Sunday 7 January 2024


 The world is being seen as shifting

The 'double standard' of the false elites, elitism and enslavement that have become more and more corrupt for money due to all that Is within 'no sense of self' and unhealed soul fragments that my channel my offerings help heal and matters not how many 1000's of times you speak the same Godly message - there will be those that simply cannot fathom a world in fairness and equality
MIND-SCRAPING - Reclaim your power, energy and divine loving grace, fairness and love for all 
All have free will and divine purpose
They live within perfecting 'double standards' so that regardless of unfolding - the world will serve them That is not creation nor soul growth - the tables will never remain on the same people winning for another cycles of 1000's years of degrading, and desensitizing our species ~ we will not survive, and there will be no evolution - kinda a big thing, in our multi-verse if we do not 'get this' and how aligned we are seeing that is our choice to unveiling in our own greatness, our own eternal health, and happiness of divine soul fulfillment - there is no other way You cannot unfolding in your divinity while spending 100% of your time spying, tricking, harming, spell casting on others to try to make them have another cycle in your world of self service and double standards * so a DF cannot seek divorce, liberation, freedom and grow spiritually and have a successful life at it unless they include the very people that did everything to exclude them, threw them to the dirt, spit on them, laughed at them, cheered their demise and falling, spell casted and voodooed them - but will do even more punishment if they are not choosing new cycles of abuse, misogyny and double standard bullshit  * Double Standard - look it up and is chargeable in the courts of law - so those that prey on the innocent, refusing to heal, to look within for God, can behave in whatever way they have, creating corruption in our planet, sending children to war, sex slave, trafficking, and selling, biding life to sacrifice for the stupidity and arrogance of having 0 clue about creational reality, soul blueprints, the karma and destiny of others that they affect and simply care nothing but to rape, take, steal and continue the cycle of double standards and power over others 

It is blatant and subtle, covert abuse, discrimination, and how cults, corrupt churches work within the saying of the words and doing of the corruption; it occurs in every business home, and social systems in which money, power for title, because there is no sense of self, and no inner connection, that they seek the outer filling feeding of the demon within rather than integrating and healing and regardless of the money and sacrifices - they will still feel unfulfilled empty, lost, and sick, and diseased - energy is energy  * if you have no courage to tell someone they are abusing you when they are abusing you - you will call in the abuse again, it is another cycle of abuse and make no mistake about it. - you deserve better - they abuse and deconstruct your sense of knowing, intimidate, push emotional, mental, spiritual false claims, to break you, make you feel insecure so you rely on their abuse as the only means of life - it is sick, toxic and utterly breaking of a soul  Here is our video on 'Mindscraping' and how those that use you, your finances, your inheritances, be it spiritual or otherwise, to take, siphon, steal, and call themselves upright and fancy and yet live in a world of sick corrupt double standards #entertainment world will be shifting #Clivedavis Any person that abuses power to take the spirit, soul, energy of those that are innocent, pure and deserve equal rights #Oprah #tylerperry Energy is energy and it does not lie How you move about life is a tell all - and when you could make something right but choose not to - that is your story and you must sit within it - I will speak that which God places before and in for the density and corruption that misguide our children and misguided what God is, and how the essence of our light, our light body, our eternal space of all realms is pure and simple and truthful to all success and there are those that simply want to always be on top and always be powerful and will do anything and everything to 'not turn the tables in others favour' however - the soul would not learn about the virtues that wake a person the fuck up if tables did not turn * patience, honour of life, sacredness of life * struggling in life of your own knowing that all you need is God and being happy and content in every moment no matter where you are and what clothes you wear and the elites have made B$ business by raping the innocent and utterly abusing power and energy, and money and the human choice and voice What I teach is no different than other channels - Why the derailing of my life It is turned and all must experience what they have done to soften into thier DF energies to know, spirit God is within and none deserve their life squashed as if it meant nothing I speak for those crossed on that died unfortunate deaths due to those that 'claim power, handling over another' and nothing, no money will make a light worker stop speaking Gods truth, and what is purely before our eyes - Very wealthy corrupt people have done very egregious things and it is not where we are going We are awakening and our works word, life matters and I will see all in court for spiritual consultant and as persecuting witness to truths, stories, and facts that have been falsified to make the corrupt get away with murder and riches while the innocent suffer - these stories are 1000's of years deep and it ends now. There will be no further raping, trafficking of life - be it song writing, or singing, or between husband and wife All life is sacred PERIOD

No holds power over another - and one by one - every person that simply cannot live within the basic very basic human laws integrating into universal
* #1 - Right Use of Free Will and Non-Interference * #2 - Law of Balance All is the law of ONE - WHAT YOU DO TO ANOTHER IS WHAT IS DONE TO YOU So - the tables are turning and it will not stop, it will not go away, and it will no longer be suppressed When you treat people with such disregard and disgust - with 0 care about how you affect them - while you put their life on hold, played with their life and delaying a simply process that prolonged her pain suffering simply because you did not want to heal your no sense of self and co-dependency and you wanted her acclaim while doing nothing but copying and did not want to go within and seek the god divine purpose  * So while a devoted DF was utterly unconditional with healing, wisdoms, staying true to word, work, God, the good will of creation, it was ok for others to play and secret their lives away into the underground - while her life got blocked on every level - and this is not discrimination? * harassment to keep calling her life back to what is not even hers, known, or even in her blueprint, * discrimination to think any have say over how she walks, moves, speaks, simply because you don't want your secrets to come to light - then perhaps live in good will and grace and heal

If you do not want what you do behind closed doors to be out - then don';t do it and heal Life is very simple - but there are so many that are denying their soul this very important and necessary growth lessons - you self reject and then punish those when they choose to walk away from your abuse Deep wounding and all is healable - that has been my unconditional message I deserve a happy life and I will receive it I deserve to be loved by pure love not toxic spell casting control freaks that steal and copy, destroy what they cannot understand - that is not my issues and I offer for years for all to heal and it was simply continued double standard abuse of power - Why our leadership will change Why our planet and waters will change All waters on our planet will dry up and it is being seen now - if we do not bring our earth into balance our species will not transcend ego, greed, superficial false teachings, false guidance Sense of self is everything and the only way to be know this is within Seek God within and if you do not have the courage to stand up to bullies, government, or false titled officials that do crime, paid under the table for their false claims, false signatures and then trying to make the evidence go away - then I will - all that are false will face their tower until balance is made right 

I was a test for so many I am the Divine Mother for this planet - that sews DF into the multi-verse - what you have done to me has been done to all that is life on this planet - it has to be made right -We are healing and re-writing the Adam Eve story - and it must be made right - there is no way around this - the leaders of the past 3000 years has not done a very good job - none speak of healing the people, none are aligned with their higher selves, none even write their own speeches - none have any clue about the ascension process, none speak of healing sacred land nor share the abundance fairly and equally - therefore thus then -  What planet shall you exist on? Stand up to spiritual bullies, community bullies, and false, elite corrupt  - that is now what all must face - lies are lies Energy does not lie - People do And I will speak and call it Double standards are done Abuse of power at every and all levels will be called out -the soul must advance Take it up with God If you have problems with universal laws ~ 

Blessings and light Joanna
I know who I am
Why is it that others, groups, will spend their fortunes, monies, life and family trying to prove that a DF or other can live in their own liberation? 
Does that point to deep psyche and social wounding?
All is healable - is it obvious now?

This is new earth - I am a leader of this 
We are following the universal laws and if those choose to not abide by the laws of oneness it will be evident - that is their choice - choice of separation - fight it and deny it all you want - in 4D 5D will simply show itself - it is not a light worker - we simply speak the story of energy - it is what IT IS 
Source is 

We are micro-macro
There is a law
it transcends all earthly double standard corruption - you see what your leaders did not tell you - they were hoping you would stay asleep to this,,.......... the planet is shifting to new space, and thus then, the outer is was, has been done shifted - they were hoping you would remain in subjugation - the laws of our planet are shifting to our outer = inner = above = below 

God is 
God is 
Oneness is - inclusivity is great leadership 
I shift the vibration in every room 
I activate molecules in your body if you stand next to me - I shift the fields around me -= truth is this way
All deserve to be loved
All deserve to live freely
All deserve their voice

Level up - move or be moved - as spirit says - there is no more fence and no more playing both sides

You either choose to live in oneness and peace, and self design or see how towers will bring it back to One 
Circle is 
Oneness is
Love is
Destiny is 
Liberation of creative expression and staying in your own lane - 
God is 

I am a creative consultant for the Systems of Light, Heavenly Councils,
I am loyal to God, Mother Father and the Universes I exist within
I am only on contract

Joanna L Ross

No other speaks for me
I have no agent - never did I

SPECIAL Divine Channels & wisdoms, 3D - 5D SPECIAL SEASONAL Gratitude - 
Donations are loved and honoured - THANK YOU EMAIL me for a limited space for this offer! *** To Contact me; 
*** *** To Donate use; PayPal link here;

Oneness ©

More on 

Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness 

~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at 

Healing sessions, intuitive readings, reiki-christ healing akashic channels and alignment with 5D vocational light systems and souls blueprint 

DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; 
We cannot heal profound human illness and disease and discrimination when we continue to sit within it - face it 
The higher self is our species evolution - selfishness and arrogance in leadership or those that are aligned - it is time!

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

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