Thursday 18 January 2024



There is the human voice Little children in jail we are But you can break free You are meant to live in liberation of your souls joy and excitement to create You are here to sing You are here to dance You are a divine heavenly being and your health improves, your mind improves and how all of our schools will be directed - all will change

Children should be going to create - not learn what is unnecessary to their souls calling children now are higher vibrational can tap into what information they need - empathic and telepathic, all are able to be the fullest - it is all spiritual alignment and has 0 to do with religion Being spiritual is not being religious Being spiritually aligned is the heavenly flow of above to below and we have to re-write all systems and ways, and energy that makes any feel as if you have no voice, there is no other way - We are innately creative beings and nothing in our realm is of this The entertainment and music industry is corrupt by those running it and have no idea what spiritually aligned and spiritually creative is - how to inspire and ignite, activate such within any is a multi-dimensional experience We are here to help one another build better systems - Create new systems Children should not 'have' to work and study what they choose is not their excitement Children will make a way to make a living, and live more healthy, stable, and honoured - children will make their wealth within as they are healthy within by being expressions of their souls - period 3 E's of ascension
#exploration #expression #experience of ascension and is the souls checklist in your life review, ascension path-work and how you discuss your life review with your guides and ancestors, and God, and the karma board in every souls passing to anew life with Source All return to Source, regardless of their religious or political beliefs New soul blueprints are created and are very complex due to all unique souls spirited experience on all realms, and what you are activated on, and how you are integrated - and what one chooses to activate in creativity for the greater good NONE CLAIM to your life, spirit, soul, energy BREAK free and know truth is so powerful and no dark entity can touch your spirit and soul when you stand in your truth God supports all souls that stand in their truth and speak it! Your reclaim your souls purpose when you stand in your truth and never waiver - regardless of what is before you 

Challenge and attacks will be a part of the path - when you break free of the devil for it lives in lies and deceit Therefore you stand in light which MEANS OWNING YOUR LIFE LIGHT and power to do as you wish and move on to healthy and safe knowing, higher alignment =- Heal your shadow and heal your path with truth and pure alignment The devil wants to compete and win, create false narratives to steal, take thieve, it feeds and that is all it does is FEED So stand in truth and know the heavens, just as me, standing all on my own, went against 50+ people at all higher roles, and places, and titles - they will kill and all for money and power and domination - therefore all that matters is you standing in your power, light, truth - RECLAIM your power - 

THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS God and your guides will always support when you stand in your truth, story, power, and your experience and let none outside of you sway or confuse you - the devil confuses - God will support you when you support you Light and truth is everything When you help the helpless - you will be supported and God sees every pure intention Doing something for something is not pure intent - Doing something because you know the pain you suffered when no one cared and no one prayed for you - None lifted you up and none gave you a hand You have the way to lend a hand - The wealthy get richer - the poor get poorer -
#corruption of the soul is not worth your next timeline and surrendering your soul to those that spit on your name when you turn your back - they care nothing for you - 

BREAK FREE ALL ARE FREE NONE OWN you NONE have power to 'keep' any - break the linage chains - BREAK FREE IT is all energy - Never give your power and energy away I pray that all have what they need to succeed as divine spirited reclaiming their souls power, light, energy, wisdoms, and information - do the leaders speak of such Do the leaders pray for all to be safe and held safely Do you pray for all to have what they need - Do you pray for all children to be off the streets and happy healthy, safe homes where they are not sold, fought over, used, abused?

BREAK all subjugatory enslaved contracts - your soul is is worth you fighting for it WE are here to make new ways We are here to set up new ways for all children to be held safety and love and kindness and all equal voices - We are divine and sacred 5D is not 3D and we are moving fast and all will be needed to make these important shifts happen ~ 
I WILL TURN THE TABLES I WILL NOT SIT DOWN WE Deserve better officials and leaders that choose to remain corrupt, buy and sell to silence the innocent and never bring justice for what is pure and higher order universal laws - We are not remaining stuck in 3D laws - we are aligning to 5D universal laws I am just getting started - every dark corner of our planet will be brought into the light Every corner will be uplifted and every human will have access to light, healing, love and safety - as God had given every leader the responsibility to assure  3D low vibrational destructive energy, wounding, behaviour, psyche wounding of DM * fear / control tactics * domination * misalignment of compassion, empathy * misogyny & dictatorship, arrogant * deceit and manipulation to force stories - self rejection * discrimination of any other's view point * mental instability and health declines as one sits in imbalance * intimidation, isolation, chaos monger * create secret societies to gather others at same suppressed energy to complete corrupt schemes, plots to assure they build towers around their corruptions and narratives * suppression and targeting of what is 'seen as competition' and not understanding the unique diversity of success and altruism for a 5D earth * spirituality and any business is built purely on your own genuine and authentic vibrations and codes and akashic awakening of soul gifts and no 2 people are alike - therefore competition is a misnomer and illusory * - 3000 yrs later and here we are - We deserve better When you choose to do nothing when you know someone is being abused, and see the unfair and unjust while big business take, steal, and suppress the innocent - it matters nothing to your soul, and make no mistake, if you choose to party and sell away, corrupt away and degrade humans life and it is every where in the entertainment world, and political world - the money will not be any answer to your souls life review when each person crosses and you are making your next timeline now - you will be place with the exact body, energy, mind, brain, sight, that you chose to take from another - and steal, thieve from another - your ill will is what you write for your life -

* money, title, false houses of status that have nothing but corruption within will be nothing as you stand with your spirit guides, your soul, your higher self and the karma board as to 'how did you do in your life' * if you had money - how did you get your money and what did you do with it * if you have the title, place in society - what did you do with your power * all are writing what will be next - truth, honesty, integrity, and good will is how your soul moves and if it is nothing but manipulations to save your reputation, and narratives that are nothing but deceit - will be exactly the density and ill will, ill health you create for your next timeline - your money and false title means nothing to the spiritual realm and spiritual court When you know better - you do better When you can choose to heal but do not - that is spiritual karma 

Money will not earn you points with any soul, heavenly body 

- #diddy, #jayZ, #clivedavis #falseleaders #oprah I bring light  I bring truth  I bring higher vibrational wisdoms and knowing for all of humanity  I am a healer  I am a higher vibrational teacher and I will not silence  #masoniccults and those that do nothing but abuse power, energy, and information that is meant to heal, and keep people safe It is time the distortions of the DM face what has been done, Face the wounding within - wounding is what makes someone do spells and forcing, dominating, and creating chaos in the suppression, and subjugation of another - there are wounds - HEAL your wounds so they do not become another's Using your money to create hate crimes, occult crimes, and blockages and paying the vulnerable to do dirty work for the wealthy corrupt - it is obvious on every corner - 

3D is not 5D 5D is that of pure acknowledgement and accountability None will fix your karma nor your beliefs - that is your job So the corrupt broken groups, that stole, raped your life and light, want to 'partner' Why - so you can take all my ideas, content, and suck the life out of my soul for another 8 yrs I will not build with any that have not done the healing and are not standing pure on their own I will not build with any that have done nothing but blame, shame, defame, and corrupt pure innocent minds and hearts and light sources - due to selfish false stories and corrupt selfish greedy souls
The past deserves to go to jail for all they have done - I will never say 'ok' to return to my life and rape it for a millionth time - nothing has been made right and me allowing you into my energy is not 'balance' it is balance for you and not me I don't want your energy I don't want your delusional ideas and notions of 'love' and 'partnership' I don't want your dirty business dealigns and shady antics - that is not noble nor an ounce of integrity None of the past 20 yrs has been fair - it has been 100% toxic deceitful and utterly abuse inhumane against 1 DF healer - * #calgary games and manipulation and constant degrading poverty  - God will block every portal; health, abundance, otherwise all and every aspect, opportunity you try, or plot, plan, scheme, will fail, and be BLOCKED!

* any person you try to dream mind, spirit steal, siphon will be blocked and all intentions returned - every person, and every way - all will be blocked - none will suck the life out of any other  * all of you 50+ will be blocked and nothing will reach you until what was done is made right  * making right is not you returning to my space - I don;t need you - you need me - you all know all that I have said is 100% true and you will not create anything without light and when you steal, take, rape from truthful - that there is no light - the trafficked will be liberated and humanity will be a part of healing and rewriting all new healing systems to heal those that have been abused - WHO WILL DO THIS oh 3D leaders? Where will the money come from dear 3D leaders? I want my monies and my work That is MY WORK Not aligned with any of you - It is my work Detach and move away I will not make your corrupt business better if you are choosing not to heal You and your business will sit in its darkness until you heal Alchemy is You have to choose to heal or your business will sit where it sits and Spirit will block what you desire - IT IS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY - it is about you - that was always the lesson Adult poor corrupt choices and immaturity beyond reason - why, backfiring of years, years of spell work 

all the conjuring will return - then what ? You will need healers - you all made a big pit and all will be exactly where you wished me - You all can choose to heal or be where you are - I am not fixing any one that chooses hate and harm to the innocent I don;t have a person I don;t have a partner I have been celibate for 14yrs I have been on my own for more than 7 yrs and none have access to my business nor my ideas nor any have been given permission or approval to pretend they have my work and my sessions, content, videos; or books to make money while I sit homeless isolated, and deceived and blocked every day - there were intentional malicious plans to suppress 1 DF healer and teacher - Truth is truth Truth is a vibration Psychics, healers, empaths, crystal children - we need better systems of support and healing and I will not stand down until all underground secret 'things' will no longer harm a single soul - HEAL YOUR WOUNDS * it has been nothing but discrimination - the children deserve higher evolved energy and secret deceitful lies that suppress the innocent to assure their lies and narratives remain untouched and are paid to silence paid to make paperwork go away -
#corrupt #calgary #falseleaders 

I don;t have any person that has any right, or authority to sign or make any choice on my behalf None speak for me None will be allowed in my space All is forgiven Sort out your own life I will not help you I have my rights 

I will seek until my rights are met and I will take my stories to the papers until I have all returned what is rightfully mine! ©
#5D WE WILL TRANSCEND EVERY OUNCE OF CORRUPTION THAT THINKS SELLING, TRADING, BIDDING, AND BETTING ON HUMAN SACRED LIFE IN EVERY WAY IS A 'THING' LIBERATION FOR ALL HUMANITY OUR CHILDREN, AND EVERY FUTURE TIMELINE DESERVES BETTER TRUTH IS All of our social arena's will be 100% re-written 5D is divine aligned 3D is simply corrupt and led by corrupt self misaligned false leaders that simply have shown, done, said there is 0 care to and of the people and land 

Joanna More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
None will BE HANDLED! DF deserves equal viewing, and equal voice, and open platforms - utter discrimination
#youtube corruption #youtube #pilfering #falseleaders Corruption to the have's wanting more while have nots continue to get suppressed trying to change and bring and inspire change And so it is Who have you helped and served today What are you doing for making of humanity a kind and safe place? All play a part - You create your next timeline now - every choice Blessings and light Joanna

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ You are always guided with GOD Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; 
We cannot heal profound human illness and disease and discrimination when we continue to sit within it - face it 
The higher self is our species evolution - selfishness and arrogance in leadership or those that are aligned - it is time!

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

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