Greetings dear lighted ones,
Here are some really simple, easy, and 'do anywhere' tools to maintain balance, peace, inner calm, and heightened centeredness through these profound energetic offerings that will continue through this transition of rebirth for Gaia.
Here are some really simple, easy, and 'do anywhere' tools to maintain balance, peace, inner calm, and heightened centeredness through these profound energetic offerings that will continue through this transition of rebirth for Gaia.
These energetic shifts are pulsing and moving within and through us, in every part of our world, consciousness, and at every level; therefore, you can imagine the intensities that Gaia is balancing for us and why we see some rumblings occurring.
If you can set aside as much quiet, nourishing time as possible then you will ride the wave with as little friction, or emotional upheaval; and why 'letting go' will be key.
Honouring & Embrace of Your Divinehood
* Full-Body Breathing ~ Aligns, soothes, heals, calms, activates new cell growth, moves blood, energizes the brain function, all bodies fluidically move within this pranic intention & harmonization with Higher Self, Omni-Presence, Source
* Daily Affirmations & Acknowledgement ~ Simply the pure affirmations of joy, lighted essence, Divine wisdom, Divine intelligence, and expansiveness that you are, the path and the light that you perfectly ARE - right now, is enough of a vibration to thread you anew. Affirmations are higher vibrational entrainments that allow us to see, perceive, create and experience anew. Speak and offer the Divine through you to yourself and feel into this shift. You are God and Source embodiment, and how may this bring forth loving words of joy, honour, value, and desire to be at peace in this Universal truth? 'I am Divine sacred light, I am loved, I am purely within alignment of my highest joy, I AM Eternal with God, ALL IS WELL.'
* Visualization ~ imagining and creating through your Christed tool-kit are the easiest and naturally inherent way to align within your crystalline essence, your embodiment with Source, and call in or activate anything you desire; breath + visualization is your creative birthright, you navigation tool for creating your reality; you are meant to use these gifts, tools, keys to transform ALL within your reality.
* Appreciation & Gratitude ~ Feel the deep love, appreciation, gratitude, honour that Creation is constantly flowing within you, and in this acknowledgement, ALL IS WELL. The magnitude of what we are co-creating, experiencing is beyond what we can imagine, and this is a beautiful dance; we often forget the majesty involved in what is occurring moment-for-moment. The Universe, Creation, God, All that Is honours you, loves you, is appreciative of you. You are needed and valued!
* Ground, Release & Re-Align ~ Let Go ~ We are ever-more aware and present within the moment as we ground, center, and align to a more peaceful and higher self perspective. This is done by the pure intention that we set in our moment-for-moment unfolding life; intending to be a conscious co-creator with Gaia, with our One human tribe and how we are all necessary, needed, and a part within the synergistic orchestration of this Heavenly rebirth. The multi-dimensional bodies, energy systems, and design that we each are, is the multi-facetted system that allows us to continually maintain balance, harmony, peace, and also ever-reach for higher systems of light programs and intelligence within Creation. Softly and lovingly open your heart with intention to breathe and ground within the systems of intelligence, healing and love with Gaia and as you do this as a practice in daily sacred living, so too will you become aware of all that she is and all that she offers to the wellness and harmony of all that you are.
This grounding and balancing approach is very necessary for children and bringing their bodies back within a healthier state of being and feeling. Tuning into to this and its affects will allow them to also see, feel, and experience the blessings and aliveness of the planet that they choose to co-create within and how truly One and entangled we all are within and with her.
It is time dear ones that all that appears in your path that feels obligatory, dense, like a struggle is there to offer moments of profound life-altering choice to 'let it go' and realign within a higher truth of who you are. Offering yourself compassion, love, forgiveness, is the softening that will allow you to feel your worthiness, your eternal grace that is always present, always offered from Source within. These are the shifting paradigms from 'old - new' and it often requires that we choose, our own free will and inner knowing what our paths are calling and aching for us to act upon.
This grounding and balancing approach is very necessary for children and bringing their bodies back within a healthier state of being and feeling. Tuning into to this and its affects will allow them to also see, feel, and experience the blessings and aliveness of the planet that they choose to co-create within and how truly One and entangled we all are within and with her.
It is time dear ones that all that appears in your path that feels obligatory, dense, like a struggle is there to offer moments of profound life-altering choice to 'let it go' and realign within a higher truth of who you are. Offering yourself compassion, love, forgiveness, is the softening that will allow you to feel your worthiness, your eternal grace that is always present, always offered from Source within. These are the shifting paradigms from 'old - new' and it often requires that we choose, our own free will and inner knowing what our paths are calling and aching for us to act upon.
As we enter the center of the holiday season, how may you re-align to a more authentic version of you? What is calling from your soul-centre, your heart and how may you act and behave within the energy of its invitation? What is no longer valid or in alignment of what your true core values are? What can be released that aligns within your inner desires, needs, and truth with a more simple and peaceful way of sacred living? Set the vibration and standard for a peaceful and harmonic way of living and as you set this, honour it, emanate this, it will softly enter its way into your life.
* Allowance & Acceptance ~ You are the centre of your reality; you have the ability to choose how any one moment unfolds; allowance, as we have discussed offers the higher state of potential to flow to you, through you; honouring the ALL, all paths, and allowing what messages, lessons, and gifts to come to you in the process. How may you fully allow the ALL the you are and in return the All that others are and acceptance of the Divine perfection within it ALL? Allowance and acceptance opens the flow, allows for opportunity to be seen, honoured and received. Allowance shows and emulates to others 'I believe in you, I trust you, I honour you, I accept you.' In all the love and acceptance and allowance you gift yourself, it is the very vibration that all others seek. We show ourselves what we need when we need it; and we each are here to remember and be this within first.
* Sacred Joy & Play ~ Communion with loved ones in a playful and heartfelt manner will not only raise the endorphins but will also open your heart and the flow of love. Laughing, joyful play, playing with Gaia in any way, are all ways that we naturally engage spirit, light, and love and we entangle and sing to the Universe as we do. Never underestimate the healing power of love, joy, and laughter - it is our human way to offer good will in our Oneness.
* Nourish & Care ~ You are the master of all that you are, all that you experience, and what unfolds; How may you tune in to the needs, desires, of your multi-dimensional bodies with heartfelt awareness - tune in and listen to what your bodies are telling you; there is a rhythm and new desires your bodies will show you, tell you; are you listening? Do you need more rest, more quiet time, greater play time, journaling, creative expression? Perhaps you are feeling the ache for higher water content food, higher quality food, food with the least amount of processing and colourful array to feed the new cell growth, cellular structure & all that our bodies are doing.
~~~ In any moment of energetic intensity that may be beyond your understanding, you can ask yourself;
* * * Am I resisting or allowing? Am I in the flow with Source? I open, I honour, I allow, I am ONE within the ALL.
* * * My bodies, my teams, my fields, my intentions, my heart, are all in alignment within my highest will, Gods will, and the Divine ascension with Creation; I AM ONE, all is well, all is perfect.
* * * Am I resisting or allowing? Am I in the flow with Source? I open, I honour, I allow, I am ONE within the ALL.
* * * My bodies, my teams, my fields, my intentions, my heart, are all in alignment within my highest will, Gods will, and the Divine ascension with Creation; I AM ONE, all is well, all is perfect.
These will help in any moment, wherever you are, and whatever you may be doing, for these intensities may cause dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion, ringing in the ears and around the cranium, increased heart patterns, itchy skin, plugging of the inner ear, and momentary 'voids' in which you are adjusting reality vibrations, threads, and feel as if you are in the 'void' of one reality in which we are moving through, from, and one that doesn't feel, look like it use to.
These are all very normal and a part of the profound movement of quantum and energetic realities we are co-creating.
Breathe, and trust with a beautiful and embracing heart all is well and you know, your teams know, Creation knows what It is doing. Seek professional care if you are worried; as there is always a balance in self-care, professional attention, and your Divine inner guidance. 🦄
Join us for our December 9th class as we will move deeply and richly within multi-dimensional communications, and how to make sense of many of our upcoming shifts.…/sacred-light-language-divine-toning-2/
Blessings and graceful joy,
Breathe ~ You are the embodiment of spirit and this is a gift, a blessing, an enrichment of the pristine crystalline angelic you desiring in your Oneness ~ Celebrate!
Blessings and graceful joy,
Breathe ~ You are the embodiment of spirit and this is a gift, a blessing, an enrichment of the pristine crystalline angelic you desiring in your Oneness ~ Celebrate!
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