Saturday, 29 December 2018

New Story ~ Human Value

Greetings dear lighted ones,
We are going there!

Time to re-invent, re-write, and begin ANEW.

This article we will talk about crystals, children's health and wellness, and the dynamic call from the soul for healing the heart of humanity, healing the heart of our imbalances, and begin the nurturance of our own human value, human uniqueness.

This is imperative that we truly soften into this profound new awakening of our 'human value.' For this awakening will be the catalyst of new ground, new membranes of wisdom, love, light being activated within us, within the fields of the All.  How may we begin the healing through our sacred treasures of connection, entanglement, and entwinement with the Divine, with Gaia, within all that we are sewn with.

We are Divinely treasured, valued, and an important participant in the Universal flow, cycle, and movement of love. I am so passionate about this and will be my innate offering this coming cycle through all our past, previous, current, and future offerings will never waiver from the Divine purity of inner knowing of the human value that we have chosen to pioneer and bring into a new state of vibrational awareness and rebalancing within the quantum world of love and evolution. ALL THAT IS, means the Divine living light human and how may we, in all words, all thoughts and in all of our Divine unfolding, bring this value and preciousness to the table and shift the vibratory fields of play for Gaia, humanity, and all fields, all levels, all forms?

This coming new cycle will include many of the ascension topics that we have been inspired on in the past; and my passions for greater awareness to the human value, humanpotential, and our birthright to stand within our own light and power as Divine co-creators. Topics on crystals, health, wellness, and herbs, along with our shifting dynamics within energy; I will personally be going deeper and wider within our continued topics on 'Healing the Heart of Family' and diving within taking greater voice for human care, human value.

How can we take time softly daily, hourly, and muse about our own innate care for thyself, our multi-dimensional bodies, the essence of the God within and how this is our Heavenly blessing of gifts, of eternal light, that affects all timelines, all essence of the ALL; the wheel of Creation includes, honours, loves, adores, and values each of us, needs each of us, and IS our birthright to also go within and begin to softly remember this depth and richness of self-love.

An important video to watch and be consciously aware of how our choice, our speaking our truth on our health, our own inner power to gather, to collect, to commune as one and speak our Divine right for own human care, human health, human Oneness. 

Here are a few resources (found below) to look into yourself, and discern for you what feels positive and good for you; listen to your heart, tune in to what is occuring in your home, and feel into the energies that are directing you to small and powerful shifts of greater health and balance. When you feel happy, alive, aware, in balance, in harmony, in vitality, then you are in alignment with Source. Your natural and innate, Divine birthright to be well and well loved.

You are meant to feel well and inspired to be YOU, to be human! 
You are meant to celebrate; to cherish, to honour, to feel the blessing of this experience.

Over the holidays, my kids and I would sit and watch some holiday cartoons; from big 'child-friendly' stations and production companies that serve children and their inherent best; what we noticed was that the majority (if not all) of commercials were pharmaceuticaly based, or toys, gaming apps, that solely focussed on aggression, war, violence. It begs to question; what is our value and standard for our children, for our reality that we will undoubtedly be back to co-create within again? For every generation that follows; what is our value upon our Divine inner truth of who, what, and how far reaching we are? 

We can begin ANEW! We ARE DIVINE! 
Our love, our light, our passion creates anew. 

New reality, new oneness, new standards of wellness and vitality for long lives to all are blessed and offered; inherent with a human life. 

A pill, a synthetic antidote for everything; this is just one example of what a few hours of a holiday movie brought to our attention.  What message and lack of inner power of ones own health and wellness are we sending and implying for our children? Not all medicines are bad, but we must question the health and wellness of our society and the core of the issues.  Every malady, every ailments begin as energy first. A belief, an energy value first, within, before any condition arises; what is the core of the malady? Human value, love, inner knowing of the Divine truth within? For each it will be a profound path of remembrance of how purely we are One within the power we each hold as Creators, and how we are each here as a mirror, a story, a reflection of a grand journey to Heavenly remembrance. 

When you disconnect and turn off what use to be 'on,' one sees and feels the negativity and utter lack of integrity of what use to be acceptable. 

This is one example of how our consciousness is shifting. What use to be unquestioned at one point in our everyday life, is now becoming so blatantly dysfunctional that we have such overwhelming passion to create anew. For this simply is shaking us to truly awaken so that our children may perhaps know that the wellness, the health, their vitality and inner peace and joy is held solely within; regardless of what 90second commercial tries to sell you.

A few resources and youtube channel for those interested to know more about health affects, concerns around technology; contamination of food, and how Shungite can help. 

Shungite Resources;

* How to know shungite is real;
* Another great youtube about many discussions, conversations, and awareness gaining steam for human health from those that study and use it;
Cosmic Reality ~

How may we begin a greater awareness of crystals and the communication, communion, and love that Gaia is and has always offered? How may we return to the sacred offerings, sacred blessings, sacred ways of living to rebalance and heal our ailing systems, bodies, multi-dimensional atonements? How may we reunite with Gaia and living intimately in loving peace, grace and awareness for our optimal health, intuitive acuity, and Divine entanglement?
How may Shungite and other intuitively drawn elements of the earth assist us on our spiral of reunion with the Creator, within self-love, self-honour, self-higher knowing for balance, inner peace, and wellness? 
How may we bring greater awareness and sacred attention to our own care, our own desires for balanced, healthy body's, home, children, and future? 

Time to go deeper and open to the communion with Gaia that is always there. We will leave the conspiracy theories to others, however, we will offer and invite one the empowerment to step up, arise, and know you have the power to choose to speak your truth and birthright to create wellness, balance, and peace within and without.

2019 for ULWHC
I will be creating many new offerings that will enhance and empower the essence of Divine love and for the passion to ignite a new level of vibration within humanity; one moment, one breath, one Divine blessing at a time; health and wellness for children and the family, mastery in multi-dimensional communication, healing, and leading, and much more. Designed and offered from within the wholeness, the loving essence of the Divine within. 

I will be stepping out for more sacred land events, sacred land communions, sacred healing ceremonies, sacred land celebrations, initiations, and ceremonies of the Divine human, Gaia entanglement that softens and co-creates within the fields of light that we are, Gaia is, God Consciousness is; and our website recently upgraded to support the video streaming, resource offerings, and classes and communions of this nature and vibrational passion of living sacredly and Divinely as a OneHuman tribe of Heavenly beings.  

Joanna's Personal Message ~ My Sacred Passion and Divine Purpose to Empower through Heavenly Remembrance
We are Divine, and we are Divinely valued and loved. 
This is my personal message; as Joanna, a mother, an intuitive seer, a Christic resonance healer and Christic sacred toner, Gaia speaker, Crystalline Child and humble Creational server to all Crystalline children through Source; We are Divinely designed, created, and held lovingly in the hands and hearts of the Heavens, of Source; as Source is within us each. I have been through the darkest of the most dense, and feel the potentials of what I know to be true; messages from Heaven, from God, from Source, the Divine within; and there is alchemic truth to ascension. 

Prophecy and inner knowing; we are Divine, we are ONE!



What cycle, what story, what new passions will ignite your sense of self-love, self-honour, self-healing and care to new levels of joy and inner sanctuary this coming year dear ones? What value, what honour in your daily unfolding and what passions will your heart just burst to share and express? This is the God Within living in new ways as our Divinehood is being birthed anew.  How may we begin to feel into this eternal harmonization and truly come forth in our magnificence? How may you glow, shine, and live your inner authentic lighted self? 

You are worthy of this Divine self-joy and self-love. You are worthy to live in your highest and best.
Blessings and Divine joy in health, wellness, and grace,
Children & Their Innate God Alignment

Shungite, Aragonite, Celenite, all great crystals to begin a new path of inner wellness and health in releasing, neutralizing, and destabilizing negative and toxic energies.
I personally place selenite towers, spheres, and now Shungite around electrical equipment, servers, routers, and will be receiving my Shungite stickers for the phones and household items. 

It is key as communicators and guides in greater multi-dimensional bodily health for our children to bring awareness within our temple-homes, and family, by posing inspiring self-attuning questions for them to feel into on their own. To guide in loving empowerment, assuring them of their innate connection with their bodies, their health, their wellness, and know they are their own best guide to what feels right, and what feels 'not so right.'

Pose, ask them softly, without telling or nagging, (I get it I am a parent, and nagging doesn't work) or telling then why we think they should do it, and have the inspiration come from gentle and constant reminders of the awareness and balance of how they feel when they choose what they choose.

Affirmations are powerful; 'I am the master of my health, and I am fully attuned to what is working and what is clearly ready to be shifted through my inner knowing and heightened choice.'
Parents can affirm; 'I trust you, I believe in you and you are One with Source, you are fully capable and Divine in all ways to be the master of your body, your health, your reality, and I am here to support and love you unconditionally upon your path.'

How do their bodies feel before, during, and after electrical engagement? How are their emotional states, their mental states and loving guide them back within their own inner feelings to create strength in tuning-in, strength in listening within and owning it, choosing to change and alter their reality experience through heightened and expansive choices.  

Aspects through which we are now readily aware of and have mastered through our own pathwork in ascension. 
We want to the empowerment of intelligent and Divine inner awareness and release fear as our children can feel into everything we are now becoming aware of. 
Remind them of the most profound alignment within our known Universe and beyond;
Their alignment and inner harmony with Source within.
Following their own voice, their own truth, their own heart is one of the most powerful messages of inner strength, confidence and brings calm and peace to what could seem as an over-whelming array of internet health and precautionary language. 

Our alignment within; our God Consciousness will be the peace, the center of any misalignment that is brought forth for our re-balancing and new human re-birth to systems and offerings that are of higher integrity and unity consciousness serving. 
Hold your light in peace and compassion. 

This goes for foods of various kinds, as they will move through more and more sensitivities with every passing year that we are refined in our planetary ~ solar energies within~without.



Thursday, 27 December 2018

Re-BIRTH ~ NEW 2019 INFINITE within the Unknown, Unseen

To tap into the 'unseen,'
To open, remember, allow, honour, accept oneself as the ALL, is to acknowledge oneself within it, as It.

Remember in our first awakening moments; 'you don't know what you don't know' and reality continues in this way until a moment of remembrance, awakening, ignition of wisdom, intelligence held within you allows for the reality of you, all that you exist within, and what exists within you to be far grander than you once thought.

Your beliefs, your perceptions create the reality you experience. What beliefs do you hold most high about you, about all that you exist within, and what truly is within you? What can you step into with utter inner knowing there is an omni-presence that IS infinite awaiting your rediscovery whether it can be seen, validated, or proven? 

What beliefs, what limitations are holding you back from the infinite and limitless self that IS you? As we approach these Divine moments that begin the convergence of something anew, how may we each take reflection, Divine communion with heart-felt alignment with Source, and begin to invite in our highest will, our highest profound unfolding in which ALL that is tickling us within our soul can be brought to live through us in such miraculous ways that the All is forever changed in doing so.

How may you open to the infinite in all moments through 'self-acceptance' and unconditional self-love as you emulate this to all others? How may we shift from judgment to relax within the purity of observation and compassion? How may we open to the dynamic essence and Universal truth that Source, God, Creator of ALL THAT IS, exists within us each to begin new journeys, new stories, new songs of Divine exploration within new reality potentials that we co-create? 

So many Divine expansive potentials to explore, express, and examine as a part of our new earthly-Heavenly paradigms ready for birthing through us. How may each moment be the unconditional trusting dance with thyself, with Source, with Creation that is how our flowing creative genius was always meant to be? Divine musings for a Divine new beginning. There is undeniable magic and majesty within the unknown, the unseen, and this is Divinely held within us each to explore, honour, and bring forth anew. 

And so it is.
We are,
We are immersed,
We swim,
We dance,
We entangle,
We are infinite fields of love-light,
Consciousness of potential,
Consciousness of loving eternal blessings,
How may we co-create within a new human playground for the ALL to arise, the All to thrive, the ALL to be honoured and gifted, appreciated, and truly valued for the role each play in our re-awakening, re-discovery, and remembrance of our Divine essence as Source embodied humans;
WE are made of the stars, All that is Source,
We are One.

Blessings and graceful love,

For those who so desire, our next Sacred Toning Multi-Dimensional Communion Class offering will be held January 6th, 2019 ~ 1:11pm MST


Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Deepening & Re-Writing Through the Profundity of LOVE

Good morning dear lighted ones,
How may this day, this moment bring the delight of a new discovery of you, Source, Creation within to new depths, new heights, new richness?

Each moment, we are offered a new.
How you explore is your free will and creative blessings offered through the Divine, through you.
How may we each take a sacred journey to explore, know, deepen, unveil, enjoy, enrichen the relationship of love within ALL moments; with Source, with ourselves, with one another, with Creation........
In each new dawning; create a sacred moment of intentional loving and honouring affirmations that allow you to feel the presence of unconditional potential that you have in being you~Source in your moment-for-moment destiny. Destiny is ever moving, ever shifting as you are, as it should be; for we are eternal beings of loving light, adding to the whole and healing, expanding, contracting within ALL that Is. We are the Divine agents of change; through NOW presence of love; ALL things are possible and you can re-write the past to heal uplift cells, timelines, and existence with the purity of joyful and sacred living.  

Will you fully open to love, to honour, to treat, to treasure, and to accept, fully you in this moment to feel the breath of Source flowing through you in all that you are? You are a profound light-keeper, light-agent, embodiment of God.  
You are Divinely perfect and worthy of this offering. 
Body, mind, soul, all omni aspects of you can be healed, loved, and honoured anew. How profound this loving NOW moment is. Loving honour, loving deep acceptance of thyself; this is the light field and platform we are co-creating for every child, every generation henceforth. And so it is.

Blessings and Heavenly joy in your creational empowerment,
Living sacredly within, Living sacredly without,

Saturday, 22 December 2018

New Portals ~ New Potentials ~ How May You Create?

Greetings and happy Full Moon energy, Solstice, and top of the season;
We are within a profound portal for change & living within a reality of joy, heart-felt passion, loving unity within our human tribe; what intentions, what desires, what experiences are the song of your soul? 
Set these with inner knowing you are with Source. All moments, all life, all experiences is your Divine journey with Source; there is never a moment you are not with the Divine. What perspectives do you hold about your vastness? How may this be aligned in a higher truth for the energies to amplify and magnify you anew?

Create some space and inner truth time to reflect upon the blessings of 2018, and how every moment has brought you right now, right here. 
How may your souls song be heard, deepened with God, enriched through Divine Sacred play, sacred love and treasuring of thyself and all others? How may you joyfully step into the unknown, take a chance on you and God, and know that ALL IS WELL in the hands of God.
Blessings and graceful joy this season as we celebrate the energy, the teachings, the light, the earthly grace offered by all Masters, all Heavenly loving light of our Divine human potential and desire for Oneness, love, unity, and peace. 
Peace, love, joy, and Divine Union of our hearts and souls song in Oneness,
Amen, Amen, Amen
'Painting the Impossible' ~ Akaine

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The Profundity of Self-Love

Greetings dear lighted ones,
How may you love and honour ALL that you are today?
How may you affirm with certainty and joy of the path you are clearing in your own light?
How may you be the master and server of your multi-dimensional bodies? Reach up dear ones, reach high, and honour the blessings of you, your light, your Heavenly essence of Godliness.
How may you value, truly soften within an inner value that brings you to your knees of being you? Without doubt, hesitation, or feeling as if you have to change anything; this is your perfection and this is purity in self-love and a trait, a Divine attribute of Heavenly mastery and human ascension and evolution to harmonic peaceful, abundant, healthy living. In honouring of you, is the blessing and gratefulness of you. Rippling love and allowance to the All, for the All.

Honouring, and living sacredly within yourself is serving with reverence, grace, and plentitude of the Godly blessings in all moments, in all harmonization with Source. 

Look around, reflect, and perceive the inherent timing of benevolence to begin a new reality vibration of human value, human honour, human Divine union, communion, and how truly profound we are when we behave sacredly this way. How may Divine honour, Divine human joy, self-confidence, self-clarity and Oneness with Source, so that our children, our systems, our human tribe continues to ripple light for eons to come. 
All timelines, all lives, all life, touched by the momentary joy of self that you emulate. This is the essence of love that IS Source. And so it is.
This is the blessing of perfection,
Graceful and joy,