Thursday 25 January 2024

EPSTEIN LIKE UNDERGROUND being shown in every community, every role ~ MultiDimensional Surity is Your Saving Grace #5D


#5D KNOW THYSELF and none can touch your sense of self power

The damages of underground in the every day neighbourhood-
Selfish unhealed, no sense of self distorted DM, and the misguidance of dogma, the misguidance of no ascension teachings and offerings in our social lives 

- the abuse of power everywhere and in every systems 

- we will see how much work we have to do and how important my teachings are and even the abuses of that have been to take my business - the utter raping of all life by those that are clones, vampires, and unhealed socio-paths and narcists that are diseased and very good at lying, manipulating, stealing time, bringing problems and confusion when there is none and monopolizing time, energy, and emotions by those that are simply living in pure devil money empty within

* selling the soul, selling the integrity, selling the values, morals and the fabric of all life - the distorted selfish DM in my story - did anything and everything with purposefulness to ensure you never receive and you never are allowed to see how people care for you, of you, you are meant to feel, think, and believe you are hated, and isolated and you will never receive - 

* it is sociopathic and pathological at the vampire behaviours to take, feed themselves and is a pure and easy indicator of entity attachment and are / can be from early childhood sexual abuse, the underground abused, now being the adult planners of the corruption - that some come from and can not seem normal or fit, they are not being healed, and nothing in our reality approaches our complex toxic abuses and yet every community and city will see it and who will resolve? 
* how will these people get healed and understand at a level that must be raised and brought into mainstream

* our teachings are pivotal for human healing and cleansing out underground and mental, emotional, spiritual abuses of power and it affects everyone and has been the portal to every abuse by the elite as the elite get more wealthy, there is less, less for those that are here to make change, and we get blocked on every level 

* groups, covens, masonic groups that bet, bid, steal, sacrifice and barter on the lives of the innocent and it goes on every hour - these people think they own, handle, pimp out life - and they think they are not being seen, known, and will go untouched due to the money - I had someone tell me their 'representative' that acted on behalf of God and were 'multi-billionaire' and I should come to their faction to build together and how important we all are in the plan

* there was 100 red flags in that one email - those aligned with purity of ones own inner path of ascension will not say, offer, send me what I was sent - it was cult-like and #epstein like and they all know the games they play and their motives and they will never ever have an ounce of my light, or energy to call into their space or coven to use and claim as a bartering token to do more corrupt betting trading, and pyramid bullshit -

God will not placed in and on tables of false power, sick sense of self as you warp the minds of who is powerful over another - and in their scriptures you are being fed their power statements to follow and bend
The next thing you know - you are creating Epstein lives but calling it religious
It is horrible how any person that is not healed will take their own delusions of self, and if you are in, on the path of ascension - you heal the demon within and not mask it manipulate with it - one that has tamed the shadow within will keep pure balance at all times and discern between the lines, see beyond the words and know the intention of every statement - that is the power of our teachings and how knowing thyself comes from none but DOING THE INNER WORK
* every penny spent on trying to take, manipulate, swap, disgustingly think they will take the divinity of Gods divine plan which no 3D unhealed mans life, mind will know - I guarantee you that -

* every dollar spent to rape my life, and the life of other innocence, trafficking of innocent children for sick programs and agendas' to gather people and gather energy - it is so blatant and there are payoffs for those that have a weak soul and spirit and buy into the persuasions of those that can lie and manipulate with precision
* selling the human spirit and degrading it in any way - manipulating and knowing you are and do is false as FUCK
I will sense it and know it within 2 sentences and before it gets to me

* Bring it oh spell casters as you spell behind closed doors and you are now seeing God bring your life down for the money you have taken and you were told to stop doing the spell work and reading charts and hiding information, withholding information, abuse of information, and false charities and any name, act, role, job, in which you have abused the innocent - information, energy, ways and practices for self 'jacking off' will be sent immediate karma and downfall -

* God told all enough is enough - the corruption will be seen in the unfolding - we have been calling it with many other purely aligned light workers - and all were told - no more messing with innocent life
* Discern the 'true players' and be careful on who and what you give power to
* The elites and power players - the ones with a lot of money and power and how who what way they pay, play, and what the threads are - it will be seen
Work with spirit is not 'pressing - it is soft and honoring and pure in loving'

Spirit led beings are those that are soft and loving and always lead through the returning power to all -

Why those that are elite and false leaders #trump, #clinton #musk #epstein they have patterns of persuasion and it must be seen and experience through all that want to refine your multi-dimensional sensing systems -

Read the messages and energy stories that God is showing you -
Those of us practiced over eons - we will see, know feel before the event occurs -
and it cannot be faked - it will not, cannot be veiled in bible versus - the Shekinah is not a bible verse nor anyone that thinks they can give such daily and memorize it and think they are a 5D leader -

We truly must move into self loving essence and move beyond abusing human life and the life of God that is expanding in every moment - money is nothing if you do nothing but harm, take, rape, steal, bring about sick agendas with it -
* We will progress beyond human abuses and spiritual abuses
* We will be progressing beyond a sick and corrupt judicial system that is bled from the political system and should not be - it is for the people beyond all systems and aligned with Universal laws - period
* money has been the corruption of what has been done with money and how it has been the ugly persuasion of and by those that are not well, abused and unhealed, and we will see, and move through profound groundbreaking studies on the 'dementing of the brain;' through dogmatic stressors on the creative child, and systematic conformity to less than, 0 creativity and deforming our sense of self with 0 teaching of our charka's and fields and connection with all that is God

* Connection, Relationship with life is the healing needed and few true leaders talk of this - so be discerning on what you call as a 'leader' and who, how much you give power to and discern the language


* Touting bible versus is not a true alchemist, nor any that practice daily ascension - they use the bible (. 3D God download) and not a multi-verse honour of all life - and why they usually gather in misogynistic aura's and energy to claim victims of giving power away and to manipulate and take from
* Discern and as we level up - you will be asked to stay in your mental, emotional, spiritual centre and know what is good for you and what is another's story - the breaking of dark matter is being seen and all are scrambling for their 'patrons, bullies, recruits, and hitmen, women' and they will seem very official and religious and it means nothing to the spiritual courts of order nor the spiritual realm of divinely blessed to heal and help guide others -

* * * 5D leaders are being offered forth only by God
It will be that of known, seen, felt in the forthright presence of same vibrational service offering
There will be little deviation of the 'energy' of returning power to humanity regardless of church, address, or race they sit in and they feel proud and honouring of all life, all sects, and empower all to reclaim their power - so be very discerning - dear ones - we are levelling up and the devils have those that are paid very well to distract and take you offer path - and know that there will be shifting out of 3D earth and 5D earth -

All choose every moment - are you playing the game of unity or self service -

* I was sacrificed how many times? How much money was bet on my life, paid to be spell casted, voodoo, and the BS that occurs how to converse how to get me and how, who, what paperwork to doctor and photoshop my videos, images, to use in their sex orgies to manifest off of my consciousness and energy - now that God has cut all cords and they are no longer allowed to use, abuse me, they seek new portals of feeding life force

* Never underestimate - the power, the knowing, the places, spaces of spirit and those that think they are controlling where the repayment of my case, my discrimination and exploitation and not 1 penny returned and the mess that that has gone on, the payor's that get involved to pay to delay, pay to bring more disruption, and more games, mess, confusions, and so on - more ways in which the elite and corrupt 'use mind-scraping' to derail, delay, and deconstruct peace; 

* it is deep and disgusting, and they are paid to be toxic
* there are those that live on the domination, control of those that sadly very very imbalanced mentally and believe their own stories of 'god-power' delusions and unfortunately play at being 'official' but are simply one more token of being played to control someone;s life
* infinite cases of children taken from homes of false CPS false claims and those trafficked into the homes and situations that are just a part of the token, game, monopoly to another's greed and selfishness in which the beauty of Gods life, the sweet potential of Gods children will not be taken into oblivion of the devil and many mask themselves as 'church' leaders, police, judges, and lawyers, and others in the 'systems that we think are serving in truth, and integrity' and it is nothing but a monopoly of monies trading hands that none account for, no receipts for and the innocent suffer, the children are taking from the light they need and the sick #epstein agendas that are everywhere and are filled and littered with being paid by big names, big titles, and false false leaders

* innocence being ripped from the fabric of our world and it has been blatant and it will be seen everywhere -
How have we allowed the power to be given to such debauchery and disgust
* One of our videos expresses my experience of escaping such abuse, and how it is done and all involved were 'officials' and don;t let any person, any false and fake sense of self

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

* religious diction nor race or creed * nor boundaries or bank rolled, arrogant unhealed attitudes
*. ~~~~~~.

if we cannot 'get' these divinely aligned laws - we will simply never evolve beyond barbarianism Oneness is our truth and diversity of gifting from Source and God Dogma is and being shaken because it will not stand in higher vibrational light

The true aligned psychic investigators that get 0 payment, 0 credit and 0 respect 
I will help write laws to protect Gods chosen ones 

* human laws - privacy, health, spiritual
practice, none have rights to take, test, and the heavens, and the federations are watching all and karma simply is 

Laws for the Truth Tellers - Healing Corruption Readers, astrologers, and healers, occultists all must follow the same laws and your guides, spirit guides, soul will test all on what is being honoured - basic human-spirit honour Those that abuse in any way; all will be held equal in the court of karma and spiritual laws on your own lineage and souls evolution - we truly have to get higher law - no 3D false title have any power or say on heavenly jurisdiction I am loyal only to sacred life of God, Source, the Systems of Light and Galactic Federations nature, Gaia I am only loyal to God

The Heavens are my jurisdiction and none on earth thus far has proven to be aligned in truth and order of benevolence for humanity and our sacred connections with spirit, our cosmos and honour of all that is spirit and grace of God - purity of being spirited human - to heal and manifest as spirit - all have a choice And so be it

This is my word

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here; None will BE HANDLED! DF deserves equal viewing, and equal voice, and open platforms - utter discrimination #youtube corruption #youtube #pilfering #falseleaders Corruption to the have's wanting more while have nots continue to get suppressed trying to change and bring and inspire change And so it is Who have you helped and served today What are you doing for making of humanity a kind and safe place? All play a part - You create your next timeline now - every choice Blessings and light Joanna

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ You are always guided with GOD Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; 
We cannot heal profound human illness and disease and discrimination when we continue to sit within it - face it 
The higher self is our species evolution - selfishness and arrogance in leadership or those that are aligned - it is time!

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery
#hybridchildren  ©

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