Greetings dear lighted ones,
We are each creating, re-writing new paradigms for human - earthly - Heavenly life.
In all moments, we release, we open, we offer, we share, we love, we give, we forgive, we heal, we love again. Earth, humanity, all that we are as a cosmic embodiment of the Divine is healing and remembering ourselves within the concept and notion that we are a part of a family far grander than we have ever known. Our omni-presence, our Universal family, our cosmic family, all that we are a part of begins within our own rebalancing of how we perceive ourselves, our children, and one another to be. This is a Divine healing not only on the individual level, but this self-healing, self-love shift offers up a planetary and cosmic Universal level healing of reunification; and this very healing, this very rebalancing is swimming through each of us for us to acknowledge ourselves as the Divine Heavenly masters of soft loving care that we are; for this is our own innate Divine remembrance, Divine acknowledgement and self-acceptance and how our entire world begins to heal and create anew.
We are each creating, re-writing new paradigms for human - earthly - Heavenly life.
In all moments, we release, we open, we offer, we share, we love, we give, we forgive, we heal, we love again. Earth, humanity, all that we are as a cosmic embodiment of the Divine is healing and remembering ourselves within the concept and notion that we are a part of a family far grander than we have ever known. Our omni-presence, our Universal family, our cosmic family, all that we are a part of begins within our own rebalancing of how we perceive ourselves, our children, and one another to be. This is a Divine healing not only on the individual level, but this self-healing, self-love shift offers up a planetary and cosmic Universal level healing of reunification; and this very healing, this very rebalancing is swimming through each of us for us to acknowledge ourselves as the Divine Heavenly masters of soft loving care that we are; for this is our own innate Divine remembrance, Divine acknowledgement and self-acceptance and how our entire world begins to heal and create anew.
We are infinitely spiralling within ever-heightened potentials based on what we are each willing to 'let go' of 'surrender into' and live from a pure and loving heart.
This is how our collective shifts in profound ways and the majesties of the Heavens are offered therein.
For humanity; our ascension is the journey of self-love, self-acceptance, self-honour through our love, acceptance, honour of all others.
Healing through re-balancing of the Divine Cosmic Mother, Goddess, Divine Feminine, and opening within a profound shift within our perspectives and healing of our children.
Acknowledgement and acceptance, honouring of our children. Their innate perfection, their innate beauty, within their paths, their hearts of pure Godliness that most are unaware of but will and can be reminded of through our actions, through our loving words, through our Divine and pure intentions, lighted prayers, lighted wishes, and inner knowing 'All is Well ~ we are perfect, we are One.'
* Join us every Saturday and tune into our Sacred Soul gatherings as we call in the Universal energies, groups, councils of the Divine for our human and Universal belonging and opening within new cosmic, Divine stories of love;
We go live at 11:00am MST and let the love begin! When 3 or more gather in loving pure intent, we change the world, we change Creation.
We are re-writing the human experience dear ones, and it is steeped within re-balance to a higher purity of love. For our currency upon love has been so low; we had forgotten the purity, the power, the wisdoms, the healings within pure Divine love. We are now here to remember, awaken, and walk within this knowing for we are; LOVE. Our children need our presence within this knowing, for their hearts, their genius, their healing, their inventiveness awakens through the doors of our resonance of pure loving grace for them.
How may we replace the toys, the drama, the TV violence, human aggression and control, of what our children see, play with, experience every day, and arise to greater heights of sacred behaviour? How may we raise our standards of knowing, embracing, honouring, and celebrating who we are? In all of my Divine engagements, in the visions and meditations of higher consciousness that allow me to meet purely with me, with Source, these moments are above all soft.
These moments are so Divinely pure in softness, in purity of love, acceptance, and unconditional loving joy and to remind me, to emulate, to behave, to offer, to allow, to accept this within myself. I am always reminded; Divine love, human enlightenment, human ascension is Divinely and utterly soft, unconditional, and powerfully pure. So how may this be a stepping stone to something new? How may I go forth and offer this in my words, my thoughts, my intentions, my soulful song, and how may this be the blessing of all that I am to Creation?
These moments are so Divinely pure in softness, in purity of love, acceptance, and unconditional loving joy and to remind me, to emulate, to behave, to offer, to allow, to accept this within myself. I am always reminded; Divine love, human enlightenment, human ascension is Divinely and utterly soft, unconditional, and powerfully pure. So how may this be a stepping stone to something new? How may I go forth and offer this in my words, my thoughts, my intentions, my soulful song, and how may this be the blessing of all that I am to Creation?
In my own personal journey, I am constantly aware, offered the lessons of self-love, self-acceptance and grace to open within. To forgive in all ways and reunify through loving self-acceptance to emerge within heightened perspectives of me, of Creation, of Source within. This is then practiced in all new moments, all new challenges, all new reality offerings. I now understand fully that all moments are Divine gifts; for I have experienced the sleepiness of not knowing, I have experienced profound lack of self, profound self-loneliness, self-depricating behaviours that so many experience and so many feel. I get it, I have lived it all.
Ushering and inviting the Divine in is what we are each here to awaken to, and in our own readiness, allow to live through us and in this, the lessons are blessed in Divine loving resolve. For when you usher in, invite in forgiveness, self-acceptance, you usher in your Divinity. Usher in forgiveness, Usher in self-acceptance, Ushers in love and how all moments thereafter become forever shifted in this ushering in of the purity of you. You and Source. Ever-increasing moments of love-light ecstasy. This is the path of ascension; forever eternal moments of contraction and expansion through Divine wisdom, Divine intelligence, and centred within the purity of soft Heavenly love through compassion.
How may we offer the resonance of peace, unconditional love, and Divine sacred honour for all beings, all acts of loving kindness, compassion, so that our children see and feel this balance as being 'the new human era of sacred living?' How may we awaken, arise, and begin to live in sacred honour of planet, of one another, and be this level of Oneness, so that our children may awaken to this within themselves and walk in their Divine unique light? How may we release the old paradigms of social mediocrity, social imbalances of male and female drama's of inequity and separation? How may we arise?
The Profundity of Love ~ Humanities New Heavenly Currency
The currency we have held within 'love' has historically been very low. This is evident by the systems and social experiences that we have all had and are having. The more that we each raise the bar within who we are, and how we love ourselves, the more this ripples through the All and touches everything in its path. This is how we will rebalance, heal, and nourish our collective, our cosmic, our Universal family that brings all beings within to the level of Divine Oneness. We are each here to inspire this Divine rebalancing to our human experience and it is lived through each of us; in our own unique choosing and allowance of the Divine path with Source to live through us in Its completeness; without resisting who we are, without doubting or suppressing who we are, and living within a full self-embrace of unconditional acceptance and self-love. Reunion within, reunion without.
Our children see, watch, experience the exact level of love that we have all co-created. Every aspect of our reality is of our choosing, and why we so much Divine change bringing all social paradigms not in alignment with our Christed grids to surface. All that is not in alignment with the purity of love, integrity, peace and harmony, will be brought forth for humanity to choose from a heart-centred peace of mind a higher vibrational way of behaving, thus calling forth higher vibrational systems that truly serve the greater good of the All.
Self-love dear ones; self-love. How may you acknowledge and honour you? How may you love and accept your inner grace, inner sensitivity, inner knowing, inner joy and creative greatness that once was shunned and shut out of what others thought was normal. How may you embrace your Divine richness and grace? How may you love yourself?
In all the ways that you are able to show all that you are your greatness, your light, your Divinehood, shine forth; love, embrace, honour this, for this is the elegance and display of loving knowingness that alters the resonance within the All.
How may we create small, soft, and profound shifts of peace, harmony, and balance within the home? Simple small yet profound actions; if we each choose higher vibrational choices, moment-for-moment, we each partake in the co-creation of a higher vibrational reality; perhaps choosing to turn off the drama, turn off the violence, turn off the negativity, and open to self-creating loving choices that resonate and feel honouring the light that you are, that your children are; creating choices that match what it is you desire to experience is a good place to start. Knowing you are worthy of these small acts of self-care, self-honour, and spiritual grace show and emit to your reality that you are ready for a new vibrational reality to converge before you, for you, through you.
For the gentle heart, the gracious heart, the patient and compassionate heart is balanced in Divine wisdom, Divine power of will and choice, and centered in Divine love. As you choose for the love of you, to do, to speak, to act and ignite a new standard of light, love, and living gracefully, you sacred call forth the Universe to bring in all that is in vibrational match of this and new fields of consciousness to support you align.
The Universe is profound available to support you, to live through you in your most creative and Heavenly ways that you are able to imagine and co-create within; you are the expansion of the Universe, and in all that you move within new vibrations of love, the Universe expands, for you are It, It is You, and this is the Heavenly elegance graced to all life. This is how much you are loved. This is how much you are supported in your Divinehood. How may we perceive, act, offer, behave in the elegance of this knowing and set the vibrational field for our children to arise anew? How may we perceive them, their innate gifts and voice, and presence here is as Divine gifted, blessed, and honoured as every golden thread within Creation? How may we love?
All things carry vibration. Your thoughts, your words, your actions, your behaviour, and how may we each arise within our Divine ownership and be present as spirit flows forth. Source, forever alive, forever present, and forever within the All; the seed of Creation present in all moments, and how may we ignite this presence and invite Source, the Creator to live in radiant light through all that we are? This is how we create new templates of Divine light, Divine love; by being It. You are worthy of this. Our children are worthy of this. Our planet, our future lives and future Divine experiences are worthy of the light we are able to offer in now. This is the offering of the Divine as It lives through us; the rebalancing of the Divine Goddess, Divine Cosmic Mother, the Divine Cosmic Father, the Son, the Daughter, and the cosmic family is ready for greater fields of loving Universal family play.
We are igniting within all moments the ushering in of ourselves within the Divine; ourselves within the Heavenly Universal family, and therefore, how may we accept, honour, and love all members of our family as Divine, as radiant, as liberated, as precious and Heavenly? In the acknowledgement and awareness of this within ourselves, we are simultaneously awakening to a loving rebalance needed here within our homes, our families, our collective. You are Heavenly; without question, without doubt, without reservation. All children, all races, all religions, are Heavenly, and how may we bring all aspects of life to a new state of belonging and in how we bring all life in, we heal all life, we honour all life, and our children, our children's children will feel this 'belonging, this Divine fit of Heavenly acceptance.'
All humans, all children, all beings, all life, are worthy of their own Divine birthright to be known and set free in this way; for this is the elegance of Creation, the Divine Creator-hood in all of Its glory. We are Divine God-seed dear ones, each and every one of us, and how may we arise to this essence and embodiment of being-ness?
For each moment, each being, each offer that stands and manifests before you are God essence. How may you see, feel, and live within this loving embrace within yourself? You are Divine God loving light. You are a master of loving truth, a Universal child so special and you are offered each moment in this remembrance, if you so desire to seek it, to know it, to embrace it, to allow it, to emulate and radiate it. You are innately loving light, sewn within your DNA, you are the light upon our earth and you are known by Creation within you.
Gaia knows you. Gaia feels you, Gaia honours you, Creation honours you, and how may we walk in these Universal truths in light and honour of All else? Divine sacred love dear ones, this is what we are and this sacredness is what will rebalance the Divine human-Gaia-Universal family. We are each a Divine Heavenly offer to heal the heart of family.
And so it is,
May we remember our Divine perfection and our Oneness in this Divine Universal family of loving light,
May we remember our Divine perfection and our Oneness in this Divine Universal family of loving light,
Blessings and graceful joy,
We offer these wisdoms of remembrance in Divine love, Divine peace, Divine joy and sacred exaltation for the potentials that unfold in a softened purity of harmonic living and co-creating. In loving joy, Namaste.
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