Sunday, 4 November 2018

November Gateway Excitements ~ Doorways of Delight & Purity of Love

Greetings dear lighted ones,
We are so happy to open within each moment a new Divine portal of love, acceptance, unity, and harmony that we each have our own unique ways to usher in and anchor. For in all that we simply are; we are love.
God-seed and children of the light, and how may we be still and create Divine knowing around this.
As we spoke about and offered in our live show yesterday; Divine Knowing = is the experience of IT within any moment, any realm, any form of the co-creation with Source.

* To be joyfully you - for the simple joy and happiness of IT, is you and Source simply 'being' of it
* To be of self-acceptance & exalt thyself - is the honour & joy of you in love as your entanglement & threading of Source with you, the 'being of this entanglement in acceptance, honour, living It
* To forgive just because it lifts you, it lifts the All, it feels good.
* Dance because you can, sing because you can, be happy and smile because you can and when you innately allow the YOU that is blissful to come forth, you allow the unconditional Source to live through you - without doubt, without resistance, without question.

You and Source have always been ~ always. When you are in joy; purity of this allowance, purity of this essence to feel, to be; simply for the being of this; IS LOVE, IS GOD.

These are all examples of allowing, unconditionally Source to arise within you; for no other reason, for no other expectation, for you are ONE with Source - how may you allow this and rediscover your belonging of the Universal family that we are remembering as a collective.
As a collective planet we have forgotten we are a part of the children of Source, the family of the Divine, the Universal families and ties that thread us as One.

We have thought we were 'shut off' from our Heavens, our celestial families and teams, and our systems of fear and separation supported this.
Each moment we lift and raise ourselves within, through unconditional allowance; you place your energy, your trust, your light, your honour in the Divine orchestration that serves and lifts ALL of Creation; for this is a natural and organic system and it only requires acknowledgement and allowance to live through you. 
It is you. You are Source. You are the All of you ushering you in to the ALL that you have always been;
Our live show recording reviews many years of ascension experience and integration to bring forth the concept of the underlining vibrational story that humanity, earth, and our galaxy has been playing out and why our shift in consciousness within thyself, within thy temple, the home, with our families, our children, and all that encircle us are the epitome of change that heal our entire Universal Oneness.

We are re-writing and healing the connection, threading, entanglement within the ALL and it begins within. Our re-threading of loving acknowledgement of the profundity through balance with our Cosmic Mother, our cosmic Oneness as the children of God; the son of God, the daughter of God, and the Oneness of this is our human unveiling. 

The Divine Cosmic Mother Father have seen earth and humanity act, behave, and unfold for eons in beliefs systems of separation, not belonging, loneliness, and this has rippled down to every child upon our planet. 
This is our healing and bringing back within a new heightened perspective of belonging and it begins within each of us, now.
Here is the link we also mentioned to our special 11/11 Gateway event as we align and activate 13th Chakra's and initiate our alignment within our highest Christ destiny allowing Divine Source to live through us in all moments, thought, word, deed. 
11/11/11 * Event Link ~

* November 3, 2018 - Vibration of 7 (11/11) gateways all month -
The Universal Family Remembered ~ Healing the Heart of the Human-Earth Family

Blessings and Divine Living Light,
*** ~ Now offering Sacred Land and Ascension Retreats at the special Diamond Heart Sanctuary 
$275.00 p/person, up to 2 people for in house service; all food, meditation, initiation & land ceremony, and sacred enrichment teachings, sacred temple teachings which includes; sacred toning, light language, specific channeled wisdom for you, reflection guidance, Gaia wisdom and Gaia speak;  email Joanna with specific details on your sacred land Divine retreat needs.

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