Tuesday 16 January 2024

The Vibration of Control is the MOST DAMAGING to our SPECIEs, planet, all life ~ #5D


TARGET, PLOT, PLAN against the liberties of any sacred life

.......there is a quicker return on all actions, beliefs, thoughts, this is simply the universe returning your vibration - none will be missed -

Any that thinks they have control over your life * who you are and growing into in your own way, * who you see, connect with and business you choose, * what your destiny moves into, detours and grows into Any that think they play God and have power over, will be shown they are not even in control, power over their own lives and your ancestors, your soul, and guides are working double time to ensure that the soul lessons will be faced and each person take account for the interference and force to another - YOU AFFECT THE ALL None play GOD PERIOD Heal your wounds of self rejection Heal your wounds of abandonment Heal your wounds of no sense of self 

All have their rights to do, say, be express as they wish and any body, group, cult, sect that thinks they will suppress, compress, control, make, force, spell cast, scheme, plot, plan, to take down, take out any due to their own unique expressions of who they are and inspiring change and enhancement with God as God and hoping to bring heightened awareness - this is the process of ascension and is what is meant to occur * control, fear-based programs are old patterns and wounding that are breaking, to be faced, healed, and transcended and there are none that have any spiritual right, human right to suppress, take out, and create pre-meditated disturbances simply because they choose to not conform and be a token to be pimped and used, abused to numb and dumb their potential * these are profound human rights actions that are being taken on every being, that is a part of any level of restriction to any human simply living their life and harm to none ~ * all came and forced their way into my life and lane - since I began offering, and choosing a divorce, my life has been step by step degraded, interfered with and daily plots, plans, subjugation and suppression, of who I am and I only offer that which is truth - * That is my role and destiny and none - regardless of title or money will stop Gods plan, my destiny, or the destiny of any other - what will cease, and change is the degradation and underhanded undermining attacks from those that were to be leaders of sacred people and sacred lands and be of higher resolve for the people and greater good - however - there are far too many elites with agendas that ride on the facts of keeping humanity numb dumb so that their pilfering and trading of human life, and degrading of human life will not stop but will be utterly transformed - because it must - 

Higher vibrational leaders are aligned with their higher self and of which would never offer allow, do and act in the way that has been observed and experienced thus far

* love

* care

* unity and oneness

* compassion

* forgiveness

These are the highest vibrations in our universe - discern those that lead in such - vibration is everything- all have rights - or maybe not?

This is the lowest vibration of slavery and dehumanizing acts There are infinite videos - Whitney Webb, and any channeller will show the same unfolding of light and how it will bring all such forth for healing - so the pre-meditated 'taking out' and hiring vulnerable hit-men that spiritually attack and plot against an innocent persons life - to bring healing and divine sacred return to peoples that is a human right, and need it desparately - because the leaders are doing nothing but continue corrupt programs All are being watched and all ancestors, guides, and angelic's are on every level and layer of our worlds social platforms and see, know the blatant discrimination of women, wise women, and women that are profound healers and teachers - My channel having 0 growth over 6yrs My channel having obvious pilfering of views and viewership - 3/4 of my viewers from the time when I screenshot my live video to when it is uploaded to my playlist - 3/4 are taken - and youtube says 'nothing is wrong' for the past 6yrs - every attempt I offer to get justice and fair viewership - I am not supported, I get doors shut, and I am offering 0 help, assistance, and all are now receiving karma - all that see and know and do nothing are a part of the collective not healing and not advancing -

The federations will not send helpers like myself when there is nothing but discrimination and degradation to a master and that has done nothing but heal and bring truth to the whole - I move insects to safety - and there are groups of beings of hate, and torment that seek to displace, isolate, control, and hope I am driven crazy to give their false narratives hope and inheritances, destinies are given to those that are empty souls eaten alive by dark entities and selfish programmed false corrupt leaders - that want nothing more than to fall back into control and limitation of our consciousness * all is valid and necessary and there are few - as stated from the heavens and my guides; 'few would have survived what I did' what about the ones that did not survive? I am that voice - these groups, collectives, have been doing such for eons - timelines they follow and spy, stalk, create plans, plots, to deconstruct my life and none of these people with the exception of my ex, even know me, and with as little that he knows me, 0 connection other than through lawyers - none know me and yet there are 50+ elite payor's to plot and watch, stalk, daily to do more targeting and impaling with magic, blockages, and false claims attempts on my life and the safety of my life and with the corrupt officials in all sectors of our reality - what hope does any have that are not divine healers and masters? Why what I offer is so important and they know this. Why is this ok? Human rights violations Human discriminations and liberties in utter violation Isolated, homeless, and none doing anything about what is going on behind the scenes by 'official' false leaders and is being seen blind eye, and paid to go away through paying off to erase the discriminations which are blatant - All are being called judgment - therefore - if none on earth care about my justice, God does. God is And there are legions working on my behalf and far more dimensionally intelligent than the underground corrupt agenda's to ensure humanity remains in degradation and trafficking, debauchery and selling souls - these are the officials that took oaths for our rights and safety and how will their karma look after abusing a heavenly order? All are being called judgment - and none will be missed.

No innocent child deserves to be betrayed by their community leaders that took oaths in the heavens and on earth to be responsible for uplifting and enhancing life - none are doing so All will face their judgment - protecting life and honouring life or selling, trading, bidding to destroy and control That is where we must face the demons within - What power do you give away What and whom and how is discrimination seen, done, and none do anything All are either clearing the way for a higher earth - or maintaining being stuck in enslavement programs - Abuse of rights, life, and sacred heavenly order is blatant - I am only speaking what is and what my 'joke' of an experience being human here is like It is the school of the enslaved, arrogant, ignorant and held in captivity as long as you don't speak higher knowing, truth or higher being - you will be fine - if you speak about money and stuff and being a part of the subjugation of the underworld and agree to be enslaved and drugged, and spell casted - you will be targeted - 

It is seen everywhere - Whitney Webb - she has noted every person that had anything to do with corrupt official court cases and those with a voice being silenced and put to death in some 'unexplained' manner * the systems and those running every system is corrupt and deeply enslaved to limitation and fear and control * billions in trafficking and arms race when the people have been screaming for peace and healing The leaders are at fault and the collective is simply calling it out All are being judged right now and every person has an opportunity to alter course and wake up to oneness and unity and be a positive loving embrace to unifying humanity not stalking and plotting to take out every light worker of truth - - - your karma never misses your soul, your children, and your lineage - it is a souls experience and the many heavens are watching all - 

Do you care about life yes / no Do you care about liberties and freedom, health, healing, and care for all life yes / no Do you care about blatant discrimination and crimes committed in every day life to silence humanity and our intelligence to heal and be more. yes / no All have a voice and unfortunately - that only means the corrupt voices and ones of money, drugs, and adding value to the corrupt get to speak it and have it shared equally - © That is truth And so it is This is my word Judgment is I am only speaking that which God is offering This is a sacred place with sacred life - what will occur when you spit on the life that breathed you? All choose  love or hate freedom of enslavement 

The children are being affected hourly due to the adults not healing, the adults not being shown and offered higher vibrational ways to heal and transform abuse; what will occur with all the underground sexually and enslaved abused be when they grow up - more abusive beings and drug addicts trying to escape from their horrors of being abused - but then again, the leaders know this - they want more lab rats to control and drug and move and push around 

All are being judged and karma is - misses none

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at JoannaCosmicAngel@yahoo.com DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss

 #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

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