Friday, 30 November 2018

Setting the Vibration of Your Heavenly Experience

Good morning dear lighted ones,
You are the master of your reality, your bodies, your perspectives.
A few morning inspirations to manifest, to experience, the dive within the most Divine and Heavenly experiences is equal to your own inner acknowledgement that you are IT.

You have the most expansive potentials to entangle, dance, entwine within the myriad of Creational gifts, blessings of life. Living sacredly is living openly within the breath of life; 'I accept my perfection.' In our most finite form, we are the sacred geometry of love. We have been breathed in this design from the purity of Sources love, joy, and exaltation of expression, of experience, of loving play within the ALL. So how may we garner these Divine and Heavenly truths and open within this to emanate, emulate, radiate, and honour this human experience as the gift that it truly is? How may we release with joy what no longer serves and feel into the blessings, the wisdoms, and the experience that it has offered? How may we breathe within a new simplicity of heart, simplicity of love, sacred honour of all moments knowing of the Divine perfection and gift within it all? How may we begin anew in this Heavenly season of remembrance and celebration that we are the gifts bestowed and we each are designed within this sacred geometry of perfection.  

Blessed and gifted with Divine wisdom, Divine free will, Divine love and intelligence; we have all the tools within to open within new vibrations of expansiveness and surrender the path to unfold before us in unconditional trust, unconditional acceptance and allowance of our own unique magnificence to play with Source every step of the way. 

Acknowledge and open within this perfection, and you will see, feel, own, honour, and walk within a vibration that is in alignment within the intentions, the affirmations, the excitement to walk and experience life in this way. You are vibrationally preparing your field of play, and has been this way from the moment we were born;
'Affirmations of A New Divine Vibration'
'I release all limitation, illusion, illness, and lack and in this proclamation, I own, I honour, I create my wellness, I create my abundance, I create my creative path with Source, with Creation, within my human soul tribe. I AM perfection in Divine human form;
I am blessed, I am abundant, I am healthy, I am balanced, I am purely aligned within the loving beauty of Source. I am perfect, I am well, I am Divinely sacred, and I am worthy of Sources blessings bestowed. And so it is.'

Join us tomorrow as we go live for our weekly ascension sacred soul tribe gathering and communion diving deeper and more vast within our unique and Heavenly sacred potentials;…/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousn…
Blessings and great Divine joy,

We have a few classes coming up with a deeper and wider expansive look, experience, and sacred play at our gifts in multi-dimensional awakening; tune in, dance, sing, and explore with us! 
All events found on our main page;

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