Greetings dear lighted ones,
I wanted to write a further excerpt about some of the wisdoms and energy that came forth in our download and sacred weekly communion within the etheric chambers and with our Divine Heavenly Councils, Masters and higher selves.
We are stepping within new gateways of experience as a human collective. We can all sense the very subtle energetic shifts, offerings, and symbolisms of such incredible times upon Gaia within a galactic story of reunion. Within every new cycle of mastery remembrance, we are offered temple teachings, gifts, and skills to invite and offer forth within our daily unfolding. It is within our moment-for-moment life that we are able to hone and master every aspect of heightened inner knowing; thus transcending any and all limitation in our path of reunifying with Source.
The Blessings Of Perfection ~ The Universal Child ~ The Human Family Rebalancing
This particular gateway will be one of Divine remembrance, Divine blessing, and Divine inner awakening to those that are so ready, who so desire to return to the 'Universal Child' energy and archetype. This energy is so very key, for the archetypal energy and offering will not only bring life to your souls destinies, but also amplify your souls gifts in creative genius that is unique and special to you. For the Divine Universal child is unlimited, infinite, purely joyful in the exploration of Creation in all moments. Whether it be the joyful moment of experiencing your belly laying atop Gaia and examining the minute insect life as it explores in its life path, or softly pondering into the nature landscapes that beckons you to play; the Universal child is encoded and ready for us to tap into and bring to life once again.
Living sacredly is living purely in the moment. Pure allowing to simply experience Source, love, and the infinite in a new way and loving it, honouring it, embracing it in whatever, and however this unfolds. Purely and joyfully to simply be, allow in the state of be-ing, and without expectation, judgment, or control. To live within an inherent remembrance of this purity to explore, to be, to express, and create in this way is how we are now open to co-create, honour, and embrace ourselves within; as we do, so too can this flow naturally within the All.
This Heavenly blessing, this Heavenly honour of the Universal child is essential. For this dear ones, allows for us each to not only acknowledge, accept, and honour who we are as Sacred Heavenly gifted children; are you able to open your own heart and bless yourself with the inner remembrance you are a perfect child of God? If you are ready, you will feel the alchemic shift of your cells, the patterns within your fields, through the inner opening of your heart with God. As we do, for as many times as this will take; we open the field of love that we are quantumly creating to be the emulation to the All.
How may we soften within the opening to realign at, soften, open within the heart? These heart-felt alignment discussions, pondering, and musings with our children, and our children's children. All those that are awakened, new awakened, or whether you have been on the path for some time; we are all aware of the systems of human experience that are aching for change and rebirth; many of our current systems stifle the creative genius now stepping and walking forth, and why so many children escape, hide, and tunnel within the electronics; a manifested form of not only what they are here to transmute, but to also temporarily serve their innate need to explore within platforms that are more infinite in navigation than the one they physically and presently walk within. There are usually far grander dynamics to why our children tend to create addictive energies to what they do; and it is an ache to serve what they are not finding or experiencing within their every day life. So how may we open within a creative Christed energy of 'unlimited potentiation in human experience?'
We can begin by opening the heart in any and all moment-for-moment experiences; thus allowing for the energies to open, move, allow flow for potential to be inspired. In any way that we tell, direct, advise, or push any one being into a way that 'at the moment' we believe is best, we are stifling the potentiation of Source. When we are aligned within the purity of Source; 'may the Divine in me entangle with the Divine in you,' we immediately open within unconditional trust in the loving open process of Source flowing through, between, within, and in all moments.
The Profundity of Unconditional Allowance --> Unconditional Trust
Trusting that you are a God child, a consciousness form of God, a consciousness temple of God here to co-create in the likeness of God, as you are; God. The omni-present of you now stepping forth to know that in unconditional trust, of oneself, of Creation, of Source, of others; we open the playing field to align innately as Source. Do you trust you? Do you trust in your unique Divine Heavenly designed path of love? Do you trust in the God Within you? Now is an opportunity to observe and honour every moment through which distrust and anxiety are experienced, so that you can choose a frequency of unconditional love and unconditionally trusting in the Divine essence and Heavenly child that you ARE.
This is the new vibrational playing field now being offered; and this dear ones, will feel quite scary and frightening to many; are you ready to 'let go?' Are you ready to surrender into unconditional love and trust that you will be lifted? For we have all experienced eons of the ego control patterns, beliefs, and systems in which every aspect of our reality existence has been overshadowed in fear. We can now choose to transcend every societal lower vibrational imprint as it arises; In moments of worry, concern, fret, nightmares, and control that the ego has mastered, we are now calming and soothing the ego to rest, take the back seat and trust that the Divine Sacred Heart, spirit, Source, God, you, are now allowing the path to unfold as it should.
Sovereignty a Divine Offering of Heavenly Becoming
The Divine Heavenly Councils reminded me yesterday, that Divine Sovereignty is a Universal vibration inherent within all soul agreements. Sovereignty is allowing of thyself to be, to live, to explore, to create, and to express within ones own unique Christ-hood as one wishes; without judgment or worry, concern or resistance of. If we are to live sacredly and within the resonance of unconditionally loving essence; we can choose to transcend limitations of the ego controls that we have for eons been accustomed to. Allowance of ones truth in the Divine agreement with Source, with Creation; and to fully honour each path in its Divine unfolding; for Creation, is inherently moving within balanced quantum equations; our experience here upon earth is the most vast experience of density, polarization, and separation in this known Universe.
We are now being offered programs of Divine love-light encodings to awaken and begin anew; through all that is unconditional love, acceptance, and the honouring of all paths; this is the allowance of unique sovereignty and it is being offered as a tool of vibration for us to examine and practice within our own life's path of expansion and self-honouring.
Sovereignty IS an allowance vibration; the resonance of allowance is a vibrational aspect of the equation that opens, initiates, allows the flow of energy, potential, and creative birthing to be ignited anew. This is the crucible of evolution. Allowance of oneself fully in its most pure creative essence is the pure alignment with Source. To fully allow the creative process to be, to unfold, to be explore, expressed, and honoured through the embrace of sovereignty within any one moment. If we are now, if our children are now, stifled within limiting systems of co-creation, then how may we open this into a more vibrational allowance of the infinite and of the eternal gifts available within? This is what we are here to transform dear ones; as within, so without; and our children, we are worthy of such explorations.
Your unique threading and Oneness with Source is this sovereignty blessing; held within it is eternal life, gifts, majesties to be explored, skills, wisdoms, intelligence, light and love beyond what words are able to describe. Sovereignty allows for the experience of the many Heavens, and is our ability to create and experience Source fully and organically in the ways that we will each partake upon. For every path is uniquely diverse and our Divine souls blueprint, our souls agreements, and the divine and Heavenly sacred alters within our hearts are unique and specific, and so too will be this sovereign unfolding in its full unconditional allowance.
The question now arises; How do we reach the comfort level of pure allowance with Source? Unconditional love of self. Can you open your heart to acknowledge, accept, and love all that you are right now? Can you soften within the potential that you, right now are a perfect blessing of Source? You can begin, if you so desire, begin to softly muse and open within this notion and you will begin the clearing, the letting go, of what does not resonate with these new consciousness excitements that can allow you to release the Source omni-essence of who you have always been, always will be, and now awakening to a version of Creatorhood unique and destined to come forth and dance.
Loving yourself in all moments, regardless of what is transpiring within you; for there are many layers and levels of density that we are each here to love, transmute through the purity of Divine love, and in this, we can feel into the alchemy of purity within all moments as harmonized with Source.
The Purity of Source; All That You ARE, All That You Exist Within, All That Exists Within You
This can be expressed and experienced as we offered last week; to open, soften into joy for pure joy of experiencing it. To open and soften into laughter, for the pure joy of experiencing it. To invite bliss to flow through you, even if you have never experienced bliss, joy, or laughter before, you can softly intend to open within this; and the fields of God Consciousness you swim within, that are within you, and all that you are made of, begin to converge sacredly upon your soft and pure intent. This is how profound you are at alchemically shifting within your light body and creating it oftentimes naturally in the desire and ache to harmonize and feel your Oneness with Source. Garner this pure desire of Oneness; joy, bliss, softness, silence, gentleness, creativity, eternal essence, all pure resonance vibrations of the Creational harmonic offering of Source within you, encoded within you, and all that is a part of the unity Webbs we are all now manifesting and co-creating together.
When we unconditionally accept, embrace, allow, honour, ourselves, all others their innate organic unfolding and essence and path with Source; this is known and described as sovereignty; we open the energetic pathway for each being to explore, express their own innate, authenticity of creative bliss with Source. Unconditional acceptance; offered, invited in as a Divine inherent remembrance; your DNA, you, are Source; and this remembrance is soften and awakened through unconditional love of you. In all moments; acceptance, embrace, allowance, and honouring your Divine and sacred path with Source, as Source, as in all moments are blessed and offered to you. Unconditional acceptance, love, support, forgiveness, and this dear ones, is the Creational harmonic that God will never stop singing.
How does one feel unconditionally loved? How do we invite this vibration to be a part of our now state of being? We offer this through the remembrance of the child within; dropping to your Divine Sacred Heart, placing one hand in the centre of your Divine Sacred Heart, and softly breathing deep full body breaths, until you feel the energy bodies, your consciousness, your Higher Self merge in unison of the Divine Sacred breath. This will innately occur upon your acknowledgement of this.
Affirm & Invoke; 'I remember and activate my Divine Sacred breath, and in this, I harmonize within my Higher Self, my Divine Omni-essence, the All that I am with Creation, to come forth in remembrance of my sacred awakening to self-love, self-acceptance, and self-honour.'
In all moments that you are able to feeling the excitement to practice this simple Divine remembrance, you will entrain your wholeness to a new state of behaving; living sacredly is reminding yourself through sacred acts of embracing and honouring the All that you are, within Creation, within thyself, of your unique and Divinehood.
We are each unique particles of God-seed; spirit, matter, infinite designs of Source Creator; we are each needed, required, and special in every way, you are this Divine Universal child coming forth in new moments of profundity to softly initiate a new level of reality experience. These heightened Christed perspectives are what we are each here now being offered to awaken to, to allow, to open within, to offer forth and emulate in a loving softened truth to express anew. This is our vibrational collective offering to match within ever-heightened crystalline programs of evolutionary light and love.
Living Sacredly ~ A New Human Offering & Experience
Living sacred is behaving sacredly. Sacredness is the honour of God in all moments, all beings, all things and behaving in this way. For you are, the All is, life is, Source in eternal unfolding; and we each have an opportunity to swim within this newly awakened and soulfully embraced state of being and co-create actively, within a new Christ consciousness, and expand within the All in ways that are truly undefinable. For if we truly get, if we truly sink within this vibrational essence of feeling, sensing, seeing, hearing, behaving, and experiencing all moments as sacred; we then are prepared in alignment of the expansive forthcoming potentials in which our sacred inner balance will be present in all galactic and Universal unfolding's.
Observe the Patterns ~ Choose Anew
When we can openly and honest observe the thoughts, words, and deeds of our every day unfolding, we can begin to sense into, feel, and be very aware of the discomfort of what no longer resides in the vibrational experience that we now wish to operate within. Observing from the neutral Higher Self perspective, allows the opening for any out-dated ways of behaving, speaking, and acting to be brought forth in compassion for your blessing and realignment to anew.
For remember, all moments are offered up as a new vibrational moment within the 'spiral of experience' we call time, for you to choose heightened perspectives of your mastery. This allows for the ever-heightened vibrational ladder to smoothly shift you in ways that is your masterful choosing, not being thrown into a river of chaotic mismanagement of feelings, emotions, imbalances, and distrust. Which is how the ego can only survive; ego is reactive, spirit is observant and allowing; then chooses when in full alignment of Source. Allowing for the infinite potentials to unveil synchronistically, harmonically, naturally, and with Divine meaning to your unique souls path and desires to co-create and experience.
Observing Love
For 1 hour, for 1 day, softly intend to open your heart and view your reality from the Higher self observers perspective. Set the intention before you step foot out of bed, to playfully, and softly; without judgment, without hesitation, without expectation, or shying away from what unfolds; for Source, you are inherently within all moments; there is perfection in every particle that unfolds before you; there is nothing to fear. If you are observing what doesn't appear to be love, know that there is unconditional love held within it. For there is always a Divine quantum balance. Always. Gift yourself this powerful tool of observation; and you can feel into the empowerment this offers. For this is the remembrance of how you are able to see how fear, in all of its forms; control, doubt, lack, anxiety, habits, whatever word we want to place and dress fear up as; fear is fear. It is the resistance, trust, love, acceptance of you as the God child that you are. For in all other reality experiences, this has not been safe to explore, express, and examine; NOW IT IS.
The Quantum Ripple of Self - Acceptance ~ Unconditional Human-Heavenly Love
As we do observe, explore, examine, this Divinity within, purely, without prejudice, judgment, or resentment, we offer and open into the wisdom held within any one moment of your life's soulful story. For there is no longer the ignoring the facts of our quantum entanglement; we each affect one another. And why aligning, centering, grounding, rebalancing to align within Source, is the unconditional vibration that allows for this Divine ride to be all that your heart desires and deserves. For in every moment we drop to soften within love, unconditional love, unconditionally accepting of thyself and all others, this awakening will be the ignition of new collective joys that will ripple and further propel us in new unified and loving ways.
There absolutely is a difference in reality experience between 'treadmill experience vs the flow of Source.' We are now being offered this perspective of creative eternal bliss as experienced through the Universal child, the heart of the child, the innocence of the child, and the honour of the child for us to each open, allow, and honour new fields of creative play for our children to step forth within.
Observing from a Divine unified and open perspective; the Higher Self; allows. Softly intending to open your heart in all moments, allows for the Higher Self to live as your new life guide, for this Higher Self is your Source essence, directly linked as a stepped-down version of the purity of Source. The Higher Self is your director in life choices, that also knows all other dimensions and themes and experiences you are working on in the grander scheme of Creation. Why we have the soul threadings, meetings, synchronicities and moments of miracles in the way, and exactly when we do. For there is always a grander plan of Divinity unfolding; our role now is to open, play, create, and trust in what is playing out.
Unconditional allowance is the opening of your Divine creative path with Source to being. You can invite, offer, and playfully invoke the Omni-essence of you, your grandness and genius of you to fully come forth; to love, to accept, and to honour you in every moment; further deepening the richness and blessing that you are, have, and will experience with Source. The special soft, silent yet profound moments of connection, remembrance, and undeniable love are life-altering, and alchemically shift your entire reality experience. For you will immediately be brought to a cellular, energetic shift of awareness of remembrance; you are a Divine Child of God, and the harmonic song of love, peace, creative genius, intelligence, wisdom, joy, bliss, and Creational play belong to you as you belong to the heart of Source. You are Divine. You are a pulse, a beat within the Creational song. As you open to allow, honour, and accept thyself within all moments, to love thyself within all moments; so too will this open the quantum field through which you are entangled and engaged within and Creation thus then offering you a new moment of creational bliss lives on so Divinely inspired and excited to live through you as you unconditionally allow for It.
Allowance, acceptance, honours Source. Judgment, resisting oneself, resisting ones gifts and inner truth holds Source in separation. Aspects of you are being brought forth in all moments for reunion and unconditional love, as Gaia, the galactic daughter is being offered Divine Creational reunion to rebalance her inner soulful self-acceptance, self-honour, and self-love in realization of her unconditional placement of undying love that Source, God, Creation has for her.
There are grander stories of unconditional acceptance going on here, and in every moment we love and fully accept our uniqueness, we allow the fields of quantum Creation to also heal and open through the ALL.
Creative sovereignty, unconditional acceptance and allowance of this sovereignty is what we are all at every level here to re-examine, open, honour, and embrace; as we do, the healing of the heart of family is brought to new levels of Creational experience and potential. For every being, every child, every heart, every aspect of life is valued, is needed, is heard, is supported, is treasured, is excitedly offered a unique and diverse set of encodings, songs, and enrichment at every new phase, at every new cycle, for this is the loving gift from God; always.
In unconditional allowance, acceptance, and honour of you; a Divine child of Creation, of God, of our Heavenly human family, we love you, we honour you, and know that you are needed in this playful, dynamic, and cosmic unfolding. In unconditional honour of this Divine perfection and blessing that is our human experience, our human Divine life; there is the allowing of the light body of the Universal Christ energy to live and flow, and lovingly liberated as was always designed and intended. I AM THAT I AM, a Heavenly blessing, a Heavenly gift. And so it is.
In Divine benevolence and graceful joy,
blessings and loving grace,
Here is our podcast from our live show November 10, 2018
Healing the Divine Universal Child
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