90min $233USD
~~~~~~~~~ 40min $105USD
~~~~~~~~~4x45min $533USD
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