* * Brain, Healing, New Multi-Dimensional Insights on 'Disorders' and Depression
#5D Multi-dimensionality In my many years of ascension, and soul navigation into our vastness and why, how, we behave, go through, experience what we do - and the healing process of the soul, the psyche of who we are -Spirit says I am an expert of the SOUL HEALING and our navigation through dense space - time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygQSy...
Now again, daily higher excitement entrainment with light, quantum exploration, healing sessions, activations, working with your teams, light, and light language - - all help you advance into higher thought entrainment preparing the brain for higher dimensional downloads and understanding - All are unique, all are at a special divine pacing, temperament - never ever judge yourself as to where you are at in your path - each carry a UNIQUE SOUL blueprint ~~~ Some souls are much younger in dimensional navigation - some are carrying a lot of trauma for the collective to transmute - because they are masters and can - God took me on many detours back to lower realms - simply to learn more about how abuse of energy, and mkULTtra programs and abusive mental mind scraping affects the already suppressed human being and what is needed for healing - out when psychosis occurs * What you are able to 'understand' is fully within your entrainment, stretching, and knowing how you read energy, information, what is packed in the download - your guides know, and will test you on the various ways you are able to unpack GOD, SOURCE packets of light and wisdom -
Simply soften, allow, and do, as best as you are able to discipher a 7D thought and light code - and why we practice higher entrainment - thus then, this 5D healed 51% of your karma - opens you up to such potentials - of 5D thought concepts is not 3D doctrine of same manuals through all human history being taught today - makes no sense Why we still sit unhealed - Most medical practices do not understand 'consciousness' to who we are, nor what we sit within and now the profound affects of proper higher light entrainment to the healing process - thus then, how could we heal the soul fragments that are causing the root behaviour and pattern of addiction, or wound, or even choosing the same abusive mate - it is all within the soul - multi-dimensional, vast, and requiring new healing, and daily practices to be WHOLE and know you are the master of your domain and all that you are as a divine being of GODLINESS ~~~ Sources insights I will unravel more as I move into more in-depth study, research of such brain maladies and I choose to call 'malady' and not 'disorder' and we will have to soften and release victimization which many of the words like 'disease, disorder' have us sit - and we do not have to - - - - HERE WE GO....... open up your mind and heart -
BiPolar, Depression, Even Levels of Schizophrenia - - ARE......... now 'listen carefully' are such that is the AFFECT EFFECT of deep trauma not healed and is transformable and transmutable -
There is much stigmatism on all mental health issues and all is most entirely resolvable in our higher dimensional softening, stretching, healing, understanding of the PSYCHE - we are consciousness of SOURCE with many realms of experience and wounding - PERIOD - we will manifest what we need to until we face and go there - - - for the alchemy of your soul - - it is all possible - we simply need higher vibrational light intelligence
Bipolar is a break, of the psyche when a deep wound is not 3A's for its depth of IMPACT on the divine sense of self that was set into survival mode - childhood rape, and trafficking such cases will show more and more cases will be brought forth - if we do not understand the PSYCHE of who we are and the effects of the trauma in our every day life when the cycle of life, spiral of life continues - Some return to a psyche aspect that they are most protected in - go listen to the 'Seth' Videos on Souls Perspectives and such shifting between states of personality for its safety - there is a deep trauma through which it is not being WALKED THROUGH with the divine to re-integrate and harmonize the aspects it is floating between -
Allow for new truths to soften your being-ness and know all is true, purposeful, and serving you - release all levels of victimization - for remember - we experience what we do
~~~~~~ 3A's WE HAVE BEEN VICTIMIZED - and own it - claim it and then alchemize it - give yourself permission to face the story and then re-write it
BiPolar - is an effect, it is a malady of deep trauma of the psyche, divine self in separation of its polarity - of dark and light, heaven hell, and expression and suppression
ANY LEVEL OF SUPPRESSION will cause depression - period
We will bring more as I explore, express and experience the divine helping us navigate new greatness to our power to heal and entrain anew -
you are loved
blessings and great light health
The new me - - all 3D timelines are done!
ALL PAST - all monies, documents, need to still be made out to Joanna L Ross - - -
ALL PAST - all monies, documents, need to still be made out to Joanna L Ross - - -
All past issues must all go through my lawyer - JNelson@speclaw.ca
Until all court issues are closed and deemed "DONE" by SOURCE - - -
Welcome to the new
all of my work is copyright ©,
NEVER CHOOSE TO SURRENDER ANY HEALTH issue greater than your ability to alter it - you are metatronic
Previously known as
I am working on transitioning all my previous work into my new name, life, and brand structure
ALL PAST issues and documents, thefts, frauds, government returns - all must still read
Joanna L Ross until all court and legal issues are completely 100% resolved
- SOURCE will say when Joanna is no longer applicable - -
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Donations and ascension sessions - PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss ****** 90min $233USD ******* 4x45min $533USD ******* 40min $105USD
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $105USD
******* 90min $233USD
******** 4x45min $533USD (until jan 1)
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $105USD
Sessions *************** 90min $233USD
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