Saturday, 1 December 2018

Divine Human Value ~ A Universal Truth

Greetings and good morning dear lighted ones,
I don't know about you, but was November intense or what?

As veils drop, your soul comes forth. We will continue on our last week's episode about the 'dropping of the veils' and what this truly means and feels like multi-dimensionally and how these are the soft and elegant offerings from the Divine for our ever-expansive journey to reunify with our whole Divine essence.

There is always a higher perspective of you to be explored, experienced, accepted, honoured. Higher is not a judgment; for you have always been perfect; higher simply means expansive, infinite & purely living within the knowing & entanglement with Source.

Today's shows just may be one of most valued and treasured shows of the year. You may want to soak within the Heavenly offerings, Divine Christed encodings, and open to your limitless potential and value within Creation.

Topics that we will lovingly explore are; 'Divine Human Value~A Universal Truth' we move through new perspectives about who we are, what we exist within, the God within; as we are ushered in new beginnings

We go live at 11:00am MST for our weekly ascension global communion; the human sacred soul tribe meet, gather, etheric, Universal-Omni Oneness to bring forth light, love, unity, Harmony to a planet shifting paradigms;

Log on and see new multi-dimensional parenting, crystalline children illustrations, and chat with us, ask us questions and offer your own Divine and Heavenly gratitude, wisdom, and insight for this most profound unfolding within our human story of transcension.

We are the Divine co-creators of our uniquely diverse human experience. An awakening & Universal belonging upon earth that has never occurred in this way; we have free will & Divine choice to write the human story anew!

If you missed last weeks show; Joanna explored a veil dropping as she was met with an arachnid aspect of herself upon Sirius and how these invite us each to release limitations of who we think we are, what our potentials are, and how dynamically sewn we are throughout our Omni-presence, and this dropping of dimensional veils will be pivotal in the shifting within higher dimensional reality living.

Here is our archive from last weeks show;
* November 24th, 2018 ~ Only a few shows left of our entanglement with KCOR, so be sure to tune in and feel the Divine love;

Sacred Living begins now.

Blessings and great light dear ones,


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