Greetings dear lighted ones,
For the coming transitions, phases, there will be openings, doors of potential to rediscover who one is at a deeper and more rich level; always. Naturally, this is the energy of evolution.
Some energies and pathways to consider and in this, will enriched your inner relationship with the ALL of you, and the relationship with Source.
~ Truth, Trust, Detachment ~
We have mused about these energies and exploration lately, and what can be reflected upon to deepen the eternal essence of truly how vast you are, and how infinite your journey is; of you with you, with Source, within Creation, and is held as an eternal spiral of unknown, new, and loving co-creations for evolution and playful exploration.
* What is your Divine inner truth? What is soulfully meaningful for you? What is exciting, important, honouring of how you express, create, and explore who you are and what is this intimate inner truth? What is your souls authentic voice?
* How may you unconditionally trust in this truth of YOU? How may you honour and voice within your truth, your place within Creation as unique, valued, honoured, and how this is the unfolding and richness with Source? How may this new year approaching allow for a deeper exploration of the Divine truths within you, your vast expansiveness with Creation, with Gaia, with your human family, within thyself? How may this take you on a new unexpected journey of self-love, unconditional trust, and inner knowing you are Divine God Seed?
These will inspire you to reflect more intuitively, innately, and deeply within you and Source as an alive embodiment of Creation; love, light, physical eternal co-creations.
* Are you willing, able, and excited in this unconditional trust to 'allow, let go, surrender, and trust in the unfolding' however this unfoldment occurs? This is a big one. Sit in silence before responding, for there are many and much of our ways of 'old world paradigms' and daily life that we still 'hold on to' and have fears, doubt, lack of and held perspectives and beliefs around. What are you ready, willing, able to let go of and why/why not? What aches for release and rediscovery? What continues to show you your readiness to live in surrender?
* Can you allow the 'letting go' and know without hesitation All Is Well?
Ex; if you were to read tea leaves; tea leaves placed into a cup; as the tea leaves are released, there is no one way of knowing where they 'end up' or how they organize themselves through fate. Can one live in this essence of moment-for-moment trust in the Divine and Its guidance, fulfillment of love, fulfillment of Oneness within creative offering, exploration, and expression?
~~~ If the landing & design of the tea leaves were to offer portals, doorways, offerings to take you on an unexpected journey, unexpected 'letting go' of what was; for instance, how easy would it be to let go of; material items, relationships, perspectives of what one believes to be stability, safe, predictable?
These reflections, these Divine masterful inner offerings will allow you to go deeper within self-love, self-acceptance, self-allowance, and your unconditional trust in the relationship, the threading that is LOVE in your Oneness and inner knowing, utter unconditional faith with Source Creator ~ this is true empowerment.
Spiritual love of thyself, through such profound exploration of Creation within. Do you trust and allow, and freely live within the Oneness with Source, with Creation, with the new eternal and expansive you? Can you release and let go of definitions of who you thought you were and what you thought you existed within?
In every moment you are able to 'let go' and allow whatever to unfold to be what will; Divine higher will, your higher will; you trust within the undeniable and unbreakable Oneness in love with Source. This letting go not only reminds you of your Oneness with Source, with Creation, but it also allows you to further the ever-unknown path of YOU. Can you surrender and allow the breaking down, and the resurrecting to occur? Can you allow the stretching beyond the norm, the known, and how may the discomfort be shifted to excitement in the rediscovery of YOU?
Some Divine musings and Heavenly ways to deepen the eternal love always offered within the majesties of the Many Heavens;
Blessings and graceful joy,
Join us for our December 9th, and December 21, Solstice Celebration and Mastery Classes of human exploration as Divine Living Light God beings of co-Creation.
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