Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Never Underestimate the Power of Loving Evolution

Greetings dear lighted ones,
As promised, here are the links for our upcoming December 'Mastery Divine Communications Class'
Here is the link to December 9th Master Class ~ Sacred Toning & Higher Dimensional Communication
* http://ulwhc.com/product/sacred-light-language-divine-toning-2/
As mentioned on our most recent KCOR Live Ascension show;

This coming week we will dive within topics we have never really discussed before and will take this within a Christed Consciousness perspective; Human Transitions, 
Transformation, Death & Suicide ~ How may we breathe new perspectives within these concepts and create within ourselves the inner beauty, the inner honour, and the 
knowing of our entwinement with Source in all moments, emanating the value and 
precious potential of all life?  This is what we are here to work on, to breathe 
new heightened perspectives, views, and honour to creating and re-writing our 
healing planet, our healing hearts, and our Divine Universal human family.
We will talk about the shifts and changes in our multi-dimensional bodies, communication, toning, singing, and how these concepts are the new forms of our new human way of sacred living, sacred healing, sacred manifesting and entangling as Divine Universal beings of living light,
I look forward to our Divine entanglement and communion,

We often forget the elegance and the Divine entwinement of benevolent choice, orchestration, and Heavenly Creational evolution in what we exist within. We feel the injustice, the imbalance, and the lack of value that is held within our societal systems and life itself.

We say within great assuring essence and inner knowing, that all lives, however tiny and unassuming allow for the most profound human lessons, profound human ignition to a greater light, a greater love. Every aspect of human experience is an unfolding moment through which the ALL is expanding within, awakening within, and allowing ourselves to see higher more unified, loving, sacred ways of behaving and entangling.

If we did not have what is labelled; separation, dark, or negative, we would not create the awareness, the exact opposite potential for us to rebalance. Our Universe is the co-creation of quantum movement, in which all things must balance and have an equal balancing mechanism in its spiral of evolution. 

We are now awakening to this; our hearts, our awareness, our desires, our needs are becoming more intrinsically motivated to feed the soul, awaken the spirit, and allow to come forth in ways that will not only serve our innate desire for Oneness, peace, unity, and harmony, but also the needs, the desires, and aches for all life we exist within. 

Never underestimate the Divine threading within all paths, all lives, all Creational offerings. All is purposeful in love.

Blessings and graceful joy,

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