Thursday, 19 December 2024

The Quantum ALLNESS - #5D TRUTHS - Science will prove all that is LISTENING RESPONDING to YOU

 Quantum truths of Source - God, Omni fields and All That Is

why we will align to higher order universal and spiritual laws - we must - how did we survive so long without such divine alignment None will move through ascension without such knowing, engagement of who we truly are - there will be no higher entrainment of multi-dimensionality and the quantum state, breath, and creating of all life - - 

It is natural to feel triggered - you have never been taught how threaded, ONE you are in all life and especially GOD - - 
3A's your triggers and less than - we are divine sacred beings - if you work with our easy tips and techniques - healing your karma - you will see, feel, sense shifts in all ways - that is the power of light and quantum entanglement with your reality - holographic quantum reality is responding to you

It is time for us to level up into new imaginings of who we are, what we exist within, and what is within us each - - - every day practice your daily ascension path work -
~~~> who are you -
~~~> what do you exist within
~~~> what exists within you

Your cells are aligned with the quantum Godliness - how spontaneous healing occurs - through this activation to re-ignite and replicate a higher order, ordained cells - or synapse - you are able to recode anything - that is how powerful your consciousness is - - always has been - - -
Source, God is not a religion - religion is how we packaged early downloads to channels 5000 yrs ago - to understand heavenly order and the divine, angelic help, assistance, to what a low 3D human mind, brain, could grasp - 5000yrs ago there was no 'quantum' understanding nor interplay about spirit being quantum and life, matter made up of our spiritual focus, direction, intention of who we are into the holographic reality - 

It assisted us and now it is time to grow beyond old church and state - 

Our CONSCIOUSNESS AFFECTS SCIENCE and this will be proven - - why? 


The omni-presence of GOD responding toy ou - why honouring, valuing, all life and the universal laws - how did we ever get our existence so separative and discriminating ??? 

all is GOD - - ALL LIFE RETURNS TO SOURCE - this is what ascension is
THE holographic GRAND GOD is calling ITS Soul fragments back to SOURCE and this is our offering of eternal life - to return to God for new consciousness, life, light, and omni-presence for our growth and evolutionary joy - - this is Gods promise

Why is a DF attacked for decades for her version of her reality?
Why is she suppressed so badly that she barely survived the suppression abuses and sabotages because she speaks what is offered in higher dimensional knowing - I offer to uplift and bring hope and teachings for those ready to grow and expand - take humanity into new arenas - - - all the other channels speak of the same quantum messages -

Why was my life obsessively attacked and blocked, veiled? They know who I am and the quantum-ness of me is proven - I speak and all is altered - -
That is my entrained authority - and GOD IS THE ONE THAT positions this no other - no cult, no masonic group, no government 

- your teams and God offer experiences, tests, and people places things for you to practice your wisdoms, and gifts, skills, and while heeding spirit, how to give, who to give to, who to release information to and who to silence - God is this loving partner - and when you pass your movement through life - you will be offered equal measure - -

- GOD initiates and I have surpassed any and all tests with 0 blemishes on my souls record and I survived and surpassed what any has done ever in such profound monumental challenges against groups, eons of subjugation, and oppressions, and attacks wiht dark occult warlocks, witches, and systematic abuses -

You have to EARN your ranking in the human, galactic, multi-versal honour of leadership, teaching, healing - we are trained and entrained over eons - so why, how, what , when will the discriminations be made right? When will the billies of 'not believing of a higher god' and not a DF speaking of such, or leading in such, how is it that a DF being Christic and of the Jesus elegance - such a harsh belief to the extent of systematic abuse and sabotage?

What and how are the discriminations that kept a divine heavenly healer from decades of being with the people - - - who states such power and dominance of who gets heard and how?

Who and what are such powers, keeping withholding, the documents, files of what they had test3ed, experimented, and tested me to the nth-degree due to their trying all they could to bring the augmented DNA - 'ultra human' down, and how much could they put me through - -- 

Cycles of abuse are over - that is my judgement and GODS ruling
No more will block or suppress me - it is my time to be of the highest service in Gods plan -
there is no stopping Gods plan - there is a plan and it is always for the greater good and respect to all life - no 3D ranked anything will ever have power over, override over Gods plan - - -

'few would have survived what you did' - Spirit
'you have carried the densities never carried and transcended before and you did so on your own and in of your own mastery, wisdoms, and will - you are the proof of higher wisdoms and Godliness for your collective' - - - Spirit 

- The father always has a divine plan for every human and why you go through what you do and why, how, with whom - - there is a plan and all will be activated in their deeds, and light, and must take account for the clearing of their density and choosing to give your power away - all must re-entrain higher behaviours of self love, self acceptance, belonging unity, and self care - compassion, forgiveness, the essence activators and is spirit moving through all life - CONSCIOUSNESS affects all life - 

1 DF Christ Consciousness vibrational healer - can activate an entire room in her speech, and knowing, and pulsating of the codes of light - - why only 1 can uplift all humanity - in whatever however it is needed - a spark, or quark - you matter and you are an influence - you get to choose - what impact and influence you have and choose to have - - 

Ascension is about the -integrating all your souls fragments in density - 51% of your karma experiences - 'psyche experiences' to be whole as ONE - as you have cleared all 51% you then get to take on the higher soul fragments - of the above, meshing - or sheaths of your highest selves overlay on your fields, bodies, and merkabah - and this is ecstasy - - -your chakras and consciousness goes into a whole new arena and why your brain must be prepared - and why none will just pop into 5D and be in it - -

Consciousness power to create a room that never ends from thought - is something you have to practice - because most humans think matter is matter and unchangeable - only if you believe it so

The more light, the power of Source you gain - and power is not ego - it is divine order and ethics of all life - for that is SOURCE 

- - SOURCE is all life - how could any think 'taking any out' is a Source, godly thing to do?

There are realms of dimension, consciousness - -- information & vibration -= dimension 

There is the lower realms - 0-3D
The middle realms - 4D-7D
The higher realms - 7D-13thD 

There are plans and devotions for all to 3E their souls desires and all creation - eternal life is this gateway and all must earn it - 

Truth is the only way through - daily practice truth and radical self acceptance 
Ascension is a process and it requires you connect, align, and devote daily to new versions of you with Source, as Source,

Consciousness affects all MATTER - this is the being godly and how we are offered proper entrainment that is ethical, honouring, valuing, and specific to the universal laws of Unity, 

Oneness and unity consciousness preparing for first contact in union with our galactic families and teams -  
It does not mean that church will not be needed - quite the contrary - we will still ache for places to commune, learn, and grow and give hospice for the service to others - - - it will be a place, space of higher loving knowing, and it will be felt - when you intend the quantum engagement and dance with Source, there is no denying SOURCE in all life and we can then realign our beliefs and power to be more than we ever imagined -  We are made in the image of the divine mother and father - how could we not be magnificent - -  GOD IS science of all creation - - - why Metatron is the right, left hand Consciousness of all life within any local universe - and groups, councils, bandwidths of consciousness, song, that each play a role in ensuring the universal laws, the divine fathers plan and the mothers birthing of new life is met to the quantum quark - - -

There are beings responsible for balance - - Eehm KaH - - - chant Eehm Kah and your body will be brought back into balance - the universal consciousness for balance and order of energy of the divine plan  When there is abhorrence and abuse to the divine plan, or ignorance and raping of the innocent of the divine plans for movement of all life within the multi-verse - there will be hierarchal ranking pulled by however God, Source, Mother and Father deem necessary for the 'next steps' and Arch Angel Michael is usually the one being called and His legions for such light work  The heavenly hierarchies consists of - - cosmic and galactic federations, orders, councils, groups, that uphold the highest of spiritual and universal laws, and order; such star councils' and those working on behalf of the divine order for all galaxies and universes - like myself

- I am consistently surrounded and protected by legions of the federations, my implants and bodily responses send triggers to my guides, higher self, and all the federations for immediate intervention

- - - I am always being guided, supported, loved, and protected - why no human truly can 'protect' me - there are usually agendas and programs 3D man has over the divine and what the divine sees and knows is not what any 3d could even imagine -  Metatron is the science encoder of all fathers plan - all science and how our consciousness affects all science The higher dimensional beings, realms - transcend all laws of science and why you are tested, and initiated The divine knows all futures, all pasts, and all beings in all creation - the divine sees all and why, what is within every human is what???? GOD and God can assure any court proceeding, any confession, any return, any making right, any movement is done from within and where GOD can awaken and turn on any being that had refused to see, know, be engaged with GOD spirit - spirit is all life - how can GOD NOT know your every move, intention, word, and all are being shown now GOD IS and the predictions, the offerings, the teachings, books, and content I have been creating for many many eons - is simply the voice, story of what and how god offers 

through me Why is my version of God not accepted, bullied, and targeted while the satanic, corrupt elites, corrupt churches - get to bully, stalk, and block and veil? - - - why is there such discrimination of GOD and how who is able to channel and bring higher vibrational higher dimensional light wisdoms? * go to any channel - Darryl Anka, Daniel Scranton, Lee Caroll all speak of the quantum GOD - Source, it is not religions - we have been very subjugated and blocked, limited by staying within boxes that is not who we truly are and light, song, sound of GOD activates - why light language is used in most channellers work - it bypasses all ego patterning encoding - it breaks density - for you to remember who you are - - species of all over our galaxy have unique expressions of GOD, source, the return to source, their ways of prayer and play with all spirit, all life, and respect in connection with spirit, there is a divine essence 

- that is GOD and it is not offered how to activate and speak, and create new realities  - we must heal the subjugations and misguidances of religions that discriminate, and suppress any life - GOD IS EVOLUTION - why and how would any creator of all life ever say - 'Stay stuck in your belief and suppressing women, children and be the same in all ways and days' - - - that is not a thing -- - EVOLVE God, Source, is quantum life of all realms - the higher realms you ascend to - the more your brain, understanding of manifesting from thought, and why we must practice, heal, and balance - otherwise we manifest what many are seeing in their reality now - - karma negative karma more karma and more karma -  The quantum universal laws simply are - and all are privy to such - none will miss these laws and will determine if you choose to heal, connect, build new relationships with who you are and what we exist within and what is within you and how you are able to manifest anew in this new loving breath with SOURCE -- - - higher dimensional beings live by universal laws - and the quantum-ness of all life and all realms - the higher source realm - the more immediate manifesting and shifting creating from consciousness - 

We have been very lowly entrained to remain subjugated - less than, and separation of spirit - it is impossible to be separate from spirit - spirit is all life breath, water, and our cells, DNA - - all is activated by light and then why are we not offering higher light teachings for humanity to heal and transcend all past illusions -  There is and will be no getting around the quantum all-ness of GOD, Source - and who we are - reality will show you daily how connected, co-related your are to all life - One is all - ALL is ONE No church and no state is above any ONENESS IS
#5D copyright © I LOVE YOU ALL © Happy holidays - - For Healing, ascension classes, activations, readings, channellings, styling, creative consulting, soul blueprint sessions of remembrance *********** ****************. ~~~~~~~~~ 90min $233USD ~~~~~~~~~ 40min $105USD ~~~~~~~~~4x45min $533USD There are many times I am given spiritual messages - as hopes that the people in the collective would reach out for a sessions - as I have stated previously in my videos

- so there are a few messages from your guides that are awaiting those that feel inspired - your belly will feel butterflies and anxious and excited to reach out 

Sensing and tuning into spirit, your higher self -- -- - that is a good feeling - there is always a small touch of fear - because you are ready to accept yourself as energetic and spiritual and thus a layer of old will be released - - - ask your teams, spirit, guides, and then wait for a response - happy, joy, excited, and interested intrigued -
None have any universal right to state who gets to be heard seen, or share the 3Es of their unique life experience - - my reality is my trained reality to higher vibrational knowing, practicing and being - why is my reality attacked while the corrupt get to run the world - - how is the truth something we refuse to see until all that was solid comes down? 

All were given so many years to do the basic human rights, and do right - basic human rights - why is my voice not needed and who says I am not meant to be here - - - who has that right?

I hope this clarifies - Feel free to review any and all of my 760 + videos of ascension wisdoms - I am available for any questions and inquiries - Blessings and light Joanna

Happy holidays - -
For Healing, ascension classes, activations, readings, channellings, styling, creative consulting, soul blueprint sessions of remembrance *********** ****************. ~~~~~~~~~ 90min $233USD ~~~~~~~~~ 40min $105USD ~~~~~~~~~4x45min $533USD

There are many times I am given spiritual messages - as hopes that the people in the collective would reach out for a sessions - as I have stated previously in my videos - so there are a few messages from your guides that are awaiting those that feel inspired - your belly will feel butterflies and anxious and excited to reach out 

Sensing and tuning into spirit, your higher self -- -- - that is a good feeling 
- there is always a small touch of fear - because you are ready to accept yourself as energetic and spiritual and thus a layer of old will be released

- - - ask your teams, spirit, guides, and then wait for a response - happy, joy, excited, and interested intrigued -

I hope this clarifies -
Feel free to review any and all of my 760 + videos of ascension wisdoms -
I am available for any questions and inquiries -

I DO LOOK forward to our connection in the highest and greater good --

I am of service for the greater good
I am a creative consultant only - and will collaborate with those God, Source, inspires, empowers to approach me - you know who you are - - - - -


Blessings and good will for all
I love you
You are divine and sacred

copyright -

Remember dear ones - not all psychics are christic and not all healers are vibrational - - - simply do your homework and ask - ask for who they align with and if they do not align with their higher self and the higher realms of light -- - then I would keep walking - - - -

****************************************** Sessions, links, and hashtags ***************************
Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -  ********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( prices good until January 1 ) ******* 90min $233USD  ******* 40min $105USD  ******* 4x45min $533USD  It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are ) 
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - - copyright copyright ©

ALL PAST COMMUNICATIONS for all damages done must go through my lawyer - I WILL MEET WITH NONE -
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is
Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings Joanna copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations Donations and ascension sessions - ****** 90min $233USD ******* 4x45min $533USD ******* 40min $105USD

#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames

* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines ******* 40min $105USD ******* 90min $233USD ******** 4x45min $533USD (until jan 1) And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness 

Blessings and light You are dearly loved Joanna copyright ©

Blessings and light

Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
Sessions *************** 90min $233USD

copyright© ( the Alliance with Light Book IV )

Divine COCREATORS are ordained by God
These beings are initiated by the life experiences and their devotion to keep creating in their alignment and religions dogmatic, social constructs of being the most highest challenge, challenging your being discarded and laughed at and ostracized - these are the devoted souls Source, OMNI GOD is lifting for new earth shifts - and make no mistake about it - keep going, get up - you are a shining star and you will shine as brightly as you fucking WISH!
Blessings and light Joanna

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 



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