Good morning dear lighted ones,
How may this day, this moment bring the delight of a new discovery of you, Source, Creation within to new depths, new heights, new richness?
How may this day, this moment bring the delight of a new discovery of you, Source, Creation within to new depths, new heights, new richness?
Each moment, we are offered a new.
How you explore is your free will and creative blessings offered through the Divine, through you.
How you explore is your free will and creative blessings offered through the Divine, through you.
How may we each take a sacred journey to explore, know, deepen, unveil, enjoy, enrichen the relationship of love within ALL moments; with Source, with ourselves, with one another, with Creation........
In each new dawning; create a sacred moment of intentional loving and honouring affirmations that allow you to feel the presence of unconditional potential that you have in being you~Source in your moment-for-moment destiny. Destiny is ever moving, ever shifting as you are, as it should be; for we are eternal beings of loving light, adding to the whole and healing, expanding, contracting within ALL that Is. We are the Divine agents of change; through NOW presence of love; ALL things are possible and you can re-write the past to heal uplift cells, timelines, and existence with the purity of joyful and sacred living.
Will you fully open to love, to honour, to treat, to treasure, and to accept, fully you in this moment to feel the breath of Source flowing through you in all that you are? You are a profound light-keeper, light-agent, embodiment of God.
You are Divinely perfect and worthy of this offering.
Body, mind, soul, all omni aspects of you can be healed, loved, and honoured anew. How profound this loving NOW moment is. Loving honour, loving deep acceptance of thyself; this is the light field and platform we are co-creating for every child, every generation henceforth. And so it is.
Blessings and Heavenly joy in your creational empowerment,
Living sacredly within, Living sacredly without,
Living sacredly within, Living sacredly without,
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