Thursday, 27 December 2018

Re-BIRTH ~ NEW 2019 INFINITE within the Unknown, Unseen

To tap into the 'unseen,'
To open, remember, allow, honour, accept oneself as the ALL, is to acknowledge oneself within it, as It.

Remember in our first awakening moments; 'you don't know what you don't know' and reality continues in this way until a moment of remembrance, awakening, ignition of wisdom, intelligence held within you allows for the reality of you, all that you exist within, and what exists within you to be far grander than you once thought.

Your beliefs, your perceptions create the reality you experience. What beliefs do you hold most high about you, about all that you exist within, and what truly is within you? What can you step into with utter inner knowing there is an omni-presence that IS infinite awaiting your rediscovery whether it can be seen, validated, or proven? 

What beliefs, what limitations are holding you back from the infinite and limitless self that IS you? As we approach these Divine moments that begin the convergence of something anew, how may we each take reflection, Divine communion with heart-felt alignment with Source, and begin to invite in our highest will, our highest profound unfolding in which ALL that is tickling us within our soul can be brought to live through us in such miraculous ways that the All is forever changed in doing so.

How may you open to the infinite in all moments through 'self-acceptance' and unconditional self-love as you emulate this to all others? How may we shift from judgment to relax within the purity of observation and compassion? How may we open to the dynamic essence and Universal truth that Source, God, Creator of ALL THAT IS, exists within us each to begin new journeys, new stories, new songs of Divine exploration within new reality potentials that we co-create? 

So many Divine expansive potentials to explore, express, and examine as a part of our new earthly-Heavenly paradigms ready for birthing through us. How may each moment be the unconditional trusting dance with thyself, with Source, with Creation that is how our flowing creative genius was always meant to be? Divine musings for a Divine new beginning. There is undeniable magic and majesty within the unknown, the unseen, and this is Divinely held within us each to explore, honour, and bring forth anew. 

And so it is.
We are,
We are immersed,
We swim,
We dance,
We entangle,
We are infinite fields of love-light,
Consciousness of potential,
Consciousness of loving eternal blessings,
How may we co-create within a new human playground for the ALL to arise, the All to thrive, the ALL to be honoured and gifted, appreciated, and truly valued for the role each play in our re-awakening, re-discovery, and remembrance of our Divine essence as Source embodied humans;
WE are made of the stars, All that is Source,
We are One.

Blessings and graceful love,

For those who so desire, our next Sacred Toning Multi-Dimensional Communion Class offering will be held January 6th, 2019 ~ 1:11pm MST


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