Thursday 4 January 2024

Truth Unfolding - The Matrix is Pulled Out - Finally - Break Break Break - let it fall - IT WAS NOT INTEGRIS #5D

 None have the right to play with others lives'

In any way 
In any level and in any environment 

#1 Universal Law ~ Right Use of FREE WILL & NON - Interference 
#2 Universal Law of balance 
5D Legal Shifts #5D new Leadership 

In all ways and why our alignment with Universal Laws, is and will prevail all earthly laws Every leader, are you a leader of you
The lack of integrity on every level and in every way to our supposed leaders that are simply were not earned of such roles 

* Are you doing what is right to you - body, mind, spirit, soul, heart and the divine growth for all * The limitations of the DF voice that has been speaking truth from the beginning * Abuse of power in every level of our social set up is showing all blatantly our entire planet requires a higher vibrational over-haul - it is all corrupt * No 3D leaders are prepared for and will ever be ascension leaders - they are corrupt, filled with hidden agendas and lies deceit * if you are only concerned about 'how you will look' your reputation, but you create choices that are harmful and even deadly - withholding the divine teachers, healers, and wisdom speakers from the people for higher ever evolutionary winds of change - you should not be a leader * do you care more about your reputation than doing what is right? #epstein and other corrupt situations - it will show itself in every city and what will matter most to your soul is truth, honesty and doing what is right * the leadership of such is spiritual guidance that is aligned with Higher self only * those in low 3D energies 

The Proof of discrimination is everywhere - none will be void of facing their deeds and ac5ions and inner owning - or the wounds within - we must own it
Entertainment Discrimination from the most powerful When we simplify such in our social wreckage of what has been toxic power over others mess, unhealed DM collective that is power in every social arena UNDERSTAND ASCENSION it is soul activations - grander than 3D superficial 
Joanna's Latest Ascension Jan 2024 * the past is nothing but lies, deceit, manipulations and piles of black magic, voodoo, corrupt actions and vindication all returning to those that chose to live in wounding - all was healable all was not necessary None listened, none took my offerings to truth for the past 6 yrs and many innocent lives could have been healed and affected ~ Stand in my truth - I did Stand in my centre - I did I spoke divine truth and predicted all that is unfolding now I spoke divine knowing and higher order and all is unfolding now I will not work with any that care more about saving their reputation than doing the right thing I will not work with any that care nothing more than sick toxic games, spell casting and voodoo harm and hurt others for their own gain and clout and false games of false importance 

None will be missed - karma misses none and you cannot run, pay off someone and trade your karma - you must face your souls being-ness

© I have spoken truth I will not fix any life - mess that I did not create and nor hold the karma for I did not hold the karma for the choices others made I simply asked for my divorce I know my rights I know my heart - I am sovereign If you cannot take accountability for your choices - you will not level up in ascension Look at your wounding, draw it out and fix it with the loving equation * FORGIVENESS * COMPASSION * TRUTH * TAKING ACCOUNTABILITY * LOVE OF SELF AND CARE OF SELF 

* the innocent will not come in and clean up the mess and take on karma of those that simply have no care about the damage they have done to others ~ 0 return 0 accountability, 0 care - all have to face the choices and actions * there must be closure on the past timelines - all will keep, carry and weight yourself with all that is not being cleared now - karma does not go anywhere until you clear it Time to grow up dear ones The ascension path work is right in front of everyones face, in your homes, and where are the social facilities to help and heal the collective? 
Alignment is everything That is what all corruption and falling of social order is showing all Stand up for what is pure alignment and divine integrity Stand up for what you believe in Your voice matters

There is the obvious and blatant - it must be, for the heeding of spirits voice has been left on red for far too long We have come forth in mastery for eons and generations, WE are targeted and slumped, dumped, preyed upon for corrupt and selfish gangs of the elite that command all aspects of our human portals in the 'controlling, dominating, elitism' The corruption in every genre of our lives, it all begins within and how to heal the disconnect We have to look within at our misjudgment what value is within and what worthy is all held within What have we given to others that obviously had no right nor did they earn such Those that are in power did not earn such Those that traffick 1000's of children and women, innocent life to support underground, tunnels, and sick entertainment agenda's of power over others 

* In whatever way that such masters of manipulation choose to do so, say so that should know better, that were paid to be masters of their craft in integrity and honesty of good will, benevolence and not simply talking the talk and being nothing more than an #epstein socialist The corruption of the officials in all genre's and leadership, and the paying out of what is trying to be silenced, suppressed, and not faced of the oppressors still oppressing, from race to race, from within its own house For what house can stand when it is divided? Our species and our evolution is at a pivotal point of self proclamation - we must own what we have thought about who we are and what we exist within, what exists within us each - we have looked to outer for answers and meaning, and value - when we have been shown; it is sick, it is toxic, and it is blatant and it is simply degrading 

* those in power - you should be the first ones for healing sessions and how to align with your higher self * those in leadership position's - it will no longer be available for you to hide and seen as upright - Energy does not lie People do In every corner In every home All must look within Where are you now Who are you now What is your story and life showing you Life is your proof Inner = outer and if you have no above, you have 0 below 

I will not be silenced simply because a false elite group of false leaders wish for change not to occur and the human damage, human pain, human suffering could have been resolved while the selfish shadow-banning could have been lifted when legally they had no right, abuse of power, abuse of human rights, and liberation of freedom of expression when it has been truth all along How many more families and people must be harmed and hurt oh corrupt leaders that target and pay for targeting of the innocent and do all that is possible to silence the light from healing and waking up collectives and aligning with higher evolution that is free and liberating How many more illness and sickness and disease when none care about the innocent suffering behind their lies and sick toxic targeting for agenda's and the wealthy to be paid We will bring down all false less than integris manner - it must 4D light will bathe all that is false and corrupt and all will be fair, Voices, and ways of the divine is Our alignment to all being equal and balanced and fair and true - that is our destiny for if we cannot be in oneness in our own Homes - how will be when first landings and our cosmic galactic families enter - and they are 

Our destiny is not to sell ourselves to false elite enslavement agendas Our destiny is not to pretend the corrupt are not corrupt and I will not tiptoe around the arrogance and ignorance of the elite - they have made fools of humanity for long enough Spirit is everything Energy is everything and all have had enough to shit and get off the fucking fence Truth is Energy does not lie People do - because they have chosen to not face their inner wounding and thus the hurt and harm are then pushed on other's heal your wounds, so they do not become another's All have their rights in this divine game of exploration, expression, experience None will sit on and nor ignore universal truths - it is law - and universal law trumps 100 on any selfish earthly low vibrational 3D elitists that thinks they do not fall to their deeds of karma -

Judgment is now - Are you ready to heal We will see the to9wers will continue until all is made right and balanced All know what they took, stole and magic'd on my life for over 6yrs to keep me silent and unknown time is up All are deserving Truth is DF have a voice
All deserve the same level of pay, importance and what about modern slavery and underground programs in which very wealthy elitism cares nothing for the people they are meant to empower and uplift #corruption

#5Dleadership #5Dfirstcontact #5Dhealing #healinghumanity False leadership is showing itself - in your homes and in your heart - will you do something about it?; And so be it Joanna More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ 

Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

Will the Pharma help out - will the leaders that hide and sneak, and create corrupt sneaky, shady businesses and herd, recruit the vulnerable and test for programs and hurts - the distortions and the wreckage that every leader that has had years to 'do right' but has done nothing but suppress the only ones that have answers and truth and they are putting all peoples at risk for their own arrogance and refusal to submit to new higher intelligent ways to empower, encourage, inspire the collective into healing

Are you leaders of money or people Are you leaders of bank accounts or sacred animals and land Are you living in truth Do you take loving positive action All have to mature and do what is right Truth is the only way through Blessings and light Joanna

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; 
We cannot heal profound human illness and disease and discrimination when we continue to sit within it - face it 
The higher self is our species evolution - selfishness and arrogance in leadership or those that are aligned - it is time!

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

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