Greetings dear lighted ones,
We are entering into very special and profound energies, transformations, and Divine unfolding's ~ we have talked about the energetic symbolic significance of the these 5 full moons; their entering at 0 degree's and until April equinox, these will certainly be pivotal months to truly 'let go' of limitation, reset to a more pure self-loving grace, and offer compassion to all that cross your path.
These are very special and rare times upon our planet; we are so lucky and blessed to be here and catalyze love from a pure and open-heart perspective. There were so many that wanted to be a part of this earthly transformation but not all could partake. We are the chosen ones, and we say this profound honour and humility for the energy and truth that this carries. Truth in our power to ground, centre, anchor, and be the light keepers, the light warriors, earthly-Goddesses and crystalline workers of a higher knowing. Honour this dear ones. Honour the insistency to be peaceable, honour the ache that desires joy and gaiety when the rooms and energy feel dense. Honour your light and inner truth to be Divine dear ones, for this is your gift, this is the blessing of God within you to light the way for so many stuck in sleepy illusions of distrust and fear.
In moments of family and friend socializing, speak from the heart and honour it in others. For there is a richness in our diversity that truly is unparalleled within our galaxy. Offer your kindness in abundance, offer your laughter in prosperity, and know that all those that stand before you, are your star brethren, your Heavenly sisters, and the cosmic Mother and Father mirroring to you how truly vast and quantum we all are to explore Source and loving grace within all realms of experience. Shine forth your inner joy dear ones, for this is the emanation of choosing ascension, of choosing Oneness, of choosing peace and a kind harmonic earthly potential.
Never underestimate your power to ignite change; these are your blessed gifts to shine forth and allow the Universe to converge and bring you exactly what is needed, what is required, what is for your highest and best; The Universe, Source, your higher self, your teams, know what is needed, and what is Divinely in your heart will manifest within the purity in which you hold It, the sacredness in which you hold It, the joy in which you hold It.
I am grateful for you dear human soul tribe, and I am so blessed to know you, to thread particles of Source love and light through the cosmos, and I know you all at the heart level; for we are quantum family and Heavenly children spreading potential for generations to live peacefully and joyfully as was intended. I honour each of you, I value and treasure each of you, for your threads of love are felt, your thoughts and wishes, prayers, and communion are known, and we send loving joy of Heavenly Oneness to you in every offering. You, us, we, them, they; are One, and I am love you dearly.
May your hearts be filled with loving self-acceptance, self-allowance, self-exploration, and self-joy, for it is truly time to stand boldly, choose in loving clarity, and honour the richness that we each hold for Creational evolution. In these profound inner remembrances, veils of density vanish within its loving alchemic power.
Blessed be the softened pure heart that prays in loving honour of Creation, of life, of love, of Oneself as a bold creator within It; for this is truly the power of Heavenly grace transforming all reality as It lives through us in our surrender.
May our entire Creational family be blessed, feel and know the unconditional love that IS Source ~
May each of our hearts arise again and again.
For those that so desire; we are holding a Global Ceremony of Light ~ Winter Solstice Celebration & Invocation of our Human Oneness, our ascension journey and explorations on December 21, 2018 Friday at 5:55pm MST. The link to register for this meditation, sacred soul tribe communion, intention & activation; stepping into Divine Gardens of Love.
For those that so desire, here is our final podcast with KCOR Radio entitled ‘Gardens of Love’ where we explore the concepts and notions of our true potentials as we tap into the Universal etheric chambers for wisdom, insights, loving Arch Angelic lighted inspiring’s of our human journey into new dimensional arenas of play and co-creation. The link is found here; ~~~
Please feel free to share our Divine light offerings and know that all of our previous 142 weekly ascension archived shows will still be available from our website for your listening and expansive journey of self-exploration as the God~being that you truly are. These podcasts include many deep and treasured sacred wisdoms of perceiving all that we are, all that we exist within, and what exists within us in new and expansive ways so that we are able to release density in all of its forms and step up within higher vibrational ways of becoming, behaving, and truly honouring our sacred path of exploring our infinite human potential.
The Divine blessings and allowances for our human journey this year have been many, but most profoundly is held within our remembrance of self-honour, self-love, self-value which will be the foundations of any and all human evolutionary change. These blessings of our inherent truth are held within every fibre of our being-ness and is within each of us to begin integrating, honouring, and behaving in a way that transforms our earthly realities as we know it. The peace that every parent desires is the inner knowing their children are peaceful, happy, and in pure joy of who they are. The material and social expectations we use to think were so key to living a successful life are now blatantly obvious not what inspires inner peace, inner harmony or a balanced and healthy state of being. We are transforming dear ones, and this is happening and unfolding at unprecedented rates and spill into every social platform and arena; as it should.
Our children are worthy of new heightened perspectives of lighted fields of play, creative expansiveness, and Divine self-love that truly sets our galaxy alight in the colours of loving joy that these explorations will unveil. For this is sacred heartfelt living if we allow it. Through our inherent choice to live sacredly, in creative exploration with Source, all things are possible.
The Divine blessings and allowances for our human journey this year have been many, but most profoundly is held within our remembrance of self-honour, self-love, self-value which will be the foundations of any and all human evolutionary change. These blessings of our inherent truth are held within every fibre of our being-ness and is within each of us to begin integrating, honouring, and behaving in a way that transforms our earthly realities as we know it. The peace that every parent desires is the inner knowing their children are peaceful, happy, and in pure joy of who they are. The material and social expectations we use to think were so key to living a successful life are now blatantly obvious not what inspires inner peace, inner harmony or a balanced and healthy state of being. We are transforming dear ones, and this is happening and unfolding at unprecedented rates and spill into every social platform and arena; as it should.
Our children are worthy of new heightened perspectives of lighted fields of play, creative expansiveness, and Divine self-love that truly sets our galaxy alight in the colours of loving joy that these explorations will unveil. For this is sacred heartfelt living if we allow it. Through our inherent choice to live sacredly, in creative exploration with Source, all things are possible.
These podcasts also offer expansive new perspectives about our new roles as multi-dimensional parents, guardians, teachers, and ambassadors of an awakened human family in Oneness with all life and our Divine planetary Mother Gaia. All of our teachings, sacred offerings are taken from the collective energies, ascension energies, and holographic perspective so that we are in keeping with the Christed alignments, timelines, and potentials for the grander planetary, galactic, and Universal ascension plans through Source Creator. Enjoy with an open heart and know there are a myriad of multi-dimensional DNA, soulful activations held within every episode.
Our 2018 Archived podcasts are found here; ~~~
There is Divine orchestration within all things dear ones, for it is pure God aliveness in loving offering of new expansive joyful journeys held in reunion as we open, allow, and accept the beauty in all moments, in all things, in all beings. And so it is.
Happy Holidays dear ones,
The Master Jesus that we celebrate this time of year emulated unconditional love, compassion, and the eternal nature and treasure of our Oneness; may this be resonant in all hearts this season.
And so it is,
Blessings and graceful joy,
Blessings and graceful joy,
~~~ We will be doing some website upgrades to accommodate for our interactive growth potentials and video streaming over the seasonal holiday. If our website is down, or you get error messages; please be patient and check back with us, or send me an email directly; ~~~
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