Monday, 3 December 2018

A Heavenly Dimensional Experience is Within

Greetings dear lighted ones, 
So much Divine essence living through the open heart and how may this inspire anew; love, peace, harmony, unity, joy, and prosperity for the ALL. This is Unity consciousness and we are innately woven within these potentials in the awareness and intention of it. How may you walk forth in new awakened eyes, heart, inner knowing, and behave as if the 5th, 6th, 7th, Heavenly dimensions were within you? They are, you are, we are.

Our children have the most infinite power and potential within them to control, manage, enhance, and inspire their own innate health, wellness, and Divine unfolding and what value, what inner truth, what inner love and care will you offer yourself, will you share, and honour? Profoundly honest questions for a profoundly creative time.  For if we are consciously and heart-felt in this awareness, the 'treadmill of limitation' continues. 

Human awakening, human ascension, human transcension, human enlightenment is shifting in every moment, never at a stand-still. Always spiralling within the ALL, ever up, and ever out. Therefore, how may we set aside the stillness required to truly answer the call of the heart and inner light that knows you came here for this moment of rebirth? 

Our children are not the limitations we have set for them. They are, we are, have always been magnificent and infinite. How may every aspect of our socio-economic reality be shifted within this consciousness truth, Universal truth? 
How may we inspire, empower, encourage them within heightened multi-dimensional dialogue, wisdom, and intelligence, for they are far grander in exploration and sacred play than we have offered and given may we shift anew? 
All that was has served. It is time to begin anew and may this within our hearts be filled with peace, promise, intentions of joy and sacred communion within All life, our planet, our Universe, and the majesty that truly exists within them.

How may we each sit in our stillness and begin anew?
How may our hearts and souls be offered our soft and loving honour, our action, our behaviour that speaks in its waking excitement? How may we emulate the bliss, the joy, the honour of being human? For there is no other ride in our multi-verse quite like this one, and our creative potentials are like never before in our history. How may we intend through our hearts the reality that we as a human collective may inspire, may bless forth for the joy and sacred potential for all generations henceforth? 

Our hearts, our intentions, our inner knowing is the catalyst for grander awakenings, collective ripples of light, creates the collective shifts and changes needed, required, and long overdue. We are far grander than we have ever known and we sit within a crucible of energy for this quantum rebirth.

These are dear ones not lofty musings but Universal truths; held within our unique hearts is the presence of the eternal, and this is the catalyst to any and all transformations in every aspect of our reality experience. 
How may the essence of Creation that is the wave of love ripping within our fields of play, the vibrations we are all feeling, sensing, and seeing play out for change; be the breath that ignites a depth of your own richness to begin anew? 
You are Heavenly. You are a Divine human and an embodiment of profound power to co-create, heal, offer, shine, and sing within a joy ready for sharing; this is our birthright. May the coming weeks, months, allow a deeper truth unveil in your own perfection, in your own willingness, in your right for union and sacred play. 

This is pure and Divine design; and so it is. You are so dearly loved, supported, and honoured within every moment, and the moment that you seek within this truth, purity of love, there will be a reality convergence to bring forth love to be experienced through you. This is quantum movement of the Universe in new evolutionary cycles inspiring us to awaken. This is the inter-play of love, light, wisdom, and expansiveness for new fields of joy to begin here, now, within, without, above, below. 
Welcome to a new human potential;
How may we dance?
Blessings and graceful joy,

New perspectives for a new reality ~ We are all children of the stars! 
Our upcoming expansive sacred gatherings and communions;
December 9th, ~

December 21st ~

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