TRUTHS - - - -Spiritual Truths and why you need cycles
The most loving and powerful thing I have committed myself to in being a conduit, empath, seer, psychic and inter-facing with all spirit - and from my first KCOR radio show days was to offer how utterly loving, benevolent, respectful all higher realms are in the elegant 'choice' of every soul, the complexity that any one soul moves through in its integration, seeking, cognate any one higher capacity notion into your being-ness and what that does to your souls perspective in the path of ascension and evolutionOur most recent ascension videos - - - --
ALL GREAT TEACHERS will always bless the power back to you -
Great teachers healers will always empower you to be your best advocate, knower of your inner voice, and never push you into any direction when you are clearly not aware, ready, or desiring - - -
Stalkers, and spies, and saboteurs - - all will prove to themselves their actions, behaviours will bring to them their proof and what choices and beliefs can they begin with - the healer has nothing to prove - the quantum, all = ness will do so
- you can clearly show yourself - which is what I offer -
******* The elegance, grace, respect, honour that all higher realms have for every aspect of life's, Gods creation for ITS journey through all time and my last video - the last 15min will show you another example - I give you real daily examples of how loving, honouring, valuing spirit is for the 'getting there on your own' and how it is the 'never going back to being less than or asleep' version of you - - -
* the higher realms respect the fact that maybe a little detour to truly get a soul lesson, or gather new strength, and wisdoms, or confidence is far better than moving into a new cycle - your teams, God, the plans, the groups, councils, will make happen whatever needs to happen for you to receive, explore, express, and be your higher and best -
~ there are beings from all over the galaxy that can take a body for a day to help you move through a difficulty and practice a skill that needs to be practiced or give you help in healing when needed * the souls journey with GOD is everything and if a being has to 'sit it out' for another cycle to get a deeper meaning, lessons of emotional inner validity - then the universe and all engaged in that souls evolution will be a part of that healing, expansion journey - THE SOULS JOURNEY IS SACRED - - - - - - * The arcturians hold special teachers, and healing guides, masters of healing of the life in our galaxy and they are the grandfathers of all earth lifetimes and the most wounded souls - they are masters of healing and will bring forth, and be a part of whatever the father, your teams, and your soul says - 'enough, lets get healed and deal with this blockage' * daily ascension path work is your intention, direction, focus of a grander version of you and levelling up to being fully intentional at your heart space to being a co-creator with Source and into eternal life systems that operate in basic quantum, and spiritual laws - governing all life * there is a micro-macro of all realities - and consciousness that every dimension sits in is the blessing you are offered if you can let go of smaller ego, lower mind beliefs and systems of patterning -there is the magic of spirit always dancing with you - Book III - a work of all my channels - to an extent - of how magical and mystical spirit is and all the councils that work in expanding creation and the fathers plan * in the daily ascension path work you will prove to yourself how connected and entangled you are - * you will show yourself in the daily path work that you are truly a 'representation' of the most high, and God, a image of God, in the holographic reality that is all your manifesting and perspectives you seek, are, cognizing to a new level of being-ness is the gift of eternal life - ever spiralling up the 'Jacobs ladder' into infinite realms of play and being ness and why 'consciousness' is everything - - * cognizing - is when you allow the wonderment of all that is CREATION - God to play, live, co-create with you and you will prove to yourself within a matter of a week - how engagement, connection, relationship of re-unifying your wholeness, the letting go of smaller beliefs and what occurs when you live in wonderment of your connection with all life and mysteries of higher life - are you able to truly create and be Cognizing is when you take a concept that was heretofore not even possible, or probable and thus then, seeing feeling, sensing, and knowing that it has cemented itself into your new now patterning - like a new code - ie: light affects your cells, and how you are commanding your life, body, mind, breath will affect all aspects of life Do such with intention, devotion, and direction of your loving self energy and you will prove to yourself all is true This is the GODLINESS we as light workers offer in our knowing - we have been in disbelief too - And the awakening of light from density is a sacred journey and only you can be and choose this for yourself God will never force, nor tell nor fool you into reunion

ie; did you know you were a soul? did you have any soul fragment healings, visions, of other lifetimes, other worries, anxieties that you know you are healing from other lifetimes and why it will sit on your soul until you heal it - - - you will get better and more proficient in the calling visions you need, and timeline gifts to help you transcend the darker and more intense 'dark night of the soul' in which other lifetimes are showing itself ready to re-unify with you and so you become more soul infused and more whole - this is a proven fact you can only prove to yourself and when you have been on a few cycles of ascension, healing, growth as a soul - you will be dazzled in how masterful you are a divine being of GOD - - *** why god and my teams, told me so very long ago - - - simply offer, and be in your excitement - all will show themselves if their journeys, and souls reconnection is important - the proof will be in themselves - and this is something every great healer, teacher, prophet can never ever make any believe - - - - it is GOD
the invisible of course IS REAL - to the equal degree you choose - it is a quantum reality - - all choose their reality - harmony with spirit is so much more fun - - - -
constant companions - - I love my teams -
I would not be here without them - -
I would not have survived any of this journey without them - - -
they are me I am them - - unified
Source knows your heart
Source knows your every hiccup, pain, suffering, whisper - this is the elegance we are never taught - - -the quantum truth and the elegant sweetness of GOD
I offer this to you - I know of the Mother and Father - they are sweet loving souls of all creation
I have cried at their feet and the father lifts me and places me where I am needed
I had this vision a very long time ago - before I started this path - and it was a forewarning of 'trust in me'
from god - I had no idea the labirynth I was about to go on and I was at the top of a mountainside and covered with trees, trees everywhere - and no real path going down the mountainside
I was sitting on a sled, no snow, just a sled and I suddenly fell at full speed down the mountainside - - faster than fast and moving spinning, navigating through and around all the trees as if only by miracle - my ego mind and lower mind was 'oh my god I am going to die'
~~~ I had gone down the entire mountain and right at the end of the belly of the mountain, my heart racing of what had just occurred and not a scratch on me; the hand of God lifted me and placed me upon a front lawn of a beautiful home and without a breath I had been safe and not a moment of doubt that God wanted me to have in Him and all the teams that love me and guide me
Will I trust when there is no other entrance, exit, or way that you can imagine being a way down that fucking hill? Can you imagine you will be safely held when no other will have you - - these are all experiences in awakening you are asked to let go and allow - let go - GOD HAS YOU
Can you know the falling is a part of the building, creating self love and trust - - GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU
- - - -how important is your souls journey and evolution? Do you care to know about your higher self, the inner voice, the soft voice always talking to you - unentrained it could appear as the negative ego - always putting you down, and spiralling others projections of you - but to the entrained master - - -you are GODLY and lets get busy - - - copyright ©, SO BE IT Joanna Book your sessions for an amazing new 2025 now
Wisdoms will always outweigh quantumly every deed and lie - elitism is no longer the way - times up
that is a truth
so be it
All papers, documents, files, mail, monies - go to my lawyer - - I will not waste a second with any of past realms - - -
truth is
can you swallow that?
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Blessings and great light
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#systematicabuse is Criminal abuse
#secretSocietyAbuse is Criminal abuse
#sacrificing is Pre-meditated murder - how about we all heal and grow up - - -
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT, sharing, and honouring of our sacred work and human healing for our universal oneness
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Remember dear ones - not all psychics are christic and not all healers are vibrational - - - simply do your homework and ask - ask for who they align with and if they do not align with their higher self and the higher realms of light -- - then I would keep walking - - - -
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Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -
********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( prices good until January 1 )
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It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred
Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are )
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - -
copyright copyright ©
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings Joanna copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations
Donations and ascension sessions -
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#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $105USD
******* 90min $233USD
******** 4x45min $533USD (until jan 1)
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
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