Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Love Awaits Your Acknowledgement

Life, Love, Universal Truth singing within the silence;
The humming of a new world.....

If you are silent, still, soft within a pure heart; you can invite the Love of Source, of Gaia, of Creation to live through you ~ this is your birthright.  You are dearly loved, supported, wise beyond measure;  * Share in the awakening, the behaving, the living sacredly for this is our human story and we get to choose how we unveil ourselves to be; 
~~~ Divine Human Value ~ A Universal Truth
Tuning in to the value and richness of all that you are simply awaits for your acknowledgement and honouring of it. This is a truth, this is inherent within each of us, without exception and there are no biases here; this is CREATIONAL LOVE and CREATIONAL TRUTH. It is only in our separation, limitation, fear, that we have designed such belief systems, social and otherwise to play the games of density and lack.  When you are truly ready for change, a few moments of silence and stillness every day will awaken the honour and Unconditional love awaiting within your heart and show you the way of a new world being born right now. 
We will choose different leaders when our hearts are awakened to a higher truth. We will create new ways of sharing, caring, and healing when our hearts are awakened to a higher and deeper truth. We will allow and honour All That Is, when we feel the pulsing of It within; these are truths that we each have the power to shift; moment-for-moment living in grace and Divine sacred joy that we are truly worthy of the blessings held within. You are worthy of such grace. You are worthy of such love, you are worthy to feel valued, rich with creativity, and deep with Universal wisdom. You are worthy, and if this may be the only offering of this truth that you hear today; then may it resonate and ring like the harmonic song that it is; 
"I value you and I appreciate your being here. I value your gifts, your authentic voice, and I believe in you; for you are Divine sacred love and Creation honours you as do I. May you go forth and shine dear ones, shine, sing, dance, for you are the movement of joy that inspires the ALL. You are HONOURED and deeply LOVED."
What value do we hold for human peace, joy? How may we look, seek, honour, embrace the value of who we are, life in all forms, and the grace held within it ALL? Enjoy this glorious unfolding dear ones,
Join us for our December 9th Mastery Class of Christed Communications; December 9th ~…/sacred-light-language-divine-toning-2/ December 21st ~…/winter-solstice-global-ceremony-of-light/
Blessings and graceful joy, Joanna L Ross
What a world, what a vibration, what a potential we are shining forth from our hearts dear ones, and in this, one day, our children, all children will have homes, all children will know of their inner beauty, and all children will feel free and liberated in their uniqueness and soar as the angels of light that they, we all are. 
This is why we are here......our light now, our love now...shifts all things! And so it is.......

Our governments, our social experience, our Human Oneness, our Universal belonging is held within; in these pivotal times of changes dear ones; what is the reality 
you truly desire to experience and co-create? Set forth your heart-felt inner 
knowing of what you desire, what you are ready to share, within this sacred 
offering, you set forth a catalytic quantum call of love.

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